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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #2715 on: October 07, 2014, 08:14:27 am »
^Agree, we have talked about it a couple of times with adarqui, best jumps come when you stop thinking and lose yourself in the jump. Unfortunately you can't deliberately do it.
What i found that worked for me was off-the-backboard dunk attempts. And with your jump heights it is not that crazy, you are comfortably 6'' above so 7'' at your PRs. This might not be enough to actually land such a dunk but you can get pretty close and also possibly record a PR jump. I always tried some of those whenever i could get 7-8 inches above a rim, ( although i knew i needed 9 to 10 inches above to actually land it ). Still, even when not even close to dunking, they always felt great, losing yourself on the jump, catching the ball above the rim etc. Now that i think about it, my avatar is a pic from such an attempt, and one of the best dunk pics i ever got. And IIRC, it is a miss too  :P
Lobs are another way ( the adarq way ) but it requires much more skill, it is very easy with the backboard.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2014, 08:16:42 am by vag »
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #2716 on: October 07, 2014, 09:35:12 pm »
ACHES/INJURIES: none, whoa

- warm up
got 32 on double under "test" set, just to beat 31. might start doing sets of 20 of these. also, worked back up to running criss-crosses.

- DB jump squat 25s x 5,5
first set flying, second set slow and much more muscly

- bench 205 x 5,5,3
something weird about my set up today, was distracted or something and somehow everything ended up feeling unstable and leaky. should have the last set easily next time.

- BB row 135 x 8,8,8
strict form, no english

- superset x 2
-- DB curl 25s x 10
-- tricep press down 90 x 10; 110 x 10

- stretch
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- Avishek

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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #2717 on: October 07, 2014, 10:44:16 pm »
really good shit dude!!!  :almostascoolasnyancat:

im definitely below 36 now hahaha, got some chasing to do!

BW: 74kg
Ht: 174cm, 5'8
reach: 220cm


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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #2718 on: October 08, 2014, 10:09:00 am »
Comfortably 36!!!
You have gone a long way, well deserved and absolutely gained too...

thanks vag and chris (and the other people who upvoted that post)! and yeah, hit near base of palm on one jump without the ball and had a couple of very good dodgeball dunks. base of palm is 37.

good stuff. keep at it. :headbang:

do rim pullups while you're at it. don't fall.
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #2719 on: October 08, 2014, 11:59:01 pm »
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder a little
MENTAL STATE: kind of weird feeling

- warm up

- jumps x some
gym unexpectedly open, but anything past one step was rough. see below.

- fuck it

felt really weird, weak. not sick exactly, just weak. decided it was better to just try again tomorrow, combine shit.
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- Avishek

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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #2720 on: October 09, 2014, 07:17:15 pm »
okay so maybe i'm sick. feel like crap again, no gym. will probably take day off/work from home tomorrow, so will gym in afternoon unless i feel even worse than right now.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #2721 on: October 13, 2014, 04:59:51 pm »

sick. did 7DVJC at full Rx'd sets/reps but it was about all i could muster.


WEIGHT: 174.5
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder a little
MENTAL STATE: wiped the fuck out

- warm up

- jumps x some
got one dunk with the dodgeball and a bunch of misses of various kinds. once i got owned by the front of the rim i shut it down.

- squat 225 x 5; 245 x 5,5
no discomfort, not difficult, but third set was wack: hips and knees all over the place. not solid.

- MR half tucks x ~18,18,18

- rudiment hops

slept very badly last night and had to wake up early this morning so didn't have a lot of juice for this workout. on the plus side i don't feel sick today for the first time since last week.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #2722 on: October 15, 2014, 09:50:53 pm »
SORENESS: hamstrings, glutes a little
ACHES/INJURIES: left shoulder a little, left calf was cramping yesterday but okay today
MENTAL STATE: still really tired, stressed

- warm up

- jumps x 15 minutes or so
pretty crap, although i got 32 off one step and 33+ off two it was all downhill from there. legs felt a little dead and work has been really stressful this week, so not surprised that i'm off at the gym.

- bench 185 x 3+1
weak. very weak. abandoned normal plan.

- superset x 4
-- bench 135 x 10
-- BB row 135 x 10

- stretch

pretty terrible but again, not surprising. this should have been last night but i didn't get home until 30 minutes before the gym closes. leaving on a 2.5-week trip next tuesday: tajikistan for a week and a half and then afghanistan for a week. bringing the old jump rope and will basically do a lot of low-intensity plyos and bodybuilding stuff.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #2723 on: October 16, 2014, 10:07:59 pm »
SORENESS: pecs a tiny bit

- warm up

- squat 255 x 5,5,5

- RDL 255 x 8,8,8
straps. loving these.

