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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1095 on: January 16, 2022, 05:42:17 am »
Saturday 15th December 2022

Lower erectors still pretty sore
Upper body still sore as well, but a little less.

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches

Tendon health+rehab -  fasted -  Upper 1, day 2
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight with shoes - 90kg

general mobility drills
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 10 mins

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 45 secs
Front plank x 30 secs
glute bridge hold x 30secs
Side plank with leg abduction - against 20 inch bench - x 30secs each side

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - pushing against strap, 80 degree knee angle at 70% effort - 30 secs x 3 sets

Calf raise ISO - single leg - Against wall - body at 45 degrees, pushing against wall at 70% effort, resisting with forearms and head -
B1a) straight leg, mid range - 30 secs x 2 sets
B2a) bent knee, mid range - 30 secs x2 sets

B2) SSB Calf raise, single leg - 1 sec up, 3 sec hold, 3secs down - on floor -  BW x5, +30kg x15, 40kg x 8 @ RPE 7

C) Pushing against strap around knees ISO - glute medius - at 70% effort - 3 x30secs

rotating sets - 2-3 mins rest

A) Bench - grip 2.5 inches from smooth area - 20kg x15, 40kg x10, 60kg x8, x3, 75kgx3
1) 85kg x8 @ RPE 9  (+1 rep)
2) 2-3 sec eccentric - 75kg 3x5 @ RPE 6

Finally, bench progressing again! Rep 8 much less grindy than rep 7 before.
Up 2 reps from 85kg x6 @ RPE 9 last session.
Pecs still sore from last workout as well.

B) High angle rows - 20kg x15, 40kg x10, 60kg x8, x3, 80kg x3
deadlifted off the floor to start -
straps  - 80kg x10 @ RPE 8
straps  - 80kg x10 @ RPE 8 (+2 reps)
straps  - 80kg x10 @ RPE 8 (+2 reps)

I think time to increase the weight
Was a bit uncomfortable due to sore lower back, especially when deadlifting it up.

A) Single leg Hip Thrust - hold at top - BW x10, 10kg plate on hip x12, x10 @ RPE 8

B) Dumbbell curl - 15lbs x10, 25lbs x10 @ RPE 6
30lbs x8, x6 @ RPE 8
hmm felt quite a lot easier today, compared to last few sessions, so went up back up to 30lbs. Less fatigue from rows.

C) Bulgarian split squat - 3 secs down and up - BW x10, single arm dumbbell held on working leg side - 50lbs x10 @ RPE 7


A) High Bar squat - BW x10, 20kg x5, 40kg x5, 60kg x5, 75kg x5, 90kg x5, 100kg x5 @ RPE 7
Testing out the new 1 inch lower bar position. Finally no more super hard good morning feeling at the bottom
I think having the bar against my neck caused the load to be ahead of my centre of gravity, and make the moment arm too long especially when reversing the load at the bottom.
Squats haven't felt right in a while, until this change

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

B) Ivanko super gripper - 70lbs x10, 85lbs x 15 @ RPE 8 left, 6 right
102lbs x1 +10 sec max effort ISO hold x 4 sets

C) Leg Curls - 20kg x12, 25kg 2x10 @ RPE 7

late at night, skipped stretching


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1096 on: January 16, 2022, 05:54:49 am »
Sunday 15th January 2022

Damn traps and obliques pretty sore this morning. I think from the single arm dumbbell Bulgarian split squats
aches all over though

Achilles responded well to yesterday's setup. Doing the calf raise flat on the floor

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1097 on: January 17, 2022, 10:09:14 am »
Monday 17th January 2022

Upper body still pretty sore, lower body not too bad, and erectors feeling better.


BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 20 mins

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 45 secs
Side plank with leg abduction - against 20 inch bench - x 30secs each side
standing Side leg raises x 20 each side

rotating sets
A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - lightly pushing against strap at 60 degree knee angle - 30 secs x 10kg, 20kg, 30kg, 30kg 

B) Calf raise ISO - single leg -
Against wall - body at 45 degrees, pushing against wall at 70% effort, resisting with forearms and head -
straight leg, mid range - 30 secs x 3 sets
bent knee, mid range - 30secs x3 sets

C) Pushing against strap around knees ISO - glute medius - at 70% effort - 3 x30secs

Assisted Hip Airplane stretch - 5x5 secs each side x 2 sets

A) Glute bridge hold - pushing up at 70% effort 2x 30secs
B) front plank 2 x30secs

Sharapova band cuff/trap/serratus exercise - light Rogue mini band - 3x20 @ RPE 7

A bunch of front squat walkouts from 40kg, 60kg and 70kg - stretching out things with a full grip around the bar.
feels impossible at first but then not too bad, and the forearms and arms actually stretch out to allow it

upper body mobility/dislocates/ stretches
lower body stretches
« Last Edit: January 17, 2022, 10:20:52 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1098 on: January 18, 2022, 03:59:07 pm »
Tuesday 18th January 2022

Achey from yesterday, but lower back feels recovered

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

skipped soft tissue work today


Tendon health+rehab - Day 3 Lower2
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight in shoes = 90.7kg

general mobility drills
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 45 secs
Front plank x 30 secs
glute bridge hold x 30secs
Side plank with leg abduction - against 20 inch bench - x 30secs each side

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - pushing against strap at 60 degree knee angle @ 70% effort - 30secs x20kg, 
30secs x 30kg, 35kg, 35kg  x3 sets

Capping the weight, but pushing harder against the strap now.
Still some minor discomfort from left patella tendon

B) SSB Calf raise, single leg - 3 secs up, 3 sec hold, 3secs down to floor - BW x10, 30kg x5, 40kg x8, x7, x7 @ RPE 8

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Olys -
5 low hang power clean + 5 high hang power clean, with no foot movement x 20kg bar

5 snatch high pull +5 power snatch + 5 high hang power snatch, with no foot movement x 20kg bar, then 1/2 overhead squat x 10

B) Kettle bell Swing - 40kg x10 warmup, 24kg 3x6

C) Sumo Deadlift - flat shoes, hook-gripped, bar not controlled between reps - 1 sec paused off the floor 60kg x8, 80kg x5, 100kg x4,
belt, hookgripped - 120kg x4, 140kg 4, 160kg x1, 170kg x1 @ RPE 8.5
belt, straps - 130kg x5 @ RPE 8

Felt hard today, so cut things short

Alternating sets - 2 mins rest

RDL -  oly shoes, hook-gripped, lowered under control to just above the floor - deadlifted off the floor - 100kg x12 @ RPE 7
belt + straps 100kg x12 @ RPE 8

Push up - deficit, on dumbbell handles - push up x12 warmup.
feet elevated 20 inches - BW x 16, x16 @  RPE6

Inverted row - using bench press height bar, bench press grip width - BW x10, BW x15, x13 @ RPE 8


Dumbbell, overhead press, arms in line with ears -  rotating grip - 15lbs x12, 25lbs 2x15 @RPE 7/8

Dumbell Curl - 15lbs x 20 @ RPE 6

A) Wall Tibialis raise - in oly shoes (Romaleos 2) -  free standing warmup BW x10, x5 warmup
BW x8, x9, x8 @ RPE 7/8/8

B)High bar Squats - oly shoes  - 20kg x10, 40kg x8, 60kg 2x5, 7
70kg x5 x 9 sets @ RPE 5

Alternating between Romaleos 2 and 4 oly shoes each set, comparing them.
A lot of sets, which felt kinda hard

Side Lying Clam - hip straight, resisting the band eccentric, hold at top -  Xxheavy + heavy band 2x12 @ RPE 7


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1099 on: January 18, 2022, 04:09:14 pm »
Finally got my Nike Romaleo 4 AMP today!
The oly shoe collection grows....

The Romaleos 4 AMP is size 9.5US and is a little more snug in the toes than the Legacy Lifters in size 9US which fit me like a glove.

I think this might be the best version of the Romaleos 4, because I noticed the straps are thinner and more flexible than the SE and regular models. And can actually reach the full length of the velcro due to this... it is made of different iridescent material that changes shade depending on the angle of view

I could barely get an inch of velcro contact with the other Romaleos 4 models!
The straps appear to be just a single layer, and slightly ribbed vs the smooth, thicker, multi layered straps of the other models.
So it might not suffer the straps peeling apart issue of the other models...

Toe box of Romaleos 2 is actually not wider than the Romaleos 4, but 4 does feel tighter due to the sharper outer curve. I briefly had a Romaleos 4 in size 10.5US and it is tighter at the front than the Romaloes 2 which currently feels spacious.

