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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8070 on: May 20, 2018, 10:13:20 pm »
long run day.

aborted the mile race on the horse track. non-stop rain, too dangerous. Director of the race sent me some clips, looked like a smart move: mud, tons of water, etc. A 4:30 miler shower up, and ran it in 6+. Would have been fun but... risky. Plus, driving there would have been hell. The weather was very bad.


bw = 145
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = hamstrings/adductors slightly (right adductor moreso), left bicep modeate
aches/injuries = right adductor slightly, left bicep
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
morning adductor flexibility = loose
feel = good
hours sleep: 8

wakeup = 08:00 AM

sub5 splits in 2018: 2 of 50

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 34 (after run)
HR high: 185 (run)

08:15 AM: food: rxbar, water
09:15 AM: food: oatmeal + tons of pink salt + tons of honey, water
11:00 AM: workout: 3 hr long run (mulch, dirt, hills): 20 miles @ {7:XX, 1hr}, {8:XX, 1hr}, {9:XX+, 1hr}
12:30 PM: GU, water
03:00 PM: food: cold stone: oreo milkshake with whipped cream
05:00 PM: food: rxbar, pasta, water
08:30 PM: food: 4 x grapefruit, 2 x rxbar, water

was too lazy to make eggs. didn't want too either. should have just gotten a high protein meal somewhere. fail.

workout: 3 hr long run (mulch, dirt, hills): 20 miles @ {7:XX, 1hr}, {8:XX, 1hr}, {9:XX+, 1hr}



left & right foot have cramped since the run. hehe. hate that. hope nothing bugs out because of those cramps.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8071 on: May 20, 2018, 11:05:08 pm »
so, apparently that track meet I did on friday, was live streamed on youtube! I found the video (2+ hours)! hahaha.

it's bad quality but, it's better than nothing. The sad thing is, last years meet was high quality HD. I think because they didn't live stream it. There's clips, not one big live stream video. Not sure though.. wish it was solid quality, would be awesome.

You can see how confused I am to start the 1600, it's pretty funny.

I'll pull clips out etc and upload them tomorrow or the day after.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8072 on: May 21, 2018, 07:02:47 pm »
rest day. absolutely nothing.

feel great tho.


bw = 144
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = hamstrings slightly, left bicep slightly
aches/injuries = right knee barely
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
morning adductor flexibility = loose
feel = good
hours sleep: 6 + 3 hour nap

wakeup = 07:15 AM

sub5 splits in 2018: 2 of 50

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: ?
HR high: ?

07:20 AM: food: banana, water
08:45 AM: food: panera bread: 2 egg sandwiches, water
10:00 AM: water
10:30 AM: nap: 3 hours
04:00 PM: food: char hut: double grilled chicken pita, rice & beans, water
08:30 PM: 4 x grapefruit, 2 x rxbar, water

journaling early!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8073 on: May 21, 2018, 11:06:11 pm »
slowly going back through my journal for 2018 & filling out my progress tracker.'s-journal/msg138227/#msg138227

need to settle on some "formats" for various things.. but starting to enjoy it. I think i'll eventually get it completely filled out & maintain it.

lots of good stuff happening after i've added in hilly long runs.. :headbang: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibrunning: :ibsquatting:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8074 on: May 22, 2018, 10:47:24 pm »
track day!


bw = 144
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = quads barely, left bicep barely
aches/injuries = none
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
morning adductor flexibility = loose
feel = good
hours sleep: 6 (wakeup early for track :( )

wakeup = 05:45 AM

sub5 splits in 2018: 3 of 50 :ibrunning:

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 42?
HR high: 170's?

05:50 AM: food: oatmeal + tons of pink salt + tons of honey, water
06:54 AM: food: (2018-sub5's: 3/50!) morning relaxed speed (track, tired/lack of sleep, legs good): {mile, 4:58, mostly no-watch}, {400m, 69}, {200m, 29, strong h/w}, {c/d mile progression, 6:27} ::: 18.0 mph T/S
08:10 AM: food: rxbar, water
09:00 AM: workout: bw
10:00 AM: food: dunkin` donuts: used my 3rd OA TGi5k gift card!! lol: big n toasty bacon egg and cheese sandwich, donut, mocha frozen coffee, water
03:00 PM: food: work: snacks: cheezits, rxbar, chocolate, trail mix bar, water
07:00 PM: food: 2 pieces of sourdough rye, water
08:00 PM: workout: evening light-to-mod progression (grass, mud): 1 hour @ {w/u, 5 mi @ 7:40 to 6:05 (6:05 @ 6:50 to 5:00), c/d}
10:00 PM: food: 6 x eggs, avocado, toasted sourdough rye w/ irish butter, vegan fudge brownie, water

workout: (2018-sub5's: 3/50!) morning relaxed speed (track, tired/lack of sleep, legs good): {mile, 4:58, mostly no-watch}, {400m, 69}, {200m, 29, strong h/w}, {c/d mile progression, 6:27} ::: 18.0 mph T/S

<6 hours sleep, really felt it. weak.

Lots of sub5's lately but not sub3 1km's! need to start dropping some sub3 km's in june!

Wanted to do 2 mile tempo at the end .. those 200's really shut me down. Need to get stronger. Already stronger though than last week. Could have definitely topped last Tuesday's numbers today. Also, couldn't even do a mile after last week's 200.. so, some fitness improvement for sure.

think i killed another toenail.

might go for a grass mile sub5 on Friday - never did that before. I think the closest i've gotten is 5:03.

workout: bw
- strong! held back

3-5sec paused dead hang ng pullups: BW x 8
full dips: BW x 10

workout: evening light-to-mod progression (grass, mud): 1 hour @ {w/u, 5 mi @ 7:40 to 6:05 (6:05 @ 6:50 to 5:00), c/d}

had to be careful of the mud spots, very slippery - slowed down there.

no more "speed" until friday. light hills though probably (wed/thur).


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8075 on: May 22, 2018, 11:11:35 pm »
high quality video of my mile & 200m race at the track meet! sick!!

Really hurt myself by running on the outside of lane 1 for so long, added some significant distance to my race (5:01 official, 4:52 watch, 4:50 segment). I also forced the girl chasing me to go out wide also, and wouldn't let her pass. So I probably made her run extra distance & she still finished at 5:02: ie, she's fast. I gained quite a bit on #3 towards the end. I shouldn't have let him go early on. My mind was pretty blank. Best move I made was eventually passing that kid whose shoulder I was on, causing me to run wider. Then, not allowing that girl to pass (thus making me speed up).

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

also here's the abysmal 200m.. LMFAO. I basically "ran it", didn't sprint. Really awful. Didn't open my hips up, didn't forefoot strike much after the acceleration etc. Just really awful. The good news: I hit 28.29 with that awful form/effort. Should be able to improve alot with some adjustments.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

There's another meet next month!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8076 on: May 22, 2018, 11:58:04 pm »
dude in red is a jr in h.s. for Dillard (WERM went there). They are in my old h.s's district etc.

so beast.

20.91 200m

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8077 on: May 23, 2018, 11:31:45 pm »
light day.


bw = 144
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = hamstrings barely
aches/injuries = none
calves painful to touch/massage = always (right especially)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
morning adductor flexibility = loose
feel = ok
hours sleep: 7

wakeup = 08:00 AM

sub5 splits in 2018: 3 of 50 :ibrunning:

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 40?
HR high: 170's?

08:10 AM: food: rxbar, watr
08:55 AM: workout: morning light run (grass, hills, hot af): 1h15min with 30minutes of hills in the middle
10:05 AM: food: carrot juice
10:45 AM: food: whole foods: beet juice, protein bar, water
03:00 PM: food: protein bar, carrot juice, water
06:30 PM: food: rxbar, water
08:00 PM: workout: very light evening run (rocks/dirt mostly): 1 hour
09:30 PM: food: 6 x eggs, 2 x toasted sourdough with avocado, tart cherry juice, some more sourdough, water
12:00 AM: food: banana, water

workout: morning light run (grass, hills, hot af): 1h15min with 30minutes of hills in the middle



workout: very light evening run (rocks/dirt mostly): 1 hour


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8078 on: May 24, 2018, 09:30:08 pm »
light day.


bw = 144
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = calves slightly
aches/injuries = none
calves painful to touch/massage = always (right especially)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = tight
morning adductor flexibility = loose
feel = ok
hours sleep: 7

wakeup = 07:30 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 3 (mi) + 0 (km) = 3 of 50 :ibrunning:

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 40?
HR high: 140's?

07:40 AM: food: rxbar, water
08:30 AM: workout: very light morning run (grass, field is soaked :(, rain): 1 hour ::: my favorite grass field to do speed is going to be soaked for quite some time! sux.
09:30 AM: workout: bw
10:00 AM: food: 6 x eggs, 2 x toasted sourdough with irish butter, beet juice, banana, water
12:30 PM: food: protein drink, water
03:00 PM: food: protein drink, protein bar, water
06:45 PM: food: true foods: soup, pizza with chicken, water w/ lemon
08:30 PM: stretch calves slightly
09:00 PM: water
10:00 PM: leg drain while reading: 30 minutes (straightened my legs more than usual, trying to also get a stretch)
- my calves are just so damn tight.. heh.

workout: very light morning run (grass, field is soaked :(, rain): 1 hour ::: my favorite grass field to do speed is going to be soaked for quite some time! sux.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8079 on: May 24, 2018, 09:30:45 pm »

sub5 mile splits in 2018:


sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018:


sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 3 (mi) + 0 (km) = 3 of 50 :ibrunning:

This way I can go harder on some km attempts. Only way to get into the 4:30's is to push my 1km's to 4:30's first. Also, i'm going to allow myself to also try and hit a sub5 mile. If I do both (sub3 km, sub5 mile), I get "2". :F If that helps me reach 50 sooner, i'll bump it to 70 or 100. lol.

