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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1530 on: January 23, 2023, 11:45:09 am »
Monday 23rd January 2023

Sleep quality hasn't been good lately, just waking up after 5 hours all the time, but I do manage to fall asleep again for another 2 hours

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - brief

BBall, Jumps, Plyos session at WLC outdoor courts - Cycle 1, Week 8, day 1
Bodyweight with shoes -  87.9kg

general dynamic warmup

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: -  30Seconds
Calf raise bounces : heels off the floor - 2x15
1/4 squat bounces on balls of feet : - 2x15

Dribbling and ball control drills - 15 mins
Shoot around and practice moves - 35 mins

Pretty meh, no energy
Achilles tendons felt good, no discomfort

Plyos - rotating sets

Low stiff pogos 3x20
scissor skip/hop in a star pattern - 3 rotations - 3x15
Speed hops: - 10 forwards/backwards, 10 side to side

Single leg sideways line hops - 3x10 each leg

Jumps - about 20 or so jumps of all types. Vertical, 1 step, 3 step and running jumps, single leg jump

Single leg jumps OK, but 2 legged jumps well down, 3 inches.
Left and right patella, quad tendons OK. Only some twinge early on from right VMO lower insertion (tendon?)


Easy hops complex - 30 secs rest beteeen legs and series, 2 mins rest - 10 forwards/backwards, 10 left/right, 10 zig zag forward/backward each leg x 3 sets

Achilles and ankle feeling better during these, than last week. Only minor discomfort on first set.
Getting more fluid

Plyo - Jogging - walk combo - on concrete netball courts area  - 24 mins

1 min slow jog + Walk 1 min + 20sec Prime times, medium effort  + 1.5 min walk - repeat for 16 mins

Pime times felt good, propelling forward more now. Posterior chain felt hammered afterwards
Now jogging fully on forefoot, and only 2/10 right achilles tendon pain max on jogs, less each weak with rising intensity


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1531 on: January 25, 2023, 11:59:20 am »
Tuesday 24th January 2023

Moderate tiredness. Not much soreness, but a mild beat up feeling all over
Achilles feeling OK

Rest day, but added more stuff in and felt good for doing it.
An experiment of sorts, with these daily calf raises, and bodyweight squats

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat, thoracic and pec stretches,
snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocates

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

Calf Raises: flat on floor - Controlled - BW x25, Bent knee BW x25

Hammer curl overcoming ISO: Near closed position  3x45secs

Wall sit, heels off the floor: - at 90 degrees - pushing into floor  5x45secs
both patella tendons  2/10 pain first set, then no pain, and back to 2/10

Lying on back, single leg press ISO push against wall : - head against foam pad/wall, 90 degree knee angle -
3x 45 Seconds - 2/10 right VMO insertion pain

Sartorius seated bent leg pull against opposite leg or stairs 3 x 45secs

Squat - controlled, BW x20


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1532 on: January 25, 2023, 12:27:01 pm »
Wednesday 25th January 2023

Feeling decent, much better than yesterday.

Had planned another rest day, but decided to do an experimental split
Doing only upper push, and lower ISO today.
Then regular lower tomorrow.
Shorter workouts, and should be fresher for squats

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat, thoracic and pec stretches

Tendon Rehab - Recovery Afternoon

Calf Raises: flat on floor - Controlled - BW x25, Bent knee BW x25
Hammer curl overcoming ISO: Near closed position  3x45secs
Towel toe curls: 2x20
Peroneal external foot rotation ISO against floor: 3x 45secs
Wall sit, heels off the floor: - at 90 degrees - pushing into floor
45 Seconds, 3/10 right VMO/quad tendon pain
45 Seconds, 2/10 right VMO/quad tendon pain
45 Seconds, 1/10 right VMO/quad tendon pain

Sartorius seated bent leg pull against opposite leg or stairs 3 x 45secs
Lying on back, single leg press ISO push against wall : - head against foam pad/wall, 90 degree knee angle -
3x 45 Seconds - 2/10 right VMO insertion pain

Squat - controlled, BW x20

Tendon Rehab + Upper push. Cycle 1, Week 8, Day 2 - Evening

Body Weight: 88.2kg with shoes

Glute bridge hold: x30 Secs
Front plank hold: x 30 Seconds
Side plank, legs bent, with abduction, opposite leg and hand in the air x30 secs
Bird Dogs - hold at top - x10 each side

rotating sets

Dumbbell press, rotating grip: - inline with ears - 5lbs x 10, 15lbs x10, 25lbs x11, 35lbs x5,
45lbs x5
47.5lbs x12, x12 @ RPE 9/9.5 (+2 reps on second set)  first rep 0.76 m/s velocity (+0.02 m/s from last week)

