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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6960 on: January 03, 2017, 12:22:38 am »
If you're not against kipping, I'm curious about what your Murph time would be.

1 mile run
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 air skwaats
1 mile run

dno, i've actually never really kipped. I've always been kind of afraid of it, seems like a good way to strain a bicep/wrench my back. I'd attempt that one day with normal pullups tho. Gotta get those up into the 15+'s and i'd be good.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6961 on: January 03, 2017, 12:26:22 am »
nice. and don't worry, i'm like that with my shoes too. i'm like obsessed with the technologies and stuff, and always wanna get like the perfect shoe or something.

nice. ya it's hard finding a good shoe, especially when you can't try them on. Soo many shoes i've ordered online, I never tried on prior.. so I got lucky with a few. I also purchased some shoes I don't like, my Brooks XC flats for example. I don't like my hyperdunks either and I tried those on in a store. I think i'll like my Kobe's when I finally do some jumps in them.

New Balance / Saucony have been good to me.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6962 on: January 04, 2017, 01:09:13 am »
run day.


Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 9 hours
last night fell asleep: ~5 AM
wakeup = 2 PM
- :o
bw = 155 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = quads barely, adductors barely, hamstrings barely, glutes barely
aches = none
injuries = 2 toenails black, left shoulder barely
- shoulder seems like it's finally getting a little better, ever since i started lifting
quad stretches throughout the day = ok amount
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = tired
water = alot
mosquito bites: 0


2:30 PM

- huge bowl of cereal + 2% milk + honey
- 2 x banana
- green tea

Session: Evening

5:40 PM - 6:40 PM

light speed: 5 x 800m (2min recovery), 5 x 400m (full recovery)
- unfortunately no warmup, got to the track 10 minutes late, worked right in.
- decent.. was crazy hot/humid, felt dead, but speed was still ok.
- legs felt pretty good


6:40 PM

- ensure


7:30 PM

- 2 x 2% milk
- 2 x banana


8:30 PM

- propel
- oatmeal + honey
- 3 x banana
- brie + crackers


1 AM

- 1/2 pint java chip ice cream


4 AM

- 2% milk
- banana

- dno

- high rep lifting


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6963 on: January 05, 2017, 02:36:16 am »
lift day.

quick logging. unexpectedly busy today. need to sleep ASAP, feel dead.

going to order a HR strap tomorrow I think..... so I can see my HR during these lifting sessions.


Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 7.5 hours
last night fell asleep: ~5 AM
wakeup = 12:30 PM
- :(
bw = 155 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = none
aches = none
injuries = left shoulder slightly, toes on right foot hurt - very weird (same issue as a week+ ago, just came out of nowhere).
quad stretches throughout the day = not much
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = very tired
water = alot
mosquito bites: 0


12:30 PM

- green tea


1:30 PM

- spicy chicken sandwich from wendy's
- some fries



3 PM

- huge bowl of cereal + 2% milk + honey
- 2 x banana
- green tea

Session: Afternoon

4:30 PM

"heavy" squat conditioning:

bent t's: 2.5 lb. x 35 reps

some neutral grip pullups to warmup, felt strong

barbell parallel squat: various stance widths
- total time: 15 minutes
- total reps: 215
- rest periods: very short (15s-60s)
- weight: 135 lb.
- warmup: 45 lb. @ 2 x 20
- 135 lb. @ 25, 20, 20, 20, 15, 9 x 10 (very fast concentric - explosive), 25

:ibsquatting: :ibsquatting: :ibsquatting:

barbell overhead press: various grips
- total time: 8 minutes
- total reps: 55
- weight: 45 lb.
- 45 lb. @ 20, 15, 10, 10

barbell curl: 45 lb. x 20

dead. sweaty af.

legs swole.

the overhead press stuff killed me.. crazy how much stronger my legs are.

i'm becoming addicted to high rep squatting again..... want to just squat high rep for like an hour straight.. lmao.


5:30 PM

- 2 x 2% milk
- 2 x banana


7 PM

- propel


9 PM

- grilled chicken + mediterranean couscous + serrano pepper
- coconut chips (damn good! my dog is obsessed with them too..)
- water w/ lemon


2 AM

- 3 x banana
- water w/ lemon
- high protein oatmeal + honey

I got 3 pair of pants ~3 weeks ago.. I bet they don't fit anymore. My legs/glutes are growing crazy fast from this high rep squat work. :ninja:

must sleep ASAP.. which is good though, i might fall asleep way earlier than I have been lately.

my shoes should come tomorrow... can't wait to try em`. hope they fit properly :f I'd like to run ~20 miles in them tomorrow, but who knows.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6964 on: January 05, 2017, 04:45:26 pm »
run day. waiting for my shoes to arrive.


Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 8.5 hours
last night fell asleep: ~3 AM
wakeup = 12:30 PM
- :(
bw = 157 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = quads slightly, hamstring slightly, glutes alot
aches = right achilles got tight - only for a few minutes
injuries = left shoulder slightly, toes on right foot hurt - very weird (same issue as a week+ ago, just came out of nowhere).
quad stretches throughout the day = not much
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = tired
water = alot
mosquito bites: 0


12:30 PM

- green tea


3 PM

- huge bowl of cereal + 2% milk + honey
- banana
- green tea

Session: Evening

6:30 PM

long run: 17.6 mi in 2h:30m:28s @ 8:30 min/mi
- continuous distance: 17.6 (+2.2?) :personal-record:
- strava:
- moderate to light to very light to last mile hard
- got new shoes.. i wanted some heavier/more protective ones for long runs. Feels so much different running in 8 oz shoes vs 3.6 oz. They might be a few millimeters too small though, two toenails bugging out. dno.

I might have to return these shoes.. dno yet.. they felt good for the most part while i was running, but by mile 13 or so, i felt a few toenails freaking out.. and they felt a hair small before i ran. dno.

the only interesting thing about this run is, how good my form felt when i pushed it on that last mile.. i was really relaxed/moving good, even though legs were completely dead.

 :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:


9 PM

- 2 x 2% milk
- propel


9 PM

- grilled chicken + mediterranean couscous + serrano pepper
- coconut chips (damn good! my dog is obsessed with them too..)
- water w/ lemon


2:30 AM

- 2 x 2% milk
- 4 x banana
- gatorade


3:30 AM

- gatorade


3 AM

- good light stretch

my feet & body feel wrecked from that run... also fuck adidas adios's. felt like i was running with pillows on my feet, my body definitely didn't respond well to it.

instead i'm just going to return them, get another pair of NB MRC5000v2's AND a heart rate monitor strap.. mostly to collect HR data when i'm doing my "heavy barbell conditioning". I'm curious to see how my HR responds to such sessions. I'll also wear it occasionally when I run to get some data there too.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6965 on: January 06, 2017, 03:42:29 am »
215 squats with 135lbs in 15mins... you have a death wish or something? Although I'm quite a bit stronger than you I would have died...n twice :ffffffuuuuuu:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6966 on: January 06, 2017, 12:14:46 pm »
215 squats with 135lbs in 15mins... you have a death wish or something? Although I'm quite a bit stronger than you I would have died...n twice :ffffffuuuuuu:

hah. ya i think i can squat that weight all day.. it's weird. I mean during some of those 25 reppers, my quads were definitely dying.. but my legs recover fast & they can repeat the effort.. It's NOT AT ALL the same for my upper body. Upper body can't handle that stuff at all.

today i'm pretty wrecked from yesterday's run + that squat session two days ago.. going to high volume RDL + pullups/curls etc.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6967 on: January 06, 2017, 12:56:21 pm »
Nice :) for me everything above 5 reps is cardio... that's why I think I will benefit greatly from higher rep training for the next few months... time to get swooole.  :wowthatwasnutswtf:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6968 on: January 06, 2017, 01:26:23 pm »
Nice :) for me everything above 5 reps is cardio... that's why I think I will benefit greatly from higher rep training for the next few months... time to get swooole.  :wowthatwasnutswtf:

20 reppers are more like ~400m sprints, they usually last about 1 minute. 10 reppers feel much different to me.. the biggest difference is "breathing". 20 reppers get you really breathing heavy.. so much lactic acid is produced. It's customary to hunch over after a set. ;d

and ya, high volume lifting is swole city.

:strong: :ibsquatting:



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6969 on: January 06, 2017, 07:22:38 pm »
returned my adidas shoes.. getting another pair of NB MRC5000v2's AND A HEART RATE MONITOR!!!! HR DATA SOON!!! :trollface:

my resting HR has been low ~50's for a long time now (instead of low ~40's).. but i'm actually happy with that after reading all of those heart issues from excessive distance running.

lift day.


Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 8 hours
last night fell asleep: ~3 AM
wakeup = 11:30 AM
- :(
bw = 156 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = quads slightly, hamstring slightly, glutes ALOT (especially left glute), feet slightly
aches = feet slightly, toes a bit
injuries = left shoulder slightly, abrasions where my shorts sit - from friction
quad stretches throughout the day = not much
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = tired
water = alot
mosquito bites: ~2


11:30 AM

- big bowl of cereal + 2% milk + honey
- banana
- green tea


3 PM

- watermelon
- gatorade


4 PM

- pre-made beet juice drink

Session: Evening

5 PM
- mosquitos out, feh

bent t's: 2.5 lb. x 40

S1: paused pullup variation (neutral or chinup):
- BW @ ~6 x 5

S1: barbell rdl (stance variations):
1. 45 lb. x 30
2. 95 lb. x 25
3. 95 lb. @ 3 x 20
4. 95 lb. x 25

S2: barbell calf raises: 45 lb. @ 2 x 40
S2: standing single arm db overhead press: 30 lb. @ L=(2 x 20), R=(25, 28)
S3: standing single arm db curl: 30 lb. @ 2 x 13

^^ nice, progress since last time on the presses/curls.

CoC filed down trainer crushes: L=fail, R=crush


6 PM

- 2% milk
- banana
- ensure


9 PM

- grilled chicken wit couscous
- propel


11 PM

- 2% milk
- 4 x banana
- some cereal

glutes/hips really sore.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6970 on: January 08, 2017, 12:59:23 am »
run day.


Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 8 hours
last night fell asleep: ~12 AM
wakeup = 8 AM
bw = 158 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = quads slightly, hamstring slightly, glutes slightly
aches = left calf slightly (at times)
injuries = abrasions where my shorts sit - from friction (mostly left hip)
quad stretches throughout the day = not much
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = tired
water = alot
mosquito bites: 0


9 AM

- sausage egg and cheese on a pumpernickel bagel
- chocolate chip / chocolate muffin
- orange juice


12 PM - 2:30 PM
- felt so good, i love naps.


3 PM

- big bowl of cereal + 2% milk + honey
- banana
- green tea


6 PM

- gatorade

Session: Evening

7 PM

long run: 9 mi hard on asphalt, 9 mi very-light on turf
- 18.02 miles in 2h:21m:25s @ 7:51 min/mi pace
- distance PR: 18.02 mi total (+0.6 mi) :personal-record:
- miles in an hour: 8.96 :personal-record: (or tie PR)
- strava:

really good pace considering the first 9 miles was ~6:42 min/mi pace (hard) then I coasted very light for another 9 miles.. love how that still worked out to be sub 8 min/mi.

also almost PR'd my half marathon while going very light the last 4 miles... like ~1 minute off.. that's DOPE.

also really happy because of i was able to battle this head wind hard.. didn't quit/back down.

adarq vs head wind.

one thing I didn't mention below was, my right calf started bugging me occasionally around mile 8 ... was going to stop running but it kept going away for several minutes.. a few minutes after my first cooldown mile (mile 10) it basically disappeared completely.. maybe the soft turf surface prevented it from becoming an issue. anyway, after coming home/resting it's a bit tight in the soleus area.. not so worried about it though.. i think it's usually worse by now if i experience one of my 'soleus tears'.

from strava:

VERY happy with this run. PR'd my "miles in an hour" @ 8.96 .. so close to 9.. but I was battling a strong headwind for half of this entire run. So, strong tail wind for 50% and strong head wind for 50%.. It was a real battle those first 9 miles; almost got it. Tried to hit a sub 6 mile @ mile 8 - that would have gotten me to 9 miles in an hour.. But failed & hit 6:13.

The second half of the run was really fun.. I just ran around a turf futbol field and watched a high level scrimmage match between two schools. So I just zoned out and enjoyed it. Felt really good running on turf, soft but thin surface.

YOU CAN REALLY SEE ME BATTLING THE HEAD WIND IN THE FIRST PART OF THE GRAPH (the consistent oscillating pace) .. hahahaha.. it was brutal.


9:30 PM

- 2 x ensure
- 2 x 2% milk
- banana


11 PM

- quinoa (seasoned, out of the box)
- 2 x southwest style egg rolls with sour cream
- 2 x propel (omg, heaven)
- stacy's pita chips


2:40 AM

- 3 x banana
- 2% milk


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6971 on: January 08, 2017, 11:30:27 pm »
lift day.


Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 8 hours
last night fell asleep: ~3 AM
wakeup = 11 AM
bw = 160 lb.
:o :o :o
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = hamstrings barely, calves alot
aches = calves tight
injuries = abrasions where my shorts sit - from friction (mostly left hip), right soleus strain - light but significant
quad stretches throughout the day = not much
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = tired
water = alot
mosquito bites: 0

Potential Races

- 02/19/2017: 6 AM: Publix A1A Half Marathon:
- 03/25/2016: 6 AM: Coral Springs Half Marathon:
-- would need to run ~6:30 min/mi to be top 3.


