Author Topic: ADARQ's journal  (Read 2237294 times)

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7500 on: November 14, 2017, 08:11:01 pm »
oh btw.. "page 500".  :wowthatwasnutswtf:

Can't believe I missed this. Thought there would have been more of a party. 500 pages  :personal-record:
"Train as hard as possible, as often as possible, while staying as fresh as possible"
- Zatsiorsky


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7501 on: November 14, 2017, 08:47:46 pm »
oh btw.. "page 500".  :wowthatwasnutswtf:

Can't believe I missed this. Thought there would have been more of a party. 500 pages  :personal-record:

hah, thanks Coges :highfive: . We'll have a party at 1000, if I make it there in one piece, lmao :trollface: :ninja:

peace man!!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7502 on: November 15, 2017, 01:09:00 pm »
speeeeed day.

from last night, ~139 with food in me:

IMHO, look noticeably leaner than my last set of photos. Seeing ab/groin vascularity today, kinda freaking me out TBH.


bw = 137
bw before bed last night = 141
soreness = none
aches/injuries = none
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = good

wakeup = 05:30 AM

05:30 AM: food: premade black coffee drink (kona caramel, the usual), 1 grapefruit, avocado, coconut water
07:00 AM: workout: morning hard road track speed with Mitchell the monster: best ever 4 x lap (~400-420m) + ~100m jog rest @ {74.8/4:48, 73.8/4:47, 75.5/4:55, 73.0/4:51}, 8 x ~200-220m @ {36.2/4:48, 39.1/4:49, 35.7/4:45, 37.3/4:48, 38.2/5:02, 35.6/4:42, 33.6/4:25}, tough[/b]
09:00 AM: food: coconut water
- no milk this week, what to do for protein, sh*t!!!!!!!!! :pissed: :uhhhfacepalm:
- forgot I had almond milk :uhhhfacepalm: :uhhhfacepalm:
10:00 AM: food: vanilla almond milk
- remembered I had it.. :uhhhfacepalm:
11:30 AM: food: wholefoods: berry smoothie, 3 chicken breasts
- went ham on the chicken...... without milk, I can feel the need for more protein from something else
- need to use my milk budget, towards chicken budget
- got a bunch of chicken for the next few days
03:30 PM: food: 2 x soudough toasted, almond milk, coconut water
05:00 PM: workout: evening relaxed sidewalk speed, legs dead, but feel good: 3 x 800m @ {2:43.1/5:25, 2:44.4/5:29, 2:44.9/5:30, bunch of short speed, no watch
07:00 PM: food: coconut water w/ pulp, non-dairy blueberry cashew kefir
09:00 PM: food: sauteed yam in olive oil/pink sea salt/black pepper, sauteed orange chicken, 2 x coconut water
09:30 PM: stretch: light soleus during dishes, light everything before bed

09:30 PM: stretch: light soleus during dishes, light everything before bed

self massage:
leg drain:
contrast showers:

workout: morning hard road track speed with Mitchell the monster: best ever 4 x lap (~400-420m) + ~100m jog rest @ {74.8/4:48, 73.8/4:47, 75.5/4:55, 73.0/4:51}, 8 x ~200-220m @ {36.2/4:48, 39.1/4:49, 35.7/4:45, 37.3/4:48, 38.2/5:02, 35.6/4:42, 33.6/4:25}, tough

good stuff. very happy with the 4 x 4 laps (lane 2 except for the last one) with 100m jog rest .. felt really good.

The 8 x ~200-220's were much more brutal. I think that's because the "average moving pace" and "best pace" on those was considerably faster than the 400's, like 4:1X-4:2X paces injected into the 200's .. so that really smoked me. Also I was getting smoked by Mitchell on the 200's, completely dropped. lmfao.

basically a 4 x ~400 with short rest :personal-record: session.

workout: evening relaxed sidewalk speed, legs dead, but feel good: 3 x 800m @ {2:43.1/5:25, 2:44.4/5:29, 2:44.9/5:30, bunch of short speed, no watch

i think garmin connect is broken at the moment.

135 lb. after workout. eeeee.