Velocity says 77.5lbs e1RM, up 2.5lbs from last week.
Big velocity drop off from first rep of 0.76 to 0.37 m/s on last rep of over 50% :)

Will move up to 50lb dumbbells either next week of the week after.
Should be strong enough now to rep out 60kg >5 reps on military press

SSB single leg Calf raise ISO: - 2 hands supported, held at slightly above neutral -  30 secs x BW, 30kg, 50kg, 70kg,
90kg - 2/10 Achilles pain both sides
100kg - hard - 2/10 Achilles pain both sides
105kg - @ RPE 9.5 - 2/10 Achilles pain both sides

105kg was pretty close to failure, could feel my right foot starting to droop down like a slow eccentric towards the end of the set

Tibilias Wall raise - against side of car, in oly shoes - BW x 10
+10kg x12, x13 @ RPE 8

Dips: - dip shrugs BW  2x20
BW x6
slow tempo - dip belt + 10kg x 10 @ RPE 8 (+5kg, -1 rep)

Went up in weight, and it still felt much easier than expected

Deficit Push up - hands on PowerBlock dumbbells (Warm up) On floor x10,
Feet on 20 inch bench x 15 @ RPE 7



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1533 on: January 27, 2023, 03:17:14 pm »
Thursday 17th January 2023

Feeling more tired and beat up from yesterday than I was anticipating from yesterday.
So new plan is already dead in the water :/
My glutes and posterior chain are quite achey just from the heavy calf raise ISOs
So squats today didn't feel too good.

Upper back quite sore as well, mid traps especially from the presses .

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat, thoracic and pec stretches

Hammer curl tricep extension overcoming ISO : 3x40secs

Tendon Rehab - Lower. Cycle 1, Week 8, Day 3

Body Weight: 87.7kg with shoes

snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocates with broom

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: x30secs
Glute bridge hold: x30 Secs
Side plank, legs bent, with abduction, opposite leg and hand in the air x30 secs
Bird Dogs - hold at top - x10 each side
Heel touch downs, single leg, off 6 inch step: slow tempo -  BW x10

Leg extension ISO, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches -
- 3 sec concentric, 15 sec hold at top, 15 sec hold at 60 degrees, slow eccentric -  x 20kg, 25kg
- 5 sec concentric, 15 sec hold at top, 15 sec hold at 60 degrees, slow eccentric -  x 30kg, x30kg, x30kg 

 3/10 dropping down 2/10 Right VMO/Quad tendon pain on the 30kg sets

High bar squat: - Controlled eccentric, explode up - 20kg x10, 40kg x10, 60kg x6, x3, x3

highest mean velocity, peak force - values from current bests with weight
75kg x5  -  0.99 m/s  (+0.3)
90kg x4  -  0.88 m/s (-0.2) 1704N (1756N)
105kg x3  - 0.72 m/s (-0.7) 1867N (+1)
115kg x1  - 0.61 m/s 1859N

65-68% of e1Rm - rep to 10% velocity drop off
100kg x5 - 0.82 to 0.73 m/s  1847N
100kg x5 - 0.82 to 0.75 m/s  1814N
belt on
100kg x5 - 0.9 to 0.78 m/s  1916N
100kg x7 - 0.84 to 0.75 m/s  1891N

- current bests
120kg x2  - 0.67 m/s 2022N
130kg x2  - 0.58 m/s 1966N
120kg x4  - 0.67m/s to 0.55 m/s 2003N
110kg x7 - 0.75 to 0.6  m/s  1963N
110kg x6 - 0.78 to 0.67 m/s 1904N

147kg e1RM calculated for the day

2/10 to 3/10 Quad tendon pain on all sets. it got better as the sets went on, but probably wasn't wise to load it today, but I stayed fairly light
Squats seem to load it better than the other ISOs I have been using though.

Last week I had a 160kg e1RM for all work sets, this week top of 147kg without a belt, and 150kg on the two last sets with a belt, already fatigued.
It just felt much harder.
75kg moving close to 1 m/s is getting to high catch power snatch territory

So I threw on the belt on the two last sets and the difference in form, stability, and confidence on the way down was dramatic!
And the bar speed was better, and I could maintain it for more reps on that last set, despite only increasing my e1RM by 5kg ( although fatigued I suppose)
On that last set, I went a tiny bit wider in stance after the first 2 reps, and angled out my feet more, felt more glute engagement and stability.
Probably why I was able to maintain +2 reps before 10% velocity drop off was reached on that set.

This was with my thin Nylon Element 26 belt, and worn loosely.
I probably don't brace properly without it, well back to using a belt again!

Rotating sets

SSB single leg bent knee Calf raise: - 2 hands supported, 3 secs down, 1 sec up -  BW x8
flat on floor
30kg x8
40kg x8 - 1/10 Achilles insertion pain at the bottom on both sides
50kg x8 - 2/10 Achilles insertion pain at the bottom on both sides
50kg x8  - 1/10 Achilles insertion pain at the bottom on both sides

pain has come down with the heavier loads, and 30kg now pain free

Split Leg Romanian deadlift: - fast down, explode up - belt - 20kg x8, 30kg x8
27% of High bar squat - 40kg x8, x10

SSB Good Morning: Belt - 30kg x10, 50kg x10 Belt @ RPE 5

Leg Curl - single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - explosive - 15kg x8, 17.5kg x8, x8 @RPE 8



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1534 on: January 28, 2023, 12:17:00 pm »
Friday 27th January 2023

Mild tired feeling
Sore posterior chain, quads and upper back, calves.

Achey right quad tendon

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat, thoracic and pec stretches,
snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocates

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

Afternoon -

Hammer curl overcoming ISO: Near closed position  3x45secs
Seated leg push into floor. Single leg: - 90 degrees , through ball of foot -
30 Seconds 3/10 right quad tendon pain
30 Seconds 3/10
30 Seconds 2/10
30 Seconds 2/10
30 Seconds 1/10

Evening -

Calf Raises: flat on floor - Controlled - BW x25, Bent knee BW x25
Seated leg push into floor. Single leg: - 90 degrees , through ball of foot -
35 Seconds 2/10 right quad tendon pain
35 Seconds 2/10 right quad tendon pain
35 Seconds 1/10
35 Seconds 1/10


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1535 on: January 28, 2023, 01:36:43 pm »
Saturday 28th January 2023

Moderately sore posterior chain, quads, calves, chest and upper back

Decided for more rest

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat, thoracic and pec stretches,
snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocates

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

Afternoon -

Toe curl ISO : 3x45secs
Hammer curl tricep extension overcoming ISO:Near closed position  3x45secs
Calf Raises: flat on floor - Controlled - BW x25, Bent knee BW x25

Seated leg push into floor. Single leg: - 90 degrees , through ball of foot - 3x45secs 3/10 right VMO pain

Sartorius seated bent leg pull against opposite leg or stairs 3 x 45secs
Peroneal external foot rotation ISO against floor: 3x35secs

Wall sit, heels off the floor: - at 90 degrees - pushing into floor  x45secs, 2x35secs -  2/10 right VMO/Quad tendon pain
Calf raise ISO push against wall corner/foam roller, single leg : 3x35 Seconds

Squat, bodyweight : controlled x 25 - no pain

Walking: 22 mins

Evening -

Seated leg push into floor. Single leg: - 90 degrees , through ball of foot - 4x35 Seconds - 3/10 right VMO insertion pain


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1536 on: January 30, 2023, 03:43:47 am »
Sunday 29th January 2023

Fat loss cycle 4 - Week 4
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 85.4kg (-0.5), 188lbs

waist - 34 3/8 inches (-3/8)
hip = 39.75 (-3/8)
upper thigh = 26 1/8 (-1/8)
Right calf = 15 7/8 (+1/8) 
Neck = 15.75 
Chest = 41.5 (-0.5)   
Right Arm (flexed) = 15.25 (+1/8)
Wrist = 6 5/8

Tanita scale bodyfat % = 20.8% (-2.5% )

Total loss so far - weight 1.9kg Waist 1.5 inches BF% Tanita -2.5%

Macrofactor app true trend weight 86.2kg, (-0.4kg from last week)
Macrofactor TDEE is at 2975 average for the week  (-85 from last week)

Keto intermittent fasting style - averaged 2210 calories over the week, 171g protein, 76g carbs, 140g fat.

First Month done. Trend weight down 2kg
Lost less weight than I was planning for, wanted 3kg.
TDEE has dropped quite a bit from change in training, with 1 less BBall/Jumps/Jog session each week, and lower frequency overall

Arms got bigger from all those hammer curl/tricep extension overcoming ISOs :)

Skin condition, Psoriasis has improved from dropping out carbs and eating minimal amounts of veges

« Last Edit: January 30, 2023, 04:03:34 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1537 on: January 30, 2023, 04:20:23 am »
January 29th January 2023

Posterior chain and quads still fairly sore

Did not plan to BBall/Jump today, still pretty sore, but I was in the mood for it
Went better than expected, starting to get some of my energy back since changing to Ketogenic low carb diet

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - brief
Soft tissue work for whole body

BBall, Jumps, Plyos session at WLC outdoor courts - Cycle 1, Week 9, day 1
Bodyweight with shoes -  87kg

general dynamic warmup

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: -  30Seconds
Calf raise bounces : heels off the floor - x15
1/4 squat bounces on balls of feet : - x15

Dribbling and ball control drills - 15 mins
Shoot around and practice moves - 35 mins

Starting to feel more energetic, partly from less bodyfat, but also becoming more fat adapted diet wise.

Plyos - rotating sets

Low stiff pogos 3x20, x30 Rotating, while moving forward, alternating directions
scissor skip/hop in a star pattern - 4 rotations - 3x15
Speed hops: - 10 forwards/backwards, 10 side to side x2 sets
on/off a 6 inch step - 2x10

Single leg sideways line hops - 3x10 each leg

Jumps - about 20 jumps. 10 single left leg, 10 x 3 step LR plant jumps

Right quad tendon was achey on standing and 1 step jumps, landings, So avoided those.
Body favoured landing on left leg
Single leg jumps about the same, 2 legged down 2 inches, but felt OK


Easy hops complex - 30 secs rest beteeen legs and series, 2 mins rest - 10 forwards/backwards, 10 left/right, 10 zig zag forward/backward each leg x 3 sets

Feeling easier from lighter bodyweight, but still some minor achilles discomfort

Plyo - Jogging - walk combo - on concrete netball courts area  -

1 min slow jog + Walk 1 min + 20sec Prime times, medium effort  + 1.5 min walk - repeat for 22mins

Lighter bodyweight is becoming pretty noticeable on these, much less effort needed

Did these every full lap around the courts of the walk/Jog/Prime times when I reached the playground monkey bars
Chins/Pull ups -  20 scap shrugs

L hang Chin up: - BW x1
x8 @ RPE 7
Pull Up: BW x7 @ RPE 9
Chin Up: BW x 7 @ RPE 9
L hang Chin up: - BW x6 @ RPE 8

back at home

External rotation ISO, band/strap between forearms, moving from waist to overhead and back down: - 3x 45secs

High angle barbell row: - 20kg x12, 40kg x10, 60kg x7
65kg x11, x10 @ RPE 9


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1538 on: February 01, 2023, 07:22:28 pm »
Monday 30th January 2023

A little tired from yesterday. Sore upper back

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat, thoracic and pec stretches,
snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocates

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

Afternoon -

Seated leg push into floor. Single leg: - 90 degrees , through ball of foot - 3x35secs 3/10 right VMO pain

Evening -

Seated leg push into floor. Single leg: - 90 degrees , through ball of foot - 4x30 Seconds - 3/10 going down to 1/10 right VMO insertion pain


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1539 on: February 01, 2023, 07:35:43 pm »
Tuesday 31st January 2023

Feeling more sore all over today, right QL achey again.

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat, thoracic and pec stretches,
snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocates

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

Afternoon -

Toe curl ISO : 4x45secs
Towel Toe curls - x20, x30, x30
Hammer curl tricep extension overcoming ISO:Near closed position  3x35secs
Calf Raises: flat on floor - Controlled - BW x25, Bent knee BW x25

Bicep curl ISO: - 35 Seconds Against rail
Side bend ISO, hip supported, staggered stance: 3 x 45secs
Calf raise ISO push against wall corner/foam roller, single leg : 4x45 Seconds
Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: 3x45secs

Sartorius seated bent leg pull against opposite leg or stairs 3 x 45secs
Peroneal external foot rotation ISO against floor: 3x35secs
Wall sit, heels off the floor: - at 90 degrees - pushing into floor  3x45secs-  2/10 right VMO/Quad tendon pain
Romanian Deadlift ISO : Hands behind head - 3x 45secs

Squat, bodyweight : controlled x 25

Walking: 22 mins

Evening -

Seated leg push into floor. Single leg: - 90 degrees , through ball of foot - 4x45 Seconds - 3/10 down to 2/10 right VMO insertion pain


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1540 on: February 05, 2023, 09:00:07 pm »
Wednesday 1st February 2023

Pixel 2XL phone battery swelled up and phone died, battery change didn't help :/
Lucky I transferred everything over to a borrowed Samsung Tab S7+ android tablet, the night before.
12+ inch Oled screen on this is gorgeous!