Wider wings on the Romaleos 4 which should add lateral stability

After session with it, it still does have the curved front issue, where it tends to rock you forward, and is hard to force the shoe to sit flat. Stiff and clunky feeling. The Legacy Lifter 2 sat flat out of the box.
The Romaleos 2 also sits flat and feels stable, but it is second hand and well broken in. The front rubber feels quite flexible now, like the Legacy Lifter 2.
But I suspect the Romaleos 2 was similar to the Romaleos 4 when new, so I hope it does break in and sit flat eventually when loaded... I know someone with a brand new Romaleos 2 Unlimited, and he said the shoe is really stiff.

I think it looks the best out of the Romaleos 4 colour ways, equal to the SE depending on ether you like white/orange or black shoes...High tech yet organic looking :)


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1100 on: January 19, 2022, 03:24:48 am »
Wednesday 19th January 2022

VMO, glutes, calves, abs, upper back sore as hell
Other than that, not too bad.



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1101 on: January 19, 2022, 11:54:40 pm »
Now I can be one of those people that wear a black and white shoe  :)


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1102 on: January 20, 2022, 06:54:36 am »
Thursday 20th January 2022

Upper back and pecs more sore today
Glutes, quads, adductors and calves still pretty sore

Not ready to train again, so more rest



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1103 on: January 21, 2022, 06:50:18 am »
Friday 21st January 2022

Upper body still pretty sore, same for quads, glutes, erectors and adductors
So more rest needed

Right achilles feeling improved, seems to be feeling better each day since last session, maybe I need more rest days...

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches

Split squat hold - at 80 degrees, rear leg straight - BW x 30 secs  x 2 sets

Calf raise ISO - single leg -
Against wall - body at 45 degrees, pushing against wall at 70% effort, resisting with forearms and head -
straight leg, mid range - 30 secs x 2 sets

Bent knee, knee into pad against wall - 30secs x 3 sets

Active stretch lats, pecs between sets

A few sets of bodyweight squats with oly shoes
Shoulder dislocate stretches and partial overhead sqauts

Kneeling rectus femoris and hip flexor stretch at 90 degrees


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1104 on: January 22, 2022, 06:52:28 am »
Saturday 22nd January 2022

Still sore, more rest!

stretched a bit


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1105 on: January 23, 2022, 11:57:16 am »
Sunday 23rd January 2022

Still a little achey...

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

soft tissue work- whole body

Tendon health+rehab - Upper 2, day 5 - fasted

10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight with shoes - 89.8kg

general mobility drills
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 15 mins

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 45 secs
Front plank x 30 secs
glute bridge hold x 30secs
Side plank with leg abduction - against 20 inch bench - x 30secs each side
lateral leg raises - bw x15

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - front elevated 5 inches, pushing against strap at 60 degree knee angle @ 70% effort - 30sec x20kg,
30 secs x 30kg, 30kg, 30kg

1/10 pain in left patella tendon on earlier sets

B) Soleus ISO, single leg bent knee, push into pad against wall - @70% effort -  30secs x 3 sets
C) Lateral leg raise ISO into wall - each side @ 70% effort - 30secs x 3 sets
D) SSB Calf raise, single leg - 3 secs up, 6 sec hold, 3 secs down to floor - BW x10, 30kg x5, 40kg x5, 42.5kg x5 @ RPE 8

rotating sets - 2 mins rest

A) Military Press - barbell - using bulldog grip - 20kg x10, x5, x5, 40kg x3
Belt - 50kg 2x9 @RPE 8/8.5  (+1 rep)

B) Pull up/Chin up - Hang and 20 scap shrugs,
Pull up - dead hang/paused,  wider -  BW x3 singles (10secs rest), BW x7 @ RPE 7
weight vest +10kg 2x4 @ RPE 8/8.5

Chin up, shoulder width -  BW 2x6 @ RPE 7

A) Hip thrust, single leg - hold at top - BW  x5 , 30lb dumbbell on hip 2x10 @RPE 7  (+3.6kg)
B) Dips- dip shrugs x 20, BW x6, Weight vest +10kg 2x10 @ RPE 7/8
C) Single arm dumbbell row - supported - controlled down, straps - 36kg x5, 40kg 2x9 @ RPE 7  (+4kg, -2 reps)
D) Bulgarian split squat - 3 secs down and up - BW x10, single arm dumbbell held on working leg side - 47.5lbs x10 @ RPE 7


