Author Topic: Wasted Sets, Wasted Reps, Wasted Time  (Read 45280 times)

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Re: Wasted Sets, Wasted Reps, Wasted Time
« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2011, 07:56:10 am »

sir lance....

here are my two weaknesses...

1. i cant do 1 single leg pistol squat!

2. i cant do 1 overhead squat even with the bar!  and this is how i full squat... so all my life... im doing a power full squat... coz ive been taught to squat like this by friends who are all powerlifters back when i first started to train and all... the movement is very natural to me... 

i can lift more weight with this type of squat... and i do it with a medium / wide stance... knees out...

so basically... i squat like a PENGUIN!   my feet are pointed out like a penguin... thats from adarqui's rant...

i want to change my squat... from powerlifting squat  to olympic back squat...

what should i do sir lance?   i cant even do it right... i cant do a single leg pistol, an overhead squat, etc... i cant do an olympic back squat...

i cant buy and afford olympic weightlifting shoes... and i dont want to put plates under my heels either...

thanks sir lance...

i need all the help...


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Re: Wasted Sets, Wasted Reps, Wasted Time
« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2011, 09:21:33 am »

sir lance....

here are my two weaknesses...

1. i cant do 1 single leg pistol squat!

2. i cant do 1 overhead squat even with the bar!  and this is how i full squat... so all my life... im doing a power full squat... coz ive been taught to squat like this by friends who are all powerlifters back when i first started to train and all... the movement is very natural to me... 

i can lift more weight with this type of squat... and i do it with a medium / wide stance... knees out...

so basically... i squat like a PENGUIN!   my feet are pointed out like a penguin... thats from adarqui's rant...

i want to change my squat... from powerlifting squat  to olympic back squat...

what should i do sir lance?   i cant even do it right... i cant do a single leg pistol, an overhead squat, etc... i cant do an olympic back squat...

i cant buy and afford olympic weightlifting shoes... and i dont want to put plates under my heels either...

thanks sir lance...

i need all the help...

Hard to say, your main concern right now needs to be getting someone to film a set of your squats and getting it uploaded to your youtube channel.   Until I see exactly what youre doing I cant tell you either way.   You may be doing just fine like you are, you may be way off.  If you havent seen your squat on video its also hard for you to know what you look like squatting, you may THINK you look like the video, but in reality it doesnt.

Jumping back and forth from squat styles, workouts, goals, etc. puts you on a hamster wheel, you spin the wheel over and over and over and dont go anywhere.  Thats whats happened in your case, you want to change the workout, change the goals from strength to fat loss to basketball etc., change the exercise, etc.  Most often the answer is to just get hard nosed and improve the goal you started with, dont jump to something else when it gets hard or something new is talked about, comes out, etc.     

right now, your number one priority needs to be getting some film on your lifts and jumps if thats what you want to improve.  Until you do that its highly unlikely that switching your form will do any good at all, you may be even worse off with the next squatting style and have been just fine with what youre doing.  Once youve done that and know whether or not you have a solid form suitable to your goals, you can go on to the next issue. 


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Re: Wasted Sets, Wasted Reps, Wasted Time
« Reply #17 on: August 26, 2011, 12:42:49 pm »
I like the article man.
Something i can add to mu mental database when training i try consider the things to do when training.

Is it true that the olympic style squat is you keep body in upright position and for powerlifting squat its the leaning forward.
just was wondering what was the difference between the 2.

Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

My Progress Log
A Journey to Running fast and Jumping High


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Re: Wasted Sets, Wasted Reps, Wasted Time
« Reply #18 on: August 26, 2011, 01:12:56 pm »

ok sir lance... i will find a way to get vids of weightroom lifts and jumps...

another question...

what's has a better carryover to sports, athleticism, vert, basketball, everything! ...   a powerlifting style squat or  the olympic back squat?

wide stance? narrow stance?  medium stance?

coz sir lance... im doing olympic lifts in my training right... so im on the "olympic" category... so i must squat like  Pyrros Dimas and Ronny Weller... to improve my jump snatch...

coz one of my goals is to jump snatch my bodyweight right...

and to also full squat 405 lbs...


