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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4545 on: May 29, 2018, 03:27:05 pm »
- run 4.82 km in 30:22
all with gf. race tomorrow, for which i have basically done no prep. we'll see how it goes.

- stretch

was wondering about the race.. cool. as long as you stay in some kind of shape, sometimes that works out well. never know. just have fun tmw!


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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4546 on: May 30, 2018, 05:59:41 pm »
- warm up x ???

- wimbledon common chase the sun 5k in 20:43 (watch), 21:14 (official)
the course was a little long, per the announcer at the finish line, and also it was muddy as hell. many places where we had to run around puddles and off the path. also training has been very inconsistent over the last couple weeks and i have the beginnings of a cold. with that in mind, watch improvement is nice but i'm still disappointed. first splits were 3:55 and 3:58, which is good, but then i obviously fell off. need to work on just pushing myself harder, i conserved a little too much. wasn't as gassed at the end of this one as the last one. got tenth overall out of 205.

- stretch

ETA: my gf also ran, with a bad cold (the one i'm just starting to get, hurray).  :D
ETA2: the guy who won the 10k (there were two races with the same start; 10k two laps) clocked 34:12. that's fast! he was more than 3 mins clear of the second place finisher. fourth place in the 10k was a woman in 40:00, which is also super legit for a crappy condition overlong course race in a random park on a wednesday evening. 5k winner ran 18:36.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2018, 11:53:56 am by LBSS »
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4547 on: May 30, 2018, 10:23:11 pm »
you'll do a flat, fast 5k and won't be disappointed.

solid work, sounds like it was a bit rough.

sux about the cold tho :ffffffuuuuuu:

that was a great photo of you both. good work!!

ETA2: the guy who won the 10k (there were two races with the same start; 10k two laps) clocked 34:12. that's fast! he was more than 3 mins clear of the second place finisher. fourth place in the 10k was a woman in 40:00, which is also super legit for a crappy condition overlong course race in a random park on a wednesday evening. 5k winner ran 18:36.

hah cool.


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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4548 on: June 05, 2018, 07:50:24 am »
last saturday

- run 4.32 km in 26:36
super slow, in brighton, with a friend of my gf's.

- stretch

back in islamabad now, where the lows are 32 and the highs are 42. fml. fast christian messaged me yesterday about running together in the morning and the trail running group has sprung into action. my cold is hopefully on the way out now. some thoughts about the coming weeks and months:

1. i need to find another race, probably in the fall at the earliest
2. i need to run more miles
3. i need to do more tempo, i lose power and am too conservative in races and that starts with being too conservative in training
4. i need to get back in the gym a couple times per week
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4549 on: June 05, 2018, 10:54:16 pm »
- run 5.27 km in 26:57
it's 32/90 outside. i have a cold. with jet lag my body thinks i started running at 3 AM; i got under 6 hours of sleep last night. so i shouldn't be too hard on myself. but feels like i've lost a lot of fitness. this was stiff and a drag and my pacing was crappy: 5:01, 4:31, 4:53, 5:05, 5:13, plus that little bit at the end.

- stretch

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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4550 on: June 09, 2018, 05:16:12 am »
sicker than i thought. haven't slept well at all this week, although that's due at least partly to jet lag and to my a/c crapping out for a couple days. but i've had a low-grade headache since yesterday morning. woke up this morning to watch game 4 (booooring) and then went back to sleep until 2 PM. headache worse than before. need to be more deliberate about rest/sleep.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4551 on: June 09, 2018, 09:56:16 am »
- run 7 km in 35:45; run/walk 1 km; walk 0.55 km

- superset x 2 w/30s rest
-- hollow body hold x 30s
-- superman x 30s

- stretch

knees a bit achey. fitness shot. it is muggy af here but at least it cooled down a bit from this morning's thunderstorm. it's only 30/86 now.

total distance 8.55 km, total time 47:22.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4552 on: June 10, 2018, 11:08:18 am »
- ultimate frisbee x ~75 mins

- stretch

not as beastly hot as it's been but still humid. i'm rusty, played like dogshit. and, once again, have lost some fitness. last time i played it was amazing how much more quickly i recovered between points than usual.

running tomorrow early morning with fast christian. still not 100% over my cold. but tomorrow beginneth the build back to 50+ km per week. will go at least once to the gym this week as well. probably later given that i played ultimate today.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4553 on: June 10, 2018, 02:22:36 pm »
- ultimate frisbee x ~75 mins

- stretch

not as beastly hot as it's been but still humid. i'm rusty, played like dogshit. and, once again, have lost some fitness. last time i played it was amazing how much more quickly i recovered between points than usual.

running tomorrow early morning with fast christian. still not 100% over my cold. but tomorrow beginneth the build back to 50+ km per week. will go at least once to the gym this week as well. probably later given that i played ultimate today.

One thing i've found interesting is how alot of the "older folks" train, compared to the young ones. These old veterans just go out for consistent runs, often very easy, turning it up when they feel good etc, or just turning it up in races. Young folks hit the track 1-2x/wk and do all kinds of crazy stuff. Meanwhile, some of these old dudes are dropping crazy times when you consider the "age grade" etc.. even beating most young folks. The frequency of their running is what stands out to me. They just get a run in every day no matter what, it seems -> even if it's just a few easy miles.

Niice get back on that 50+km/wk.


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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4554 on: June 10, 2018, 10:39:51 pm »
yeah i think, at the (way) sub-elite level i'm at, my engine just isn't big enough to really take advantage of more intense training. not that i wouldn't or don't benefit from hills or tempo, just that at the moment the biggest hurdle is my aerobic base. those old runners have decades of base built up. i've barely started building. not saying i shouldn't mix it up from time to time, but i think for a while the best thing will be to uncomplicate training. 50+ km per week, 1-2 days per week of strength and/or power work that isn't running. joe rode that to some success earlier this year, even.

ran this morning with fast christian. good that i did, pride dragged me along when i was flagging around the 5.5 km mark. he told me that he only runs 30-40 km/week in the mornings when it's so hot out, never longer than 45 minutes. that actually seems wise to me. it was 29/85 this morning. he does two speed workouts per week on the treadmill as well. a sample: 15 mins warm up, 30 mins of descending from 3:45/km to 3:30/km, 5 minutes cool down. that is...aspirational for me. but then as he said while we were running, and apropos of the previous paragraph, it can take 5-7 years to build up to top fitness. once you're there you can tune up in a matter of weeks or a couple of months at a time.

- run 7.64 km in 39:11

- stretch
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4555 on: June 12, 2018, 02:04:38 am »
settled. plan is to build back to 50+ km per week over the next couple weeks, with one workout involving some kind of tempo or speed. something like:

sun: run ~15km
mon: rest
tue: run ~8km + strenf/power
wed: run ~10km
thu: run ~10km with tempo/speed
fri: run ~8km + strenf/power
sat: rest

strenf/power will be bw/KB based because i'm more likely to do it if it's at home:
- SL box jumps
- supersets of BSS + SL RDL
- upper push/pull and/or gymnastic holds
- core circuits

this week and next i won't aim for 50, just get progressively longer relaxed runs and do a strenf/power workout at least once each week.
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- Avishek

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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4556 on: June 13, 2018, 12:08:19 am »
- run 6.05 km in 30:20

- SL box jump x 5/leg
- BSS x 5/leg
- SL RDL x 5/leg
- core superset x 2
-- hollow body hold x 30s
-- superman x 30s

again with fast christian. a little sore from frisbee on sunday (shins, quads) but felt better than i did on monday. threw in a little extra at the end just to get started.
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- Avishek

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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4557 on: June 13, 2018, 12:19:50 am »
settled. plan is to build back to 50+ km per week over the next couple weeks, with one workout involving some kind of tempo or speed. something like:

sun: run ~15km
mon: rest
tue: run ~8km + strenf/power
wed: run ~10km
thu: run ~10km with tempo/speed
fri: run ~8km + strenf/power
sat: rest

strenf/power will be bw/KB based because i'm more likely to do it if it's at home:
- SL box jumps
- supersets of BSS + SL RDL
- upper push/pull and/or gymnastic holds
- core circuits

this week and next i won't aim for 50, just get progressively longer relaxed runs and do a strenf/power workout at least once each week.

looks pretty good. might be pretty toast come sat, but it's a rest day so.. then keep improving that long run.

if you go too hard on that BSS/SL RDL, first 2 weeks could be rough.. lool.



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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4558 on: June 14, 2018, 10:33:26 pm »
still with the cough. it's mild just persistent.

- run 5.56 km in 28:09

- stretch

had to drag myself out of bed but glad i did, as usual, even if this was a short run. it's 33/90 at 7 AM. fifth kilometer was unpleasant.
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- Avishek

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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #4559 on: June 16, 2018, 10:09:16 am »
- run 6.4 km in 32:30 (treadmill)

- SL box jump @ 20" x 5,5/leg

- superset x 2
-- pull up x 6
-- dip x 6
shoulder buggin' a little

- superset x 2
-- BSS +12kg x 10
-- KB swing 12kg x 10

- pallof press x 10/side

- stretch

done inside, still soaked by the end.

ETA: also, weighed myself before workout on the scale in the locker room. turns out i actually have lost weight: i'm a hair over 75 kg/165 pounds. the heaviest i've ever been was i think 183, when i was doing starting strength like eight years ago. 165 is okay, but eventually i'd like to get back to being a little stronger and a little more muscular. would be cool to be running sub-20 and squatting 2x bw at the same time.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2018, 11:22:42 am by LBSS »
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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