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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #135 on: February 02, 2010, 10:37:02 pm »
Thanks man. What's an REA squat? Workout tonight consisted of two hours of indoor ultimate. My hamstrings and glutes were sore already from the SLRDLs but my whole legs are gonna be dead tomorrow, I predict. Still, it was good to shake out the rust a little and run around. Might postpone the next workout until Thursday to give some recovery time.
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #136 on: February 03, 2010, 03:36:03 am »
Thanks man. What's an REA squat? Workout tonight consisted of two hours of indoor ultimate. My hamstrings and glutes were sore already from the SLRDLs but my whole legs are gonna be dead tomorrow, I predict. Still, it was good to shake out the rust a little and run around. Might postpone the next workout until Thursday to give some recovery time.

it's a brief freefall, followed by ballistic reversal + concentric.

can be done above parallel, no need to go deep.. much safer this way too.. just have to stay tight during the entire lift.. ie, inhale/hold breathe until almost all the way back up.

this exercise targets the isometric mainly, that brief transition period between ECC and CON... this is very important, yet often overlooked detail in SVJ/RVJ.



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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #137 on: February 03, 2010, 10:00:17 pm »
Warm up
bike @easy pace x10mins

Bench 5x160, 5x170, 8x180
superset x3
  • paused box jumps x5
  • pull ups x7
core circuit

Cool down
bike @easy pace x5mins

Shins hurt. Otherwise this was good.
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #138 on: February 08, 2010, 10:23:48 pm »
Well, the rest of last week was a bust because of getting completely drained at work and then getting trapped in Baltimore during yet another epic snowfall. I'm starting to think that my going to Baltimore increases the chances of getting 20+" of snow. In this case it was 26" (officially, seemed like way more in places), good for the largest two-day snowfall in Baltimore history. Got back to DC tonight and went to the gym for the DL workout, was feeling great and then just sucked it up on DLs. Lower back fatigue was rapid. Then the gym was closing, so I just cut my losses and peaced out. Weak :(

Warm up
RVJs ~30-31"

DL 5x270, 5x290, 3x310 aaaand... fuck it.

Cool down
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #139 on: February 09, 2010, 11:20:22 pm »
Went to the gym today cause we got out of work early and I didn't really finish last night.

Warm up

run 25 mins @easy pace, hill workout on treadmill
core circuit

Cool down
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #140 on: February 10, 2010, 02:12:57 am »
haha, damn u work out nearly every other day!

how old are you? ur ht/wt, and other stuff? basically, a quick bio?
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #141 on: February 10, 2010, 01:38:41 pm »
I'm 23 years old, 5'11", about 170#, bodyfat roughly 10%. And about as explosive as a 12-year-old girl. My athletic history is a little unusual: I played normal sports when I was little (soccer and baseball), then fenced all through middle and high school, got to Junior Olympics a few years, then in college switched to ultimate frisbee but not as seriously. Fencing is super fun but really expensive and my body is just now, six years after I stopped, starting to become balanced right-left (I'm right-handed and left-footed for soccer, but my right leg has been MUCH stronger and bigger than my left because my posture in fencing was technically wrong) I decided a year and a half ago or so that I really, really wanted to dunk and kind of trained half-assedly for a while until ultimate club season started. Then practice and tournaments took over, so I'd say I really started training with focus since about October.

And yeah, I try to work out every other day.
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #142 on: February 12, 2010, 12:04:29 pm »
Workout last night:

Warm up
RVJs x6 or 7, started kind of shitty but got up to ~32"! One full knuckle of my ring finger on the rim. Still pretty sad but I'm getting there. Gotta keep these up, they help (yes, yes, no shit, Sherlock). Did some later on after the main workout, but they weren't as good. Also, while I was shooting around a little kid (maybe 10 years old?) challenged me to one-on-one. I might be a poor basketball player, but I think I could have taken him, haha. Plus he wasn't all that great  ;D

OHP 3x105, 3x110, 5x115
superset x3
  • paused box jumps w/5# DB in each hand x5
  • inverted rows x10
core circuit

Cool down

shoot some hoops, started to get a groove, felt nice
« Last Edit: February 12, 2010, 12:24:47 pm by LBSS »
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #143 on: February 13, 2010, 06:42:37 pm »
Sucks for the Olympics that all the snow in the Western Hemisphere fell on the mid-Atlantic. There is still so much freaking snow here. I went out to visit my parents in Maryland last night and there's at least 3 feet there. More like 2.5 down here.

