worked on a sick scene for my short film vid, shit is 3 minutes but it came out nice.. gonna start a movie thread later tonight in the movies/ent subforum probably, just with pics of what im working on, for fun.
bw = 151
soreness = QUADS/GLUTES/HAMS MAJOR, can still barely walk.. glutes keep cramping/spazzing out.
aches/injuries = nothing
fatigue = mental (low), physical (very high)
workout: gettin` deezl
- deadlift bar up + 135 lb snatch grip shrugs: 15, 16, 15, 20, partial, holds, bent-over-alot(15),
- 40 lb 2" bar curls: 15, 17, 20, __50 lb__: 15, 15, 15, 18
- 10 lb rear delt fly: 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10
still eating light, but doing more BBish stuff.. gotta make my machete physique pics look more menacing.. need traps/biceps/back to grow more.