Author Topic: chasing athleticism  (Read 1273784 times)

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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4395 on: July 05, 2018, 09:13:01 pm »
Dude talk to the girl. Eat carbs if you need to. Get some pre-workout into you if required. There are more important things in life than cutting fat and a "gorgeous, smart, funny and seems into me as well" girl is one of those things.

I think she's losing interest. I feel ... im not sure about it all. I think i need someone less maintenance right now but i dont know, my mind is not all here right now so i cant figure out if ive made a mistake or if it's salvageable. She seems to get upset if i dont text her often (i wont call her at all which she's not thrilled about) but i have nothing to say (mind is blank) and she's taking it to mean im not that into her (but i am). Will try to talk to her on sunday if she's still up for it
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4396 on: July 05, 2018, 09:55:03 pm »
Dude talk to the girl. Eat carbs if you need to. Get some pre-workout into you if required. There are more important things in life than cutting fat and a "gorgeous, smart, funny and seems into me as well" girl is one of those things.

I think she's losing interest. I feel ... im not sure about it all. I think i need someone less maintenance right now but i dont know, my mind is not all here right now so i cant figure out if ive made a mistake or if it's salvageable. She seems to get upset if i dont text her often (i wont call her at all which she's not thrilled about) but i have nothing to say (mind is blank) and she's taking it to mean im not that into her (but i am). Will try to talk to her on sunday if she's still up for it

I'm no relationship expert and can't even comment on dating given I've been married for so long but seriously mate you think she's high maintenance because she wants you to actually talk to her and gets upset if you don't text her often. I honestly think you should read your post back to yourself out loud just to hear how that sounds and then ask yourself why she thinks you're not into her.

Today is Friday. If you like her maybe you give her a call today and actually talk to her. Like, for reals. You might be amazed at what happens.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4397 on: July 06, 2018, 01:44:14 pm »
Coges, the relationship expert.. :D :ninja: but srs I agree w/ his posts.

Also, unrelated, but not sure I like the pause squats where you pause, then go down and back up. i dno just be careful with that. people usually pause at the bottom then go right up. Don't see what you're doing very often: people pausing, then dropping lower after the pause to go back up. I personally would pause at some depth, then go right back up, no trying to trigger stretch reflex to give you a boost out of the hole. Just my 2 cents on it tho.



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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4398 on: July 06, 2018, 02:41:06 pm »
I disagree there bitches just ruin your life mijo
 dont put them on a pedestal
if cutting makes u happy then cut
just do u mijo!

if shes real she will understand.... if not then on to the next :headbang:
« Last Edit: July 06, 2018, 02:45:35 pm by Southpaw »


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4399 on: July 06, 2018, 02:59:55 pm »
Dude talk to the girl. Eat carbs if you need to. Get some pre-workout into you if required. There are more important things in life than cutting fat and a "gorgeous, smart, funny and seems into me as well" girl is one of those things.

I think she's losing interest. I feel ... im not sure about it all. I think i need someone less maintenance right now but i dont know, my mind is not all here right now so i cant figure out if ive made a mistake or if it's salvageable. She seems to get upset if i dont text her often (i wont call her at all which she's not thrilled about) but i have nothing to say (mind is blank) and she's taking it to mean im not that into her (but i am). Will try to talk to her on sunday if she's still up for it

she seems too demanding.. to each their own but i dont need that in my life i wouldnt wish that on anyone.  focus on your training....

and u dont "need" someone less maintenance right now. you dont "need" anyone mijo.  just focus on you.  if someone less maintenance comes along thats cool too... if not..rock on :headbang:
« Last Edit: July 06, 2018, 05:36:07 pm by Southpaw »


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4400 on: July 06, 2018, 08:01:47 pm »
I disagree there bitches just ruin your life mijo
 dont put them on a pedestal
if cutting makes u happy then cut
just do u mijo!

if shes real she will understand.... if not then on to the next :headbang:

This is everything that is wrong with the world today. I know I sound old and I am but what the fuck? Really? All these bitches out there just ruining your life are they?

If she's "real" she will want a real man who can actually talk to her, who will give her the time of day, who will put her first . That doesn't make you weak.

