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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #30 on: June 16, 2014, 01:26:28 pm »
Rep squat day 6-16-14


400 x 6 (PR)
420 x 4 (PR, with a rep left in the tank)

Reverse band squat/using light bands:

445 - 2 x 2

Pause squat (pausing 2-3 seconds in the hole):

280 x 8
300 x 5

High rep squat:

280 x 20


2 x 20yds

Core work:

150 reps

Today was good all around, my training partner had to squat last night due to his schedule. Watched him nail 2 lifetime PR's so I used that as motivation for myself today. Left rib cage is a bit tender due to the belt rubbing hardcore as I was ratcheting it up for squats, nothing major probably be tender for a couple days though!

Vids are 400 x 6 and 420 x 4

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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #31 on: June 17, 2014, 01:03:34 pm »
Quick accessory day!!!!

Standing military press:

140 - 2 x 8
160 x 8
180 x 8

Spoto press:

270 - 3 x 3 (kept sets low for bench day tomorrow)

Deadlift @60% (heavy deadlift week kept percentage low)

315 - 3 x 5

EZ barbell curl superset w/ upright rows:

4 x 12
4 x 12

Chest supported rows:

4 x 15

Core work:

150 reps

Cardio for the day!

Barbell walks:

20 x 30yds

Explosive bench tomorrow!
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #32 on: June 18, 2014, 02:08:01 pm »
Explosive bench day!!

Bench @65%:

240 - 6 x 2

One board pause bench:

230 - 3 x 3

Incline dumbbell press:

85's - 3 x 20

Tricep pressdowns:

4 x 25

T-bar rows:

4 x 12

Incline band flyes:

50 reps (rest paused)

Core work:

150 reps

Cardio for the day!!!!

10 minute circuit consisting of:

10 sledge hammer strikes to a tire
60yd sprint
5 depth jumps

Felt great today, working on my bench setup and staying tighter throughout the entire lift has made a noticeable difference. My order from elitefts came in yesterday I took advantage of their 45% off wraps deal and got 3 pairs  of knee wraps and a pair of their best wrist wraps for 68 bucks. I now have a total of 4 pairs of knee wraps ranging from intermediate to the higher levels of advanced, so basically I can graduate my way up over the months and years and have a variety for the sets when I need casting and or rebound.

Heavy deadlift day tomorrow, don't know how well this will pan out with my left rib cage still tender however I plan on getting through the day even if I have to go lighter on the weights!!!!
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #33 on: June 19, 2014, 02:13:20 pm »
Heavy Deadlift day!

Deadlift @85%

455 x 2
455 x 4 (rep PR!!!)

2" block pull:

385 x 3

1" deficit pull:

275 x 15 (left 6-8 reps in the tank)

Band pull aparts:

3 x 30


3 x 15

Core work:

150 reps

Cardio for the day:

10 x 60yds farmer carries for time/ completed in 7:28

Today was a very solid day given my rib cage tweak, Had to wear my belt super low to avoid discomfort which felt very odd! today was suppose to be 3 sets of 2 @85% however I psyched myself out of set number two which pissed me off so I manned up and came back and nailed 455 x 4 which is a rep PR, unfortunately didn't get a video =(.

Heavy squats Monday!!!!
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #34 on: June 22, 2014, 05:47:08 pm »
Got a video of myself box jumping after a crossfit session Friday, box is approx 34-36" would have went 40"+ for kicks however the ceiling in the gym is literally a fuzz over 8' and I was afraid of damaging the ceiling or the ceiling messing my landing up and risking injury. Not horrible for the first time legit box jumping in 5 years!
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #35 on: June 22, 2014, 05:56:01 pm »
You're... you're huge...
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #36 on: June 28, 2014, 12:18:09 am »
Seen part of my journal vanished, ohh well today was crossfit Friday!!!!

Power clean x 50
Upright row x 50
Standing military press x 50
Bent over barbell rows x 50
Shrugs x 50
Side to side jumps (over object) x 50
Mountain climbers x 50

Complete in 10:50

Finished out with 4 sets of box jumps:

1 x 20
1 x 15
1 x 10
1 x 5

Box height increased each set!!!
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #37 on: June 30, 2014, 01:49:59 pm »
Speed Squat day!

