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Re: Party's Over!
« Reply #450 on: March 02, 2017, 06:47:44 am »
BW- 84.4
I've been training fairly well but just eating too much I guess. My waist is still the same despite being 1.5kg heavier.

Had a rest day yesterday.


Chin Ups-

Box Squat-
Focusing on speed

Rugby Training-
2 hours. 1 hour of fitness, which included touch and Cantebury touch. 30 minutes of tackling and 30 minutes of set play work. It's only 3 weeks away until the first pre-season game.
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Re: Party's Over!
« Reply #451 on: March 06, 2017, 05:47:28 am »
BW- 83.8

Fkn shit training today. My achilles tendon was playing up I'm going to have to ice it tonight and keep stretching it.

ME Sprints-
Couldn't get maximum speed because my achilles was just burning with pain.

Wasn't feeling it.


I need to ice my leg tonight and get some rest. Rugby training tomorrow and will probably do bench and chin ups prior to training (squats would put too much pressure on my calves).
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Re: Party's Over!
« Reply #452 on: March 07, 2017, 06:58:25 am »
Iced my achilles last night, which helped it but it still wasn't 100% today but pushed on anyway.

Box Squat-

105x3 blah
100x3 drained

Rugby Training-
2 hours. Did tonnes of running and some sprints (trust my luck to have a full on fitness session once I have a sore achilles). Only did about 20 minutes of tackling/contact and a few skill drills. First game in 3 weeks. Might go to rugby league training tomorrow- a few months ago i was talking about playing. My body doesn't have the durability to play both though so it'll be one or the other.
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Re: Party's Over!
« Reply #453 on: March 08, 2017, 06:23:35 am »
Rugby League Training-
Went down and trained with the Bulldogs today. They started their pre-season 10 weeks ago so they were in pretty good shape. Numbers were good as well- had 40 players out so it'll be a competition for spots in the team. I watch tonnes of rugby league on television and ball skills wise it's very similar to rugby so even though I've never played before I'm confident that I should be able to crack a spot in the 1st division team hopefully playing outside centre or wing. I just need to learn the plays and stuff of this team but overall it was alright.

Training wise it was mainly doing drills/plays and punishments, which they called 'Charlie'. The 'Charlie' is similar to the suicides that you do in basketball but ours was run 10m drop on the ground, get up run 20m drop on the ground, get up run 10m drop on the ground. ]We had to do a 'Charlie' every time somebody fucked up/dropped a ball and the coaches would wait until 6 mistakes were made and we'd do the Charlies in sets of 6. Next training will be on Friday where the session will be around tackling and defence. The Wednesday sessions are when they focus on the offence and running plays. It would've been funner if we played some more touch but I only got to training 10 minutes before it started so I only got to play touch for like 5 minutes today.

99% sure I'm going to play league this season now.
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Re: Party's Over!
« Reply #454 on: March 09, 2017, 07:17:22 am »
Box Squat-
105x3x3 SPEED

Chin Ups-

Rugby Training-
2 hours. I've got league training tomorrow and then I can finally give my legs (ACHILLES!!!) a rest. Lost half an inch of my waist this week as well from all the training. If I stay off the piss on the weekend it should stay off.
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Re: Party's Over!
« Reply #455 on: March 10, 2017, 06:45:44 pm »
BW- 83.1

Rugby League Training-
90 minutes. Defensive session tonight. Bulk of the training was spent on keeping lines in defence and tackling.

Rest day today.
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Re: Party's Over!
« Reply #456 on: March 13, 2017, 01:45:53 am »

Rugby League-
Had a skills session on Sunday. Passed the ball around and played touch for over an hour.

Box Squat-
132.5x2 failed the 3rd rep


Chin Ups-
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Re: Party's Over!
« Reply #457 on: March 13, 2017, 07:55:10 pm »
My right achilles tendon has been very sore since I did the ME sprint session last week. Now that the league season is about to start I'm going to ditch ME sprint sessions altogether. I've also been doing a lot of standing calf raises at home and eccentric exercises to try and strengthen my calves and take some load of the achilles tendon. Since I'm not playing rugby this season I won't be going to rugby training tonight, which will give my tendons an extra days rest before league training tomorrow. I've also been taking NSAIDs and having hot baths for pain relief. Last week there were days I could barely walk without limping. It's not 100% this week but it's feeling better then it was.

