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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2250 on: January 12, 2015, 07:39:48 am »
BP 5Fx81 (LPR), 3x85 (LPR), 5Fx80
WCU 3x100 (LPR), 1x105 (LPR), 2x100, 5x90
CURL 6x42.5, 6x45 (PR),12x40 (PR)
TROW 3x6x60 (PR; new exercise)

BW: 182.1

Bench notes:
Couldn't lock out the 6th rep :( But considering this is the 5th time lifting in 8 days, i'm not too upset either. I'll bench again this week on sunday so no biggey.

Misc. upper notes:
I've been doing curls without missing a session for hte last 6 weeks. And the net result is my arms are stronger now but as far as size - same 13-14" they've always been - nothing measurably changed. Though they look ok in terms of defn but i still wish i had 16" biceps that would be sick.. :(

I'm now turning my attention to my lats - i wish to beef up my upper back, it's kinda emabrassing how small my lats are. I have a decent weighted chinup but that's not doing anything for me. I toyed with rows too and that too didn't really amount to much. so if you have some suggestions for my body type (long arms) for targeting lat size pls help a brother out..

Food notes:

I don't have a calorie goal at the mo but today i felt like i ate a good amount of food but surprisingly the calories weren't a heck of a lot. Maybe i could just repeat this day over and over for like 3 weeks and get to my (bodyweight) goal? :)
« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 10:12:26 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2251 on: January 12, 2015, 10:08:32 am »
for curls: more volume. sets of 10-12. also add direct tricep work, either DB kickbacks or rope/cable pressdowns.

for lats: pull ups have more lat involvement than chin ups, so maybe switch to pronated rather than supinated grip. i also find that kroc rows are awesome for the whole upper back: lats, traps and posterior delts. and good for grip, too.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2252 on: January 12, 2015, 10:22:30 am »
for curls: more volume. sets of 10-12. also add direct tricep work, either DB kickbacks or rope/cable pressdowns.

for lats: pull ups have more lat involvement than chin ups, so maybe switch to pronated rather than supinated grip. i also find that kroc rows are awesome for the whole upper back: lats, traps and posterior delts. and good for grip, too.

Suggestions :) Yay!

Just a bit more info. My arms are mostly tricep - from a diet of close grip everythang - inc chinups, bench press (and ohp too for that matter). Not that they're huge triceps but i feel the part i need to attack is not so much triceps though since i've always targeted it and always will - just the way I do my upper body work.

I can add more volume to curls, i'll start with an extra set of 10 and see if it's enough. I usually do 2x6xheavy + 2x8-12 medium to failure for a total of around 24 reps.

I never did pullups because Rip convinced me to prefer to ego-chase chinup . Which admittedly never did little for me so perhaps it's time to venture out and give the pullup a shot. Negative on the kroc rows - feel them more in my arms. Heck there is nothing that hits my lats that I can remember. THough it might be my form...... i don't think my torso is as horizontal as it needs to be when i gave rows a shot (1arm and barbell). Is there an exercise i can do do you think which I will feel immediately in my lats as opposed to chest or arms or whatever? :s

edit. just remembered the last time i made my lats sore was actually recently, doing heavy (200kgish) front squat walkouts. Should do those again and on the regular.. hmmm..
« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 10:43:03 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2253 on: January 12, 2015, 10:53:06 am »
fair enough about triceps and the fact that you do a fair amount of CG pressing. for curls, i'd drop the heavy sets and do more volume with less weight. so like 3x12 with the same weight across all sets.

for kroc rows, if you feel them mostly in your arms, you're doing it wrong. they're designed to hit your upper back. you could also try wide-grip rows, either inverted with your bw or a weighted vest or DB in your lap, or seated cable rows. just focus on using your lats to initiate and then complete the movement. if i don't do that my traps tend to take over. ymmv.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2254 on: January 12, 2015, 08:10:29 pm »
I'll 2nd on the rows. Drop the weight initially and get the feeling right. Parallel BB rows with no body english. 1 arm rows with the elbow out (90 degrees work well for me too). Having said that the best lat builder I have found is the deadlift  :trollface:

And yeah high volume curls work well. Sets of between 15-20.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2255 on: January 13, 2015, 02:29:11 am »
With the heavy curls, feel like I've got TUT on my side since the (heavy) 6s are actually really challenging and take ages to complete the rep whereas a set of 20 wud be an easy 10 or so reps and then slower more TUTy reps as you go through to the end of the set. I wouldn't mind doing something crazy like a 10x10 thing on curls short term if it puts an inch on my arms! I think 15" is something I should be able to achieve in my lifetime even if 16" is out of the question.

Yeah all these rows challenge mainly my hands, arms and shoulders. BB rows additionally seem to be limited by core endurance.

Coges re deads - My back has been healthy and injury free for a while now - not a good idea to mess around with daedlifts but the temptation is always there. I just have to continue to resist the call to pull from the ground.

LBSS i'm gonna try those other variants esp the cable pull one might be just the thing for me.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2256 on: January 13, 2015, 08:27:06 am »
BW: 180.67


I forgot a normal, moderate diet was an option when losing weight :P This is so easy. And I get to improve my lifts and bball game. Nice deal.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 08:58:41 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2257 on: January 13, 2015, 05:31:31 pm »
Coges re deads - My back has been healthy and injury free for a while now - not a good idea to mess around with daedlifts but the temptation is always there. I just have to continue to resist the call to pull from the ground.

I was kind of joking re deads given your history with them. Wide/snatch grip RDLs may be an option though. Can't go too heavy given the grip but they hit the upper back pretty hard. May interfere with your recovery for FS though.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2258 on: January 14, 2015, 04:30:52 am »
SQ 2x120
FS 0Fx130, 0Fx140, 3x117.5 (LPR)
BS 10x110 (LPR)

BW: 180.8

Squat notes:
Didn't even bounce up 130kg FS today! But i decided to make lemonade and do negatives with 140kg. I figure having a decent negative will make the (130kg) positive possible.

BBall game tonight.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 10:06:17 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2259 on: January 14, 2015, 06:13:09 am »
I forgot a normal, moderate diet was an option when losing weight :P This is so easy. And I get to improve my lifts and bball game. Nice deal.

Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2260 on: January 14, 2015, 10:09:16 am »
That was by far the best game i've played in 2 years! Scores were tied going into the last 5 mins and they remained that way til the end. But I got a big clutch block, steal and rebound in that order in the last minute or so to help us seal the game. Our young guard missed every 3pt today except for the game winner which he swished. We won. Feels good to win a hard game. Only downside i got in a verbal spate with a team mate but i left it on the court, i just don't think it looks good to the rest of the (young) guys when the senior ones being catty. So that's something I need to sort out for future games. Hopefully as I play better, my game will speak for me instead.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2261 on: January 15, 2015, 03:03:39 am »
BW: 180.56

Body not feeling amazing today but hopefully I can train well tmr. Just a note, my legs are starting to show defn. Seems i've got got a nice roll on lifting and balling going right now - i'm improving on both fronts. I still would like to end the month at 175lb but with only 2 weeks left, im not sure if it's likely without compromising progress.

At least I should get under 180 soon..
« Last Edit: January 15, 2015, 03:17:53 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2262 on: January 16, 2015, 07:03:15 am »
SQ 2x120
FS 0Fx130
BS 1x130, 0Fx137.5
FS 3x118.5 (LPR), 1x115B
HPC 2x70, 0Fx80 (2 attempts)
Banded Glute Bridge - 3x12xOrange (PR)
TKE 3x15xThick band (PR)

OHP 2x5x59.5 (LPR), 5x58 (repeat next time; wanted 6 reps), 5x45 (uneven plates - 10L and 15R)
ROW 3x12x40 (PR; new exercise; WG - used Coges suggestion to use a wider grip to target lats)

Squat notes:
Had no pop outta da bottom. I have been struggling with feeling fresh enough to squat heavy; too much training i guess.

Upper notes:
Hard going ohp. I am trying to bring my weak side (R) up by doing slightly heavier weight. It's kinda annoying not having dbs. Hmmm.

Hang powerclean notes:
It must be the bar. I got an easy 85kg PR when i trained in the (non-home) gym last week but today i can't even get a 80kg warmup up. Sucks :( I might try greasing the thing next time. Or actually maybe i shud have a weekly (non-home) gym day when i can use a good bar. Hmm.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 10:15:03 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2263 on: January 16, 2015, 09:40:13 am »
oh man i really wouldn't recommend using more weight on one side than the other. no basis in anything other than ZOMG YOU'RE GONNA HURT YOURSELF. but that seems dangerous and unlikely to produce the desired effect.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #2264 on: January 16, 2015, 09:41:53 am »
oh man i really wouldn't recommend using more weight on one side than the other. no basis in anything other than ZOMG YOU'RE GONNA HURT YOURSELF. but that seems dangerous and unlikely to produce the desired effect.

it's been suggested before i think for correcting imbalance by lyle but not in the context of barbell stuff. I'm also using a lighter weight. But. It's still not ideal. Im not sure what i can do right now about this problem but it's something i'd like to address for the long term
Training for balance in GPP and SPP.