Monthly Tracker: 2017

November (11) 2017


Bodyweight: [(01,139),(02,138),(03,140),(04,140),(05,139),(06,140),(07,140),(08,138),(09,138),(10,140),(11,140),(12,139),(13,139),(14,138),(15,137)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total:

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total speed interval distance: []
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total:

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(01,15.8,3:40),(07,14.8,4:12),(10,15.8,3:40),(12,13.7,4:20),(15,14.3,4:12)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Resting HR: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: []

Races: [(04,5k,18:52,18:37)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(01,"none"),(02,"hamstrings slightly, quads moderately, shoulders moderately"),(03,"hamstrings slightly, quads moderately, shoulders moderately, calves slightly"),(04,"quads barely, calves barely"),(05,"quads barely, calves barely"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"calves slightly"),(09,"none"),(10,"calves barely"),(11,"quads slightly as the day went on, hamstrings slightly as the day went on"),(12,"quads slightly"),(13,"quads slightly"),(14,"none"),(15,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(01,"none"),(02,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right back of knee slightly, left heel slightly"),(03,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right back of knee slightly, left heel slightly"),(04,"none"),(05,"left ankle slightly (weird prickly thing on my left ankle, feels skin related, very odd)"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"right foot slightly"),(09,"right foot slightly"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"left calf slightly"),(14,"none"),(15,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"tight"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Calf Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Self Massage: []
- FORMAT: (day, area)

Cramping: [(01,"stomach + abdominal during morning 1 mile interval, after 2 mile interval"),(03,"very slight at the end of my morning run"),(12,"slight cramp after my 2nd 400, during my evening light long run - MAJOR")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)

Wakeup: [(01,06:50 AM,9.5),(02,06:00AM,8),(03,06:00AM,7),(04,05:00AM,7),(05,06:00AM,8),(06,05:30AM,7.5),(07,05:30AM,7.5),(08,05:30AM,7),(09,05:30AM,7),(10,05:30AM,7.5),(11,05:00AM,7),(12,05:30AM,7),(13,07:00AM,8),(14,05:30AM,7.5),(15,05:30AM,7)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7503 on: November 15, 2017, 01:38:25 pm »
Race planning!!

5k on Saturday. Last year got third overall. So weather should be decent I imagine: 69F & ~30% chance of rain apparently. 69F = good weather to go hard.

Day before:
- early morning very light run (~6 miles), fajitas early, early evening very light ~1 mile.

Last year's 5k:
- 2016 it was held in September
- 2017 held in November (rescheduled due to hurricane Irma)

2016 splits:
- 6:03, 6:18, 6:37, 6:51 (0.1)

So needless to say, slow race overall. This year I don't expect anyone crazy to show up, because tomorrow is the Flanagan 10k which is a huge race, prize money + pros etc. You never know though..

This course is basically, 0.2 miles slow loop, 1.5 miles heading north, and 1.4 miles heading south. I think my strategy will be to go my hardest with the wind, so, whichever direction that's blowing, change my strategy to accommodate that a bit. Sounds funny but, it works out in my favor either way:
- moderate 0.2, hard initial 1.5, moderate finish 1.4
- moderate 0.2, moderate 1.5, hard finish 1.4
- i'd love to keep my moderate pace under 6:00 min/mi this race, so I need to look at my watch more, and i've never gotten three sub 5 splits, so that's a goal of mine eventually. Need to get closer to knocking that out.

If it's hard initial 1.5:
- going to try and maintain <= 5:25 for 1.5
- try and maintain 5:59 1.4

If it's hard finish 1.4:
- try and relax, maintaining 5:59 for 1.4
- going to try and maintain <= 5:40 for 1.5

If there's a side wind, who knows. lmfao. I'll still pick one of them.

If someone fast shows up, strategy is basically out the window.. I think it'll be similar to last year though, so that's why i'm coming up with two strategies, just in case it's me "dictating" the race.

