Author Topic: Dreyth's New Journal  (Read 568428 times)

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Re: Dreyth's New Journal
« Reply #1485 on: November 27, 2021, 11:49:20 pm »
Yeah dude totally, i have found this true for hips, i had this period where i would stretch my hams pnf every day multiple times a day but my flexibility only improved a little bit. It was at least partially because my hip/core area i never took steps to stabilize when sitting, walking and doing all that stuff. And in team sports we would always do these dumb stretches like frankensteins, turtle herders and toe touches which all cue lower back flexibility in addition to hamstrings and dont reflect good motor patterns. And if the hips arent being kept stable by forces then its dangerous to put hamstrings in compromising stretched positions. But now that i have been addressing hip stability by not allowing lower back collapse when sitting or allowing too much sway in the hips when walking my hams are at their most flexible even though i only stretch them maybe like once a week. Probably is true for hip flexors as well but thats a little harder to measure

I do think that with shoulders (maybe because of the extent of my previous upper cross) i still have to do a lot of rolling and some stretching to get them into a position where they can even have the capacity to be stable. Im still not quite there, i can get into that position during athletic movement or by consciously activating ext rotators and rhomboids but my shoulders arent at the point where they are in those positions without active correction which is where i think they hopefully will be eventually. Also maybe i havent been addressing the neck enough and its pulling the shoulders back into bad positions


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Re: Dreyth's New Journal
« Reply #1486 on: November 28, 2021, 10:48:03 pm »
Yo i just had a pretty big breakthrough and you were entirely right man. I pulled my neck back into a stable position and my shoulders just kind of went with it. I had been putting so much work in trying to pull them back and was making small gradual progress, but as soon as i pulled the neck back (although the position the neck is in right now is a little stiff, im not used to it) the shoulders just naturally readjusted with no effort on my part. Needed to deal with the stability first.


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Re: Dreyth's New Journal
« Reply #1487 on: June 10, 2022, 06:15:00 pm »
Very late reply here but that's good to hear! Any more updates?
I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit


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Re: Dreyth's New Journal
« Reply #1488 on: June 17, 2022, 09:11:44 pm »
Very late reply here but that's good to hear! Any more updates?

Yeah! I've made some strides in terms of balance, efficiency of change of direction mechanics, breathing mechanics, body awareness. My APT and especially upper cross have improved. I've had a lot of breakthroughs in my understanding of the body. Still though, my body reverts to previous mechanics habits.

I think one issue is I'm still applying the concepts as if I can have perfect mechanics, but because of my torn PCL I actually have to make manual adjustments and arrive at a modified posture that addresses this glaring instability. I can't keep shooting for the "perfect" mechanics because this instability will not be addressed in that case. Just how much adjustments have to be made and what the end result might look like remains to be seen.

I want to post some details but will hold off until I feel like I've addressed all the main parts and my mechanics cease to degenerate back to apt and upper cross and I think the result is sustainable. I'm pretty optimistic that it's possible but so far knowledge has come easily and the progression of knowledge has felt linear. I might arrive at mechanical issues I don't understand and theories I come up with won't address. My opinion is kinetic chains may get pretty complex, especially when one leg has one set of optimal mechanics and the other leg has a different set. And in the end some of the stuff I come up with might only be true for me personally, because of my particular history with bad posture and "weight room athleticism". But hopefully some helpful stuff comes out of this process because I have put a lot of time into it.

But yeah i also don't have any formal training in this stuff so who the hell even knows.


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Re: Dreyth's New Journal
« Reply #1489 on: June 22, 2022, 11:18:14 am »
 Sometimes things seem to work for no rhyme or reason. Of course there is certainly an underlying reason, but due to our ignorance, “it doesnt make sense.”

As an example, i starting stretching my rectus femoris and psoas a few days ago and felt immediate relief (though not 100%) in my knee pain. What?! I tried this out like 6 months ago and didnt experience this relief. Why now? Things are looking up for my knees for now
I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit


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Re: Dreyth's New Journal
« Reply #1490 on: September 09, 2022, 11:05:11 am »
Monday 09/05/22

-= Workout Log =-

Wall Angels 1 x 15
V Spread 1 x 12

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 8
60's x 3
90's x 6 >> 2min rest.
60's x 9

Rear Delt DB Flyes
30's x 7 (T-Style) >> 2min rest.
30's x 10 (W-Style)

Seated DB Shoulder Press
60's x 6 >> 2 min rest.
45's x 8

Weighted Inverted Rows
BW x 4
50 x 7 >> 2min rest.
50 x 6

Weighted Chin Ups
50 x 5 >> 2min rest.
50 x 5

Lateral Raises
30's x 12

Wall Angels x 15
V Spreads x 15

Tuesday 09/06/22

-= Workout Log =-

Banded Side Walks 1 x 20 Steps left/right >> Dat were glute med firing.

135 x 5
205 x 3
275 x 1
345 x 1
365 x 10

Hanging Leg Raises
BW x 3
30 x 8 >> 2min rest.
30 x 8

Barbell Shrugs
275 x 12 >> 2 min rest.
275 x 8

Raised Heel 1/8 Squats
275 x 12 >> Targeting the VMOs with this one.

Natural GHRs
BW x 8 >> 2min rest.
BW x 8

Banded Side Walks 2 x 20 Steps left/right

Wednesday 09/09/22

-= Workout Log =-

Wall Angels 1 x 15
V Spread 1 x 12

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 6
60's x 3
90's x 6 >> 2min rest.
60's x 10 +1

Rear Delt DB Flyes
30's x 8 (T-Style) +1 >> 2min rest.
30's x 11 (W-Style) +1

Seated DB Shoulder Press
60's x 6 >> 2 min rest.
45's x 9 +1

Weighted Chin Ups
BW x 3
50 x 5 >> 2 min rest.
50 x 5

Weighted Inverted Rows
50 x 5 >> 2 min rest.
50 x 5

Lateral Raises
30's x 12

Wall Angels 1 x 15
V Spreads 1 x 15

Thursday 09/08/22

-= Workout Log =-

Banded Side Walks 1 x 20 Steps left/right

135 x 5
205 x 3
275 x 1
345 x 1
375 x 7

Hanging Leg Raises
BW x 3
30 x 9 +1 >> 2min rest.
30 x 8

Barbell Shrugs
275 x 12 +3 >> 2 min rest.
275 x 8 +4

Raised Heel 1/8 Squats
275 x 15 +3

Banded Side Walks 2 x 20 Steps left/right

Natural GHRs
BW x 8 >> 2min rest.
BW x 8
« Last Edit: September 12, 2022, 02:27:44 pm by Dreyth »
I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit


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Re: Dreyth's New Journal
« Reply #1491 on: September 09, 2022, 11:10:17 am »
Alright here's the new plan

I dropped the volume per session and upped the frequency. planning on an upper/lower split but hitting each 3x per week, taking one rest day per week (maybe Fridays). I just know that from experience I respond very well to high frequency for squats, so why not do my whole workouts like that?

trying to fix my posture and knee problems, so im doing target glute med work, VMO work, upper back stuff

have been kinda cutting lately, then binge a day or two and cut again. have been making progress slowly in terms of strength while my weight fluctuates, so overall progress is there
I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit


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Re: Dreyth's New Journal
« Reply #1492 on: September 12, 2022, 02:29:33 pm »
Saturday 09/10/22

-= Workout Log =-

Wall Angels 1 x 15
V Spread 1 x 12

Incline DB Bench Press
45's x 6
60's x 3
90's x 6 >> 2min rest.
60's x 12 +2

Rear Delt DB Flyes
30's x 8 (T-Style) >> 2min rest.
30's x 12 (W-Style) +1

Seated DB Shoulder Press
60's x 6 >> 2 min rest.
45's x 10 +1

Weighted Chin Ups
BW x 3
50 x 6 +1>> 2 min rest.
50 x 4

Weighted Inverted Rows
50 x 8 +2>> 2 min rest.
50 x 7 +1

Lateral Raises
30's x 13+1

Wall Angels 1 x 15
V Spreads 1 x 15

Sunday 09/11/22

-= Workout Log =-

Banded Side Walks 1 x 20 Steps left/right

135 x 5
205 x 3
275 x 1
345 x 1
375 x 8 >> 3min rest. +1
375 x 1

Hanging Leg Raises
BW x 3
30 x 10 +1 >> 2min rest.
30 x 7
BW x 8

Barbell Shrugs
275 x 15 +3 >> 2 min rest.
275 x 12 +4

Raised Heel 1/8 Squats
295 x 15 >> 2min rests.
295 x 15
295 x 15

Banded Side Walks 2 x 20 Steps left/right

Natural GHRs
BW x 7 >> Felt my hamstrings cramping so I had to cut these short.
BW x 0
I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit


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Re: Dreyth's New Journal
« Reply #1493 on: August 08, 2023, 07:09:26 am »
monday - game was okay. lost by about 15. I dropped 16. My team doesn't utilize me enough. i'm definitely more efficient than the other players. I got off to a hot start. i was ehh for the rest of the game though. a few missed open layups where i blew past defenders and dodged one in the air with a pump fake.

before the game i landed my first ever RLR dunk! It's freakin awkward jumping that way, but i had a feeling i would be able to do it. i definitely have to practice it more. i can get way more distance on my dunks verses LRR this way. somehow its tougher to palm the ball RLR for me.

tuesday - didn't lift in the AM like i wanted to. was way too tired in the morning. went back to bed and then woke up for work. my left knee is pretty swollen. this happend after last game too... no way i can squat like this. its not painful at all! it just has water in it or something.

Went back to my log to track down where my knee issue started. 7 years ago! It still sucks and i can barely touch rim now. Stretching rectus femoris helps a lot but if i play bball i cant try touching rim. It wrecks me. I can play 1-2 days a week if i avoid near max effort jumps

Man I dont know if ill ever dunk again. That was my recent goal. My knee felt great the other day so i decided to touch rim a few times and now its so swollen ill probably not play ball for a few weeks. That made me think i cant dunk ever again unless i seriously figure something out

On another note: did not know i was able to dunk RL in the past

My squats at about 225x7 right now. RDL 275x6. Cutting some weight, then want to add serious strength 

Oh yeah my wife’s pregnant with our first

Hope everyones doing well
« Last Edit: August 08, 2023, 07:12:00 am by Dreyth »
I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit


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Re: Dreyth's New Journal
« Reply #1494 on: August 08, 2023, 08:38:38 pm »
Dude congrats on the kid!

Sucks that nothing is helping the knee. Wish I could be of some help. I know you tried KOTG and diving into the theoretical side.

Probably a last option scenario kind of thing, and not even sure it would help but something I have been thinking about is getting one of those fancy $1000 DonJoy braces they prescribed me when I tore my PCL. Then my mechanics made it to a reasonable level, i stowed it away, and then my mom threw it out. After delving deeper into how the body works and realizing just how much compensation mechanics have happened because of the PCL tear, really wish I still had that brace. I'm not entirely sure what injury you have, but it might be something to consider, maybe a professional could recommend you something.

I think it's kind of interesting that playing bball doesn't irritate it but jumping does. I'm sure you've tried some stuff like this but maybe some specific sessions where you do some athletic movements and try to figure out what specifically puts extra stress on the knee and how you can try to alter mechanics to adjust for that? examples - jumping DL with a more frontal jump plant vs a more side plant , or jumping SL with more hip extension vs knee flexion? And then maybe, if one jump technique doesn't seem to generate a lot of power but is ok on your knee, maybe that would be more trainable than a technique that hurts your knee? Might not work at all but just thought I would throw it out there.


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Re: Dreyth's New Journal
« Reply #1495 on: August 11, 2023, 10:42:16 pm »
Playing bball does irritate it, i can only play 1-2 times per week and they get sore. But i definitely cant jump

The issue is i cant tell how bad my knees will feel until the next day. So if i play around with jumping mechanics i might be wrecking myself and not know until the next day lol

I did go to a chiropractor a year ago (in addition to the physical therapist years ago) and he tested my patellar tracking i believe. His tests didnt cause any pain. He basically concluded i was getting old… yeah i didnt go back to him

I need an MRI and to find some more specialists
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Re: Dreyth's New Journal
« Reply #1496 on: October 18, 2023, 10:33:43 am »
I also have issues with my right knee, pretty bad. It sometimes feels like a "beam" will exit my skin on the lateral side of the knee. I've been to a bunch of doctors and they don't know what it is - I have to do MRI which I'm not doing (yet) because it doesn't matter what it is - whether I know what it is or not doesn't really matter, it's still going to be there.

I took some "Genacol", a medicine for cartilages and stuff and it surprisingly seems to be better.

My squat is close to yours right now but it's low bar and a bit weaker than yours (I can squat 100x5, probably 100x7 if I really push it). Vert off one leg is about 60-65 cm at best, off two it's 50 cm or so but I'm not attempting that because it will aggravate my right knee - I'd rather continue doing strength work and jump off one (although I'm also jumping very little since I'm too heavy for jumping anyway).

How heavy are you now, by the way? I'm trying to get lighter (under 85 kg would be ideal).
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: Dreyth's New Journal
« Reply #1497 on: October 19, 2023, 03:10:48 am »
I might be about 195lbs fasted right now. I still RDL, i can do around 365x5 i think. It doesnt bother my knee

Didnt update but i played basketball a few weeks ago and my knee the next day was the worst its been in years. The swelling has now subsided but there is still pain if i kneel on the floor. Usually theres no pain after the swelling subsides. This time there was a considerable amount. In other words, im regressing

On a plane right now headed towards macedonia again. First time in about 5 years. Looking to get an MRI there since itll be much cheaper than USA. Maybe i should see a PT there as well now that i think about it

At this rate i’ll never dunk again. But if i can heal my knees, im probably 6mo away from dunking
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Re: Dreyth's New Journal
« Reply #1498 on: October 19, 2023, 03:26:59 am »
I'm in a similar situation, actually both my knees were complaining at some point. The left one seems to be fine now, I can do pistols on it, but the right one...
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: Dreyth's New Journal
« Reply #1499 on: January 17, 2024, 10:55:25 am »
Became a dad  :personal-record:
I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit