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Messages - LBSS

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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: March 25, 2010, 07:35:16 am »
Last night:

Warm up
usual (minus lunges)
hamstring curls on physioball 3x30ish

elliptical x32mins @moderate pace, HR ~158
stretch legs, ~5mins rest
core circuit

Cool down

The elliptical sucks. If I didn't hate the stationary bike so much, I would definitely have done that instead. Going to see about running this weekend, test the ol' knee out a bit. Beautiful day predicted for Saturday + cherry blossom festival = perfect running conditions. But we'll see.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: March 24, 2010, 05:21:53 pm »
Gah so I just checked out a Q&A this podiatrist that I'm seeing on Friday did a while back in the Washington Post and the guy is all about orthotics and extra-supportive shoes and so on even for toddlers! The (dominant) side of me that loves being barefoot or wearing as little shoe as possible is reeeeally skeptical right now. If/when I have kids those little fuckers are gonna wear shoes as infrequently as possible. I kind of wish my appointment was RIGHT NOW, I'm really antsy about it for some reason.

Gotta be open minded, gotta be open minded, gotta be open minded.......

ya im with you man.. orthotics (&strengthening) for kids in extreme situations with huge deviations, otherwise, strengthen those fuckers up.. It's kind of similar with the ADHD shit now too. Man, I was hyper as fuck as a kid, but that's because I am very imaginative/creative, the mind is always racing between tons of ideas. I'm so glad kids weren't put on that shit as often, probably would have lost a huge amount of creative development.

the over-prescription of america pisses me off pretty bad.


Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: March 24, 2010, 03:55:47 pm »
Gah so I just checked out a Q&A this podiatrist that I'm seeing on Friday did a while back in the Washington Post and the guy is all about orthotics and extra-supportive shoes and so on even for toddlers! The (dominant) side of me that loves being barefoot or wearing as little shoe as possible is reeeeally skeptical right now. If/when I have kids those little fuckers are gonna wear shoes as infrequently as possible. I kind of wish my appointment was RIGHT NOW, I'm really antsy about it for some reason.

Gotta be open minded, gotta be open minded, gotta be open minded.......

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: March 23, 2010, 11:10:52 pm »
Workout tonight:

Warm up
bike x5mins
usual (ish)

bench 3x8x145 easy as balls
pull-ups 3x8xbw not as easy
       -during rest periods: bike or elliptical x2mins @easy-moderate pace
elliptical x10mins @moderate pace

Cool down

Ran out of time on the elliptical there cause the gym was closing.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: March 23, 2010, 05:26:05 pm »
you still going to play ultimate?

No effing way.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: March 23, 2010, 03:43:30 pm »
PT was really interesting today. Learned some things, wish I'd been taking notes or recording it because they guy covered a lot of ground. Seemed to know his shit. Got confirmation that the level of extension in my big toes is RIDICULOUSLY low. The guy literally said, "Wow," a bunch of times while he was moving them around with his hands. :(

He also told me that basically my problem is beyond physical therapy. I should be stretching twice a day for 60 seconds even if I don't feel a stretch, just to improve the ROM. No one knows whether that will decrease my pain, though. And the manual therapy can deal with some of the adhesion issues in the bottoms of my feet, on my shins, etc. Beyond that, he said I should see a podiatrist, so I made an appointment for Friday with a guy that the PT recommended. X-rays for sure and we'll go from there. I'm kind of looking forward to seeing the insides of my feet. I still have the X-rays from when I dislocated my collarbone a few years back.

Lastly, and most shittily, the guy told me I'll probably have to get surgery. The toe doesn't hurt when I wear cleats and he said it probably won't get any better or worse over the summer so I should play out my season and then get it operated on in the fall. I'm inclined to believe him because he's not a surgeon so he has no personal interest in that route. But we'll see what the podiatrist says.

In the meantime, he gave me the go-ahead to start biking and doing some exercises for my knee. I've said it before, but my cardio/work capacity could be WAY better. So for the next week, I'm not going to do any loaded shit on my legs, just focus on upper body stuff and then hit the bike for ~30 mins at an extensive aerobic pace (HR ~160). I need to start building some capacity. Won't be jumping or doing heavy squats for a little bit anyhow, may as well start to work hard* at something else. If my jumping/strength/speed go down, well, what can I do, I need healthy legs before I do anything with them. Thinking:

Warm up
spin x5-10mins
usual (minus lunges and other standing leg stuff)
hamstring leg curls w/physioball 2-3x a fuck ton (PT basically said, "smoke 'em")

bench 3-4x6-8
pullups 3-4x6-8

spin @low-moderate pace x30mins

Cool down
spin @easy pace x5mins
foam roll/tennis ball/super ball

Once my knee is feeling 90% or so I'll throw some unilateral shit in there and once it's back to normal I'll go back to jumps, squats, jump squats, DLs, etc.

*To be honest, I'm not sure how "hard" I can work at aerobic stuff right now. That's how much I suck. But I've got to start somewhere.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: March 22, 2010, 02:34:37 pm »

damn that sucks man, the knee issue. have you tried icing/foam rolling ITB/light stretching?

Yeah, I've been icing and doing light stretching as well as some self-massage/my haphazard attempts at trigger point release. Some NSAIDs, too. No foam-rolling, thought, because it means flexing those muscles to keep the knee straight (i.e. untwisted) and I'm not really feeling that at the moment. It feels a little better today. Full-on PT session tomorrow. Will hopefully get some decent answers about the toes and now this.

Also, I was talking with my mom yesterday during a break from all the chainsawing ( ;D) and she suggested that I talk to an orthopedic surgeon that one of her coworkers goes to. Starting to think that wouldn't be such a bad idea. But we'll see what the PT says tomorrow.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: March 21, 2010, 10:04:54 pm »
Workout today:

Cut down tree with chainsaw x2
Cut trees up into pieces x a lot

So much fun. Something wrong with my knee. It was worse this morning but it's still wigging out a little bit. I will not be doing any jumps or heavy lower body stuff for the next little while. And DEFINITELY no frisbee on Tuesday, unfortunately. But this thing just demands rest.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: March 20, 2010, 06:39:25 pm »
32, maybe 33 at the way outside? Really hard to tell. Will be easier once I can start jumping to a rim.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: March 20, 2010, 05:44:53 pm »

Warm up

DLRVJ x a bunch -- started out really crappy but then realized that I wasn't running up fast enough; I was kind of loping. Got higher once I started actually RUNNING up.
Bench 5x185, 3x195, 3x205
Pullups 3x4xbw+25

Cool down


Hat tournament (teams randomly assigned for the day). Absolutely perfect weather, fun people, low-key ultimate. We lost all our games but I don't care. It was great. But my right knee is super tight. God I'm injury prone.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: March 19, 2010, 02:22:41 pm »
No workouts last two days. GF is on spring break and free during the week so I have made some decisions this week guided by, um, not my brain. Bad discipline. No use beating myself up about it, just gotta get back on the horse tonight and next week and so on.

Massage on Wednesday was amazing. It was all feet and my left shin. The dude kept talking about how many adhesions I have on my plantar flexors and being like, "I know why you hurt, man." And then he moved on to my shin and said, "I could play your tibials like a bass guitar." Even started counting out the adhesions along my shin and plantar. Lots. It hurt like a bitch but felt great after and I had more ROM (for a couple minutes, it faded eventually) in my left big toe than I've had in at least five or six years. Gonna go back next week for a proper PT evaluation and hopefully diagnosis of some kind, although the bone-on-bone all-cartilage-gone thing makes a lot of sense to me.

Last 5/3/1 bench workout tonight, gonna push it hard. One-day tournament tomorrow, weather's supposed to be awesome so I will enjoy the outdoors and try not to get sunburned and/or injured. Final 5/3/1 squat workout on Monday, indoor playoffs on Tuesday, then it's all workouts, all the time until club starts at the beginning of May.

Speaking of which, too much of my volume is still focused on strength stuff. I need to up the amount of work I devote to jumps and sprinting and reeeeeally cut back on weights. Which sucks, because I like lifting and am less discouraged by it than I am by jumps. But that's exactly the point. Now that it's light out after work, I think I can do jumps at a park near my gym and then do a really short full-body workout (like one top set for squats, one top set for bench, plus one LB assistance and one UB pull, plus core...maybe 30 mins tops).

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: March 17, 2010, 08:25:57 am »
Last night, another double header. We lost the first game by one fucking point because several of my teammates, as I've said before, are fucking morons with a completely distorted sense of reality. We had like a nine-point lead with five minutes to go in the game and just started throwing shit away. AND we beat this team last week. The second game was against the best team in the league -- they're undefeated and blowing everyone out. We lost that game by I don't know how much but they said it was the closest anyone has come. Would have been good to go 1-1 for seeding purposes in the tournament next week, but what are you gonna do.

Also, this morning, the outside of my right knee feels super tight. My dumb ass has got to get better about the roller/trigger point stuff. Hopefully I can learn a thing or two in my massage today.  ;D

Finally, I'm kind of beating myself up right now because instead of coming straight home, eating, and going to sleep last night I met up with some people for dinner and then went to a bar. Spent too much money when I didn't need to and got to bed an hour and a half later than I should have.  So I ended up getting ~5.5 hours of sleep because I had to get up early for work this morning. Not enough. Dumb.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: March 15, 2010, 09:15:25 pm »
Only one decent thing to report about the workout today: bench press!

Warm up
jog x7mins
pogos 3x5-8
stiff leg ankle hops x10

SLRVJ xa bunch -- not so hot, or at least a couple of the jumps off my right foot were okay but left all sucked and most of right sucked
bench 3x175, 3s185, 7x195  :o
chinups x10, 6 -- elbow and upper left arm fail

Cool down

crunches x100
back extensions x60

According to the timinvermont one-rep max calculator, that's a one-rep max of 235 for the bench, or 20 pounds heavier than I've ever actually lifted. And my elbow was not having a happy day. Part of me thinks I should cut back on weight (i.e. intensity) for all exercises and focus on higher reps, get back to basics with technique and make sure my tendons and ligaments are up to speed with my musklez.


14 March 2010

Body measurements

Comparison with last measurements in January , when i was also ~1 month away from weight training:

Weight ( in the morning ) :  ~183 , ( -3lbs )
Waist ( navel level , loose) : ~35'' , ( -0,2'' )
Thighs ( about 3/4 from knee to hip flexor , flexed) : ~24,8'' , ( -0,6'' )
Hips ( middle of butt , loose ) : ~39,7'' , ( -0,6'' )
Biceps ( flexed ) : ~15,2'' , ( -0,3'' )
Calves : 14,3'' , ( -0,45'' )

Bodyfat estimation : ~17,5% ( -0% )

My natural built is skinny without muscle.
So now , like always when im away from weights  , im shrinking! :(

You jump damn high for having 17.5%. My lack of jumping ability is well documented/explained on my log but if you're right about your bf estimate, I have a little more LBM and half as much fat as you (150#/33# vs 153#/17#) but my jumps are no better than yours and are actually probably an inch or so shorter.

No real point there, just sayin' good work. If you lean out a little while maintaining strength I bet you'd go through the roof.

Tennis / Re: hitting a tennis ball
« on: March 15, 2010, 02:43:06 pm »
what muscles/

All of them.

exercises are best for hitting a tennis ball harder on a serve and forehands and backhands.

Serves and forehands and backhands.

what would the set/rep ranges be?

Thousands and thousands and thousands.

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