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Hello... again
« on: December 04, 2017, 06:04:21 am »
I found this site years ago when I wanted dunk. Then I got busy with school and didn't really have the time for it. Recently I've been lifting a lot and was thinking maybe I could try to dunk once in my life. However, I'm not very tall and have t-rex arms so I'll need like a 40" vertical. It'll be a challenge, but looking for some guidance in how I should go about this.

Age: 22
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 165
BF%: eh like 10%-11% estimate
Barefoot Reach: 7'2.5" at best :'(
Current SVJ: 33”
Current RVJ: 35"
Both are off two feet. I am ass at one foot jumps for height.

Bench: 190x8
Squat: 265x8
Deadlift 350x5

Goals by April/May 2018
Bench Press: 255x1, 225x5
Squat: 340x1 315x5
Deadlift 420x1 405x3

Basically do a 4-3-2-(1) for the main lifts for 5 reps and 2.5x, 2x, 1.5x for dead, squat, bench

I lift 3x a week and am able to make steady gains. I play basketball 1 to 3 times a week. I rock climb 1-2 times a week.

I first touched rim like 5 years ago and haven't improved much since then. I can grab rim on a good day and barely touch rim on shitty outdoor asphalt courts. It seems like I will need a 41" or so to jump. What can I do beyond jumping a lot and increasing my lifts to supplement my training and hopefully reach this goal.


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Re: Hello... again
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2017, 07:34:57 am »
welcome. first, the standard heuristic for required jump height to dunk is 128" (i.e. full normal hand length over the rim). that'd put you right at 41" to dunk, assuming 0.5" shoe height.

you're pretty strong and plenty lean to start with, and you have a respectable RVJ and very respectable SVJ already. i'm a little taller and a little less t-rex than you (5'11", 7'6" reach), but otherwise seemingly similar. i floundered around for years not making much progress, until discovering that the key really is to grease the groove: get as efficient as you possibly can at a specific jump approach.

using a weight vest was extremely helpful for peaking, and some other things maybe also helped -- e.g. DL bounds for max distance, jump squats -- but basically the T0ddday method (search the site) plus low-volume squatting were the foundation for me toward the end. my final numbers were 170 pounds bodyweight, ~10% bf, 350-360 squat, 37-38" RVJ, 32-33" SVJ. the biggest gains came from growing the gap between SVJ and RVJ by honing technique.
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Re: Hello... again
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2017, 02:51:19 pm »
Welcome back.

LBSS pretty much covered it. Stay lean and increase your relative strength.

I'm amazed at your reach though. I'm 5'11 and have a 7'10 reach. There's people that are 5'6 and can dunk though so dunking is definitely still possible for you.
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Re: Hello... again
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2017, 07:19:18 pm »
Thank you two for the succinct responses. I will search for the T0ddday method and include in some more poly and hopefully I will update y'all with good news after I put in the good work.


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Re: Hello... again
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2017, 07:44:34 pm »

Thank you two for the succinct responses. I will search for the T0ddday method and include in some more poly and hopefully I will update y'all with good news after I put in the good work. :ninja:

I see you mention playing basketball 1-3 times a week, how often do you go for max effort jumps? Dedicated max effort jump sessions are a must, so if you're not getting those in, i'd start with at least 1x/wk. I'd also ease into it, don't go crazy. You sound like you're already in good shape, strong etc.. but just make some small changes at first, like trying to get in 1 max effort jump session a week and just focusing more on your lifts, diet, sleep, etc.