Anyway, hoping it's the first option .. would rather try and gun it early, because it's better preparation for the next two 5k's on the 23rd and 25th, which are very fast.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7504 on: November 16, 2017, 12:07:18 pm »
light/recovery day.


bw = 137
bw before bed last night = 141
soreness = none
aches/injuries = none
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = good

wakeup = 05:15 AM

05:30 AM: food: almond milk, coconut water
06:00 AM: stretch: light hamstrings/quads/wrists/upper
06:15 AM: workout: very light morning run: 9 miles total, 5 road miles @ 8:XX, 3 grass miles @ 12:XX, 1 road mile @ 12:XX
08:15 AM: food: almond milk, coconut water
08:30 AM: workout: bw
- 3-sec paused dead hang ng pullups: BW x 9
- full dips: BW x 10
- standing single leg raises: x 20
- standing single leg abductions: x 20
- standing single leg rdl's: x 15
09:00 AM: food: 3 x grapefruit, non-dairy blueberry cashew kefir
10:00 AM: food: almond milk
10:50 AM: contrast shower
11:00 AM: food: water
11:05 AM: stretch: everything light
11:15 AM: nap: 45 min
01:00 PM: food: water
01:30 PM: food: sauteed yam in olive oil/pink sea salt/black pepper, lemon pepper chicken breast, avocado, sweet green tea
03:00 PM: workout: bw
- 3-sec paused dead hang pullups: BW x 7
- full pushups: BW x 20
- standing single leg raises: x 30
- standing single leg abductions: x 30
- standing single leg RDL's: x 20
04:30 PM: food: water
05:45 PM: stretch: light "dynamic" stretching (short holds)
06:00 PM: workout: bw
- 3-sec dead hang chinups: BW x 7
- full dips: BW x 8
06:10 PM: workout: extremely light evening run: 5 miles total @ 12:XX {2 road, 3 grass} :: tons of rain, wind, but fun
08:00 PM: food: almond milk, coconut water
08:45 PM: food: huge spinach salad with olive oil/pink sea salt/lemon juice (1 lemon), cucumber, and avocado .. 2 x non-dairy blueberry cashew kefir
09:45 PM: food: water w/ 1 whole lemon
09:55 PM: leg drain: 25 minutes

this salad dressing photo came out sick!

salad photo from the other day:

06:00 AM: stretch: light hamstrings/quads/wrists/upper
11:05 AM: stretch: everything light
05:45 PM: stretch: light "dynamic" stretching (short holds)

self massage:
leg drain:
09:55 PM: leg drain: 25 minutes

contrast showers:
10:50 AM: contrast shower

11:15 AM: nap: 45 min

workout: very light morning run: 9 miles total, 5 road miles @ 8:XX, 3 grass miles @ 12:XX, 1 road mile @ 12:XX, IF YOU ZOOM IN - I MADE FIELD ART
astonished at the first 5 - kept getting faster.


didn't feel like I was getting faster per split .. kinda odd.. don't recall this happening much. I mean I was just relaxing, felt slower than 8:XX that's for sure, but also didn't feel like I was getting faster. So just interesting and surprising when I saw the data.

extremely light evening run: 5 miles total @ 12:XX {2 road, 3 grass} :: tons of rain, wind, but fun

Monthly Tracker: 2017

November (11) 2017


Bodyweight: [(01,139),(02,138),(03,140),(04,140),(05,139),(06,140),(07,140),(08,138),(09,138),(10,140),(11,140),(12,139),(13,139),(14,138),(15,137),(16,137)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total:

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total speed interval distance: []
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total:

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(01,15.8,3:40),(07,14.8,4:12),(10,15.8,3:40),(12,13.7,4:20),(15,14.3,4:12)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Resting HR: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: []

Races: [(04,5k,18:52,18:37)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(01,"none"),(02,"hamstrings slightly, quads moderately, shoulders moderately"),(03,"hamstrings slightly, quads moderately, shoulders moderately, calves slightly"),(04,"quads barely, calves barely"),(05,"quads barely, calves barely"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"calves slightly"),(09,"none"),(10,"calves barely"),(11,"quads slightly as the day went on, hamstrings slightly as the day went on"),(12,"quads slightly"),(13,"quads slightly"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(01,"none"),(02,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right back of knee slightly, left heel slightly"),(03,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right back of knee slightly, left heel slightly"),(04,"none"),(05,"left ankle slightly (weird prickly thing on my left ankle, feels skin related, very odd)"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"right foot slightly"),(09,"right foot slightly"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"left calf slightly"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(15,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"tight"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Calf Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Self Massage: []
- FORMAT: (day, area)

Cramping: [(01,"stomach + abdominal during morning 1 mile interval, after 2 mile interval"),(03,"very slight at the end of my morning run"),(12,"slight cramp after my 2nd 400, during my evening light long run - MAJOR")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)

