Author Topic: a fast and explosive donkey!  (Read 1628743 times)

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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #45 on: October 27, 2009, 12:03:26 am »
Warm up as usual

Jumping two-step runup
  • one foot x5 each
  • two feet x10-12

  • Depth jumps 3x5
  • Squat 3x5x210
  • OHP 3x5x105
  • bent BB row 3x5x135

Cool down
  • Jog x10mins @ easy pace
  • stretch

Hips felt really tight. It's remarkable how much less explosiveness and power I have in my left leg than my right. Lots of little box jumps and one-leg box jumps sprinkled throughout rest periods. Weights were good and depth jumps felt good after I realized that I need to make a conscious effort not to look down while I'm leaving the ground. If I look up, I go higher (duh).
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #46 on: October 28, 2009, 10:21:13 pm »
Another good workout today. Went later so the gym wasn't as crowded, which was nice. No jumps, though, because I was worried about finishing before the gym closed.

Warm up
  • jog to gym rrreeealll ssllloooowwww x9 mins
  • mobility drills

  • Squat 3x5x215
  • bench 3x5x160
  • dead lift 5x290

Cool down
  • Stationary bike x10mins @ easy pace
  • stretch

Squats felt great. Grip wasn't quite as awesome as Monday on the DL. But the bench went up super easy, especially (!) on the last set. Neural grooving FTW.
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #47 on: October 30, 2009, 09:48:17 pm »
Messed up one of the OHP sets, otherwise this was strong. Bit of a different warm-up: I was shooting around a little when I got to the gym and this guy challenged me to 21. I lost both games but it was fun to play a little. Hadn't played any kind of basketball in a looong time.

Warm up
21 x2 FAIL
mobility stuff

Work -- sets of 5 chins and pullups mixed in between squats and OHP warm up sets
Depth jump 3x5
Squat 3x5x220
OHP 5x110, 4x110 (shifted grip, failed last rep, dumb), 5x110

Cool down
bike x10mins
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #48 on: November 02, 2009, 06:33:53 pm »
Lack of sleep finally caught up with me and I actually feel nauseous, I'm so tired. Could make it to the gym but I don't even think I could squat the bar at the moment so what's the point? Schedule is fucked for this week anyway as I have plans on Wednesday. Guess I'll do Tuesday-Friday and get back onto MWF next week.
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #49 on: November 03, 2009, 08:13:10 pm »
Workout felt great today. No jumps because I was trying to get it in before the Crossfitters took over the gym. Stupid Crossfit. Anyway, here goes:

Warm up as usual, adarq, you're right when you say jumping rope wears out the shoulders. I did some higher speed stuff today and was definitely feeling it.

  • Squat 3x5x225 (two plates!)
  • Bench 3x5x165
  • Dead lift 5x300

Cool down stretch

Considering that the first time I ever tested a dead lift 1RM, last December, I could lift 275, 5 reps of 300 going up easy feels pretty good. Progress continues to be week to week, although some of that is probably still the fact that I scaled back a little from my 1RMs when estimating the progression. Some is probably neural. Also I've gained a little bit of weight (~5lbs) since then. Not sure I like that, I have no interest in being much more muscular than I am, but it's not a big deal.
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #50 on: November 04, 2009, 03:16:47 am »
very nice work on 300 x 5..


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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #51 on: November 04, 2009, 09:41:38 am »
very nice work on 300 x 5..

Thanks. I'll be happy when that number is high enough for me to throw down. Forgot to mention the other day, when I was shooting around before getting into my warm up, I got a full knuckle on the rim for the first time. Kind of surprised myself, in a good way. I've been able to touch 120 before, but I mean barely, so I'd guess I hit around 121, which would mean a 31-32" running vert without really thinking about the jump. Seven more inches to go.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 04:16:57 pm by LBSS »
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #52 on: November 04, 2009, 06:57:37 pm »
Workout today:

Run 28 minutes, easy pace, covered a bit over 3 miles but spent around 3-4 minutes waiting for lights to change. Screw running downtown at rush hour. HR ~156 at the end due to the second 1/2 being entirely uphill, average HR for the run was closer to 140

Cool down
Foam roll

I'd almost forgotten how much I love running. Gonna start doing it a little more, mixing in the Frees and FiveFingers depending on temperature and how fast I feel like going. Frees are a necessity for fartleks and such because decelerating from a sprint in FiveFingers on cement is a recipe for disaster.
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #53 on: November 05, 2009, 02:10:23 am »
very nice work on 300 x 5..

