I just started the KOTG program. How are you liking it?
saw some improvement for a little, and then not much else. been too lazy to keep up with it.
i need to start back up again. my main gripe about the program is that there is barely ANYTHING to target glute med weakness in there. lots of knee problems stem from a weak glute med.
im planning on finding a decent physical therapist in my area for a full assessment. it's just hard finding one who is very competent and isnt working at a money machine mill full of old people doing cookie cutter exercises
likewise i didnt notice a single TFL stretch in the program. tight/overactive TFLs is another cause of knee pain. i feel knee pain relief immediately after doing a decent TFL stretch, but only by about 50%. still great though
It's cool that this came up in your log, I just today realized that my glute medius wasn't activating on my sprints in my left leg. I have had some injuries on that leg for years prior - a groin strain that may have been a labrum tear that i never quite recovered from as well as a pretty severe PCL tear that all may have to do with bad motor patterns.
I've been figuring out all this stuff over time in my log but my squatting pattern had some kind of dysfunction between knee and ankle where they were moving in different planes: ankles collapsing outwards and weight not distributed across my entire foot (but only on the anterior ball), also causing some arch dysfunction in my foot.The glute med when squatting I'm pretty sure pulls the tibia (*femur) so its moving in one plane of motion (and groin flexibility is required to maintain that movement into a deep squat), so all these years when i was squatting i built up bad patterns where for part of the movement the glute med was inactive, and that carried over to sprinting.
Hmm on further consideration I have also historically been unable to get full dorsiflexion in my ankle on that leg, that probably has something to do with it as well. Sorry this was kind of ranty and personal to me but felt on topic
Edit: i just figured it out ! Apparently i have more dorsiflexion ROM in the ankle when i evert the foot, and i thought i needed this extra ROM to deep squat. But doing that throws it out of alignment with the rest of the leg and might be what is disconnecting the glute med and causing it not to fire.
Yo and that also could be why louie simmons teaches wide stance box squat, because its impossible for your foot to evert and glute med/min have to fire to maintain wide stance throughout
Nvm glute med and min pull the femur mostly up not to the side

might change as you move deeper into a squat or whatever movement though