Wakeup: [(01,06:50 AM,9.5),(02,06:00AM,8),(03,06:00AM,7),(04,05:00AM,7),(05,06:00AM,8),(06,05:30AM,7.5),(07,05:30AM,7.5),(08,05:30AM,7),(09,05:30AM,7),(10,05:30AM,7.5),(11,05:00AM,7),(12,05:30AM,7),(13,07:00AM,8),(14,05:30AM,7.5),(15,05:30AM,7),(16,05:15AM,7)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7505 on: November 17, 2017, 04:27:48 pm »
full rest day.

a bit too beat up, would like to recover more for tomorrow' 5k race.


bw = 138
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = none
aches/injuries = right foot/shin slightly, right calf slightly, right hamstring tendon slightly, right illiac crest slightly, feet slightly from walking around out back barefoot too long
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = tight
feel = ok

wakeup = 8 AM
- slept in

08:30 AM: food: 2 x coconut water, sautee'd yam in olive oil/pink sea salt/black pepper, avocado, lemon pepper chicken
12:00 PM: leg drain: 30 minutes
01:30 PM: food: steak fajitas with an extra order of chicken, 2 x chips & mild salsa, water w/ lemon
03:00 PM: stretch: some quad/ankle stretches, mostly just trying to stretch my right tib/foot
03:30 PM: nap: 30 min
05:15 PM: contrast shower
05:30 PM: food: water w/ lemon
06:30 PM: stretch: everything light, hamstrings/hips/calves/quads more so, soleus during dishes
- felt a bit better after
07:15 PM: food: coconut water w/ pulp, large glass of non-dairy blueberry cashew kefir
09:05 PM: food: finished off the non-dairy blueberry cashew kefir (it's so damn good)
09:15 PM: food: 2 x rolaids

03:00 PM: stretch: some quad/ankle stretches, mostly just trying to stretch my right tib/foot
06:30 PM: stretch: everything light, hamstrings/hips/calves/quads more so, soleus during dishes

self massage:
forget when, but right calf/peroneals/tib earlier in the day .. shouldn't have messed with it.

leg drain:
12:00 PM: leg drain: 30 minutes

contrast showers:
01:00 AM: contrast shower
05:15 PM: contrast shower

03:30 PM: nap: 30 min

Monthly Tracker: 2017

November (11) 2017


Bodyweight: [(01,139),(02,138),(03,140),(04,140),(05,139),(06,140),(07,140),(08,138),(09,138),(10,140),(11,140),(12,139),(13,139),(14,138),(15,137),(16,137),(17,138)]
- FORMAT: (day, weight in lbs)

Total Jumps per leg: []
- FORMAT: (day, # of jumps per leg)
- per leg total:

Max SLRVJ Touch: []
- FORMAT: (day, touch height in ft'inches")

Total speed interval distance: []
- FORMAT: (day, total speed interval distance in meters)
- total:

Max run speed (mph)/pace (min/mi): [(01,15.8,3:40),(07,14.8,4:12),(10,15.8,3:40),(12,13.7,4:20),(15,14.3,4:12)]
- FORMAT: (day, mph max, pace max in minutes per mile)

Resting HR: []
- FORMAT: (day, minutes for this test, average hr, minimum hr)

PR's: []

Races: [(04,5k,18:52,18:37)]
- FORMAT: (day, distance, official, watch)

Soreness: [(01,"none"),(02,"hamstrings slightly, quads moderately, shoulders moderately"),(03,"hamstrings slightly, quads moderately, shoulders moderately, calves slightly"),(04,"quads barely, calves barely"),(05,"quads barely, calves barely"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"calves slightly"),(09,"none"),(10,"calves barely"),(11,"quads slightly as the day went on, hamstrings slightly as the day went on"),(12,"quads slightly"),(13,"quads slightly"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none"),(17,"none")]
- FORMAT: (day, overall soreness, specifics)

Aches/Injuries: [(01,"none"),(02,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right back of knee slightly, left heel slightly"),(03,"left hamstring tendon slightly, right back of knee slightly, left heel slightly"),(04,"none"),(05,"left ankle slightly (weird prickly thing on my left ankle, feels skin related, very odd)"),(06,"none"),(07,"none"),(08,"right foot slightly"),(09,"right foot slightly"),(10,"none"),(11,"none"),(12,"none"),(13,"left calf slightly"),(14,"none"),(15,"none"),(16,"none"),(17,"right shin/foot slightly, right calf slightly, right hamstring tendon slightly, right illiac crest slightly, feet slightly from walking around out back barefoot too long")]
- FORMAT: (day, specifics)

