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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3315 on: October 07, 2016, 02:51:20 am »
lol .. it's like when a fatty orders a big McMeal but goes for the diet coke. Actually that's me, i get coke zero and sans cheese. I do like cheese, just tryna keep the protein to fat ratio better :)
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3316 on: October 07, 2016, 11:17:16 pm »
BW: 82.8kg (yikes)

But skinfolds around my lb are kinda small so i dont mind are actually pretty huge lol. Prob just water. I drank a tonne of it yesterday.. not sure what's going on in my body. actually, i my have overdosed on zinc/magnesium the last 24hrs..

Feel vindicated switching away from saturday training, storms, etc. the run of horrible saturdays continues!

gonna get my recovery on in preparing for tmrs 6x6 squats. thinking of a light workout.. active reccovery, maybe go up to 70kg warmups? not sure and a single with 110kg? thats what i did last week and it seemed to 'work'. one day i will squat everyday too.. ha.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 11:34:08 pm by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3317 on: October 09, 2016, 05:18:23 am »
BS 6x132.5(=PR), 3x6x130(LPR)
OHP 3x60, 4x60, 3x60, 2x62.5, 0Fx65, 3x60
Weighted Chinup 3x3x105(LPR 85kg+20kg), 6x95(+10kg; LPR)

BW: 82.7kg

For the record i did a 5th and 6th set of 5 and 4 reps respectively. I'm not counting them cos the depth wasn't to my standards. Overall you could say i failed, since my goal was 6x6 and i only manged 4x6. Try again in a week.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2016, 01:08:19 pm by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3318 on: October 09, 2016, 11:41:36 pm »
BW: 83kg (LPR!)

Kinda pregnant tho so it will prob go back to 82kgs. Decent doms in erectors, i think that's new, i dont remember that for a while. Expect squat performance to go relative down then absolutely up once recovered, which will be cool.
New goals:
short terms: 6x6x137.5kg @ 80-82.5kg
mid term: 6x6x142.5kg @ 80-82.5kg
end-o-year: 6x6x150kg @ 80-85kg.

Not cutting, not gaining weight, just recomping from here.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2016, 11:48:53 pm by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3319 on: October 10, 2016, 05:17:12 am »

bw: 83kg
Gna log my food intake for the next 10 days to stay accountable..

1600- 2 chicken breasts, 300mL r.f milk, 60g whey, chicken noodle thing(500 kcal, 11p, 6f, 47c)
2200 - 165g beef, wholmeal bun, 4 beef chipolatas, 2 small hotdog buns, whey shake as before

good clean eating today, will repeat the same shit every day from here, pls call me out if i falte
« Last Edit: October 10, 2016, 10:32:42 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3320 on: October 10, 2016, 09:32:06 am »
Please correct me if I'm off here, but based on 6x132.5kgs being an all-time PR, your 1RM atm is probably around 150kgs now, maybe 154-55 but prob closer to 150 (for example, I squatted 155 1RM after getting to 135x6 - you might be better or worse than me with your real-life 1RM effort...but IMO 6RM is probably overestimates 1RM slightly). You really think going from lifting 150 once right now to lifting that 36 times in a session in less than 3 months is realistic with minimal BW changes? An advanced lifter with a history of back issues? It might be possible do get good squat gains from these sort of routines, because you're consistent. Prove me wrong, but personally I think you'll stack on more weight when you get close just to meet the numbers you've set yourself followed by the usual extreme fasting. As many people have said in this journal, this is unlikely to make you a better athlete without the rest of the program. You're skipping sprints and ball because you need the recovery to train for 6x6@150?  :uhcomeon:


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3321 on: October 10, 2016, 10:27:28 am »
Please correct me if I'm off here, but based on 6x132.5kgs being an all-time PR, your 1RM atm is probably around 150kgs now, maybe 154-55 but prob closer to 150 (for example, I squatted 155 1RM after getting to 135x6 - you might be better or worse than me with your real-life 1RM effort...but IMO 6RM is probably overestimates 1RM slightly). You really think going from lifting 150 once right now to lifting that 36 times in a session in less than 3 months is realistic with minimal BW changes? An advanced lifter with a history of back issues? It might be possible do get good squat gains from these sort of routines, because you're consistent. Prove me wrong, but personally I think you'll stack on more weight when you get close just to meet the numbers you've set yourself followed by the usual extreme fasting. As many people have said in this journal, this is unlikely to make you a better athlete without the rest of the program. You're skipping sprints and ball because you need the recovery to train for 6x6@150?  :uhcomeon:

... and here we go again... but I think you're absolutely right

It seems that his admirable work ethic and consistency comes with quite a bit of stubbornness


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3322 on: October 10, 2016, 10:27:39 am »
Thanks mate. 6x130 -> 1x150 sounds about right! My training max (last wk's) was 142.5kg - however i did a triple with 137.5kg just prior to that attempt. It may be closer to 150kg sure, i just haven't got the practice with 'heavier' weight to test a real max .. also not really important cos im not a PL and i dont train to produce a competive 1rm. You're right that a single set of 6rm isn't worth much, but i can almost guarantee i get 6x6x130kg this sunday. I don't think that's materially much different from 4x6x130 (with one set that was +2.5), but i will be a bit stronger/bigger as well and i wont try the 132.5kg. If 6x6 goes through ok, it shud allow me to tackle 137.5kg for six sets of 5 the following sunday tho.