Squat @65%

320 - 6 x 2

Pause squat (CAT style)

230 - 3 x 3

Band Good Mornings:

3 x 20


2 x 20yds

Core work:

150 reps

Cardio for the day:

Backward sled drags

6 x 60yds

Nothing spectacular today, sat down last night and mapped out a template that will allow myself the opportunity to better balance life starting this fall as I'm returning to college to finish out a degree in nursing. This new template combines ideas from my current cycle with Brian Carroll's 10/20/life and will shorten my days training in my home gym from 4 days to 3 days with a 4th day taking place in the gym at work on my lunch break. I need this extra time to spend with my son as well as maintaining a decent GPA, and this new template will allow myself to keep getting stronger as well as continue competing in the sport I love.

This new template will start sometime in August, the first day will consist of a squat/deadlift day one lift will be heavy while the opposite will be speed and that alternates each week. The second day will be a bench day that will cycle exactly as my current training, and the third day will be a squat/deadlift accessory day utilizing 7-8 movements used to build a stronger squat and deadlift. And since I will be attending campus Mondays and Wednesdays from 1pm-3pm as soon as I get out I can hit the gym at work before I clock in at 5pm these two days will be used for a military press/bench assistance day and a weak point attack day. overall very excited to be getting back into school and working towards a decent career!!!!

Heavy bench tomorrow!!!
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #38 on: July 01, 2014, 02:30:21 pm »
Heavy Bench!


320 x 2
330 x 2
350 x 2 (PR, got out of the groove on 2nd rep but didn't let it beat myself)

One board paused flat bench:

290 - 2 x 3
290 x 9 (more of a touch n go)

Incline Bench:

190 x 12
190 x 20

Tricep rope pressdowns:

3 x 12

Chest supported row:

3 x 20

Incline band flyes:

50 reps

Core work:

150 reps

Cardio for the day!


8 x 50yds

My 350 for 2 PR looked like crap on the second rep, first rep was very fast though. overall very pleased with today!
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #39 on: July 02, 2014, 01:57:52 pm »
Crossfit workout from today!

5 rounds consisting of:

20 power cleans
20 box jumps
20 hanging knee raises
Homemade strongman stone carry x 60yds

Not a whole lot here but factor in some nice summer humidity and I worked a pretty good sweat up!

Rep deadlift tomorrow!
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #40 on: July 03, 2014, 02:28:39 pm »
Rep deadlift day!

1" deficit deadlift:

385 x 6

2" block pull:

425 x 6

Band pull aparts:

4 x 25

Core work:

200 reps

Kept today short and sweet because of the strongman cardio I had planned!

Farmers carries:

8 x 60yds

Stone carries:

8 x 60yds

Goal was minimal rest periods and get it done as quickly as possible!!!!

Overall not a bad week of training, I definitely had a set of 10 with 425 but on the 6th rep the middle part of my back started feeling uncomfortable so I shut it down at 6 reps.

Rep squat Monday!!!!!
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #41 on: July 08, 2014, 02:23:08 pm »
Speed bench day (rep squat will be tomorrow)

Bench @70%

260 - 5 x 2

One board bench:

280 x 5
300 x 5
320 x 5 (super smooth had 4-5 reps in the tank)

Tricep press downs:

4 x 15

T-bar rows:

4 x 15

Band flyes:

50 reps


3 x 12

Core work:

150 reps

Cardio for the day!

Stone carries x 60yds (as many as possible in 12 mins)

Bench is doing awesome right now, legit shot at 405+ in a few weeks hopefully!
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #42 on: July 09, 2014, 03:44:16 pm »
Rep squat!

Squat @85%

425 - 3 x 2

High rep squat:

410 x 10 (had 12 in me, PR)

Paused squat:

280 - 3 x 5


3 x 20yds

Core work:

150 reps

410 x 10 is a rep PR, had more in me which is good to know. Bench and squat is looking great right now lets hope my deadlift follows suit!
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #43 on: July 11, 2014, 07:20:44 pm »
Heavy Deadlift day!


475 x 1
500 x 3 (5 was in the tank, PR)


225 - 3 x 25

Core work:

150 reps


Sprints with 45lb plate attached to a harness

Accessory day!

Seated military press:

140 x 12
190 x 12
210 x 15 (PR)

EZ barbell curl:

4 x 15

Band good mornings:

4 x 25

Core work:

150 reps

Cardio for the day:

Strongman circuit ( 3 exercises, 5 minute timer each exercise, max distance)

Farmers carries
Stone carries
Yoke walks

Everything is looking much stronger, doing a max day in 3 weeks!
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Re: J_Mckinney08's Powerlifting Journal
« Reply #44 on: July 14, 2014, 03:46:06 pm »
Just a quick update on my training, within a 5 day span I pulled 500 for 3 with ease then today absolutely demolished a 500lb squat. All my strength levels are feeling great and I have remained injury free!

Tomorrow is Rep bench day!
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