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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9210 on: June 15, 2020, 03:02:25 am »

bw = 140

farm life:
- literally ~12 hours or so today
- transferred 20+ pepper transplants to bigger pots
- created a "citrus section": loquat, passion fruit, barbados cherry, valencia orange, navel orange, meyer lemon, papaya, ruby guava, miracle fruit, lime .. surrounded by some plantains + lemon grass clones.
- wanted to put all of my banana plants into 30 gallon containers but... 30 gal is too small! have to order some 40-50's, damn.. kinda nuts.

aside from that, had an awesome moment. seeing a "dragonfruit bloom" is a "moment". people get all excited to watch it happen. you can literally watch it unfold.. then it closes back up in a few hours apparently.

so i was just watering and boom, noticed it flowering. really cool, wasn't expecting it at all.

it's one of the sickest looking flowers.. and that's what creates a "dragon fruit".

some photos of it that i posted to ig:

i also somehow managed to get a 7 ft lowquat tree into my civic.. lmfao. will post a photo of the tree tmw. kinda nuts how i got it into the civic with 5 x 50 qt bags of dirt, plus a few other trees.

i might buy some more "mature trees".. lowquat was only $50 for a 7 ft mature tree. pretty cheap considering.. might hit up a citrus nursery occasionally and get more stuff.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9211 on: June 20, 2020, 01:03:36 am »

bw = 140

- 45 min
- light, mostly mulch


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9212 on: June 21, 2020, 12:19:27 am »

bw = 140
soreness = quads a little
aches/injuries = not much

- light @ 1h30m, BUT ~20 min of walking/talking photos mixed in
- took some photos of fruit i found at this place i run, cocoplums, pond apple, wild coffee, beauty berry
- cool
- might go back tmw w/ the dogs and get some cocoplums tmw to eat


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9213 on: June 23, 2020, 10:00:22 am »

bw = 140

- ~1 hour
- light
- mulch/forest


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9214 on: June 27, 2020, 04:52:41 pm »

bw = 143
feeling: since last night, feel like i might be getting a little cold, dno yet. planned to go pick up some plants w/ my dad this weekend but these little sniffles made me cancel it. sux.

- 1.5 hr
- mulch, light, very hot, felt great

wanted to get runs in on previous days but just couldn't wake up early enough. trying to get back on some more consistent morning running.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9215 on: June 30, 2020, 09:56:38 pm »
forgot to log this yesterday


bw = 142
aches/injuries = back/hamstrings - lying in a certain position can tweak some injuries

- 45 min
- very light


feel pretty good. wanted to run, but slept in.

hoping to run tmw morning.

iguanas are wrecking me, bad. some have figured they can eat my adult plants. every time i come home from work, a plant is destroyed.

have to figure this out asap.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9216 on: July 01, 2020, 07:11:35 pm »

bw = 142

- 1 hour
- light w/ ~1km moderate at the end
- mulch/xc flats


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9217 on: July 02, 2020, 10:33:34 pm »

bw = 143

- 1 hour light w/ moderate the last km
- felt great

like yesterday (but not mentioned), pool after. ;f throwing dog toys for james.

woke up early the last 2 mornings to run .. trying to flip my sleep schedule so that i can get up early again. it's taken a while just to get back to this point. have to keep it going.

calves a bit sore in the evening, probably won't run tmw.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9218 on: July 04, 2020, 11:54:29 pm »

soreness = calves


bw = 144
soreness = left calf slightly

run + walk:
- run: 1.5 hr light
- walk: 1.5 hr
- very hot, fun

dogs scared of fire works all day.

going to take my dad to get some citrus plants tomorrow, i think.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9219 on: July 05, 2020, 11:51:23 pm »

bw = 142
soreness = none

- evening, 1 hour, mulch
- didn't plan on running but.. planted some banana babies, lemon grass, and everglades tomato in a local forest (park).. then ran after ;f
- felt great


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9220 on: July 08, 2020, 12:09:22 pm »


bw = 142

- 1 hour light w/ moderate 1km at the end
- mulch
- felt great



bw = 142

- 1h10min light w/ ~200m hard at the end
- mulch
- felt great


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9221 on: July 11, 2020, 11:52:31 pm »
some solid AELS to report.

- planned rest
- bumped inside of knee on chair.. tender. so took the next day off as well

- forced rest
- knee felt fine
- bumped it again on a chair, but on the outside .. actually became very painful - tendinitis-ish feeling
- forced myself to take the next 2 days rest

- forced rest

- forced rest


feel great now.. plan to run tomorrow morning (13th). going to run in an area that i've been looking at, for a potential house etc. lots of huge parks/trails/lakes/canals there. 45 min from work but, could be worth it.

proud of myself for being able to rest so easy now.. when i was in runner-grind mode, i'd have run through both of those stupid tweaks. :derp:

need to stop bumping my knee tho.. out of nowhere i bump it 2 days in a row. wtf. 8|



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9222 on: July 12, 2020, 10:13:01 pm »

bw = 146

feel good

- 3 hours mixed surfaces (dirt/grass/sand/rocks/asphalt), 1 hour walk
- a few stops mixed in, in the 3 hours (call from co-worker, taking photos, etc)

- ran in an area i'm looking at houses .. ~1 hour from me, ~45 min from work. more north, more farmy. lots of state parks, tons of trails, pretty nice

- when i get there, some cyclist (Bill) likes me running in my cowboy hat, so he says "nice running hat!", so instead of him just keep going, we talk a bit as i was running and him cycling. talked for like 5 min then separate ways. cool tho, nice guy. lol.

- ran passed this dude selling watermelons (William) a few times. He'd always give me the thumbs up and say something positive.. so at the end im actually walking back and i was dehydrated as fu*k. he saw me and offered me an unopened bottle of water. so i took it, we spoke for a bit, then i told him i'd be back to get a watermelon.

- about 30 min later i come back w/ my car and buy a watermelon. he was cracking up, here we are in the pouring rain, me w/ a cowboy hat & eating the watermelon w/ a combat knife. he took a photo of it, probably posted it on his fb or something. anyway was funny. good dude.

- mostly very positive experiences when i run in "country folk" areas. lots of polite people. always enjoy that.

picture of the watermelon:

i ate half of it. was good. just what i needed. ears were completely "popped" from lack of fluids, and throat was dry as fuck. lost > 10 lb water. eeeeh.

feel good now, other than calves/feet cramping randomly.

ate a ton of salt/sugar/rehydrated almost completely etc.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9223 on: July 13, 2020, 10:26:18 pm »

bw = 142
soreness = calves, hips slightly, adductors slightly

def beat up from that session. so just rested.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #9224 on: July 15, 2020, 10:35:23 pm »

bw = 143
soreness = none
aches/injuries = right calf tight (fucking cramp janked up the soleus)

- 1 hour light
- felt great
- right calf got tighter after

no running until that heals up.

crazy how a "cramp" can leave that long lasting damage. calves cramped up a few times on sunday, right mostly. so now it's still "tighter" and tightens up when i do a knees over toes squats (w/ feet flat).


who knows could loosen up in a few days, or might take a bit longer.

whatever. gardening tmw.