- Kipsang Fartlek: 20 x (1-min on, 1-min off), 20 x (30s on, 30s off)
- half surface: run N miles hard on X surface (asphalt), run N miles light on Y surface (turf/grass)


11 AM

- pre-made blueberry drink
- ensure


1 PM

- jerk chicken
- mac & cheese
- green tea
- some m&m's

Session: Evening

5 PM

bent t's: 2.5 lb. x 40

high rep squat:
- mostly deep or parallel
- heels 2" elevation
- ~5 minutes rest between sets
- 45 lb. x 30
- 135 lb. @ 30 (15-5-5-5), 40 (20-10-10), 50 (20-10-10-10)

 :ibsquatting: :ibsquatting: :ibsquatting:

tough sets, felt great though.

S1: paused dead-hang neutral grip pullups: 2 x 5
S1: barbell calf raises, forefoot elevated 2": 45 lb. @ 2 x 25

S2: paused dead-hang chinups: 2 x 5
S2: front-squat-style barbell calf raises, forefoot elevated 2": 45 lb. @ 2 x 30

CoC Trainer crush attempts: L=fail, R=2x

standing barbell overhead press: 45 lb. x 30

great session.


6 PM

- 2% milk
- banana


7 PM

- almond milk (disgusting)
- 4 x banana


10 PM

- couscous + grilled chicken + serrano pepper
- potato chips
- propel

calves are sore af.. probably not going to be able to run tomorrow because of my right calf (soleus).. might just squat again, but something more like 10x20 short rest.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6972 on: January 10, 2017, 01:32:04 am »
lift day. again.


Bio: Morning

last night's sleep: 8 hours
last night fell asleep: ~3 AM
wakeup = 11 AM
bw = 158 lb.
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = calves slightly
aches = left calf acting up at night
injuries = abrasions where my shorts sit - from friction (mostly left hip)
quad stretches throughout the day = not much
standing desk (when on computer): no
feel = tired
water = alot
mosquito bites: 0

Potential Races

- 02/19/2017: 6 AM: Publix A1A Half Marathon:
- 03/25/2016: 6 AM: Coral Springs Half Marathon:
-- would need to run ~6:30 min/mi to be top 3.


- Kipsang Fartlek: 20 x (1-min on, 1-min off), 20 x (30s on, 30s off)
- half surface: run N miles hard on X surface (asphalt), run N miles light on Y surface (turf/grass)


12 PM

- big bowl of cereal + 2% milk + honey
- banana
- green tea


4 PM

- pre-made beet juice drink

Session: Evening

5 PM
- barbell conditioning

S1: barbell deep squat, heels elevated ~2":
- 45 lb. @ 2 x 20
- 135 lb. @ 7 x 10

S1: 2" thickbar overhead press:
- 20 lb. @ 2 x 20
- 40 lb. @ 7 x 20

S1: 2" thickbar curl:
- 20 lb. @ 2 x 20
- 40 lb. @ 7 x 20

S1 info:
- short rest between exercises
- sometimes a little longer rest, throwing dog toys
- shoulders/biceps pumped to teh max

was going to hit legs hard again but decided not too.. instead focused more on those two upper body lifts.

 :ibrunning: :ibsquatting:


6 PM

- 2 x 2% milk
- 2 x banana


8 PM

- couscous + grilled chicken
- propel
- salt + vinegar chips
- 2 x veggie egg roll


- standing double leg calves
-- left calf was acting up .. weird .. so stretched them

- a bunch of 'standing rotations, arms relaxed'
-- this feels good, need to do it more often


11 PM

- pre-made beet juice drink


3:30 AM

- coconut milk
- banana

tired right now, should be sleeping.

tmw = speed work + long slow finisher, hopefully.

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6973 on: January 10, 2017, 01:34:10 am »
How do you like Publix?  I heard they are giving Walmart a run for their money and they seem like a pretty good company to work for since its kind of like employee owned.  I forgot exactly how they do it though.
Every Monday
50 JR

PR: 19:51 --> 17:41


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #6974 on: January 11, 2017, 12:48:00 am »
How do you like Publix?  I heard they are giving Walmart a run for their money and they seem like a pretty good company to work for since its kind of like employee owned.  I forgot exactly how they do it though.

yo sorry meant to reply to this last night.. I love publix.

wholefoods > publix > ... > walmart (i hate walmart).

wholefoods employees seem like they are on happy pills.. love that place. Publix workers seem pretty happy too (I see lots of lifers, so they must get decent raises and such - and otherwise just like working there), and they always have tons of "buy1get1" sales. They have some good quality food, especially the publix greenwise stuff. Also their subs are solid.

But ya, Publix is big down here.. Most people seem to respect publix more than walmart.