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat, thoracic and pec stretches,
snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocates

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

Seated leg push into floor. Single leg: - 90 degrees , through ball of foot - 4x45 Seconds - 3/10 down to 2/10 right quad tendon pain


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1541 on: February 05, 2023, 09:03:51 pm »
Thursday 2nd February 2023

Stressed out, poor sleep, taking it easy

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat, thoracic and pec stretches,
snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocates

Tendon Rehab - Lower. + Upper push Cycle 1, Week 9, Day 2

Body Weight: 87.7kg with shoes

snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocates with broom

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: x30secs

Glute bridge hold: x30 Secs
Front plank hold - 30secs
Side plank, Side plank, staggered stance, opposite leg and hand in the air x30 secs
Bird Dogs - hold at top - x11 each side

Rotating sets

Dumbbell press, rotating grip: - inline with ears - 5lbs x 10, 15lbs x10, 25lbs x10, 35lbs x6,
45lbs x5  - tweaked right neck/trap on clean....

50lbs x10, x9 @ RPE 8 (+2.5lbs, -2 reps)

Leg extension ISO, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches -
- 5 sec concentric, 20 sec ISO , 20 sec hold at 60 degrees, slow eccentric  -  x 15kg, 20kg, 20kg

x25kg, 25kg  - 3/10 right quad tendon pain

Sartorius  lying on back, single leg ISO pull, against opposite leg: 3 x 35secs

SSB single leg Calf raise ISO: - 2 hands supported, held at slightly above neutral -  45 secs x BW, 30kg, 50kg,
70g - 2/10 right achilles pain
80kg - 4/10 Achilles pain both sides
70kg - 3/10 right achilles pain

SSB Good Morning: Belt - 30kg x10, x10,

Belt, explode onto toes
40kg x8,
50kg x8, x8, x8 @ RPE 5

Tibilias Wall raise - against side of car, in oly shoes - BW x 10
+10kg x14, x13, x12 @ RPE 8  (+2 reps first set)

SSB single leg Calf raise: - 2 hands supported, 3 secs down, 1 sec up -  BW x10
flat on floor
30kg x8
40kg x8
50kg x8

No pain

SSB single leg bent knee Calf raise: - 2 hands supported, 3 secs down, 1 sec up -  BW x10
flat on floor
30kg x8
40kg x8
50kg x8 - 2/10 achilles insertion pain both sides

Leg Curl - single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - explosive - 15kg 3x8 @ RPE 7

Dips: - dip shrugs BW  2x20
BW x6
slow tempo - dip belt + 15kg x 10 @ RPE 8 (+5kg)

Deficit Push up - hands on PowerBlock dumbbells (Warm up) On floor x10,
Feet on 20 inch bench x 14 @ RPE 8

« Last Edit: February 06, 2023, 04:57:11 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1542 on: February 05, 2023, 09:05:28 pm »
Friday 3rd February 2023

Right upper trap/neck area very sore from yesterday's tweak

did nothing today...
« Last Edit: February 05, 2023, 09:49:02 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1543 on: February 05, 2023, 09:13:45 pm »
Saturday 4th February 2023

Crap sleep

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat, thoracic and pec stretches,
snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocates

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

Hammer curl tricep extension overcoming ISO:Near closed position  3x35secs

Wall sit, heels off the floor: - at 90 degrees - pushing into floor  4x45secs-  3/10 right VMO/Quad tendon pain, down to 1/10 on last 2 sets

Single leg, kneeling quad push into couch ISO: 2x45 Seconds


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1544 on: February 05, 2023, 09:26:58 pm »
Sunday 5th February2023

Fat loss cycle 4 - Week 5
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 84.3kg (-1.1), 186lbs

waist - 34 inches (-3/8)
hip = 40.25 (-0.5)
upper thigh = 26 (-1/8)
Right calf = 15.75 (-1/8) 
Neck = 15 5/8  (-1/8) 
Chest = 41.5 
Right Arm (flexed) = 15 (-0.25)
Wrist = 6 5/8

Tanita scale bodyfat % = 20.7% (-0.1% )

Total loss so far - weight 3kg Waist 1 7/8 inches BF% Tanita -2.6%

Macrofactor app true trend weight 85.6kg, (-0.6kg from last week)
Macrofactor TDEE is at 2869 average for the week  (-52 from last week)

Keto intermittent fasting style - averaged 1959 calories over the week, 170g protein, 33g carbs, 128g fat.

Big drops this week, had several 24 hour fasts during the week without really trying.
Still looking quite bulky and full, despite minimal carbs.
Energy feels close to normal now, after 5 weeks of Keto, so must be close to full fat adapted