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Messages - John Stamos

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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: August 28, 2024, 08:44:12 am »
Been doing light bodybuilding workouts and biking about 8 miles and running every other day.  Yesterday I biked 8 miles and ran for 30 minutes, and work was a shit show and got around 20k steps for the day.

Today just a walk and workout at work or after idk yet.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: August 20, 2024, 12:28:29 pm »
Got my new tires on and took it for a spin and now my upper thigh feels strained lol just working out and doing walks til it's better.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: August 16, 2024, 10:39:48 am »
This week been working a lot and getting in some 45 minute bike rides and did a hour run/walk just now.  I signed up for a sprint and an Olympic next year.  Currently I'm waiting for my hybrid tires to come in so I can do road and gravel, until then I'll just ride the bike at the gym. 

I guess my goals next year will be to be around 215 to 220 and be competitive in the sprint and finish the Olympic.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: August 06, 2024, 04:29:41 pm »
9 mile ride today on my mountain bike

After the first 2 miles my seat came loose so I had to treck it back and managed to tighten the seat up.  It rained a lot so figured the mountain bike was a good choice.

Tomorrow will be better so I'll get the road bike out snd I have a 10ish mile or so route planned.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: August 05, 2024, 09:25:13 am »
Rested yesterday

First trip on my road bike and the hills killed the mood.  It was just a giant ass hill one after another.

I did 6 miles and my quads were just locked up from attempting the hills.

Walking now, might run in a little when my legs feel better.  If I'd o it'll be a mile or two.

This is going to be harder than I thought haha

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: August 03, 2024, 04:27:27 pm »
Easy day, ran 2.5 miles.

Tomorrow will just be a long walk.  I have to get an adapter or new pump for my new bike but hopefully I can ride it tomorrow.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: August 02, 2024, 02:24:23 pm »
Today felt more like the official start.

Did chest and tris

Stationary bike, 10 miles in 35 minutes
Run, it stopped for whatever reason at the 4 mile mark but I did around 4.5 to 5, somewhere in there.

Right at the finish my quads cramped up so that was like my max and not too bad.

Maybe ill cut my runs to 3 miles for the time being.

I'll do this every other day.  Tomorrow will be just an hour incline walk and bike.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: August 01, 2024, 09:34:49 am »
Well getting back to this hopefully.

Last year I did some 5ks to have something to train for, went from 283 to 239 at my lowest.   I didn't have any goals this year so just maintaining around 248ish.

I want to start training for something again and I'm picking the triathlon that I never did.  It won't be a sprint one though, the goal is a Olympia level or half(I'll do a sprint one to prepare ahead of time) 

Training started today, just the run though.  My gym with the pool will be closed for a bit for a deep clean they do once a year so when that opens back up I'll start the swim snd I have to buy a road bike.

Run today: run 1 lap, walk 110m x 45 minutes.
Felt eh, threw my back out twice the last few weeks but my running laps I kept it at around a 9 min pace and ended with 3.9 miles.

Today at work I'll do my normal body building stuff.

I won't be headlining or bb heavy squats really.  I think my lower back is cooked for now so legs will just be leg extensions, curls and leg press.

To make it easier to track this will just be for my triathlon stuff.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: June 16, 2023, 03:39:59 pm »
Wow it's been awhile

Weight: 242 in the morning.  Been at this weight for a week or two.  I'm treating this week as like an off week as far as foods but I'm still staying around maintenance so I can hopefully jump start things again. 

Tomorrow will be back on the diet but more strict since I want to hit 220ish.

I did a 5k in the beginning of June and I ran with the chick from work and I still came in 3rd for my age group.  If I went off on my own I probably would have won.

I have another 5k on July 4th and I'd honestly like a 10k in september which being 20lbs lighter will help.

I'm still doing push pull days n squats n arms etc.  Still volume work.

Running is usually 6 miles a day on average.  I hit legs today so I'm walking for 2 hours.

Weight: 257.4

Hit a plateu for a bit at 260 so I'll see how the rest of the week goes.

I increased cardio and lowered my calories to 2700 and it seems like it worked.

Pretty much for everything it's 3 exercises 3 to 4 hard working sets

Yesterday I did chest and back
Incline Smith machine bench: 225x4x10 to 12
Cable press super set with flyes: 4 sets of 12 to 15
Push ups at different heights on the Smith machine( start high go to the floor and work your way back up)
Lat pull-down and low cable row: 4 sets each of 10
Modified seal db row 4 sets of 10, think I went to 50s

In the morning I ran for an hour and biked for 20 mins

Today I tried to run but my calves are sore so I ran for 20 mins now I'm walking the rest of the hour, I'll hop on the bike and stretch.


Today was cardio and stretching,  at work I will do chest and shoulders, mostly just for a pump, not looking to go to failure.  Tomorrow I'm running with the chick from work that I'm doing the race with.

Calories yesterday was about 2500 or so.  I didn't have a good fat source yesterday to get the rest of my calories but oh well.  I still hit my carbs and protein

264(more water in me)

Ez bar curl: idk it has 2 10s on each side
2x15 slow reps
Added a 5
2x10 slow reps
Drop set down

Db curls: 3x10 35 and 40s
Db reverse grip curls: 2x10
Cable curls: 3x10

Tricep rope pushdowns superset with vbar: 4x10 to 15
Tricep overhead extensions(cable) 3x10
Db overhead extensions: used 55 and 65sx6 to10

Run: 30 minutes, 5 on 2 off


Meal today

1 cup egg whites
Half cup blueberries
10 slices of cucumber

Rice and ground turkey: 11oz
2 protein shakes with 2 scoops each
Peanut butter: half cup to get my fats in.

I'm still down on fats so idk I might have to do another half cup or do a quarter and call it good enough.

Btw I'm using the carbon app by Layne Norton and so that puts me around
3100 calories
225 protein
139 carbs
183 fats

I don't hit them every day but I like a buffer.

I'm bad at this

Been working a lot, dieting and working out a ton.

Started: 282
Current: 263.8

My diet is just water with flavor packets
Ground turkey, beef, chicken(rotate them), rice, veggies, almond butter,  fruits

I stopped eating when I get home from work and yeah 3 or 4 weeks in and I'm down almost 20lbs and I've also put on lean mass everywhere.

My training splits are push/pull, squat, arms, push/pull, arms
One push day is chest the other is shoulders.

I'm also doing a 5k on June 3rd so I'm switching between running and biking since I had a tendency to overdo the running and hurt my hip n shit.  Also thinking about swimming too.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: February 01, 2023, 06:20:25 pm »
So I pretty much hit my macros spot on, I'm sure it's not exact but close enough

Calories: 2614
Protein: 191
Carbs: 136
Fats: 151

Supposed to be 3103, 225, 139, 183

I'm assuming I'm higher since I can't find the exact foods n what not.and I can just do a protein shake with milk when I get home to hit it.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: February 01, 2023, 12:08:54 pm »
Did chest onSunday, massage yesterday,

Today shoulders tris

Oh press: super sore from the massage so I wanted to go light and slow and keep front delt volume low

Leaning db side raise: 3x10 at 25s
Cable rear delts upper and lower: 3x10
Face pulls: 3x10
Cable triceps pushdowns: rope and straight bar

Behind the head db tricep extensions
45s for 4 sets

Then a shoulder burner, walk

Meals: protein shake with honey
Rice cake and peanut butter

Going to eat lunch
1.2lbs steak( 1/3 for lunch and the rest for my meals later)
Mushrooms,  onions, carrots
And I bought keto tortillas that are 3 carbs each with a salad and apple

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