Morning Quad Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"tight"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Hamstring Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"loose")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Morning Calf Flexibility: [(01,"loose"),(02,"tight"),(03,"tight"),(04,"loose"),(05,"loose"),(06,"loose"),(07,"loose"),(08,"loose"),(09,"loose"),(10,"loose"),(11,"tight"),(12,"loose"),(13,"loose"),(14,"loose"),(15,"loose"),(16,"loose"),(17,"tight")]
- FORMAT: (day, general flexibility)

Self Massage: []
- FORMAT: (day, area)

Cramping: [(01,"stomach + abdominal during morning 1 mile interval, after 2 mile interval"),(03,"very slight at the end of my morning run"),(12,"slight cramp after my 2nd 400, during my evening light long run - MAJOR")]
- FORMAT: (day, symptom)

Wakeup: [(01,06:50 AM,9.5),(02,06:00AM,8),(03,06:00AM,7),(04,05:00AM,7),(05,06:00AM,8),(06,05:30AM,7.5),(07,05:30AM,7.5),(08,05:30AM,7),(09,05:30AM,7),(10,05:30AM,7.5),(11,05:00AM,7),(12,05:30AM,7),(13,07:00AM,8),(14,05:30AM,7.5),(15,05:30AM,7),(16,05:15AM,7),(17,08:00AM,10)]
- FORMAT: (day, wakeup time, hours slept)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7506 on: November 17, 2017, 05:53:59 pm »
Race time :ibrunning:
"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up...


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7507 on: November 17, 2017, 08:39:21 pm »
Race time :ibrunning:

yezzz!!! would be nice to get first.. it's basically being held in 50% of my stomping grounds. 50% = coral springs, 50% = tamarac. Tamarac is next week :D Closest I got on that was 7th last year, 30+ the year before. Top 3 maybe? Only way it's a possibility is if i'm able to drop something solid tomorrow.. 8) :ninja:


Should be really good weather tomorrow for the race, ~65F (18.3C?) which might be the "coldest" race of recent. If so, and all goes well, should be able to run pretty fast. It's a fast course so, no problems there.

I need to start pushing myself a bit harder, kinda like I did last year. Some similar race results to last year, but the effort is way different. Last year i'd try and hang the first mile, then be completely dead, and try to push it to the finish. This year i'm hitting comfortably fast 1-2 miles, then coasting the rest. Just been avoiding that "deathly effort", which tbh i'm not a huge fan of in my current phase of training. But, some big races coming up, so need to turn it up a notch.

I'd love for my calves to loosen up by tomorrow though.. they've been tight all day and recently have gotten more sore, DOMS'ish.


Before very important races (which this one isn't), I need to learn how to tone it down more and come into the race completely fresh, not an ache/sore muscle in sight. Since these recent races have been less important, I haven't worried about that as much. Still, i've been giving myself more rest by preceding races by two rest/light days instead of 1.. so definitely improving in that respect. Before important races I might need to shut it down like 4 days prior.. Need to experiment more with that.

I'd like to figure out how to 1) supercompensate to the max AND 2) feel completely fresh (no aches/soreness/tightness at all) the previous day & race day. I've felt decent on most of my race days, but the day before always seems to make me worried about being too wrecked.

I'll try a 4 day rest before my 12/17/2017 5k .. which will be easy to do because I have a mile race on 12/12/2017.

Maybe i'll do something like:

12/13/2017: evening 1 mile race
12/14/2017: complete rest
12/15/2017: double very light
12/16/2017: complete rest
12/17/2017: 5k race
12/18/2017: DELOAD UNTIL 01/01/2018.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7508 on: November 17, 2017, 09:06:40 pm »
^^ to add to that..

My legs feel CRAZY GOOD right now, all of a sudden. Like an instant rush of freshness. So nuts that it deserves its' own post.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7509 on: November 18, 2017, 05:39:07 am »
Stomach feels a bit meh, body feels great.. the usual. Also it'sl ike 62F right now, freezing for me, good running weather.