*Southpaw- this is nothing personal against you as I don't know anything about you or your personal/relationship history. I find the attitude towards women in your comments abhorrent though. 
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4401 on: July 06, 2018, 09:00:13 pm »
put her first? do they have children together? Sounds like he barely knows her. 

The way I feel about it(and I'm sure many people may disagree as I am not one to conform to conventions) is that if I have a goal or vision then the person I am  with or in this case not even with but just talking to  will support it and understand(if they are good for me.. if they dont understand then they arent for me).  I've witnessed firsthand all too many people drop their dreams and change their lives completely for women and in so many cases it has not worked out for the best.  I dont have an "attitude" toward women I treat everyone i meet with respect.  I just dont believe in putting someone I just met on a pedestal especially if I have other aspirations they could get in the way of especially if they are demanding.
I disagree there bitches just ruin your life mijo
 dont put them on a pedestal
if cutting makes u happy then cut
just do u mijo!

if shes real she will understand.... if not then on to the next :headbang:

This is everything that is wrong with the world today. I know I sound old and I am but what the fuck? Really? All these bitches out there just ruining your life are they?

If she's "real" she will want a real man who can actually talk to her, who will give her the time of day, who will put her first . That doesn't make you weak.

*Southpaw- this is nothing personal against you as I don't know anything about you or your personal/relationship history. I find the attitude towards women in your comments abhorrent though.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2018, 09:16:28 pm by Southpaw »


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4402 on: July 06, 2018, 09:31:02 pm »
put her first? do they have children together? Sounds like he barely knows her. 

The way I feel about it(and I'm sure many people may disagree as I am not one to conform to conventions) is that if I have a goal or vision then the person I am  with or in this case not even with but just talking to  will support it and understand(if they are good for me.. if they dont understand then they arent for me).  I've witnessed firsthand all too many people drop their dreams and change their lives completely for women and in so many cases it has not worked out for the best.  I dont have an "attitude" toward women I treat everyone i meet with respect.  I just dont believe in putting someone I just met on a pedestal especially if I have other aspirations they could get in the way of especially if they are demanding.
I disagree there bitches just ruin your life mijo
 dont put them on a pedestal
if cutting makes u happy then cut
just do u mijo!

if shes real she will understand.... if not then on to the next :headbang:

This is everything that is wrong with the world today. I know I sound old and I am but what the fuck? Really? All these bitches out there just ruining your life are they?

If she's "real" she will want a real man who can actually talk to her, who will give her the time of day, who will put her first . That doesn't make you weak.

*Southpaw- this is nothing personal against you as I don't know anything about you or your personal/relationship history. I find the attitude towards women in your comments abhorrent though.

Now this I agree with, pretty much. I think we're coming at a similar argument just from different perspectives. If you have worthwhile goals and you're chasing them then you need to choose how you factor outside influences into your life. That I totally agree with.

My original point to Maxent was that if you like a girl, she has good qualities and she's into you then you should make an effort towards her. That doesn't mean he needs to drop everything and just focus on her. I'm sure he's capable of both. I agree that he doesn't need to put her on a pedestal but as far as making communicating with her a priority how much time and effort does that really take? I would imagine not enough to detract from whatever his other goals are.

Also, as a side point I would think there's a certain caloric trade off that can be acquired by being in a new relationship that might just offset any carbs that are required to get you through a few early relationship conversations.
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4403 on: July 06, 2018, 10:14:21 pm »
AM temp/hr/bw: 37.4/_/80.4
AM skinfold(mm): pec(), sup(), ab(), sum()
Weight Vest: 6()
Supplement: 200/400 CEGCG (with vitc, 1g fish oil, 1g cayn) - 0845, 1230, 1630; 1.5g cayn- 2000;  45g BCAA; 
Activity: 13.4
Misc: n/a
Diet Compliance: 20/20
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Rest day.
Thinking Coges advice might be appropriate. I've done well on this cut, losing almost 10kg in something like 6 weeks or something crazy like that (will look up properly later when im done) but it doesn't look like im going to be able to finish the job even if i diet for a week longer (up to the DEXA). The DEXA is a hard cap - i def wont do a single day's of cutting after the scan because i want to go immediately to maintenance. So as a compromise i may just take a smaller deficit, add more carbs back, shorter fasts (12-14hrs) and restore some sort of mental acuity so i can give myself a chance of getting the girl. I think that's a fair compromise at this situation. When i look in the mirror I see someone with abs etc but i still have central obesity .. that will take another cut down the line, i cant get it done in the next 7 days so i won't stress it.

