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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #375 on: February 07, 2018, 06:47:34 am »

Morning BW: 70.7kg [nicenice, 69.X soon...]


Tempo-ish Run -

w/u ~1.6mi [~8:50 pace]

2xMi@tempo w/ 400m jog between [boths miles were 7:13, jog was ~9:30 pace]

c/d ~1.6mi [~9:50 pace]


First "workout" other than just easy running. Felt good. Tempo traditionally involves at least 20 minutes of work from what I understand, but I figured it'd be okay to built into it. Shall do 2x1.5mi next week.

Did the tempo part of the workout on a nearby poorly maintained cinder track. Running on it kinda sucks b/c force is kind of eaten up by moving gravel on top of the track. Track is also a weird distance (iirc the sign said "423y/387m" around) so I trusted my watch for the miles. Seemed accurate since I would start first lap at the start of the straightaway and finish the mile well over halfway through it.

Next few days looking busy, so won't be able to get in a double on Friday. Probably gonna run tmrw, try to lift Friday and then won't be able to get another workout in until Sunday or maybe Monday.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2018, 04:32:30 pm by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #376 on: February 08, 2018, 01:37:30 pm »

Morning BW: 71.1kg


Run - 5.19mi in 45:42 [8:51, 8:49, 8:40, 8:48, 8:53]


A nice enjoyable easy run. First three days in a row of running and everything feels fine.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #377 on: February 09, 2018, 05:38:00 pm »
Didn't get to the gym today, ah well. Think I'm going to try for a 10 mile run on Sunday.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #378 on: February 12, 2018, 07:05:41 am »

Morning BW: 70.7 [nice, expected this to be a lot higher]


Run 9.78mi in 1:29.46 [8:33, 9:23, 9:20, 9:49, 9:14, 9:34, 9:12, 9:22, 9:00, then 8:06 pace for the last .78 miles]


Some extra stuff came up I had to handle on the week so didn't end up having that Sunday evening slot I'd hoped to use for a long run.

This run was great, didn't want to ever stop running, pretty much. Kept pace very easy, not pushing at all until the last mile, just rolling along.

Going to aim for 30 miles this week, I think. Good start for that goal.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #379 on: February 12, 2018, 11:05:19 am »

Morning BW: 70.7 [nice, expected this to be a lot higher]


Run 9.78mi in 1:29.46 [8:33, 9:23, 9:20, 9:49, 9:14, 9:34, 9:12, 9:22, 9:00, then 8:06 pace for the last .78 miles]


Some extra stuff came up I had to handle on the week so didn't end up having that Sunday evening slot I'd hoped to use for a long run.

This run was great, didn't want to ever stop running, pretty much. Kept pace very easy, not pushing at all until the last mile, just rolling along.

Going to aim for 30 miles this week, I think. Good start for that goal.

great stuff man!

long runs are fun af.


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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #380 on: February 13, 2018, 12:28:45 pm »


Run - 5.86mi in 56:16 [9:09, 9:35, 9:35, 9:42, 9:48, 9:49 pace]


Legs pretty effing tired from yesterday, but I just really wanted to run. As such I kept it super easy. Avg HR was 141BPM, which is pretty low for me (usually run in the mid 150s).

Also tried to just not look at my watch at all. In light of that I'm pretty chuffed with the level pacing through the middle of the run.

Another easy run tomorrow, then 3mi tempo on Thursday is the plan.

Just haven't had the urge to lift, since running is much more fun than going to the gym. Similarly not sure I'm gonna bother with measuring BW for a while, just gonna let intuitive eating and gradual build up of running volume handle body composition. Should still make myself lift at least 1x/week so avoid too much muscle loss.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #381 on: February 13, 2018, 12:51:31 pm »


Run - 5.86mi in 56:16 [9:09, 9:35, 9:35, 9:42, 9:48, 9:49 pace]


Legs pretty effing tired from yesterday, but I just really wanted to run. As such I kept it super easy. Avg HR was 141BPM, which is pretty low for me (usually run in the mid 150s).

Also tried to just not look at my watch at all. In light of that I'm pretty chuffed with the level pacing through the middle of the run.

Another easy run tomorrow, then 3mi tempo on Thursday is the plan.

Just haven't had the urge to lift, since running is much more fun than going to the gym.

haha that's dope.. and you're just in the beginning stages. It gets way more fun (track workouts, advanced workouts, long run variations, fartleks, training partners/groups), the better/more experienced you get.. so that's something to look forward too -> fun to a much higher power.