Also, I ate 3 x grapefruit instead of 1.. :ninja: I'm just such a grapefruit fiend.. and if my stomach is going to feel meh, i'm going to enjoy me some more grapefruit pre-race. It'll probably end up helping me. I usually do 1 grapefruit, which is probably some immediate energy for 1 mile, this time I did 3, maybe 3 miles? even if it's not true, it's great to lie to yourself.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7510 on: November 18, 2017, 09:31:17 am »
Race planning!!

5k on Saturday. Last year got third overall. So weather should be decent I imagine: 69F & ~30% chance of rain apparently. 69F = good weather to go hard.

Day before:
- early morning very light run (~6 miles), fajitas early, early evening very light ~1 mile.

Last year's 5k:
- 2016 it was held in September
- 2017 held in November (rescheduled due to hurricane Irma)

2016 splits:
- 6:03, 6:18, 6:37, 6:51 (0.1)

So needless to say, slow race overall. This year I don't expect anyone crazy to show up, because tomorrow is the Flanagan 10k which is a huge race, prize money + pros etc. You never know though..

This course is basically, 0.2 miles slow loop, 1.5 miles heading north, and 1.4 miles heading south. I think my strategy will be to go my hardest with the wind, so, whichever direction that's blowing, change my strategy to accommodate that a bit. Sounds funny but, it works out in my favor either way:
- moderate 0.2, hard initial 1.5, moderate finish 1.4
- moderate 0.2, moderate 1.5, hard finish 1.4
- i'd love to keep my moderate pace under 6:00 min/mi this race, so I need to look at my watch more, and i've never gotten three sub 5 splits, so that's a goal of mine eventually. Need to get closer to knocking that out.

If it's hard initial 1.5:
- going to try and maintain <= 5:25 for 1.5
- try and maintain 5:59 1.4

If it's hard finish 1.4:
- try and relax, maintaining 5:59 for 1.4
- going to try and maintain <= 5:40 for 1.5

If there's a side wind, who knows. lmfao. I'll still pick one of them.

If someone fast shows up, strategy is basically out the window.. I think it'll be similar to last year though, so that's why i'm coming up with two strategies, just in case it's me "dictating" the race.

Anyway, hoping it's the first option .. would rather try and gun it early, because it's better preparation for the next two 5k's on the 23rd and 25th, which are very fast.


LMFAO. pretty much hit my goals exactly.

also, first GPS timed sub 18 5k @ 17:51 & 3 x sub 6 splits..  :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibrunning:

edit: it's been so long since i've really PR'd, i forgot to use the  :personal-record: bbcode............ :D

 :personal-record: :personal-record: :personal-record:

about time I hit some PR's in 2017 :D

will post more in a bit.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7511 on: November 18, 2017, 10:46:14 am »

 :personal-record: NATION!

Can't wait to hear of the details  :highfive:
"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up...


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7512 on: November 18, 2017, 10:51:12 am »

 :personal-record: NATION!

Can't wait to hear of the details  :highfive:

Yo thanks so much man!!!

Yup about to post some details now.

What's crazy is how good I felt afterwards, and still feel.. my legs felt like rubberbands today, dunk-level bounciness. Also just lifting my foot onto a bench to tie my shoe, felt like my leg had no weight.

I'm definitely learning how to do what I did with dunking, but now with running. For peak performance, it's all about creating some fatigue and rebounding out of it.. I mean Wednesday night I could barely hit 5:30 min/mi pace, CNS was so toast. Today I hit 5:33 like it was nothing, for my first mile. My work capacity is way up because of these double sessions and all of the long light running, so i'm able to rebound hard after ~2 days rest. Might be able to rebound even more off of 3 days rest etc, need to experiment with it. I'll experiment more with that in 2018.

Ok going to post some details!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7513 on: November 18, 2017, 11:03:26 am »

Coral Spring Remembrance (9/11) Run 5k

Official results:
- 5k: 18:05.2 :personal-record: (-17s)
- 2nd overall in a real race

Strava results:
- 5k: 17:51 :personal-record: (-25s)

Endomondo results:
- 5k: 17:51 (same as strava, good sign) :personal-record:
- 12-minute test: 2.10  :personal-record: (+0.04?)
- 3 miles: 17:18 :personal-record: (-?)


