Author Topic: Reboot - get lean, get hops  (Read 752400 times)

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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #60 on: October 03, 2019, 02:23:34 am »
stretches work at home

bodyweight without shoes - 95.7kg

dry fasted

BBall practice session - 46 mins
dribble, shooting practice
1 low effort dunks on 8 foot netball rim - right toe started hurting a little :/

low intensity session, no running or jumping apart from that dunk
Got a good sweat going on a fairly warm day, so that should dehydrate me nicely


32 min walk around the courts and paths


Just wanted to get around 2800 calorie burn, but it looks like I'll hit 3100 by midnight tonight....


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #61 on: October 03, 2019, 03:35:32 am »
Pre and post shower weight 93.7kg 206.6lbs at 21.5 hour dry-fasted mark.
Finally some downward weight movement!

Bodyweight at 24 hour mark = 93.5kg 206.1lbs

« Last Edit: October 03, 2019, 06:15:30 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #62 on: October 03, 2019, 07:25:22 pm »
Friday 4th October 2019

Dry Fast day 2 start - 36 hours in
weight = 92.7kg (-3)  204.4lbs (-6.6)
waist = 39 inches (-3/8)
hip = 42.75 (-5/8)
upper thigh = 27 (-3/8)

Stats as of this morning straight out of bed
Talk about massive changes!
I don't think there is anything that can match the big drops in weight and bulk like a dehydrated dry fast  :wowthatwasnutswtf:
If this keeps up till day 3 I will be under 90kg  :o

Anyway sleep was pretty bad last night - just couldn't fall into deep asleep - body was just too amped up from the fast!

Right hamstring still pretty sore from sprints 2 days ago.
Some aches in my foot and right ankle/heel but much better now.
The next day of dry fasting should bring in some stem cells to help here :)

« Last Edit: October 03, 2019, 07:39:09 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #63 on: October 04, 2019, 02:43:21 am »
bodyweight without shoes - 93kg

dry fasted

BBall practice session - 43 mins
dribble, shooting practice
3 low effort dunks on 8 foot netball rim

low intensity session, only a few minor bits of slow runs. Got a good sweat going


33 min walk around the courts and paths


Felt a little light headed on the way there, but got better as it went

Left BBall shoes at home so did the session in my flat and thin trail running shoes.
Went better than expected, lighter bodyweight helped a lot I think.

3100 calorie burn
« Last Edit: October 04, 2019, 02:46:31 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #64 on: October 04, 2019, 03:20:33 am »
Pre and post shower weight
91.6kg 202lbs at 45 hour dry-fasted mark.

Bodyweight at 48 hour mark = 91.4kg 201.5lbs

Damn, down 2kg from this time yesterday
It is looking likely I will crack 90kg by the dry fast end on Saturday night
off course I will gain 1+kg back when I start to eat and drink again

It has been suggested that a 15 min cold shower can help fasted sleeping.
So will try it tonight if it's an issue, plus shivering burns fat too :)
I did go cold at the end my shower just then, refreshing...
« Last Edit: October 04, 2019, 06:51:20 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #65 on: October 04, 2019, 06:55:55 am »
Oh yeah, needless to say my libido is shot right now...    :pokerface:

Reproduction is the last thing you need when your starving I suppose  :derp:


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #66 on: October 04, 2019, 07:26:48 pm »
Saturday 5th October 2019

Dry Fast day 3 start - 60 hours in
weight = 90.5kg (-2.2)  199.5lbs (-4.9)
waist = 38.5 inches (-0.5)
hip = 42 3/8 (-3/8)
upper thigh = 26.75 (-0.25)

Stats as of this morning straight out of bed
Woah it continues!
Might crack 90kg by 8pm tonight based on the other days, but it's raining right now so no BBall, but it might dry up later.

12 hours to go and I'm, ready to stop!
feeling a bit woowsy - might suck in some Himalayan salt for electrolytes

Will gain back 1-2kg of food and water weight based on last time after my refeed of 1500 calories of carbs and other food
I'm satisfied - hard work, but rewarding!

I'm kinda tempted to do another day just to get well under 90kg, but I'll save if for next time to crank me down to 80kg. I need a bit of a rest...

Right ankle feeling a lot better. Stem cells should be kicking in now to help heal and remove the scar tissue in there.
Will likely need a few more dry fast runs to get it closer to 100%

Needless to say when you drop 6kg in 3 days the weight difference is pretty noticeable now when walking around.
I feel light as a feather  :ibjumping:


Need to research how to come off a dry fast.
I have the stuff ready like baking soda to neutraliize the acidity in the kidney
« Last Edit: October 04, 2019, 07:32:20 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #67 on: October 05, 2019, 02:26:42 am »
bodyweight without shoes - 91kg

dry fasted

BBall practice session - 39 mins
dribble, shooting practice

low intensity session, only a few minor bits of slow runs. Got a good sweat going


36 min walk around the courts and paths

Felt weak, but light on my feet

3100 calorie burn


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #68 on: October 05, 2019, 02:31:31 am »
Pre and post shower weight
90kg 198.4lbs at 68 hour dry-fasted mark.

goal reached, but will shoot back up when I refeed


started to refuel after the shower

1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a litre of water - drank that down slowly over 30 mins, to kill the acidity in the body and kidneys.
Should be 1 teaspoon, but I'll be drinking more of it later on

Then 500ml of pure natural coconut water from the local shop - for the natural potassium and sodium, 75 calories.
Might end up drinking the full pack of 1L later

Will likely eat 1200 calories later on
And drink the electrolyte mixture I prepared - Potassium chloride, Himalayan salt, baking soda, Magnesium Bisglycinate,
« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 03:04:45 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #69 on: October 05, 2019, 02:39:27 am »
Oh yeah, needless to say my libido is shot right now...    :pokerface:

Reproduction is the last thing you need when your starving I suppose  :derp:

lol damn. and yup makes sense.


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #70 on: October 05, 2019, 03:47:34 am »
Great work! Keep it up  :ibjumping:
"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up...


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #71 on: October 05, 2019, 07:41:26 am »
Thanks guys

After one meal and some 3 liters of coconut water/electrolyte water I weigh around 93.6kg 206.4lbs
Only had one smallish pee of bright yellow urine.

So the body is still sucking in fluids and not much of it going out
Lots of stomach growling going on...
Will take a few days for the weight to balance out.

I read about people having the runs etc, haven't had any yet
Haven't poop'ed in days....

During the dry fast I was still peeing small amounts throughout the day, so the body was still making water.
Good to know if I get stranded somewhere for 3 days I can survive without food and water for a bit :)

« Last Edit: October 05, 2019, 08:03:53 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #72 on: October 05, 2019, 11:27:39 am »
not pooping for a day, let alone days, would wreck me mentally.

i mean if there's no food in there, then maybe not. but if i felt at all like i had stuff in there and it just wasnt rumbling to get out, i'd break down and eat some red kidney beans lol.

During the dry fast I was still peeing small amounts throughout the day, so the body was still making water.
Good to know if I get stranded somewhere for 3 days I can survive without food and water for a bit :)

yup. :ninja:


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #73 on: October 05, 2019, 08:26:16 pm »
Sunday 6th October 2019

Week 7
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 93kg (-2.3) 205lbs
waist - 38 7/8 inches (-7/8)
hip = 42.75 (-0.75)
upper thigh = 26 7/8(-5/8)

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 27.2 (-1.7%)

Total loss so far - weight  10.5kg 23lbs  Waist 4 1/8 inches  BF% Tanita 6.3%

Most of the weeks have gone by fairly quickly, but last week felt really slow, but the results were worth it :)
The weight drop should be around 3+kg as the previous week's Sunday weight was pre feeding after a dry fast
Losing close to an inch off the waist so far, per week.

First time I am able to fully wrap my fingers around my right wrist, left wrist is leaner for some reason.

Only had a short pee this morning, suprised considering how much fluids I took in over a few hours last night!
Will keep hydrating today with my electrolyte drink


Really sore in my adductor hammie tie in area.
May have overstretched them when I did a supported side split against a low brick wall after BBall yesterday
about 1+ feet away from being able to do a full split


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #74 on: October 06, 2019, 05:39:36 am »
Sunday 6th October 2019

tissue/release work at home

bodyweight without shoes - 93.5kg


BBall practice session - 56 mins
dribble, shooting practice
10 or so jumps

I felt tired to start, but got a bit of  second wind.
Legs no longer have that heavy straining feeling from my bodyweight
Hops about the same, but the landings feel a lot better. Can resist the forces better and not landing as deep now.

resistance at the outdoor courts

Single leg calf raise x 12 (left side) x12 (right side)
pushups - feet elevated 2 steps x 10 - a few reps in the tank
inverted row on stair railing - undergrip x8  - last rep not able to touch the bar
Bulgarian split squat - paused BW x10

decent. Elevated pushup an extra step, felt ok

back at home

facing down garage slope, in flat shoes

rotating sets between the squats
front squat 20kg bar x 5,   
paused, explode up 40kg x3, 60kg x3

High bar squat 20kg bar x 5
paused, explode up 40kg x5, 60kg x 5

clean grip deadlift 60kg x 7 - 3 reps normal, 3 reps hooked grip
second rep powercleaned

high angle single arm row, elbow out 24kg kettle bell x 10
overhead press 20kg bumper plate x 10 - 10 sec hold at top on last rep
plank x 40-60 secs (lost count..)

Increased loads on squat, starting to feel on the harder side.
Powercleaned the second deadlift rep, and it felt decent and not too hard.
Got stronger on the other stuff.

Started to really drag towards the end, energy felt low.


3400 calorie burn for today, not including weights
And I didn't even do other cardio - setting up the rack and weights adds a fair bit of walking :)
Might eat 1400 calories over 2 meals.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2019, 06:30:45 am by CoolColJ »