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Re: Wasted Sets, Wasted Reps, Wasted Time
« Reply #19 on: August 26, 2011, 02:10:53 pm »
I like the article man.
Something i can add to mu mental database when training i try consider the things to do when training.

thanks bud, appreciate it, glad it helped.

Is it true that the olympic style squat is you keep body in upright position and for powerlifting squat its the leaning forward.
just was wondering what was the difference between the 2.


 Not necessarily, the olympic "style" squat will involve as upright of a torso position as can be achieved, due to the carryover to the olympic lifts.  The powerlifting "style" squat can be many different styles of squats, Ive seen several good IPF powerlifters whose squat is more upright than some good olympic lifters squats, so it all depends on individual leverages, strengths, etc.

  Squatting for sports performance, in my opinion, should be done with a shoulder width or slightly wider stance, and to slightly below parallel depth MOST of the time.  There are reasons for specialization that other depths and styles are very useful, but for sprinting, jumping, strength, etc., that type of squat will cover all bases very well.  If a primary goal is jumping, a higher squat should be implemented as well imo, either in the form of high box squat, half squat, etc., to allow greater focus on the specific rom, train the reversal point, and allow greater loads at higher speeds.

  alot of athletes are built with a shorter torso and longer legs, for these athletes putting the bar down a few inches lower on the rear delts is beneficial, and can influence the load used significantly.  For athletes of this build, they are going to have significant forward lean REGARDLESS of the squat style they choose in most cases, so reducing the lever arm of the upper torso, actually HELPS them get more glute, quad, and hamstring involvement, without the same stress a higher position has on the low back.  An athlete with a longer torso will often feel MORE lower back involvement when attempting this style, it all depends on the individual.  As long as you follow the same general guidelines, shoulder width or slightly wider stance, slightly below parallel depth, and the LEGS and HIPS taking the brunt of the workload, you need not worry about which type of squat youre doing, youre strengthening your LOWER BODY.


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Re: Wasted Sets, Wasted Reps, Wasted Time
« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2011, 02:17:25 pm »

ok sir lance... i will find a way to get vids of weightroom lifts and jumps...

great, that will be a big step in improving at this point.

another question...

what's has a better carryover to sports, athleticism, vert, basketball, everything! ...   a powerlifting style squat or  the olympic back squat?

wide stance? narrow stance?  medium stance?

see my reply above .

coz sir lance... im doing olympic lifts in my training right... so im on the "olympic" category... so i must squat like  Pyrros Dimas and Ronny Weller... to improve my jump snatch...

coz one of my goals is to jump snatch my bodyweight right...

and to also full squat 405 lbs...

no. jump snatch, power clean, power anything, has very little to do with that.  If you were catching in a full front or overhead squat position it would be different, but thats not the case.  An explosive half squat can have massive benefits as a matter of fact, to the power and hang versions of the lifts, the limiting factor is NOT standing with the load after its racked in a rock bottom position, its how much force you can generate during the second pull of the lift, where the joint angles are very similar to a higher position in the rom.

just get a video of the squat you are doing NOW, before you start changing things, you dont want to start messing with something if there is no need to.


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Re: Wasted Sets, Wasted Reps, Wasted Time
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2011, 07:00:20 pm »
for SVJ, IMO - the oly full squat + supra max half squat together with the actual jumping drills is hard to beat for its simplicity and overall direct carry over to the jump.

you do not sit back on a jump. u bend your knees, do an explosive reversal like your life depended on it.. then boom. fly. no need for serious STIM or mental preparation. u only think of 2 things.. bend knees.. get to your sweet spot at the bottom and reverse the shit out of it.

if lance / adarqui told me this before, i would have been dunking a lot earlier. :P

and about the wasted reps. i use some pauses between reps to recover at bit while using as much moderate-heavy rep i could possibly use because in order for me to make sure im putting all effort in the lift, the weight has to be heavy enough - if i dont push with all effort - I WILL GET PINNED.. thats a good way to look at it. somthing like a 88-89% x 4-5 reps while eating cows/salmons.

5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Wasted Sets, Wasted Reps, Wasted Time
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2011, 08:27:37 pm »

i still have alot to learn sir lance... thats why i feel so fortunate...

thanks sir lance! cleared alot of things up! i really appreciate everything!

thank you so much!  will get the vids too!

and thanks to kingfish too!  i will catch up to you man! you just wait! haha!