I do think my max will be in the range 160-170kg when im wrapped up with this cycle (130x6x6 and 137.5x6x5), within 2 weeks. Reluctant to project out further than 2 weeks. Let's see how it goes...

You guys have to trust me this is working .. my legs are thicker and meatier. tmr i will tackle 6x2x140kg which will equal my PR i set at the start of 2015 when i weighed 97kg. yikes.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3323 on: October 11, 2016, 03:50:21 am »
BS 2x140, 1Fx140
BP 5x90(LPR!), 4x3x90(LPR)

BW: 82.5kg

lol.. erectors felt okay going into this workout but after the first set i got crazy doms all of a sudden. the bright side, i used 140kg after my last warmup with 110kg with no intermediate sets. was really relaxed tho, even had prince playing cos i didn't wanna do the psyche up thing. erectors are defo torched, so much so, it was a huge mental burden to strip the bar and put the big 25kg plates on the rack lmao. I guess this was to be expected tho, not sure i'll be recovered by thursday either, so now im at the mercy of erectors.

if i was going to make a coaching call, it may be that tuesday squats shud be a light variant with a focus on recovery and form and go heavy thursdays, volume sundays. maybe i can try another week before introducing any programming changes

poor legs, they dont get a good workout while my stupid back recovers. half considering sprints in the interim, i dont think i can use dunks tho, usually erector doms contraindicate dunking ability

have a game tonight as well and i need to man up and bench a PR too ...yikes
« Last Edit: October 11, 2016, 09:19:28 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3324 on: October 11, 2016, 09:18:22 am »
Game good, won, played well, had a dunk opp but got swarmed by defenders fouling me :( i complained it was dirty but mostly because it could have been that much elusive First Game Dunk. Hit both fts tho, while saing i didnt want them, lol. Dunked suprisingly ok as well given my torched erectors. I think i can break 36" this week cause since im offline on the squats til my lower back is back, it will allow some fatigue to dissipitate, giving a chance to test a peaky jump. Ankle by the way is ok ;)
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3325 on: October 11, 2016, 09:21:14 am »
holy shit, forgot to mentuioin something that happened towrads the end of the game, i had the ball, i shook the defender by jab stepping right, and then hit a turn around step back jumper at the buzzer. Hit it, and held my shooting arm up like i was kobe. It may be the greatest thing ive ever done on a basketball court .. lmao. turned around and walked off to the tune of that gangsta song in my head. i felt embarassed how cool it was. i wish someone taped it :(
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3326 on: October 11, 2016, 10:48:25 am »


1000 - 300mL r.f milk, 60g whey, 165g beef, wholemeal bread bun
1500 - peri workout gatorade (250mL)
1900 - peri workout gatorade (600mL) & 30g whey
2200 - 2 chicken breasts, 60g whey, 300mL rf milk, 1 large turkish bread thing, 4 beef chipolotas, 1 cup rice & rajman beans

done, so clean eating. had to forcefeed that 2200 meal, didnt really feel hungry, games always have that effect. tbh logging doesnt help me be compliance, the causality is the other way around, when im dialed in nutritionally, im more likely to log food, it doesn't really flow the opposite way. still i'll keep doing it for the 10 days.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2016, 11:29:30 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3327 on: October 11, 2016, 12:09:47 pm »
You eat about 250-300g of protein a day.... why? That just makes for a very expensive urine imho.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2016, 12:52:38 pm by Leonel »


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3328 on: October 11, 2016, 12:12:30 pm »
Not sure about 300g but it's at least 200-250g yup. Not everyday, but im gna try get that much in this 10 day window. recomp is the order of the day, it will help build muscle while shedding fat. I need to get the scale to read 80.xx before i tackle 140+kg volume worksets in about a month
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #3329 on: October 11, 2016, 04:54:31 pm »
Leonel it's totally possible that protein helps him with satiety, so even if he's pissing a lot of it out (he is), if it's a short-term surge he's probably not damaging his kidneys.

Still, entropy, you should double-check protein levels with your doc the next time you go for a checkup, if you want to continue eating that much per day.
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