Coral Springs 5k: 2nd overall. Official 5k PR (18:05) :personal-record:, First sub-18 (17:51) :personal-record: watch estimated 5k, First 3 consecutive sub-6 mile splits {5:33.9,5:50.9,5:54.2}. :personal-record: PR CITY.

Awesome race. It was basically me leading for ~1.7, with two dudes right behind. I surged every time they tried to come even with me, to make sure I stayed in front. By 1.7 (turn around), the guy who got 1st overall took the lead, and I mostly stayed right behind or basically even, occasionally trying to test him with some surges. He outkicked me at the end. I mistimed my kick, should have done it a little later. As soon as I started to kick, he kicked and had lots of power around the turn. I should have waited until we got around the turn to just try and go full sprint, would have given me a better chance I think. Lesson learned.

This was basically my first hard 3.1 of the year, so i'm happy with it. Going to be hard to repeat this next race, because it's the "turkey trot" which has some insanely fast guys, and the goal is to keep up with them for 2 miles so, probably going to be a bit wrecked by 2 miles. But I needed to put in an effort like this today so that I could be more prepared to grind it out in these upcoming races, which are very fast.

Looking to PR my 2 miles/cooper's test in the next two races. I mean if I can hang on after that and keep it up, I will .. but the goal is always to push it hard from the onset & push my first two mile splits way down.

EDIT: Oh also! Motorcycle cops lead the entire way .. I love that. It really amps me up more for some reason. Just the sounds of the bikes & the intensity of them trying to make sure we're safe etc, spazzing out on motorists & pedestrians who have no clue what's going on or are trying to "violate" the rules etc.. When you're in the lead/lead pack, it's more intense because there's nothing in front of you, other than cops in this instance.. So they have to make sure no cars are trying to cut through, or people are trying to cross the street etc.. The only thing that sucks about it, is the fumes.. You can definitely smell more fumes.

I tried to "buzz the tower" (I call it) and almost caught one of the cops slipping.. Was right behind him almost about to get even with him before he noticed and floored it to get space. haha. I did that on one of my surges.



Based on my strategy from a few days ago, I went with the "go hard from the onset" version. Wind was coming in from the side, so no issue there. Figured i'd try to drop everyone from the onset, but two dudes held on for a while, then it played out like I mentioned above.

My head after the race:

Someone took this photo and came up to me/the winner, and texted us both a finish line photo.. that was awesome. Otherwise, I may not get one, because these events usually have "poor" photography/social media.

I have a few more of me in them, about to post to IG.

I tell you what.. i'm amazed when I don't see people congratulate each other when they get to the "medal ceremony" .. like in the age groups, overall, etc.. It happens alot. First thing I do is make sure to shake the other competitor's hands.. IDGAF about anything else until I did that. The dude who won was incredible nice & positive, we are now friends on FB. We talked a bit during the 2nd half of the race.. He also runs with a (crossfit) club, who had tons of people there, and they all were cheering for him as we came back down the second half. He responded to every single one of them by waving/saying thanks etc. I do that same thing.. Seems like a very good dude. Third place dude was a 14 year old, got to stay on our game, he's gong to be fast.. lool.

me getting dusted:

Anyway, happy.

Not pushing myself as hard as last year, is paying off.. I mean, I want to be more easily hitting these paces, not killing myself to do so.. I should be killing myself to hit consecutive sub 5's etc. So, by focusing more on relaxation/less guts, it's making me focus more on other things like, total mileage, lots of slow relaxed running, better speed sessions, etc.. Obviously i'm going to have to push it every mile at some point, like I did today, but the overall mindset is to get faster without killing myself. I want it to be easy......... So maybe that means putting in 100+ miles per week, 90% of which are light, etc.. Figuring that out, is a key part of the equation.


 :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:

a few more photos the winner posted:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7514 on: November 18, 2017, 04:53:50 pm »
So i'm going to go to the Flanagan 10k after all, but not running. Going just to watch, take some photos, etc.

I randomly found some elite marathoner (~2:12 PB I think) who is going to be racing there, a 10k tune up before the US Marathon Championships.. It's not too far away, how could I not go and check this out?

This dude trains with CHELIMO..............

Man i'm going to get there early af and absorb some shit.

 :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: