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Re: cowed77's time to get up!
« Reply #795 on: June 19, 2011, 08:54:02 am »
thanks lance!  :highfive:

some questions...

i'll see how i can work upper body lifting into this, wanna preserve the gains thus far as best as i can.

i'll search bedouin's log for the dynamic warmup thing, if i cant find it i'll probably do some MR tucks, leg swings, short sprints.

i think you have a PNF stretching vid on youtube, i'll copy it into my iphone later.

im not so confident on the jumping days though, havent jumped ME in a long time, not so confident yet on the ankle. will try it out and see how it goes. got 2-3 inches over rim yesterday after the game.

no foam roller at the gym, but i do have one at home, so i'll do it at home if its ok? otherwise mayb i'll bring the roller to the gym and have them keep it for me, gonna see if i can do that. already contributed an ab wheel a few months back LOL.

will search ur channel for RDL vids too, never did them seriously in a program before. how do u like them done?

before i start lance, i dun squat ATG, cos my back/butt curves in just after parallel. will it hurt matters?

edit: just watched your pnf quad stretch vid. when u say to kick the target leg back, is it like donkey back kick style kicking out, or is it like when ur on the knee extension machine, flexing out, using only knee motion/flexing?
foreign stuff to me, using a concentric motion to stretch a muscle...
« Last Edit: June 19, 2011, 09:20:51 am by cowed77 »
BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm


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Re: cowed77's time to get up!
« Reply #796 on: June 19, 2011, 04:11:51 pm »
thanks lance!  :highfive:

some questions...

i'll see how i can work upper body lifting into this, wanna preserve the gains thus far as best as i can.

i'll search bedouin's log for the dynamic warmup thing, if i cant find it i'll probably do some MR tucks, leg swings, short sprints.

i think you have a PNF stretching vid on youtube, i'll copy it into my iphone later.

im not so confident on the jumping days though, havent jumped ME in a long time, not so confident yet on the ankle. will try it out and see how it goes. got 2-3 inches over rim yesterday after the game.

 Well, dont jump any higher than you can handle right now, take it slowly at first, get the reps in. 

no foam roller at the gym, but i do have one at home, so i'll do it at home if its ok? otherwise mayb i'll bring the roller to the gym and have them keep it for me, gonna see if i can do that. already contributed an ab wheel a few months back LOL.

yea you can do it at home, a pvc pipe works great too.

will search ur channel for RDL vids too, never did them seriously in a program before. how do u like them done?

Knees slightly bent, start at the top, USE STRAPS, push hips back as far as you can while maintaining neutral with the spine, reverse the weight right below the knee caps.

before i start lance, i dun squat ATG, cos my back/butt curves in just after parallel. will it hurt matters?

I HATE the word "atg", we have full squats (anywhere below parallel), and half squats (slightly above parallel).  You need to do a full squat.  If you cant go slightly below parallel without rounding, you need to learn to squat correctly.  Post a video if you need help.  If you can already squat slightly below parallel, but are not going "atg", that is perfectly fine, just full squat.

edit: just watched your pnf quad stretch vid. when u say to kick the target leg back, is it like donkey back kick style kicking out, or is it like when ur on the knee extension machine, flexing out, using only knee motion/flexing?
foreign stuff to me, using a concentric motion to stretch a muscle...

right, the second one, youre contracting the muscle being stretch in this version of pnf, it will be the same for all muscle groups.


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Re: cowed77's time to get up!
« Reply #797 on: June 20, 2011, 11:45:10 am »
week 79

prehab, warmup.

sprints: 3 x incline
stiff leg ankle hops: 3 x 20

jump snatch: 4 x 5 (30, 35, 35, 35)

Squats: 4 x 5 (90, 95, 95, 95)

RDL: 3 x 7 (70, 75, 75)

forward lunges: 2 x 10 (60, 50)

calf raises: 2 x 15 (100, 100)

PNF quad, groin stretch

- brand new template, feeling out the weights.
- form check on RDL guys. anything im doing wrong?

- lance, how should i do those lunges in the rack? any cues? will post vid next session...
- i used to do them with DB, walking, but cos they only go up to 30kg, there is gonna be a bottleneck there. so im trying to do it with the BB. felt way tougher. didnt want knee to go over foot, but cos the rack is so small, there wasnt enough space.
BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm


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Re: cowed77's time to get up!
« Reply #798 on: June 20, 2011, 11:48:03 am »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
BW: 74kg
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Re: cowed77's time to get up!
« Reply #799 on: June 20, 2011, 02:26:52 pm »
 Squats look pretty good man, push out to the sides of your feet more though, youve got a slight internal rotation going on during some of those reps.  Its not a big deal now but as you get into heavier weights it will be, pushing out or "spreading the floor" will also give you more glute involvement.

 On the rdl, SLOW DOWN, in between reps! Treat each rep like it is its own set.  I like the speed of the reps but slow down, set each rep up.  You need to pull the bar into you using the lats, keep it brushing the thighs all the way through the range of motion.  Sit back away from the bar, dont push the bar away from you. Youre using the quads more than you need to, push the hips back, bring them back to the bar, knee bend stays the same.

For lunges use a barbell, take it out of the rack.  Either take a step forward and step back together, or do walking lunges.


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Re: cowed77's time to get up!
« Reply #800 on: June 20, 2011, 04:48:26 pm »
those squats are actually just a few inches lower than how i normally do them... when i check myself doing BW squats in the mirror, my butt winks in at abt the bottom point in the squat vid, so i normally stop short of that point. but if you think its alright tho i'll keep at it haha.

RDLs were kinda tough man, just learning the form still. bar was knocking into the bottom of my knees.
if im not sitting back enough, and the bar is already hitting my knees and legs... haha i cant imagine sitting back more.
will try again, and post more vids next RDL session.

pretty small gym, not sure if i can do the lunges that way, will make it happen though haha.

thanks for the quick response and tips lance!
BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm


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Re: cowed77's time to get up!
« Reply #801 on: June 20, 2011, 04:56:10 pm »
those squats are actually just a few inches lower than how i normally do them... when i check myself doing BW squats in the mirror, my butt winks in at abt the bottom point in the squat vid, so i normally stop short of that point. but if you think its alright tho i'll keep at it haha.

there is zero visible butt wink in that video, if it happens, pull down with your hip flexors, the squat looks great side from the slight internal rotation I addressed earlier.

RDLs were kinda tough man, just learning the form still. bar was knocking into the bottom of my knees.
if im not sitting back enough, and the bar is already hitting my knees and legs... haha i cant imagine sitting back more.
will try again, and post more vids next RDL session.

PULL THE BAR INTO YOU.  thats why its "knocking into" your knees.  It should smoothly slide down your legs as you push your hips back away from it. If you continue to let the bar swing out away from you, your lower back is going to be let you know about it the next day.

pretty small gym, not sure if i can do the lunges that way, will make it happen though haha.

Lunges taking a step out in front of you, then stepping back together take very little space, you dont have to do walking lunges.

thanks for the quick response and tips lance!

no problem man, good luck.


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Re: cowed77's time to get up!
« Reply #802 on: June 20, 2011, 08:37:07 pm »

welcome aboard on STS training mang! be ready for some serious shit! haha!

just a tip though... you really need to foam roll and stretch and add ice bath... if you want to survive... lol...

good luck with your training man... its your time...


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Re: cowed77's time to get up!
« Reply #803 on: June 20, 2011, 11:07:56 pm »
Hi there, welcome to sts training! We are doing a similar workout too, just remember to practice jumping!!
Our goal is to dunk, jump higher, more power and speed, become more explosive, a better overall athlete, sound nutrition and self discipline. Get bigger,stronger and ripped.The hard work, sacrifice, consistency, dedication, focus and passion is all in the videos. That's all about us. We never EVER give up. When we fail, we get up and put this shit together. That's what makes us stronger. We never quit. We set PR's. We must reach our dream, this is a journey, ain't gonna be pussies and quit halfway, we man up and get the f up. That's what success is all about.


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Re: cowed77's time to get up!
« Reply #804 on: June 21, 2011, 03:28:08 am »
Hahaha the rdls are killing me for now.
Gonna see how I can work in upper body. Ur template has upper body in it?
I'm heading to the gym now for some benching and rowing heh. After I have my coffee!

I dun have a bathtub, no ice bath lol!

Heh Andy hope u've been improving!
BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm


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Re: cowed77's time to get up!
« Reply #805 on: June 21, 2011, 12:46:10 pm »
week 79
tues, upper

some ankle hops.
ME jumps

s1: bench: 8 x (70, 80, 80, 80, *80)
s1: rows: 8 x (50, 50, 60, 70, 70)

*7 reps

s2: dips: 2 x AF (30, 22)
s2: pullups: 2 x AF (16, 11)

Ab wheel rollouts: 2 x 20

- ME jumps were ok. a few inches lower than pre-injury.
- figured since im not aiming to push for upper body PRs this phase, might as well add some volume in, to prep myself in case i do decide to go for that 120kg bench

  • current plan is to do a bench/row horizontal pushpull as main, with vertical push pull (BW pullups/dips) as accessories on one off day
  • and switch it around on the other off day, ie OHP/weighted pullups as main, maybe incline DB bench/DB one armed rows as horizontal pushpull accessories on the other
    • will see how it goes though. if im feeling too beat up, i'll prolly just do one upper day. and spend other rest/jumping day working on that step back jumper, and my handles.

    *edit. spent ten minutes trying to get the bullet thing right. still turned out wrong lol.  :P

BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm


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Re: cowed77's time to get up!
« Reply #806 on: June 22, 2011, 09:10:52 am »
week 79
wed: lance template

warmup, prehab

sprints: 3 x incline

stiff leg ankle hops: 3 x 20

hang clean: 4 x 5 (50, 55, 55, 55)

box/pin squat: 4 x 5 (100, 100, 110, 110)

RDL: 3 x 7 (70, 75, 75, 75)

fwd lunge: DND
calf raises: DND

- really really late for work... :(
BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm


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Re: cowed77's time to get up!
« Reply #807 on: June 22, 2011, 09:23:38 am »
form check time...

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

hang cleans
- i think this is gonna be a bottleneck pretty soon. getting the weight up wasnt too tough yet, but my wrists are killing me.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

box squats
- i always read that they are easier than regular half squats. not so for me though. anything im doing wrong?

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

- form check part 2.
BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm


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Re: cowed77's time to get up!
« Reply #808 on: June 23, 2011, 05:06:50 pm »
 Hang cleans look pretty good actually, if its hurting your wrists you need to catch it on your shoulders and not in your hands. Try to slam your shoulders into the bar when you catch it, let the bar go back into the fingers. Youre also really close to a full clean there, catch in a quarter squat instead, thats gonna help with the pressure on your wrists as well.

 Dont crash the box on the the box squat, you can lower it fast at first, but slow it down the last couple of inches before you sit down.  The box squat/pin squat means box squat OR pin squat, not a box pin squat btw.

 Rdl looks much better, be sure and keep the weight back on the heels the whole time.


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Re: cowed77's time to get up!
« Reply #809 on: June 24, 2011, 02:24:22 am »
Abt the cleans... I read somewhere that ur supposed to catch on the shoulders, with upper arms as close to parallel as possible. Problem is to catch that way, I wouldn't be able to grip the bar fully, and would have to let it rest on fingertips. Even then, my wrists are still not flexible enough haha. Will keep working on it tho. It's still pretty easy getting the weight up, the catch is quite the problem for now. Gonna keep at it tho.

Why are the box squats tougher than my regular squats tho, and at abt the same or perhaps higher depth?
Mayb I'll do pin squats den...

Thanks man! Pretty excited abt the template still. Traps are sore! :p
Issit more of a GPP style workout for now?
BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm