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Messages - XxZxX

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ooh really?? By saying the current sleep pattern works pretty well for most of the people in the worlds doesn't contribute anything?  If the 8 hours pattern sleep doesn't works, we won't be adopting this sleep pattern long time ago.

Edit:It is also because I can only contribute positive stuff, any skepticism is counted as not contribution or trolling?

obviously you didn't read the links andrew posted up top.  why did you even bother to reply?

what make u think i didn't.

My 8 hours of sleep works fine for 33 years. If it ain't broken, don't fix it.

People forgot the 82 games grind the player went through, if they don't tape their ankle and with the style the play almost every other day, chances of they wear out their ankle ligaments is pretty high.  Most of them wear out their knee instead though.

Program Review / Re: Vertfreak
« on: April 02, 2011, 11:54:34 pm »
I know it's not right, and I haven't done it in years since I got flagged by my ISP. But this image makes me laugh every time I hear someone talk about downloading stuff.

The person who wrote that is either a pirate himself or idiot.  Theft not only consist of stealing physical stuff but intellectual  property as well.  If I stole the content of your research and use it as my own, that is plagiarism which is theft too. Look it up.  Same thing goes with piracy.  Comparing intellectual properties with some physical property is utterly stupid.

then it should be jumper knees.

So try this, rest your legs for two weeks and you should be able to get betters.

When it get better, it's time for physical therapy(rehab) so that it won't flare up easily.


this help

Judging from what you describe,

My guts feelings is these cases

Patellar tendonitis and Torn Meniscus

Pattelar tendonitis is what we called jumper knee. From over training, the tendon get inflammation and you can't bend your knee properly. The pain actually feels like under your lower part knee cap.

The other one is your meniscus kinda like cushion which sit between your thigh bone and shinbone got torn and not as smooth. Pain, click and popping sound will occur when your bend your legs.

I personally got "jumper" knees, and the only remedy for me is to rest and rehab my legs for three months.  Torn meniscus can heal over time, however some case required simple surgery to fix the problem.  My advice will be seek a doctor. Sorry.

they finally won, though the refs gave them a big break twice so no girls will be crying in the locker rooms. Pheewww finally one big win.

Program Review / Re: Air alert (knee alert?)
« on: March 10, 2011, 05:48:20 pm »
tried air alert in 1996. Weaken my ankle and result in a torn right ankle ligaments.
Jumping everyday over 1000 times is not fun at all.... DAMN AIR ALERT

Program Review / Re: Holosync
« on: March 09, 2011, 07:37:24 pm »
there are many types of meditation, Buddhist meditation, taoism  meditation.

Here's a video that teach you meditation.

Program Review / Re: Holosync
« on: March 09, 2011, 04:53:53 pm »
it help you on your focus. Have you watch the last samurai, the Japanese said to tom cruise. Too many minds. It mean you cant really focus with too much thoughts in your head. By constantly practice clearing your thought, you may apply it in real life easier. People like Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Phiil Jackson, they all meditate to sharpen their focus.

caffeine are great boost for help, but if you want to add caffeine as pre-workout supplement. You have to be aware of these.

1. Are you caffeine sensitive?
Caffeine can cause really bad things to those people. Symptoms like irregular heart beat and nausea and headaches. You don't want that to happen to you on your training day.

2. What is your body caffeine tolerance levels.
Every person has different tolerance of caffeine,  one cups of strong coffee might get your amps and two cups might knock you out.

3. Caffeine cause dehydration.
when taking caffeine, always make sure you are sufficiently hydrated for your exercise.

So before starting caffeine, test your self first. Drink a cup of coffee or Tea, see how you feels. What Andrew suggest are great. try 1 table spoon first time, then 2 table spoon second time. see what it give you and go from there. Key is not overdosing. While daily recommendation is 200mg - 300 mg, for use in boost in exercise, it should be 200mg max because caffeine is diuretic.

Program Review / Re: Holosync
« on: March 09, 2011, 04:20:14 pm »
I'm practice meditation for quite sometimes. This is another "shortcut" that people trying to sell.

Just do meditation, sit down in a meditation pose, close your eyes, focus on your breathing, clear your thoughts and minds.
Focus on your breathing, find a spot to focus, for example your nostrils. Feels the air breath in breath out, let go of everything. If thoughts came back, acknowledge and let go your thoughts and focus back to your breathing. constantly trying to empty your mind by focusing on your breathing. DO NOT FORCEFULLY let go. Do thing peaceful and slowly. Acknowledge your thought and minds and let go of them slow and peacefully. Thoughts will always come back and you always have to let go of them. Sometimes you may even wonder very far on your thoughts, it's OK. Just acknowledge them and come back to breathing.  Remember the keys of meditation is to let go, not to gain. If your mind constantly thinking i meditate so I can gain something, you will not let go and you wont have peace in your mind.

« on: March 05, 2011, 08:25:11 pm »
The movie is pretty bad, I only watch some of it, cant even continue. Totally not Shaolin soccer standard and humor.

the building has 15 floors, but the elevator only go up to 10.

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