A) Bench- grip 2.5 inches from smooth area - 20kg x15, 40kg x10, 60kg 2x10 @ RPE 6
B) Wall Tibialis raise - in oly shoes (Romaleos 2) -  free standing warmup BW x10
BW x8, x8, x8, x8 @ RPE 7/7/8/8

Ivanko super gripper  - 70lbs x10, 85lbs x 15 @ RPE 8 left, 7 right
102lbs x1 +10 sec max effort ISO hold x 4 sets

A) Squats - controlled eccentric
front squat 20kg x5, 40kg x5
High bar squat - 20kg x15, 40kg x10, 60kg x8, 60kg x5, 70kg x5, 75kg x5, 80kg 2x5, 85kg 2x5 @ RPE 7 on last set

Alternating between Legacy Lifter 2 and Romaleos 4 AMP each set
Getting my squat back to as upright as it used to be, turning my feet out more was the main change, angled out about 45 degrees now
Really shortens the femur length when viewed from the side.

B) Leg Curls - 10kg x10, 20kg x10, 25kg 2x10 @ RPE 7



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1106 on: January 24, 2022, 06:41:26 am »
Monday 24th January 2022

Traps and quads the most sore, but sore everywhere pretty much

Waking mobility work



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1107 on: January 25, 2022, 11:02:33 am »
Tuesday 25th January 2022

Upper body still sore and stiff, lower body feeling better

had a blood test today, so lost a bit of blood.


split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 45 secs
standing Side leg raises x 10 each side

rotating sets
A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - pushing against strap at 60 degree knee angle at 70% effort - 30 secs x 20kg, 30kg, 30kg, 30kg 
B) Calf raise ISO - single leg - Against wall - body at 45 degrees, pushing against wall at 70% effort, resisting with forearms and head -
straight leg, mid range - 30 secs x 3 sets
C) Soleus ISO, single leg bent knee, push into pad against wall - @70% effort -  30secs x 3 sets
D) Lateral leg raise ISO into wall - each side @ 70% effort - 30secs x 2 sets

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 25 mins

Glute bridge hold - pushing up at 70% effort 2x 30secs

upper body mobility/dislocates/ stretches


Overhead squat with broom - BW x 15

A. High bar squat:
20kg x10 (Warm up)
40x5 (Warm up)
40x5 (Warm up)

B. Low bar squat:
20kg x5 (Warm up)
40x5 (Warm up)
40x5 (Warm up)

Trying some things out, should have stopped at 40kg in hindsight... was gonna train tomorrow, but I can always take another day off....

C) Sharapova band cuff/trap/serratus exercise - light Rogue mini band - 2x30 @ RPE 6

lower body stretches


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1108 on: January 26, 2022, 11:08:33 am »
Wednesday 26th January 2022

A little achey from yesterday, quads especially.
Didn't feel like training, so more rest

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches
Couch and calf stretch


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1109 on: January 28, 2022, 06:35:44 am »
Thursday 27th January 2022

Feeling better today, definitely needed to rest yesterday instead of training.
Erectors and quads a bit achey though

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

soft tissue for whole body


Tendon health+rehab - Day 3 Lower2
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight in shoes = 89.9kg

general mobility drills
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 5 mins

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 45 secs
Front plank x 30 secs
glute bridge hold x 30secs
Side plank with leg abduction - against 20 inch bench - x 30secs each side

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - pushing against strap at 60 degree knee angle @ 70% effort - 30secs x20kg, 
lifting with working leg to strap - 30secs x 30kg x4 sets

left patella tendon still some 1/10 pain

B) Soleus ISO, single leg bent knee, push into pad against wall - @70% effort -  30secs x 3 sets
C) SSB Calf raise, single leg - 3 secs up, 6 sec hold, 6 secs down to floor - BW x5, 30kg 3, 45kg x4, x4 @ RPE 8 (+2.5kg)

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Olys - - shoulder dislocate + behind the back press stretch drill + 15 overhead squats with broom

5 low hang power clean + 5 high hang power clean, with no foot movement x 20kg bar
3 power clean + 3 high hang power clean x 30kg