I was planning on discontinuing the caffeine and green tea tomorrow but i think if i do that, i'll gain some water weight (which i would have lost initially by doing the 3x(200/400) - caffeine/green tea combo every day. i'll basically go from 600-700mg of caffeine a day to 600mg a week - will def gain some water discontinuing the diuretic (caffeine). Maybe just run the CEGCG combo til the dexa? then stop the day after?
« Last Edit: July 07, 2018, 08:56:31 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4404 on: July 06, 2018, 10:19:28 pm »
southpaw coming from the pespective of a single man, you can't get too enamored with any one girl until you're actually together. it's just bad to build up hopes to have them dashes, that can destroy you (it shouldn't but that's what we're trying to avoid). Shooters shoot, don't get too invested in any move, it may not pay off. Looking at my squat pause pr attempt, i failed but did i really fail? gotta look at both imposters equally (success or failure), don't get too caught up on the moment .. just keep going, luck is what happens at the intersection of preparedness and opportunity. i def agree with coges that when you find someone you are really into you need to maek an effort and i haven't done that in this situation. But i see it from southpaw perspective that if you try too hard it will kill the situation before it begins, you have to play it calmly though im currently missing self confidence (low test probably) to get this right. need to take my shot and see how it goes. im not doing that yet .. today or tmr i'll call her and see if i can win her over. her guard is high and im tird of being judged by the consequences of other men but it is what it is .. i think i packed enough cliches into this post lol
« Last Edit: July 06, 2018, 10:21:43 pm by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4405 on: July 07, 2018, 09:03:05 pm »
AM temp/hr/bw: 37.3/_/80.5
AM skinfold(mm): pec(), sup(), ab(), sum()
Weight Vest: 6()
Supplement: 200/400 CEGCG (with vitc, 1.5g fish oil, 1g cayn) - 0830, 1230, 1630; 1.5g cayn- 2000;  20g BCAA; 
Activity: 15.6
Misc: n/a
Diet Compliance: 21/21
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Rest day.

Made it to day 21 in one piece. Supposed to call the girl today but she's disappeared off whatsapp .. only gives one word answers .. and im gonna look needy if i keep trying to talk to her. so i'll just let her be. i think i messed it up .. oh well. At least i will have abs  :wowthatwasnutswtf:
« Last Edit: July 08, 2018, 09:45:18 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4406 on: July 08, 2018, 12:36:15 am »
I take back everything I've said previously. Abs are far more important  :D
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4407 on: July 08, 2018, 01:05:36 am »
priorities!!! 8) 8)


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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4408 on: July 08, 2018, 09:05:38 pm »
AM temp/hr/bw: 37.3/_/80.2
AM skinfold(mm): pec(), sup(), ab(), sum()
Weight Vest: 6()
Supplement: 200/400 CEGCG (with vitc, 1.5g fish oil, 1g cayn) - 0830, 1230, 1630; 1.5g cayn- 2000;  20g BCAA; 
Misc: n/a
Diet Compliance: 22/22
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Volume day.

BS 6x120(p0), 0Fx142.5p, 6x100
BP 1x90, 5x80
Dips 17xBW

I wont do a proper refeed today. Save it for next monday,  day after the dexa scan. Think that makes more sense.  But here we go, final week. 
« Last Edit: July 09, 2018, 04:50:19 am by maxent »
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Re: chasing athleticism
« Reply #4409 on: July 09, 2018, 10:15:18 pm »
AM temp/hr/bw: _/_/80.4
AM skinfold(mm): pec(), sup(), ab(), sum()
Weight Vest: 6()
Supplement: 200/400 CEGCG (with vitc, 1.5g fish oil, 1g cayn) - 0900, 1300, 1500; 1.5g cayn- 2000;  20g BCAA; 
Misc: n/a
Diet Compliance: 23/23
Mobility: T
Skill work: F

Rest day.
80.4kg post refeed gives me the hope/goal of ending this cut sub-80kg post-refeed on the final one. And then my job in the maintenance break will be simple - stay under 80kg.
Training for balance in GPP and SPP.