Thanks. I'll be happy when that number is high enough for me to throw down. Forgot to mention the other day, when I was shooting around before getting into my warm up, I got a full knuckle on the rim for the first time. Kind of surprised myself, in a good way. I've been able to touch 120 before, but I mean barely, so I'd guess I hit around 121, which would mean a 31-32" running vert without really thinking about the jump. Seven more inches to go.

ya thats worth mentioning.. congrats on that too..

the "not thinking about it" aspect is interesting.. when I was jumping my highest, the last 3-4 months or so, I would wreck my running jumps if I wasn't going for a dunk.. they just didn't feel right, and I'd lose 2-3 inches..

then when i'd do the self lobs, wouldn't think about anything, just go up and get the ball and slam it.. thats why most of my best jumps came off self lobs where the ball bounced a bit too high.. its interesting that your body can give you more..



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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #54 on: November 05, 2009, 04:12:51 am »

Thanks. I'll be happy when that number is high enough for me to throw down. Forgot to mention the other day, when I was shooting around before getting into my warm up, I got a full knuckle on the rim for the first time. Kind of surprised myself, in a good way. I've been able to touch 120 before, but I mean barely, so I'd guess I hit around 121, which would mean a 31-32" running vert without really thinking about the jump. Seven more inches to go.

ya thats worth mentioning.. congrats on that too..

the "not thinking about it" aspect is interesting.. when I was jumping my highest, the last 3-4 months or so, I would wreck my running jumps if I wasn't going for a dunk.. they just didn't feel right, and I'd lose 2-3 inches..

then when i'd do the self lobs, wouldn't think about anything, just go up and get the ball and slam it.. thats why most of my best jumps came off self lobs where the ball bounced a bit too high.. its interesting that your body can give you more..


I agree 100%.
Watching my dunk sessions videos i noticed that when trying to catch the ball in the air i jumped 2-3'' higher than my best rim jump, especially when the ball was a little higher than it should be, best recorded jumps are all missed dunks! :D
Personaly i have never achieved a lob dunk , i am talking about off the backboard dunks , more or less the same.

Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #55 on: November 07, 2009, 12:23:11 am »
Yeah I need to find something I can reach to, it definitely seems to help. I figured out after a couple of weeks of box jumps that my natural tendency after I land is to look down, which is not conducive to jumping high. So for the time being my big improvement is just to remind myself to look up. Anyway, speaking of depth jumps, they fucking sucked today for some reason. See first part of log title. Workout:
Warm up
Shoot around, bricks everywhere, ball was too bouncy
The usual
Depth jump 3x5
Squat 3x5x230
OHP 3x5x115
bunch of random sets of 5-6 pullups/chinups
Cool down

Also I was fidgety as shit, barely could keep still between sets, just kind of wandered around, did some bridging, jumped onto and off of stuff, etc. Lots of energy for some reason. And now I'm tired as fuck and going to bed at 12:30 on Friday. Frisbee game tomorrow for the first time in weeks.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 12:24:51 am by LBSS »
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #56 on: November 07, 2009, 04:36:02 pm »
Frisbee was fun. It's just fall rec but I'd been busy with club or other shit for the past month and a half so it was only my second game with this team. We won despite trying very hard to lose towards the end of the game. I was running and cutting okay but will definitely need to do some more specific stuff as next spring approaches. For the time being legs felt good, throws were still there, and winning is fun.
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #57 on: November 08, 2009, 05:43:50 am »
ya looking down is a big nono.. on my DJ's i noticed a huge difference if i looked down.. looking straight ahead upon landing = a few extra inches.


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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #58 on: November 08, 2009, 04:26:50 pm »
Yeah and it wasn't even on landing that I was looking down, it was the whole damn time. Easy enough to fix, just need to focus on it until it becomes natural. Training today: Feldenkrais class. Continues to be awesome.
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #59 on: November 09, 2009, 10:04:23 pm »
Warm up
jog to gym x10' sloooowwww
mobility shit

Squat 3x5x235
Bench 3x5x170
Dead lift 5x310

Cool down
shoot hoops x5'
jog home x10' sloooowwww

Found an absolutely awesome resource on soccer training via Charlie Francis' forums (saw your name somewhere on there, adarqui). Tons of great info but loooots of crap to wade through over there, and this guy duxx (Mladin Jovanovic is his real name) put together a sick PowerPoint of his soup-to-nuts training philosophy. I know everyone here is pretty much focused on vert (well, except adarq), but if anyone's interested I'd be happy to email it around.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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