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John Stamos

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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1695 on: June 04, 2016, 11:27:48 am »
I was going to buy a bike but none of the pictures or prices matched up with the bikes on the racks so I said fuck it.  I also probably need a new muffler so that will come first.

Will go running later today
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1696 on: June 04, 2016, 06:49:37 pm »
I lied again, I ordered a bike and all that, should be here the 13th. 

Cravings kicked in but I took care of them lol
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1697 on: June 05, 2016, 12:44:25 am »
you change your mind more than me, lul.

i used to enjoy biking but it always wrecks my "ass" (sacral spine swells).

we need a biking emoticon/icon.


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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1698 on: June 05, 2016, 06:12:52 pm »
Yeah haha I'll be getting a gel padded seat and biking underwear for them.

This week will be a wake up week, tomorrow I will do the same workout just not at 7.1, I want to be able to string them all together so I figured it'd be more beneficial to lower the speed so I'm not forced to walk.

Today I only walked 30 minutes, rained hard last night and today.

Tonight or so on strava I'm going to map out a workout that I eventually want to do.

Bike ride on the trail to the beachx12.6 miles
Run 3 miles
Swimx25 minutes.

So yeah triathlon it up.  I'll get the exact measurement for the bike ride in a bit
« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 06:42:25 pm by John Stamos »
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1699 on: June 06, 2016, 08:49:17 am »
400 onx6mph
400 offx4.6
Strung them all together
Did 1 200m, my calf is so fucked that I didn't want to risk an injury so I'll do 20 mins on the bike instead of 15 :ibcycling:

So I did a quick walk to .2 then a 10 min jog at 5mph which got me to about .8 or so
thats 1 mile right there

So altogether I did 3.1 miles and it felt pretty good, the 10 min warm up really helped out a lot which is what I have to start doing.

My credit card info was hijacked so they blocked my card aaand hopefully all of my bike shit was processed in time.  They got away with like 50 bucks but I'll get it back, fucking people need to learn how to work for money instead of just taking others. 

I didnt weigh myself because of how this weekend went, it'd just depress me but I felt fairly light during my running so it probably wasnt as bad as  i thought.

Also on my runs I was able to string them together instead of stopping to walk so pretty pumped about that, not sure if its just because I lowered the speed 1mph or if Im just getting better because I didnt feel that tired during it.

Diet for today

1 20z coffee, no sugar and half the normal amount of half/half creamer
3 eggs
1 banana
1 2 scoop protein shake w/ Almond milk

Before work I will take in another 2 scoop protein shake

At work will just be 1lb of turkey, water and peanut butterx2.5 servings

The end of the day macros look like 115.6 grams of carbs, 83 grams of fat, 220 grams of protein which is around 2116 calories.  Pretty good because it gives me wiggle room, if its actually a few hundred calories more then it wont matter too much.

tomorrow is looking like rain so ill just plan to do the dreadmill,  probably 30minsx5.5 mph so 2.75 miles altogether.  Depending on that run ill see if i can raise the speed or not for next time.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 11:57:39 am by John Stamos »
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1700 on: June 06, 2016, 02:46:12 pm »
Since getting my phone mid February I've gone 275 miles so that's kinda ballin but once I figure out how many miles I do a week now, it might be kinda sad.

ok so if I kept up what I've been doing from the start, I would have been at around 500-515+ miles lmao so yeah thats bad.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 03:17:09 pm by John Stamos »
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1701 on: June 06, 2016, 03:08:56 pm »
400 onx6mph
400 offx4.6
Strung them all together
Did 1 200m, my calf is so fucked that I didn't want to risk an injury so I'll do 20 mins on the bike instead of 15 :ibcycling:

good move.. do not force running with a sore calf, trust me.

Also on my runs I was able to string them together instead of stopping to walk so pretty pumped about that, not sure if its just because I lowered the speed 1mph or if Im just getting better because I didnt feel that tired during it.

damn nice

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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1702 on: June 06, 2016, 03:26:04 pm »
400 onx6mph
400 offx4.6
Strung them all together
Did 1 200m, my calf is so fucked that I didn't want to risk an injury so I'll do 20 mins on the bike instead of 15 :ibcycling:

good move.. do not force running with a sore calf, trust me.

Also on my runs I was able to string them together instead of stopping to walk so pretty pumped about that, not sure if its just because I lowered the speed 1mph or if Im just getting better because I didnt feel that tired during it.

damn nice

True that, I think what did it was that I was more donald duck assed than normal so I kept learning forward more and I had to catch myself and try to tighten up my invisible ass and glutes a tiny bit to kind of straighten me out. 

Hopefully my new card comes in soon so I can register for the triathlon, if not then I will find a 5k or something to do.

The weekend cheat

Ok I figured I should share so that I can feel like I am taking responsibility for it and if I do it again people can shame me so i don't do it anymore.

Saturday I believe I had
1 bowl of ice cream(2 scoops)
2 donutes(1 with the ice cream)
2 slices of deluxe pizza slices

2 small bowls of ice cream
more than I should have taken in of some noodle stuff
some burritos I believe, maybe 2 or so.

For shame

Well my bike was supposed to come on the 13th but looks like it'll be here tomorrow.

Won't be able to use it for a few days cuz the day after is when my bike rack for my car comes but oh well I think I still have to put the bike together anyway

« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 07:53:23 pm by John Stamos »
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1703 on: June 07, 2016, 12:24:34 pm »
Nothing today, had to do an interview and get to work a few hours early. 
ToMorrow will be what I was supposed to do today.

Diet wise 3x eggs,  protein shake, banana, 1lb turkey, pnut butter and some granola bars
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1704 on: June 08, 2016, 09:59:39 am »
40 min run
4.8 from 0-7mins
5.0 from 7-35 mins
5.5 from 35-40 mins
1 mile around 12:30
2.4 miles(normal distance for my runs) at 30 minutes
3.33 miles at 40mins(5k at 37:31) or so

dump break

15 minute bike ride, nice and easy

During the run I felt fine, normal burning sensations and what not but nothing bad.  Once I stopped though it all just hit me at once, oh before I get into that, around the 35 minute mark almost exactly there was just a big tingling sensation that went through my whole body for about a minute and I thought well this is it, I'm dying.  Anyway, once I stopped I felt kind of sick and had to shit and worn out but during the run I felt 100% fine, wasnt breathing hard or anything.

weight after workout: 284.3: -15.7lbs

Playlist: Rise against station on the amazon music app and this song popped up towards the end and got me jacked up.  Sixx AM to me is just one of those bands where it's impossible for them to have a bad song, I haven't listened to a song of theirs where I hated them kinda just like Rise against, breaking benjamin, hollywood undead, Seether, Shinedown, disturbed etc etc.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Diet today

1 burger(just beef, pickle and ketchup)
friesx idk what you can fit in 1 cup maybe
protein shakex2(2 servings each, will finish the second one by 1)
chocolate milk

Also, my bike came at 1 so I had a half hour to unpack it and put it together but I fell short so I will do that when I get home.  As long as my rack came in today also then I will be good to go for the 30 minute bike ride tomorrow on the trail.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2016, 04:23:56 pm by John Stamos »
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1705 on: June 08, 2016, 09:56:19 pm »
Sooo I am definitely under calories for the day and we have had high winds all day and now I got a text that the power is out.  Without being able to eat when I get home, I might be forced to stop and get least just split it up between 3 meals or so..idk  I have a feeling if i stop at BK im going to go bananas and end up with a milk shake and all that shit so I want to try and avoid that.  I need to invest in MRE's

I am around 1400-1600, couldnt get exactly what I had so just a decent estimate. 

Maybe stick to a chicken or fish option and skip the milk shake

Holy fuck, my main man the double whopper that I love oh so much, the big ol #2 alone is 1000 calories..of course with cheese and bacon, without it its like 700 something lol no wonder why i got bitch tits ffs

I can get away with the fish sandwich and the chicken sandwich but you know what, fuck it, I'm not going to stop anywhere because ik if I do that, tomorrow I will stop again.  Will find something cold at home to eat
« Last Edit: June 08, 2016, 10:03:02 pm by John Stamos »
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1706 on: June 09, 2016, 08:32:32 am »
Might just rest today, I have a lot of packages coming since for some reason they didn't show up yesterday such as my helmet and rack and what not...the stuff I need to be able to take my bike places lol.  Just want to make sure they don't drop them off at the neighbors.

Will keep the normal diet along with trying to walk a lot tonight at work.  This time might try to speed walk the whole thing.

Finally got my  :ibcycling: rack,  :ibcycling: helmet and  :ibcycling: tire patching kit, I am good to go tomorrow!  I might try the full trail and back tomorrow or stick to the 30 minutes at first idk yet.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 12:30:15 pm by John Stamos »
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1707 on: June 10, 2016, 09:45:55 am »
20 minutes and did 3 miles lol  I had to go on the roads near my house and the options are either uphill or downhill, there is maybe a 10th of a mile straight throughout the whole thing.

I wanted to go to the trail but the bike rack I bought is too wide...figures

I gotta buy a new vehicle soon and its either gonna be a truck or suv.
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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1708 on: June 10, 2016, 11:39:34 am »
40 min run
4.8 from 0-7mins
5.0 from 7-35 mins
5.5 from 35-40 mins
1 mile around 12:30
2.4 miles(normal distance for my runs) at 30 minutes
3.33 miles at 40mins(5k at 37:31) or so

dump break

15 minute bike ride, nice and easy

oooh nice!

check out Chef's Table, Season 2 Episode 2.. guy is a beast.

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Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« Reply #1709 on: June 10, 2016, 06:15:53 pm »
He's like some bear grylls type of guy haha

Well I've been anorexic lately

today had 1 piece of sausage, 1 protein shake(2 servings) and going to eat 1lb of turkey.

Just not really hungry idk I gotta start eating more though.

Looks like its burger king time tonight, I will only be at 1400 for the day so a chicken something with a small order of fries will put me around 2200.

Workout for tomorrow is run down the road and back, I think it was 1.8 miles.  Go to the trail with the bike and ride for 30 minutes.  Possibly hit up the gym and just do whatever lol  then i have errands to run

I've literally just taken a shit that made me hungry...about 20 minutes before it, I finished probably 10oz of turkey

Looks like I wont be doing the post office job, we are having a guard thats going to another site and I will be moved up to 7-3 but for awhile until the other guard comes back I will be switching between 7-3 and 7-7.  Will find out for sure next week at some point.  Kind of sucks cuz I like working out in the mornings and what not but oh well.  I am thinking that I want to go Adarq mode and stick with running and what not and get into BW movements.  That way once I get called for corrections(pretty soon) I will have a better base for going into the gym.  One thing I always sucked at was bw movements so I kind of see it as a new challenge for something to get better at.

Something like

I want to be able to do 500 push ups everyday and 200 sit ups everyday and build it up to whatever number.  Pull ups I'd have to wait awhile to be able to do them lmao. 
« Last Edit: June 10, 2016, 07:46:00 pm by John Stamos »
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