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Messages - jumperer

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 23
taking a break from RL planting until May. got in a dozen left leg jumps today. for some reason only my right hamstring is sore.

Basketball / Re: Mark my words.....Ben Simmons
« on: March 21, 2018, 10:34:34 pm »
so ben simmons really is the real deal eh. definitely gonna keep keeping an eye on him during playoffs time.

gonna continue being completely hip/posterior chain dominant. don't think i'm gonna squat again for a long time. the most i'll do for quads is probably gonna be trap bar deadlifts.

Basketball / Re: Mid range sucks in pickup ball?
« on: December 12, 2017, 10:19:33 pm »
haha yea.. seems like that is the case now esp. since the rise of the warriors. but kobe and MJ dominated with the mid range, right?

sure, although kobe is overrated so not sure he's the best case to point to. but the midrange is just inefficient. it's math: gains you no more points than a shot closer to the rim, at a significantly lower likelihood of going in. threes are worth 50% more so the lower percentage of success is easily justified.

i see. yea, seems like the houston rockets have completely caught on to that lol. i wonder what could be done in the NBA to give more value to the midrange game.

but for us average joes, even if we are just average joes, it seems like the mid range is even more useless. with our 3 point lines being 4 feet shorter, worth 100% more, and playing in a half court setting, it seems like it's best just to chuck away beyond the arc lol

Basketball / Re: Mid range sucks in pickup ball?
« on: December 12, 2017, 10:06:06 pm »
haha yea.. seems like that is the case now esp. since the rise of the warriors. but kobe and MJ dominated with the mid range, right?

Basketball / Mid range sucks in pickup ball?
« on: December 12, 2017, 09:06:43 pm »
Anyone else play pickup ball and find that mid range shots are really underpowered/undervalued? at my gym it's played mainly half court, and always 1's and 2's. the 3 point line is highschool regulation too, so at the top it overlaps with the semicircle that overlaps with the key. so the range isn't far at all, the average joe can probably consistently make shots from there. it'd be a different story though if my gym had the 3 point line at NCAA/NBA range though. but yea, when i play i see little incentive in taking mid range shots, cause if i go back a bit further i can get another point behind the 3 point line. would playing full court give more value to mid range shots though? also I know about scoring it by 2's and 3's, but nobody at the gym would be willing to do that lol.

got in around a dozen dunks on 9 ft off left leg. seems like my left leg is completely fine. can't believe i managed to injure my right knee the same way though.

got in some dunks off my left leg on 9 ft today. first time jumping in 2 weeks. not gonna do anything on my right leg for probably 2+ weeks

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

great video. just 26 minutes of nerding out on dunking lol  :ibjumping:

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« on: November 24, 2017, 08:35:47 pm »
noticed that your run up is more fluid, nice. which rim is that btw?

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: November 24, 2017, 08:30:50 pm »
might be irrelevant, but how are you doing in terms of 1 foot jumping? seems like specifically 1 foot jumping fits in better with your distance running, rather than 2 foot jumping. just curious too because i'm gonna focus on my 1 foot too now lol


Haven't been jumping at all :/

Last year, jumping wasn't too impacted with running, with ~30-50 miles a week. Just had to jumping ~3-5x/wk, ie in between runs, before runs, etc. Then if I took a day or two off, and focused simply on jumping, i'd jump pretty decent.

IIRC, I got my L-SLRVJ up to ~32-33" last year while running? I forget, but I did hit some serious jumps while not doing any lifting, running alot, and jumping alot.

So it's doable, especially if you are "built better for SLRVJ" for example.


oh i see. yea that fit in well with your endurance training. dunno how to explain it, but does it ever feel like 1 foot jumping is another thing apart from 2 foot jumping? 2 foot seems so power/strength/muscle oriented sometimes whereas 1 foot is like more bouncy/leverage dominant/whatever you call it lol.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: November 24, 2017, 07:01:38 pm »
might be irrelevant, but how are you doing in terms of 1 foot jumping? seems like specifically 1 foot jumping fits in better with your distance running, rather than 2 foot jumping. just curious too because i'm gonna focus on my 1 foot too now lol

Basketball / Re: Mark my words.....Ben Simmons
« on: November 21, 2017, 12:49:59 am »
yup. and yea IT's wingspan to height ratio is sick, but there's probably plenty of even bigger ratios in the NBA lol. just off the top of my head of players right now, kawhii lenoard. 6'6 without shoes, 7'3 wingspan

gonna rest up for the rest of this month. definitely seems like 1 foot is my bane though, even off my right leg. gonna keep stretching and when i return, get back to it off 2 feet.

seems like a tricky thing when you're a 2 foot jumper but trying to increase your 1 foot to be on par so that you can be good at both. just got a bit of minor knee pain though on friday and saturday in my right knee. same thing as before with my left knee, the quad tendon. gonna take atleast a week of rest and stretch AMAP.

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