Only doing sub5 attempts would have me hold back too much. Need to really push it hard occasionally. Easier to do with a km.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8080 on: May 25, 2018, 09:53:21 pm »
speed day!

slept in today .. 11 hours. amazing what "adequate" sleep does to my calves. Note to self: don't get less than 8 hours. Need to slowly fix that again. NBA playoffs have wrecked it a bit.


bw = 145
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = calves slightly, hamstrings barely
aches/injuries = none
calves painful to touch/massage = always (right especially)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose <-- amazing what more sleep does to my calves
morning adductor flexibility = loose
feel = ok
hours sleep: 11

wakeup = 10:00 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 3 (mi) + 1 (km) = 4 of 50 :ibrunning:

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 40?
HR high: 180's?

11:00 AM: food: whole foods: rice/chicken, orange chicken, beet juice, double chocolate chip muffin, water
03:00 PM: food: rxbar, banana, carrot juice, water
06:00 PM: first sub3 1km of 2018! 2:53. :personal-record: ::: 2018-sub5+sub3=3+1 ::: {1km split, 2.53}, {200m,33,mod}, {2mi,6.30+5.55}
07:30 PM: food: rxbar, water
08:30 PM: food: char hut: 1/2 lb cheese burger (medium), sweet potato fries with drizzle, water
12:00 AM: food: 3 x banana, water

so much damn sleep! felt great this morning.

workout: first sub3 1km of 2018! 2:53. :personal-record: ::: 2018-sub5+sub3=3+1 ::: {1km split, 2.53}, {200m,33,mod}, {2mi,6.30+5.55}
- 1km split: 2:53 (-3s) (4:39 min/mi pace!) :personal-record:
- 1km split happened inside of a ~1150m effort @ 03:19 (4:42 min/mi pace)
- also said my 800m was 2:19 (2nd best)

CLOSING IN ON 13 MPH FOR A km (and mile)!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8081 on: May 25, 2018, 11:51:57 pm »
Happy about the addition of sub3 km’s to my “grand total tracking”. That’s it though, nothing else can be added. Mile & km are the building blocks. Km’s really allow you to hit more speed, ie I could literally go for an 800m PR and hang on another 200m if I want. So it’s solid for really cranking the speed up. Much harder to do that for a mile (800m all out + 800m survive) ;f haha. Very hard to do that with the mile in general: 1km + 600m, 1200m + 400m, 800m + 800m (no) … just rough. But 800m+200m = solid etc.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8082 on: May 25, 2018, 11:52:08 pm »
ha. Just noticed my 800m listed PR is 2:19 … my 800m estimate during my 1km today was 2:19.

Sounds like I should try and PR my 800m soon and hang on for 200m.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8083 on: May 26, 2018, 10:06:17 pm »
rest day.


bw = 146
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = none
aches/injuries = none
calves painful to touch/massage = always (right especially)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
morning adductor flexibility = loose
feel = good
hours sleep: 8

wakeup = 9:00 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 3 (mi) + 1 (km) = 4 of 50 :ibrunning:

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: ?
HR high: s?

09:05 AM: food: rxbar, water
10:45 AM: food: manhatten bagel: sausage egg & cheese on pumpernickel bagel, orange juice
12:30 PM: food: anthony's: motz & sauce pizza, water
05:00 PM: leg drain while reading: ~30 minutes
06:00 PM: water
07:00 PM: workout: bw
09:00 PM: food: 5 x eggs, 1 pizza slice (last one), 2 x banana, green juice (kale drink lol), rxbar, water

workout: bw
- ok

3-5sec paused dead hang ng pullups: BW x 8
full dips: BW x 10


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8084 on: May 27, 2018, 10:44:34 pm »
rest day #2

feeling good.

not going to get proper sleep before tomorrow's 5k race but.... slept in the last 2 days etc, knew this was coming. should be fine. Will probably end up getting ~6 or less.


bw = 146
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = none
aches/injuries = none
calves painful to touch/massage = always (right especially)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
morning adductor flexibility = loose
feel = good
hours sleep: 10

wakeup = 10:00 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 3 (mi) + 1 (km) = 4 of 50 :ibrunning:

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: ?
HR high: ?

10:15 AM: food: oatmeal + tons of pink salt + honey, water
12:00 PM: food: 5 x eggs, 2 x toasted sourdough with jelly, banana, water
04:00 PM: food: "bocas grill": chicken arepa, caesar salad, water w/ lime
- very good!
07:00 PM: leg drain: ~30-40 minutes
09:00 PM: food: 2 x banana, beet juice, some peanutbutter banana bites, a few slices of fresh sourdough 7 grain bread, water
10:30 PM: food: rxbar, water