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Program Review
« on: July 08, 2011, 06:38:46 pm »
Hello guys, I am new to the forums, but I am not new to VJ training.  I created my own week long program and was looking for some criticism (too much volume, etc...).  I am looking to get stronger from this program, as well as pack some pounds on my weak ass body. (I do eat a lot too, consciously of course).

Here are my stats:
Age: 18
Height: 6'2
Weight: ~170 (yeah, im thin. i know)
1 rep calculated squat (ATG): 250 lbs
Running VJ: 35"
Standing VJ: 30"

- Monday - Heavy Legs
Warmups / Plyometrics
Lateral Bounding -  2x6
Box Squat Jumps for max height (no weight) -  3x5
Back Squat -  4x5,5,4,3
Reverse Lunges from deficit (SS 1) -  3x6-8
Inclined GHR (SS 1) -  3x8

- Tuesday - Stretching / foam rolling

- Wednesday - Chest / Back
Flat BB Bench Press -  4x5
Wide Grip BB rows - 4x6
Incline DB Press (SS 1) -  3x6-8
Chest Supported Row (SS 1) -  3x6-8
Plyometric Pushups (SS 2) -  2x12
Bent over rear delt fly (SS 2) - 2x12
Wide Grip Dips (SS 3) -  2x15
Chinups (SS 3) -  2x12 (usually to failure)

- Thursday - Stretching / foam rolling

- Friday - Dynamic Lower Body / Shoulder
Warmups / Plyometrics
Power Clean + Press -  8x1-2
Front Squat -  4x5
Shrugs (focusing on speed) -  4x5
GHR (SS 1) -  3x8
Arnold Press (SS 1) -  3x6-8
Weighted toe raises - 2x15

- Saturday - Bicep / Tricep
Close Grip Fat BB Bench press -  4x5-8
Barbell Curl - 3x6-8
French Press (SS 1) -  3x6-8
Zottoman Curl (SS 1) -  3x8
Single Arm Cable Pulldown (SS 2) -  2x12
Focus Curls (SS 2) - 2x8
Tricep Dip -  3x12-15

- Sunday - Rest and relaxation

Thanks for taking the time to read this