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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #690 on: November 09, 2015, 03:02:23 am »
9/11/15 Week 5- Day 1- High Frequency Program (2pm)

Warm up- heaps of stretching & mobility

Snatch Combo- bar

FS- Build to 85% bar x 5, 60 x 5, 80 x 3, 100 x 1
FS- 75% 1 x 5 4s down/2s pause 90 x 3, 10s rest 90 x 1, 10s rest 90 x 1- couldn't get all 5 in the same set. Was harder on breath and felt light headed from the constant tension

Speed Pull RS10 @ 60% 60 x 5, 95 x 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

BTN Press RS10 @ 60% bar x 5, 30 x 3, 35 x 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

Planche RS5s
Straight bar straddle holds RS15

Skin the Cat RS10 5 reps only- these still make me dizzy on the way back around
Cable ext rotation 3 x 10 Did not complete- cables machines too heavy for left shoulder. Min weight is 14kg
Cable trap 3 raise 3 x 10 same as above
German hang 10-40s completely forgot

Row 500m all out 1:32- took me a while to recover from this one. Was strong through the first 300m then it was struggle street
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #691 on: November 10, 2015, 11:18:58 pm »
11/11/15 Week 5- Day 3- High Frequency Program (5am)

Warm Up

Snatch Combo- bar

Pause Jerk RS10 - 75% bar x 5, 40 x 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

F Squat RS15 4/2 70% bar x 5, 60 x 5, 85 x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3- damn hard

Deadlift thick bar lockouts - RS5 + 5 sec hold Depends on bar + grip 60 x 10, 100 x 5, 140 x 3, 180 x 1, 1, 1, 1, 1- no fat gripz with me so just lockouts

Handstands - 10 min Entry skill
Endurance hold
Did 10 entries with some 4-5s balances at the end of each
25s max hold

Arms - 5 min - 150 reps
Reverse Curls
Banded Triceps
BB curls- 15kg x 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Banded tripcep- purple band- 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Ran out of time here

Quad hip combo stretch, lat and pec stretch and I'm done
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #692 on: November 11, 2015, 06:09:19 pm »
12/11/15 Week 5- Day 4- High Frequency Program (5am)

Warm Up

Snatch Combo- Bar only

High Hang Full Snatch - RS5 60%, RS5 70%
Fast knee extension, keep the bar in close.
RS5 30 x 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

OH Squat - RS15 70% / 15RM from last week
30 x 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift -RS15+x 105%
60 x 3, 70 x 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

Weighted Dips - RS25, new PB
Tried and nope. Too much for shoulder. Used the dip machine for 5x5

L-sit to Handstand - 5x1 or L-sit to shoulder stand RSX
L-sit practice- 5 x 5s

Back Bridge - Accumulate 1 min
to do in PM

Run - 15 min 60%
maybe in PM- probably not though

Struggle street this morning. So tired. Am enjoying the training but not sure where I'm going with it. Will have a look at the next 3-4 weeks in advance and see what it looks like. For some reason I feel like I need to be doing more conditioning work. Not sure why but it's a strange want to be doing more cardio. Not usual for me.
Also feel like I need more chins in the program. Am doing them 1-2 times per week but would like to do more. After the next block I may look at doing my own thing again for a while. Not sure.
All of the above could very well just be what I do every 6-12 weeks which is look to the other side to see if something better is going on.  ;D

*Edit- No further training today (no back bridge or run). Ended up having a few beers instead. Did put out the feelers to a few oly lifting coaches in my area for some technique work. Looking forward to this.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2015, 05:59:58 pm by Coges »
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #693 on: November 15, 2015, 08:37:06 pm »

Did not train- Was only scheduled to do some Skin the Cats but didn't even get that done


No weight training. First hapkido class back in quite a few months. 2 hours of drills, kicking and such. Great fun. My 5 (nearly 6) year old son joined in for the first time too so that made it even better. Quite sore afterwards. Need to be super careful of elbow doing this.


Did not train.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #694 on: November 15, 2015, 08:49:56 pm »

Not training today.

Thoughts on my current training:
Am still going to use the training template I've been on but need to tweak it a bit at the moment. Shoulder is not going to get any better whilst doing any oly lifts. Overhead pressing seems to be ok as it's completely controlled. Will keep in handstand entries and balances but everything else is out till the shoulder is good to go again then I will rebuild slowly. This will also give me a good chance to work on my ankle, hip and shoulder mobility too. 

I think take a few weeks break from the template and go back to using the modified justa method (3sets increasing by two each day up to 15 sets) for FS, deadlift and OHP along with some chins, handstand work, planche and front lever and then some conditioning. That's basically the first 3-4 weeks of the template anyway minus the oly lifting. Once I'm all healed I'll have around 9-10 weeks to start at again. I've missed out on quite a bit of content in the last 5-6 weeks and think it's worth doing over. Also, I think with concentrating on the justa method I can take my FS to 140 by the end of the year. Wouldn't mind seeing if I can get the DL to 190-200 as well. Haven't tested my max for a while on that so will be interesting to see how high I can get.

*Edit- this starts tomorrow with 5 sets of FS, DL and OHP
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #695 on: November 15, 2015, 09:17:53 pm »
Oh and also I think it's time to revise the goals. I actually downgraded my lifting goals recently. Thought I'd just follow the process and things would magically happen. Well I think it's time to upgrade them a bit. As it currently stands these are my bests:

DL- 180
Back Squat- 145
Front Squat- 125
Bench- 85 x 5
Chin Up- +25
OHP- 60

New Goals-
DL- 250
Back Squat- 200
Front Squat- 180
Bench- 140
Chin Up- +50
OHP- BW (~100)
Front Lever- 5s full front lever
Dips- +50
Snatch- BW (~100)
C&J- 1.5xBW (~150)
Front & side splits

These are pretty audacious but definitely reachable and I think doable in the next 18-24 months.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #696 on: November 16, 2015, 05:48:33 am »
Oh and also I think it's time to revise the goals. I actually downgraded my lifting goals recently. Thought I'd just follow the process and things would magically happen. Well I think it's time to upgrade them a bit. As it currently stands these are my bests:

DL- 180
Back Squat- 145
Front Squat- 125
Bench- 85 x 5
Chin Up- +25
OHP- 60

New Goals-
DL- 250
Back Squat- 200
Front Squat- 180
Bench- 140
Chin Up- +50
OHP- BW (~100)
Front Lever- 5s full front lever
Dips- +50
Snatch- BW (~100)
C&J- 1.5xBW (~150)
Front & side splits

These are pretty audacious but definitely reachable and I think doable in the next 18-24 months.

Those are some serious numbers. The gaps are crazy, you are seeking to improve 70kg DL , 55kg squat, 40kg bench, 40kg OHP. In 2 years max.
Hm, if you ask me it is rather impossible (unless juiced, lol), given you are not a noob either, it has taken you many training years to get to your current maxes.
Oh well, it will be a hell of an awesome journey chasing those numbers. Plus if you get even halfway there ( 225 DL , 170 squat , 120 bench , 80 OHP ) it will still be awesome.
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #697 on: November 16, 2015, 09:19:45 am »
i'd agree with vag except i forget how heavy you are and whether you've ever seriously tried to gain weight. with a real bulk or even aragon-style "culk" you might be able to get there. if i ever manage to dunk, switching goals to squat/bench/DL is on the table and i'd try to gain ~10-15 pounds in the process. that would help me shoot for 185/200/130 or something.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #698 on: November 16, 2015, 06:56:28 pm »
Oh and also I think it's time to revise the goals. I actually downgraded my lifting goals recently. Thought I'd just follow the process and things would magically happen. Well I think it's time to upgrade them a bit. As it currently stands these are my bests:

DL- 180
Back Squat- 145
Front Squat- 125
Bench- 85 x 5
Chin Up- +25
OHP- 60

New Goals-
DL- 250
Back Squat- 200
Front Squat- 180
Bench- 140
Chin Up- +50
OHP- BW (~100)
Front Lever- 5s full front lever
Dips- +50
Snatch- BW (~100)
C&J- 1.5xBW (~150)
Front & side splits

These are pretty audacious but definitely reachable and I think doable in the next 18-24 months.

Those are some serious numbers. The gaps are crazy, you are seeking to improve 70kg DL , 55kg squat, 40kg bench, 40kg OHP. In 2 years max.
Hm, if you ask me it is rather impossible (unless juiced, lol), given you are not a noob either, it has taken you many training years to get to your current maxes.
Oh well, it will be a hell of an awesome journey chasing those numbers. Plus if you get even halfway there ( 225 DL , 170 squat , 120 bench , 80 OHP ) it will still be awesome.

I know right. I see some easy wins in the form of food and sleep but I also like big goals. I don't think I've ever really pushed myself that hard in a training sense either. Most of my maxes come off 2-4 months of solid training. Then I relapse go back and start all over again.  This is the thought that keeps nagging me- imagine if I could train consistently and build for 6-12-18 months. I don't think I've even scratched the surface yet.

Like you said though, at worst it'll be an awesome journey.

Btw, I'm going to start using a belt and potentially sleeves too. I see a lot of guys progressing using these then getting their unbelted/no sleeve lifts up to the equipped levels shortly after. Something I've never explored so I definitely think it's worth it.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #699 on: November 16, 2015, 07:19:03 pm »
i'd agree with vag except i forget how heavy you are and whether you've ever seriously tried to gain weight. with a real bulk or even aragon-style "culk" you might be able to get there. if i ever manage to dunk, switching goals to squat/bench/DL is on the table and i'd try to gain ~10-15 pounds in the process. that would help me shoot for 185/200/130 or something.

Yep. This is a big part of my thinking. I have never put the time or effort into a proper bulk (be it clean or otherwise). I'm 6'4, 95kgs at about 15-17%bf. I want to be 100-105 at 10-12%. This is a massive change obviously. Stopping basketball will certainly help and I am getting over my fear of not being able to see my abs for periods of time. Also, my metabolism has slowed somewhat in the last couple of years making weight easier to put on.

I don't have a problem with guys juicing but I can't imagine I'd every use myself. I'm not that keen.

It's funny though, I know plenty of guys doing 2xbw squats and 2.5xbw DLs of only a couple of years training and these guys aren't genetically gifted. I think a lot of it is just the laser focus on the goal.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #700 on: November 16, 2015, 07:22:08 pm »

Warm Up-
Mobility work for shoulders and hips

bar x 5, 60 x 3, 70 x 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 (EMOM)

60 x 5, 100 x 3, 120 x 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (every 20s)

no good today

Did my shoulder rehab and some stretches and called it a day

Had planned to FS 85 which is 70% of 120 but my hips and lower back felt horrible this morning. Will keep on 70 this week and increase by 5 for the next couple of weeks.

Pissed off about my shoulder. It has good and bad days and today was obviously a bad day.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #701 on: November 16, 2015, 09:08:17 pm »
It's funny though, I know plenty of guys doing 2xbw squats and 2.5xbw DLs of only a couple of years training and these guys aren't genetically gifted. I think a lot of it is just the laser focus on the goal.

e.g. me.  :highfive:
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #702 on: November 16, 2015, 09:51:51 pm »
It's funny though, I know plenty of guys doing 2xbw squats and 2.5xbw DLs of only a couple of years training and these guys aren't genetically gifted. I think a lot of it is just the laser focus on the goal.

e.g. me.  :highfive:

Haha. I was actually thinking far less athletically gifted. I remember seeing guys and girls at the powerlifting meet I went to earlier this year who looked like they had no business being there and lifting decent numbers. There was also a guy who couldn't have been less than 6ft and was around 70kg who deadlifted 210. Just crazy.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #703 on: November 17, 2015, 05:35:10 am »
These are some lofty goals you set for yourself there but if you can push hard without major injuries and everything goes well I think it might be bossible. All the best! ;) My goals are pretty crazy too. Untill the end of university in 3 years I want to front squat 200kg for 5 reps (105 x 5 currently) and jump 1m/40" (75cm/30" at the moment) would be awesome if I'm able to do this. But we'll see  ;D


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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #704 on: November 17, 2015, 07:00:26 pm »
These are some lofty goals you set for yourself there but if you can push hard without major injuries and everything goes well I think it might be bossible. All the best! ;) My goals are pretty crazy too. Untill the end of university in 3 years I want to front squat 200kg for 5 reps (105 x 5 currently) and jump 1m/40" (75cm/30" at the moment) would be awesome if I'm able to do this. But we'll see  ;D

Cheers thanks mate. I don't see any point in putting major restrictions on myself. I'm never going to be an elite athlete but all these goals are reachable for someone who is strong without being an out of the box gifted athlete.

Good on you. That's a great goal. 200 for 5 would be boss! I imagine if you're squatting that then a 40" vert is definitely on the cards.
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