Similarly not sure I'm gonna bother with measuring BW for a while, just gonna let intuitive eating and gradual build up of running volume handle body composition. Should still make myself lift at least 1x/week so avoid too much muscle loss.

ya for sure .. that's what I normally do with calisthenics: just to prevent muscle loss and maybe to put on just a little bit more mass. Without lifting or calisthenics, you can really drop alot of muscle mass. It can be beneficial up to a point, but we're also physique-ish driven so, eventually it becomes annoying not to keep some on or "stay sharp".

as far as gym goes, probably can spare all of your upper body mass just doing what I do: dip/pushup variations, pullup/chinup variations. For legs, might need to hit the actual gym once a week, and maybe on another day just hit some lunges, calf raises, single leg rdl's, stepups, etc.

BW exercises are much more fun/fulfilling if you're into running etc, from my experience.. It just makes way more sense IMHO.

I've cut out calisthenics/BW exercises before, but I ALWAYS come back to them .. so probably best to not detrain, because you'll end up incorporating it back in eventually.

good work! thursday sounds fun!



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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #382 on: February 13, 2018, 11:27:49 pm »
re: physique and muscle mass, i noticed yesterday morning that i looked bigger in the mirror than usual, after my monday night calisthenics. very low volume. that was probably purely psychological -- my weight hasn't changed significantly and i'm certainly no less lean than usual so i doubt i've lost much muscle after the switch to running -- but still nice to see/feel.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #383 on: February 15, 2018, 11:28:32 am »


Run --

Warm up 1.5mi

3mi @ tempo [7:12, 7:18, 7:14] Avg HR for these was 169, 177, 178.

Cool down for the remaining miles.

Workout total = 6.3 mi


Kind of zoned out for like a minute in near the start of the second tempo mile and ran at like an 8:30 pace, which was dumb as fuck!! Had to work pretty hard to bring that mile down to a 7:18 average. Lol. Not gonna make that mistake again.

Feel like I have roughly got the hang of the pace/effort you want to hit for tempo. Working hard feels good. Next week is 2x2mi, then week after 1x4mi, etc.

Cadence during the tempo miles was high 190s. Nice.

Just noticed that in three runs this week I have pretty much tied my PR for weekly run volume (~22mi).
« Last Edit: February 15, 2018, 12:00:59 pm by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #384 on: February 16, 2018, 04:04:42 am »
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #385 on: February 16, 2018, 05:12:01 am »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #386 on: February 16, 2018, 05:12:40 am »

legs are sore, no run today. will run tomorrow. just need ~8 more miles to get 30 for the week.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #387 on: February 17, 2018, 06:05:45 am »


Run -- 4.49mi in 40:35 [9:02 pace]

Avg HR - 146


Had a nice bday yesterday. Seem to have come down with a cold, though at present it is quite minor. Shall see how I feel later in the afternoon and maybe go for a run. Blargh hate being ill.

Decent run all things considered. Kept it very easy and just plodded along for easy miles. Weekly mileage PR ~26.5mi. Might well get another 4-6 in tomorrow, I think. Then an ~11 miler on Monday.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2018, 11:52:19 am by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #388 on: February 17, 2018, 10:54:13 am »


Had a nice bday yesterday.

happy belated birthday man@!)$(!@$)

Seem to have come down with a cold, though at present it is quite minor. Shall see how I feel later in the afternoon and maybe go for a run. Blargh hate being ill.

blah that sucks!

hopefully you kick it fast. I kicked mine fairly quick, a few other people I know kicked there's even faster.. dat runner immunity maybe dno.



Kind of zoned out for like a minute in near the start of the second tempo mile and ran at like an 8:30 pace, which was dumb as fuck!! Had to work pretty hard to bring that mile down to a 7:18 average. Lol. Not gonna make that mistake again.

for sure. battling back can get pretty rough, especially after a minute goes by.

those little "mistakes" can really derail you in races etc, they are so easy to make.


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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #389 on: February 17, 2018, 11:49:52 am »


Had a nice bday yesterday.

happy belated birthday man@!)$(!@$)

Seem to have come down with a cold, though at present it is quite minor. Shall see how I feel later in the afternoon and maybe go for a run. Blargh hate being ill.

blah that sucks!

hopefully you kick it fast. I kicked mine fairly quick, a few other people I know kicked there's even faster.. dat runner immunity maybe dno.



Kind of zoned out for like a minute in near the start of the second tempo mile and ran at like an 8:30 pace, which was dumb as fuck!! Had to work pretty hard to bring that mile down to a 7:18 average. Lol. Not gonna make that mistake again.

for sure. battling back can get pretty rough, especially after a minute goes by.

those little "mistakes" can really derail you in races etc, they are so easy to make.

ty man!

yeah I'm hoping this cold stays minor and goes away! we'll see, just gonna make sure I eat well and get good sleep, not anything else I can do for it.

I think in a race I'd stay a lot more sharp, wouldn't let such a drop happen. Good to have noticed it in training and can make it something to think about.
"i threaten to kill myself whenever my parnets tell me to get a job" - bjpenn