Author Topic: chasing athleticism  (Read 1273776 times)

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« Reply #4080 on: November 25, 2017, 03:14:10 am »
BW: 88.5kg
Activity: 2.4 (lol)
Misc: vmos sore
Diet Compliance: 50/50(PR)
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Legit rest. Going hard AF tmr with lifting and 3 hours of bball training.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2017, 09:59:29 am by maxent »
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« Reply #4081 on: November 26, 2017, 06:03:59 am »
BW: 90kg
Activity: 12.3
Diet Compliance: 51/51(PR)
Mobility: T
Skill work: T

2 hours Bball training (pretty good!)

BS 2x150, 1x150
Band Resisted Goblet squat
fked around with some BSS squats (using a kb i dont know if i hold it right, ie in the right hand etc)
« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 09:00:50 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4082 on: November 26, 2017, 09:00:01 am »
Lifting heavy after a hard bball session isn't gna happen. I got screwed today tryna accomodate some dudes who wanted to train early .. but of course they never even showed up so the opportunitstic cost was my squatting which is annoying af. Next time lift then ball. The 150kg was a 2rm, broke me next set i couldn't even get 1 cleanly, it was ugly af. I wanted 6 doubles. Will try again next week.
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« Reply #4083 on: November 26, 2017, 10:59:30 pm »
BW: 88.7kg
Activity: 5
Misc: n/a
Diet Compliance: 52/52(PR)
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Legit rest. Need it.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2017, 07:36:13 am by maxent »
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Re: 126
« Reply #4084 on: November 27, 2017, 02:28:49 am »
fked around with some BSS squats (using a kb i dont know if i hold it right, ie in the right hand etc)

A good way to do it (assuming it's just for assistance work) is to do half the reps holding the KB between your legs and the other half holding it on the outside of your lead leg, then switch legs. Good for balance/stabilisers.


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Re: 126
« Reply #4085 on: November 27, 2017, 07:35:31 am »
fked around with some BSS squats (using a kb i dont know if i hold it right, ie in the right hand etc)

A good way to do it (assuming it's just for assistance work) is to do half the reps holding the KB between your legs and the other half holding it on the outside of your lead leg, then switch legs. Good for balance/stabilisers.

Sounds good. might be time for me to look into SL training now. I'm not seeing any transfer from DL training to my game and i dont think it will come even if i get my squat to 2xbw/180kg. Might be worth aiming for 1.9x/170kg for this summer and get my SLL/conditioning/skill up and i bet that will have a better transfer to on-court performance.

I also had another thought, i havent tried using a belt wtih the new breathing protocol. I think i can prob get a good 7.5kg to 10kg boost off the belt now without compromising form (which is where i lost out with the belt before - belt use leads to worse form). Just something to explore on a bad training day i guess when i have nothign else to lose.

edit. to add to this, on sunday i actually tried to dunk and i got some nice dunks. Not sure if it was Adrenalin or what but at >90kg bw (gym) i got a tomahawk ...with no dunking in the past what 6 months? so that was surprisingly. usually it takes a while to get the movement efficiency going for that. But im not talking about vertical leap per se .. i can get up at the moment yes .. i still cant ball for shit b/c im far too slow to do anything in the heat of hte moment
« Last Edit: November 27, 2017, 08:31:44 am by maxent »
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« Reply #4086 on: November 27, 2017, 10:28:39 pm »
BW: 89kg
Activity: 6.7
Misc: n/a
Diet Compliance: 53/53(PR)
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Supposed to be a lower recovery & ohp/chinup day. May go for 6x2x150kg tho and do the recovery day on thursday instead. Will see. edit. knees felt rusty, didn't think i cud do a heavy workout, did the recovery one with a twist, see below.

Recovery BS 2x6x120, 6x120B
OHP 5x60, 6x60, 5x60B
Chinup 5x102(+10kg), 5x100, 6xBW(92)

I think i *may* be right about using a belt. 3rd set which was 1 more than i'd do on a recovery day felt nice and strong esp locking it out (legs like the belt). So will be explorign using the belt not in lieu of beltless squatting -- but in addition to beltless squatting as assistance. Yay.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2017, 08:34:29 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4087 on: November 28, 2017, 06:03:59 am »
Just for those who might be interested, discussion with KF prompted a breathing protocol which works as follows, take a breath at the top of the rep (hold it deep) into the bottom fo the squat continue to hold it out, as you approach the lockout you can release with a grunt. This did wonders for my limit squatting but i wondered how it would behave if we introduce a belt into a mix. That's a new variable but i experimented with it today with one set - i found that i could do the same breathing protocol except - with the belt i added something extra, hold the abs tight, take a breath continuing to hold the abs tight then take more of a breath while retighten abs more to max out intrabdnominal pressure. Then do the rep as normal holding the breath and tightness thruout the rep just into lockout. As long as form remains good (it never does in the past with my squat - belt wrecks form) - it *shud* allow me to add maybe 5-10kg to my beltless squat. Maybe good enough to get that 2xbw THIS summer as opposed to winter.
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« Reply #4088 on: November 29, 2017, 12:05:24 am »
BW: 88.9kg
Activity: 3.5
Misc: abz sore
Diet Compliance: 54/54(PR)
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Rest. Sore abs => bad news for heavy day tmr :/
« Last Edit: November 29, 2017, 09:12:35 am by maxent »
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« Reply #4089 on: November 29, 2017, 10:01:39 pm »
BW: 89.2kg
Activity: 10.3
Misc:  n/a
Diet Compliance: 55/55(PR)
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Feel reasonably fresh today. Ready for a training day of PRs :headbang:

BS 2x2x150(PR), 5x2x150B(PR)

Legit dont think i had more than 3 doubles in me today at 150kg. But i did 2 and decided to try the belt and it was so fucking easy to get the 3rd double that i just went with it from there and did the rest of the workout with the belt. Tried for a triple on the 7th set and got it but it was super ugly esp last rep - and you know when i did that triple i felt i had another rep or two in me with that shitty form. Goes to show how much the belt 'helps' if there was any doubt. My belt isn't even that good, it's a flimsy leather one. Not a thick competitive lifter one. That's ok for now. Not trying to be a competitive cheating powerlifter ha.