Plan to go to the gym later and train some upper body.
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Re: Party's Over!
« Reply #458 on: March 13, 2017, 11:05:38 pm »
My right achilles tendon has been very sore since I did the ME sprint session last week. Now that the league season is about to start I'm going to ditch ME sprint sessions altogether. I've also been doing a lot of standing calf raises at home and eccentric exercises to try and strengthen my calves and take some load of the achilles tendon. Since I'm not playing rugby this season I won't be going to rugby training tonight, which will give my tendons an extra days rest before league training tomorrow. I've also been taking NSAIDs and having hot baths for pain relief. Last week there were days I could barely walk without limping. It's not 100% this week but it's feeling better then it was.

Plan to go to the gym later and train some upper body.

Eek. That ain't good mate. Know any good myos or physios? Might be some alignments issues or something at play. Otherwise yeah, what you're doing sounds good. I don't know how useful NSAIDs would be right now for tendon healing though...if the pain is at the level you need them, then take them of course but hopefully not for too long.


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Re: Party's Over!
« Reply #459 on: March 14, 2017, 01:46:29 am »
My right achilles tendon has been very sore since I did the ME sprint session last week. Now that the league season is about to start I'm going to ditch ME sprint sessions altogether. I've also been doing a lot of standing calf raises at home and eccentric exercises to try and strengthen my calves and take some load of the achilles tendon. Since I'm not playing rugby this season I won't be going to rugby training tonight, which will give my tendons an extra days rest before league training tomorrow. I've also been taking NSAIDs and having hot baths for pain relief. Last week there were days I could barely walk without limping. It's not 100% this week but it's feeling better then it was.

Plan to go to the gym later and train some upper body.

Eek. That ain't good mate. Know any good myos or physios? Might be some alignments issues or something at play. Otherwise yeah, what you're doing sounds good. I don't know how useful NSAIDs would be right now for tendon healing though...if the pain is at the level you need them, then take them of course but hopefully not for too long.

I have been thinking of getting some physio done on it especially getting the therapeutic ultrasound to help with the blood flow and scar tissue. The NSAIDs are just a short term measure. I'm crossing my fingers that ditching the ME sprinting will significantly help along with the continuation of eccentric exercises to strengthen my calf muscles. Once I'm warmed up and start playing I don't feel the achilles at all except after doing long sprints or chases where I get up to and maintain max speed, which are usually only a few times each training session. 
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Re: Party's Over!
« Reply #460 on: March 14, 2017, 06:11:20 am »
112.5x1 easy

Chin Ups

Pull Ups
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Re: Party's Over!
« Reply #461 on: March 15, 2017, 06:39:04 am »
Training felt soo good tonight after resting my achilles for the past couple of days. Took some painkillers before training and apart from a slight twinge warming up I didn't feel it all night. I felt really fast and powerful tonight :ibrunning:
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Re: Party's Over!
« Reply #462 on: March 16, 2017, 08:25:00 pm »
Box Squat-
105x4x3 SPEED

Chin Ups-

Rugby training-
I probably had my last rugby training session for a while since I don't think the coaches would be too keen on me coming out and training when I'm not playing union this year. I didn't have a very good session anyway and sprained my finger when I was catching bombs. We worked on some offensive structures and that pretty much just reiterated the reason I'm leaving- it was terrible. I'm happy to get my own ball but it's frustrating when you've got overlaps and people can't even string a few passes together without dropping the ball or throwing the ball behind the player :uhhhfacepalm: It's a pretty simple game you get your backs to have depth so they can run onto the ball with pace so you throw it out in front of them so they can run onto can't run cuts and cutout passes and structures when people can't even get the basic through the hands right.

I'm not really looking forward to telling the coaches and the other players that I'm playing league this year. I wish I had a good excuse, such as work commitments but I can't get away with that because I never work Saturdays. I told a couple of people that I was playing league and they said I should play union on Saturdays (league is on Sundays) but my body isn't durable enough. Plus I know I'd just end up getting pissed with the boys after the game on Saturdays so it wouldn't work out. I'm not going to dwell on it too much and when the conversation comes I'll just be honest and say I've been thinking of playing league for a while and want to try something different.
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Re: Party's Over!
« Reply #463 on: March 19, 2017, 03:30:52 am »

League training. Went well. Went through some offensive structures and some plays. Also had a 30 minute team run at the end.


League training. Just spent the training doing skills and running lines. We had a few 60m sprints at the end with a couple of the boyz who stayed on after training. It was pretty close between me and Huddz but I think I just got him on the line.
He's got some speed.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Here's the video of our 60m race.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I might go to the gym tonight we'll see.
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Re: Party's Over!
« Reply #464 on: March 19, 2017, 08:46:22 am »
Bodyweight- 82.8

Box Squat-
145xfail fuck sake

Pull Ups-

"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

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