Warm up
RVJs ~I have no fucking idea"

jump squats 2x3x105 (did the first set with a slow descent into a half squat and then an explosion up; the second set like jumps, just with a bar on my back)
squat 3x240, 3x260, 8x270
superset x3
  • SLRDL x16x80
  • pull ups x7
core circuit

Cool down
spin on stationary bike x5"
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #144 on: February 13, 2010, 08:50:15 pm »
Workout last night:

Warm up
RVJs x6 or 7, started kind of shitty but got up to ~32"! One full knuckle of my ring finger on the rim. Still pretty sad but I'm getting there. Gotta keep these up, they help (yes, yes, no shit, Sherlock). Did some later on after the main workout, but they weren't as good. Also, while I was shooting around a little kid (maybe 10 years old?) challenged me to one-on-one. I might be a poor basketball player, but I think I could have taken him, haha. Plus he wasn't all that great  ;D

OHP 3x105, 3x110, 5x115
superset x3
  • paused box jumps w/5# DB in each hand x5
  • inverted rows x10
core circuit

Cool down

shoot some hoops, started to get a groove, felt nice

nice, missed that you got 32"..

sucks about the weather man..


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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #145 on: February 16, 2010, 01:10:52 am »
Yeah, the snow was really cool when it happened cause I had like 3.5 days off work and, well, I like snow. But now there are five-foot-high mounds of dirty plowed snow on every street corner and once it starts to melt... yikes. Anyway, okay workout today. Hamstrings have been a bit sore from the SLRDLs.

Warm up
spin on bike x10 mins
usual (jump rope felt smoother than usual for some reason)

bench 3x170, 3x180, 5x190
depth jump 4x3, lots of rest

Cool down
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #146 on: February 16, 2010, 03:12:16 pm »
Something I thought about right after the last DL workout: Rippetoe and Kilgore say that you shouldn't really do more than one heavy set of 5 DLs at a time to protect your lower back. My lower back is telling me that I should agree with that, plus it feels weird to only be squatting once a week and squatting seems more important, anyway. Add to that the fact that indoor ultimate is starting up on Thursday and will involve 1-2 hours of ultimate twice a week through mid-March, and I'm thinking about cutting DLs back a bit. Main lifts would still be on 5/3/1. Maybe something like this (unilateral lower leg would be SLRDLs, step-ups, or BSS):

workout A:
squat + assistance (weighted jumps before squats, upper body pull, unilateral lower leg)

workout B:
bench + depth jumps

workout C:
squat (trying to get more on final set than workout A) + assistance (weighted jumps before squats, heavy DL x1 set of 5, upper body pull)

workout D:
OHP + assistance (paused box jumps, reactive jumps [e.g. single-leg bounds], sprints once it starts getting nice)

seem workable? Also, for jump squats, which way is right? Slow eccentric and then explode up, or just jumps with a weight on your back (quick descent into quarter squat, explode up)?
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #147 on: February 16, 2010, 07:23:41 pm »
Something I thought about right after the last DL workout: Rippetoe and Kilgore say that you shouldn't really do more than one heavy set of 5 DLs at a time to protect your lower back. My lower back is telling me that I should agree with that, plus it feels weird to only be squatting once a week and squatting seems more important, anyway. Add to that the fact that indoor ultimate is starting up on Thursday and will involve 1-2 hours of ultimate twice a week through mid-March, and I'm thinking about cutting DLs back a bit. Main lifts would still be on 5/3/1. Maybe something like this (unilateral lower leg would be SLRDLs, step-ups, or BSS):

workout A:
squat + assistance (weighted jumps before squats, upper body pull, unilateral lower leg)

workout B:
bench + depth jumps

workout C:
squat (trying to get more on final set than workout A) + assistance (weighted jumps before squats, heavy DL x1 set of 5, upper body pull)

workout D:
OHP + assistance (paused box jumps, reactive jumps [e.g. single-leg bounds], sprints once it starts getting nice)

when will you do normal jumps? is it just not listed?

ya that looks better than your previous setup.. i would let some of those sessions carry over into two days rest if you feel you need it, looks like sometimes you are going to need an extra day of rest.

i like jump squats or REA squats before squatting, really has an effect on your squat.

seem workable? Also, for jump squats, which way is right? Slow eccentric and then explode up, or just jumps with a weight on your back (quick descent into quarter squat, explode up)?

weighted jumps = jump squats? i like to keep them specific to how svj is performed, try to mimic the depth/speed.. the most important aspects of that exercise are the transition from ECC to CON and exploding all the way through the toes, complete triple-extension.. pause/slow is fine, and that's what you might want to do the first few sessions, but eventually i'd go with being specific to SVJ.



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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #148 on: February 17, 2010, 10:43:09 am »
Normal jumps will continue to be done after warm-ups and before anything else. Probably start to mix some SVJs in with the RVJs. I'm not going to plan for two days' rest because it'll happen against my will given how hectic my life is at the moment  ;D The SVJ-mimicking jump squats (as opposed to slow eccentric) were plenty comfortable the other day, so I'm just going to go that route. Thanks again for the feedback.
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Re: no bounce, need bounce
« Reply #149 on: February 17, 2010, 08:51:59 pm »
I turned my motherfucking ankle on the motherfucking pack ice. On the way to the gym. It's not that bad but enough that it tweaks when I walk and now I'm doing hot/cold and I got an ace bandage, too.

Workout today (such as it was):

foam roll legs (thoroughly)
spin on bike x10mins
stretch a bunch

Was too pissed to do core or anything.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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