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Messages - John Stamos

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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: September 02, 2021, 10:58:54 am »
Run to town and back. I think it's like .8 one way, I'll have to use my watch next time.

Log hang cleans from
Started like 5 and ended with 3

Deadlift: 135x8, 185x8, 225x6, 275x6

Lat pulldowns: 3 sets of each grip for 10 reps

Bicep curls

Dead hangs for 2 sets

Tomorrow I can do a lot, I'm calling in so I can have a 4 day weekend.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: September 01, 2021, 05:45:44 pm »
Oh strict press: up to 135x8 then back to 95
Bench: 185x3x6-10
Seated dB oh press: 50x3x10
Incline dB press: same
Db side raise: 25x3x10
Triceps push downs on cable machine: 3 sets each
Seated flyes: 3x10

Run 10 minutes

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: August 28, 2021, 09:37:10 am »
Track instead today

Walked 1 lap

Run 1 lap
X2: wallball, push upx10, jumping Jackson

Did that for 4 laps

Now going to just do a run/walk alternate between them each lap.  Or maybe run 100m walk 100m idk, I'll just do it until 10am

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: August 27, 2021, 11:22:01 am »
Took time off cuz of the hematoma.   I went to the Dr's yesterday and he basically said everything is good and I can run and workout.  In the AM it would be flat but throughout the day it fills up and he says it's normal and should be fine in a few months.

So tomorrow I'll get a workout in, just do full body and run. 

Also probably going to play ball tomorrow and I need to start shopping at the bigger chains.  I bought chicken at the local store and oof it's expensive.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: August 19, 2021, 04:04:45 pm »
Been raining a lot and looking at houses.  Tomorrow I'll go do a run if it's nice out.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: August 12, 2021, 12:03:31 pm »
Today was miserable, that first lap and trek up the hill and into the woods destroyed my legs.  It was steeper than I remembered it was.

I think I just did 2 miles, it was hotter with no breeze today.  My watch comes tomorrow and running with my phone is annoying.

Tomorrow will be a full body workout and 1.5 mile run.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: August 11, 2021, 10:52:45 am »
4 miles in 48 mins

The s health app says if the screen goes black it may be imminaccurate so I tried to change the settings and it didn't work.  Whenever it went black and I turned it on it would show up as a 15 min pace then go to what I'm actually running at.  As far as ik it was accurate.

I ordered a Garmin watch to run with so hopefully it'll be better.

Right now I'm running on a black top track so tomorrow I'm going to go on the school track.  What I might do is do a lap then head out back to the track in the woods and do a loop and go back to the track and repeat.  Has some pretty good hills to it.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: August 10, 2021, 08:52:37 pm »
Ran 2 miles yesterday and ran 3 miles today

Tomorrow going to do 4 miles and see how I feel.  If I'm not too slow then I'll keep increasing. 

The gym is closed next week for cleaning so idk I might get to it this week but seems pointless when I won't be able to workout next week.  Thinking about bringing my medball and some kbs with me to the track.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: August 07, 2021, 09:55:57 pm »
Just been running and shooting around playing ball.

Saw old pics of me jumping n what not and yeah oof

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: July 27, 2021, 10:15:31 am »
Today went easy, Thursday I want to play ball since I get my new shoes and ball tomorrow.

Oh press to 145x5 strict
Drop set

Incline dB press from 50, 60, 70lb 10 reps each

Machine chest flies and rear delt. 3 sets each
 Stretch and bike

Friday I will basically smash the accessory work and hit legs.

Tomorrow back day with biceps

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: July 26, 2021, 05:57:55 pm »
Just shot around yesterday,  did some jumps and everything around my left ankle is sore, I need steroids just to shoot around.

I figured my shoes are worn down so I ordered new Jordan's and bought a new ball.  I'd like to mix it up between playing ball and running.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: July 22, 2021, 11:31:22 am »
2 days ago did a back workout

Back was tight and caused headaches yesterday so I slept until work.

Today was shoulders, little bit of chest and arms.

Oh press to 135x3x8
Machine shoulder press 3x10
DB shoulder press: 50x3x15-20
Triceps push downs for 3x10 on vbar and rope
Seated preacher curls for 30x3x10
Rear delt flies
Chest machine flyes

Also on the back day I don't remember weights but did
Log clean and press
Bb cleans
Pull downs
T bar row

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: July 16, 2021, 11:38:04 am »
Worked a lot this week

Hit shoulders and triceps, nothing major.

Ran for 10 minutes

Also we got a new chest fly and rear delt machine and tried it out.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: July 08, 2021, 10:43:00 am »
Incline walk

Log oh press: up to 135 for 3x5 superset with a shoulder press attachment

DB side raises,  front and rear delt for 3x10

Rear delt flies 3x10

Triceps work

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: July 07, 2021, 09:21:16 am »
Yesterday massage


SSb squats: up to 205x5? I think. I forgot how much it weighs.  But the weight didn't feel heavy just my muscles were on their way to cramping

Bench: just to 185. It felt shitty and it just didn't feel good on my shoulder so I stopped.

DB flyes: 3x10 super set with lunges and dB squats

On the bike now to loosen everything up and hit hammy

 I'm trying to combine days in case I get drafted for overs and earlies and I can't make it.

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