5 snatch high pull +5 power snatch + 5 high hang power snatch, with no foot movement x 20kg bar, then overhead squat x 10
3 power snatch + 3 high hang power snatch x 30kg

B) Kettle bell Swing - 40kg x10 warmup, 24kg 3x8

C) Sumo Deadlift - flat shoes, hook-gripped, bar not controlled between reps - 1 sec paused off the floor 60kg x10, 80kg x6, 100kg x5,
belt, hookgripped - 120kg x4, 140kg x3, 150kg x1, 160kg x1, 170kg x1 @ RPE 8
belt, straps - 150kg x4, x4 @ RPE 7

back to normal, feeling easier than last session. 170kg felt a little easier than when I did 180kg
But form was patchy today, bar drifting forward on some reps for some reason.
Going to top out at 70% region next time and do some more volume.

Alternating sets - 2 mins rest

A) RDL -  oly shoes, hook-gripped, lowered under control to just above the floor - deadlifted off the floor - 100kg x12 @ RPE 7
straps 110kg x10 @ RPE 8

B) Push up - deficit, on dumbbell handles - feet elevated 20 inches - push up x10 warmup. x5
dip belt chain+5kg x15, x15, x12 @ RPE 8

C) Inverted row - using bench press height bar, bench press grip width - BW x5, x5, dip belt chain+5kg x15, x13 @ RPE 8
These work the tibialis quite a bit....

Found an easy way to load deficit pushups and inverted rows, using a cheap dip belt I got from Aliexpress.
The type of dip belt that can be buckled up as opposed to the open ones that hang off your hip.
I shorten the chain up so the weights sit tight, and put the plates either in front or behind the body as needed
Although I think the load is not as much as if it were higher on the back.

last sets shown here

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


A) Dumbbell, overhead press, arms in line with ears -  rotating grip - 15lbs x12, 27.5lbs 2x12 @RPE 7/8  (+2.5lbs -3reps)
B) Wall Tibialis raise - in oly shoes (Romaleos 2) -  free standing warmup BW x10
BW x10, x9, x8 @ RPE 8/8/8

C) Dumbell Curl - 17.5lbs x 10 @ RPE 6
25lbs x12 @ RPE 7
Pull up - leg assisted - BW x15

A) Front squat - 20kg x5 , 40kg x5, 60kg x5, 70kg x5, 80kg x5 @ RPE 7

I bought some cheap wrist wraps from AliExpress just to have some around, but decided to throw them on front squats today, and found I could rack the bar with a full hand grip with no discomfort at all, it's like magic!
This made the front squat feel so much easier when you don't have any wrist discomfort and the bar not sliding forward as the set progresses.
I haven't front squatted heavy in a while and 80kg today felt like 40kg just from the improved rack position and comfort.
Somehow felt more natural and comfortable than back squats with the same weight

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

B)High bar Squats - oly shoes  - 20kg x10, 40kg x8, 60kg x5, 70kg x5, 80kg x5
90kg 4x5 @ RPE 7

Did a weightlifting shoe squat shootout between my shoes, as I worked up to 90kg for sets of 5.

First was the Reebok Legacy Lifter 2, which didn't feel as solid as the others due to the more flexible front, but it was the most stable of the 3. The shoe sits flat and you can dig your toes down and feel the floor

Next I tried the Nike Romaleos 2, and this didn't feel too good... You can see I almost lost balance on the second rep in the video above...
To be fair, my pair is old, bought second hand for $20 (!), and 1 size too big.
Probably won't squat heavy in it again, but I like it for other things :)

The Romaleos 4 AMP felt the most solid and planted. Stiff but a bit numb feeling at the front of shoe.
No floor feel. I would pitch forward sometimes and the curved front of the shoe would rock me forward.
So I tended to squat with the weight on my heels in them to avoid this. This may or may not change when they fully break in, and the front sole softens.
They felt good on front squats. The position of the bar and trying to stay upright with a wider stance makes you stay on your heels, so this worked well with the Romaleos 4.

Side Lying Clam - hip straight, resisting the band eccentric, hold at top -  Xxheavy + heavy band 2x13 @ RPE 7 (+1 rep)

« Last Edit: January 28, 2022, 06:44:00 am by CoolColJ »