Fuck it though, need to clean up form but for now im happy that i did 15 reps with 150kg that i wouldn't have got otherwise. First you do it dirty. Then you do it clean. The goal remains to get 5x5x150kg sans belt with good form - the belt bridges the gap between the 140kgs and 150kgs for now which is something ive always struggled with on that plate boundary.

Last minute i decided to wear compression tights even though it's hot af right now and i dont really wanna wear them -- but i think it helps with proprioception( the capacity to feel the position of a joint in space as sensed by the central nervous system). I think eventually i'll use my blue rehband knee sleeves too for this purpose and ditch the tights.  Fuck it, i was dealt a shitty hand in genetics for strength and power need to make up for my skinny joints and slow ass CNS lol. Don't think it's cheating either b/c the goal is to get stronger legs and as long as training helps with that it's all good.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2017, 10:26:01 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4090 on: November 29, 2017, 10:12:25 pm »
Experimenting with weight vest again. I ordered one which i can wear underneath my clothes more discreetly. And it's only 5kg so that limits my training ADHD induced tendency to go OTT with weight (lol when i used to have a 20kg one!). Feels comfy on. Def will do a hypergravity ting at some stage (now?). With it on and with shoes and clothes it puts me over 95kg.

When i was reviewing footage of basketball training - by far the most glaring issue im seeing on tape is how slow my feet move relative to everyone else on the court. Any drills i can add to help with that?
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4091 on: November 30, 2017, 01:26:58 am »
fwiw the most effective use of the vest for me was in peaking, to wear it around all day for a week, including workouts, and into warm ups on the day i wanted to peak. then take it off and jump. best jumps came under those conditions.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4092 on: November 30, 2017, 05:23:14 am »
fwiw the most effective use of the vest for me was in peaking, to wear it around all day for a week, including workouts, and into warm ups on the day i wanted to peak. then take it off and jump. best jumps came under those conditions.

Makes sense. I shall do the same when it comes to peaking! Not currently tryna peak - im still trying to recover ground from the training setback ive gone thru the last couple of weeks. Went from 10 sets of 5 with 137.5kg to 6 sets of 5 with 140kg to zero sets of 5 with 142.5kg. Combo of life/sickness and general fatigue. And not that i was in any position to peak even before. Definitely sometime in 2018 - hopefully early feb at the latest but considering ive decided im unable to cut bodyfat b/c im still so damn skinny (fat) .. i dont know if i'll even get there tbh. Fat athleticism peaking doesn't really excite me ..
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Re: 122
« Reply #4093 on: November 30, 2017, 07:24:21 am »
BW: 89.2kg
Diet Compliance: 55/55(PR)
Skill work:

Feel reasonably fresh today. Ready for a training day of PRs :headbang:

BS 2x2x150(PR), 5x2x150B(PR)

Legit dont think i had more than 3 doubles in me today at 150kg. But i did 2 and decided to try the belt and it was so fucking easy to get the 3rd double that i just went with it from there and did the rest of the workout with the belt. Tried for a triple on the 7th set and got it but it was super ugly esp last rep - and you know when i did that triple i felt i had another rep or two in me with that shitty form. Goes to show how much the belt 'helps' if there was any doubt. My belt isn't even that good, it's a flimsy leather one. Not a thick competitive lifter one. That's ok for now. Not trying to be a competitive cheating powerlifter ha.

Fuck it though, need to clean up form but for now im happy that i did 15 reps with 150kg that i wouldn't have got otherwise. First you do it dirty. Then you do it clean. The goal remains to get 5x5x150kg sans belt with good form - the belt bridges the gap between the 140kgs and 150kgs for now which is something ive always struggled with on that plate boundary.

Last minute i decided to wear compression tights even though it's hot af right now and i dont really wanna wear them -- but i think it helps with proprioception( the capacity to feel the position of a joint in space as sensed by the central nervous system). I think eventually i'll use my blue rehband knee sleeves too for this purpose and ditch the tights.  Fuck it, i was dealt a shitty hand in genetics for strength and power need to make up for my skinny joints and slow ass CNS lol. Don't think it's cheating either b/c the goal is to get stronger legs and as long as training helps with that it's all good.

Nice work!
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122 continued (session 2)
« Reply #4094 on: November 30, 2017, 10:13:28 am »
BS 6x120(w/ nike metcons + 5kg vest), 6x120(w/ normal shoes + 5kg vest), 6x120(no vest), 8x120B(no vest, with belt)
Depth Jumps with vest
RVJ x 3 with vest
RJV x 6 no vest
Back Xtn 10x95(PR)


A day of experimenting. While i def can swuat with the vest and with metcons' shoes It's not ideal. I dont think i'll ever do another lift wearing the vest unless it's for loading up for chins or dips or something. It just changes form with how the bar sits on the back etc. Metcons are far inferior to squatting in my normal shoes. I used the belt on my last set and went for 8, cud probably have got 10 if i rested longer between reps. Derp.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2017, 10:19:33 am by maxent »
Training for balance in GPP and SPP.