- DB OHP 40s x 8

- pull up x 8

weak. was up at 5:15 for work this morning and worked until 7:30.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #2724 on: October 16, 2014, 11:10:08 pm »
leaving on a 2.5-week trip next tuesday: tajikistan for a week and a half and then afghanistan for a week. bringing the old jump rope and will basically do a lot of low-intensity plyos and bodybuilding stuff.

Boo. I know career>>>jumping and all that, but still. Boo.


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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #2725 on: October 17, 2014, 12:10:28 am »
leaving on a 2.5-week trip next tuesday: tajikistan for a week and a half and then afghanistan for a week. bringing the old jump rope and will basically do a lot of low-intensity plyos and bodybuilding stuff.

Boo. I know career>>>jumping and all that, but still. Boo.

i know, it sucks. it's not even like career>jumping, it's just that in my career, which is how i pay my bills, there's no choice whether to travel or not. if tajikistan had ANY basketball courts (believe me, i've searched*), i'd try to get some jumping in. kabul does but they're not in places i can go: maybe army bases, which i never go near, a couple of afghan places that are off-limits to me for security reasons, and maybe the embassy compound, which i can pretty much only get into for meetings with an escort and shit and it's a giant hassle.

*actually there is one, hilariously situated next to a churning rapid on a river about halfway between the capital and the main city in the east. hilariously because the rapid is so powerful that it's constantly spraying water all over the court, and therefore the court is perpetually wet. it's on this bizarro resort owned by the national aluminum company where i stayed once last year. strange, strange place. i'll be lucky to get out of the capital at all on this trip, let alone have any free time anywhere. dushanbe doesn't even have a real track.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #2726 on: October 17, 2014, 11:02:04 pm »
leaving on a 2.5-week trip next tuesday: tajikistan for a week and a half and then afghanistan for a week. bringing the old jump rope and will basically do a lot of low-intensity plyos and bodybuilding stuff.

Boo. I know career>>>jumping and all that, but still. Boo.

i know, it sucks. it's not even like career>jumping, it's just that in my career, which is how i pay my bills, there's no choice whether to travel or not. if tajikistan had ANY basketball courts (believe me, i've searched*), i'd try to get some jumping in. kabul does but they're not in places i can go: maybe army bases, which i never go near, a couple of afghan places that are off-limits to me for security reasons, and maybe the embassy compound, which i can pretty much only get into for meetings with an escort and shit and it's a giant hassle.

*actually there is one, hilariously situated next to a churning rapid on a river about halfway between the capital and the main city in the east. hilariously because the rapid is so powerful that it's constantly spraying water all over the court, and therefore the court is perpetually wet. it's on this bizarro resort owned by the national aluminum company where i stayed once last year. strange, strange place. i'll be lucky to get out of the capital at all on this trip, let alone have any free time anywhere. dushanbe doesn't even have a real track.

Yeah it's too bad. I'm impressed that you make any progress given you're frequently interrupted with travel. I find it hard just to get a free indoor court in Melbourne, can't image what it would be like in the middle east.


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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #2727 on: October 19, 2014, 12:11:16 pm »
technically i'm going to central asia, but yeah it's not easy. probably would be easier in israel or jordan or egypt than in tajikistan, actually.

also, my gf pointed out last night that my headache frequency has gone WAY up the past 3 months or so. it's funny because as soon as she said it i knew it was true, but i hadn't thought about it until that moment. anyway she said i should go see a doctor and she's probably right. something to add to the list for when i'm home from my trip.
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- Avishek

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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #2728 on: October 19, 2014, 05:27:10 pm »
ACHES/INJURIES: low back a little bit
MENTAL STATE: very good

- warm up

- jumps x ~20 mins
good but not great, back-ironed a bunch of attempts with the dodgeball and squeezed one down weakly.

- squat
low back felt weird with the bar on, no need to push it

- superset x 3
-- DB BSS 40s x 5,8,8
-- assisted natural GHR x 8
right knee felt weird on first set, which is why i only did 5 there. adjusted for subsequent sets and was fine.

- superset x 2
-- bench 205 x 5
-- seated cable row 110 x 12; 140 x 12
left wrist hurt after first bench set

- some dips and pull ups
- 4-way cable hip extension a la korfist

- rudiment hops

- stretch

edited to add the dips, pull ups, and hip extensions.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2014, 09:43:00 am by LBSS »
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #2729 on: October 19, 2014, 06:28:29 pm »
You should film your Natural GHRs... I want to see how different they're from mine's.
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps