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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1470 on: October 22, 2019, 10:21:38 am »
Well, played full court for 2.5 hours last night in full sweats  :D and was primed to lift but after the 30 min drive to the house to get a snack.... I skipped the gym. Will hit some stuff tonight after watching the NBA season tip off! Wooohooooo!!!

IF people didn't mess up I should be on squad for 5v5 this year. If not I'll make a couple calls and see if I can get picked up. Last night I finally felt more like myself, J was solid, handle is quickly coming back and I felt much quicker even at 191lbs BW. Even tossed down a few light dunks afterwards and that floor is a "sport court" that SUCKS for jumping. Sucks for joints too but I'm not too sore this AM so that's good.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1471 on: October 22, 2019, 12:44:54 pm »
I took video and it seems I also had my left foot turned slightly in. IMO this causes my left knee to cave right about parallel and just zapped everything I had in rep 2.

Hey have you ever tried some gluteus medius activation to help you with that? walk around with knee bands before squatting, or do leg circles while lying on your side
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1472 on: October 26, 2019, 05:13:33 pm »
I usually hit some during warmups. I think this scenario was just caused by not having much volume lately to drill form. I'll probably add some bar squats in to warmups to get more comfortable under the bar.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1473 on: November 02, 2019, 11:03:28 pm »
Didn't get to lift except for Monday and Friday this week so I was quite fresh today for a day long 5v5 tournament. 4 games. 36 minutes per. I played every minute lol! Lost 4.8lbs today 😂 currently gaining some back 🙄😁. Played like TRASH the first game. 0-5 from 3 and only 9 points. Did have 8 assists to one TO tho. Very rusty on the J and the handle was eh. Haven't played this level of comp since last spring so I took it as an adjustment period. Game 2 was better (we lost game 1) and I started hitting some jumpers and felt more comfortable with the rock and started finally making some things happen. Won g2. Game 3 was a blowout. Basic just got guys involved. Played around in the second half with some moves to see how my body and hand eye was reacting to stuff. Game 4 was the semis and I felt GOOD. 27 points, 9 assists and some boards and a few blocks. Missed a massive put back attempt over 3 guys in the first half and after that it was suddenly "guard the white kid" smh. Sad news is I rimmed out a step back 10 footer with 6 seconds left and we lost 73-72. Quite pissed because it was a great look and felt and looked good. Just spun off the rim and got batted around in mad scramble and that was that.

Overall a great time. Really enjoyed playing some good comp again and was happy with my play overall by the end of the day. Knee feels pretty good too so far. Will definitely be interested in how it feels in the am!
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1474 on: November 02, 2019, 11:05:59 pm »
Ah also, found it interesting that I could basically walk by all but one guy all day and get in the lane. Judging by how easy it was to get by guys off no move or a single move I feel like I may be quicker right now than when I was lighter!!! This ATG training seems to be on point.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1475 on: March 20, 2020, 04:14:33 pm »
WOW. I didn't realize I hadn't updated in awhile.

Ok quick life update for those that care: I quit the nice paying job due to upper management BS. So I took a few weeks off from everything including training. Weight went up to 203lbs before I said enough is enough. Started training again in late January with a modified ATG style split workout. I gained a few more lbs the first week or two then added some actual cardio. Currently I'm back down to 194 and just now starting to expand on some plyo work and feel some spring coming back. This virus BS is hitting the bank account so the race cars are in indefinite hold sadly but life is life and I can handle that.

Current "best" lifts: BS 405lbs. FS 305lbs. Deadlift 425lbs. Hang clean 185x3.

Last week I started shooting around some as well and timing for dunking off lobs is ALLLLLL off. Speed on dribble dunks is awful as well. I expect those to somewhat come back with reps.

For now my local gym is still open but work and basically everything else is up in the air. I've got a semi thought out plan of attack for a home based workout if necessary but with no weights it won't be the best as my body responds to heavier loads better than reps. Training would turn more towards a ballistic approach.

So that's about it. Managed to grab a quick vid of some warmup depth jumps and Tuesdays top back squat single. Struggled more than last week (first week at 405) but it was also 2:30 am and I was exhausted lol I'll take it.

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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1476 on: March 22, 2020, 05:21:35 pm »
Sigh. Just got informed the gym is closing for two weeks starting tomorrow. I'll get one more lift in tonight and then...the struggle begins. Finding a way to train maximally at home.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1477 on: May 21, 2020, 11:56:38 am »
The gym is back open!!!!

I won't lie, I slacked hard for a bit the first few weeks and gained some "quarantine weight" before saying F this and pulling the treadmill out of the basement. I can't run on the treadmill so I started doing some longer incline walks to burn some cals then added some BW exercises at the end. After a week of that I busted out the spikes and did some track work in the backyard. Weight is back down around 195ish. I plan to test my "max" squats and deadlifts tonight at the gym. If I'm super deficient in one areaill modify my old training block to accentuate that area.

Kinda falling back in love with sprinting as well. I need to get on a real track and see where I'm at time wise. I had the woman hand time a couple 40s the second day of sprints and they weren't awful but better than expected I guess. She started the stopwatch on my "first movement" and stopped it as I passed her. Clocked a 4.41 as the fastest (3rd attempt) but given reaction times and other factors I figured it closer to a 4.75+/-. So not awful. I'm incredibly slow out of the gate it feels and as I stride out around 20yards I can "feel" like there is another gear but I can't quite click into it. Something to work on as I plan to hit some shorter sprints (<100 yards) 2x a week.

Will update later tonight! So excited!
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1478 on: May 22, 2020, 01:07:44 am »
hah nice! how'd it go?

yea man sprinting is great. feels so good to turn it on for 5-30s.


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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1479 on: May 22, 2020, 06:14:50 pm »
hah nice! how'd it go?

yea man sprinting is great. feels so good to turn it on for 5-30s.

The short sprints ARE fun.

As for lifting last night I didn't get a chance to deadlift so I'll hit that tonight. Warmed up with some treadmill and track style ballistics, did a few box and depth jumps with lacked "pop". Then started some squats. Made it to a 365 back squat, might have had a 385 but the 365 felt stable and near max so I stopped there. Did some lighter knee/quad based accesory work and some more box jumps which felt much better after moving some weight!
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1480 on: May 24, 2020, 12:47:52 pm »
Dead AF after a double.... Managed 365 deadlift raw and 425 with straps only. Felt like my glutes aren't firing maximally at all. So I did some KB swings, assisted Nordics and hypers to hammer them and finished with some core.

Definitely going to be a PC dominant block for the next few weeks I think.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1481 on: May 26, 2020, 08:07:46 pm »
Monday night! Let's crank this back up again!

Was slightly lethargic arriving to the gym after work but woke up nicely during warmups and ended up having some good depth and box jumps to finish off warmups.

Still using a modified ATG style workout so worked up to some Patrick stepup(downs) up to 225x10 and some Jefferson curls with 55s. Surprised myself that I am basically close to where I was pre Q. Hit some core work and assy movements then squatted up to a 365 pause single and a 3x5 at 315 for backoffs. Definitely stronger than the last 365 so good thing there.

BW was 195.2 lbs sadly. Gotta get that down!
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1482 on: May 27, 2020, 11:05:30 pm »
Double yesterday so I moved Tuesday to Wednesday lol!

Warmups felt great. Added some height to my box jump progressions and that was exciting. Not where I was by any means but....slowly

ATG lunges and good mornings followed with calves/core/triceps.

Ended with some hang cleans and worked up to a 185x3 set. I think I can get 205 so we may try that for a single next week!
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1483 on: June 02, 2020, 02:49:09 pm »
 :pissed: Bunch of subpar workouts due to no energy/long work days.  Fought through one but scrapped one in warmups and the other after an awful warmup set. Guess I'm getting old. Hard to be springy and energetic at 11-12 at night now. Yikes

Got to the gym last night at 9 and was much better through warmups. Same basic workout as last Monday (Patrick stepup/Jefferson curls) but the weight moved easier. Time to add some. Squat finisher was a 385 paused top single and 3x3 at 335. Closed with a few box jumps and back extensions as I feel that's weak right now.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1484 on: June 04, 2020, 01:17:16 am »
Long ass day yesterday so I lifted tonight instead.

Felt great in warmups. Bouncy some what. ATG style lunges and some good mornings along with calves and a lot of core work. Ended up with some hang cleans and got my first 205lb HC. Not bad.

In other notes refusing to step on a scale for a few.more days lol
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