lance, my (squat) idea of hypertrophy at this time is a x12-20 rep/set of 2-4clusters (45-90sec reset), after my dynamic warmup with the loaded squats(x1-2rep up to top single at 405)..
- using 75%RM+, anything that is 6+reps becomes dependent on the back muscles being able to keep me upright.
- these resets are pretty good in getting my back muscles fresh for more reps.
- if my back muscles get beat.. i'm useless. i'm still jello from the 495 smith calfs i did a few days back. 
sounds like a muscle building plan or is there a better option for my routine at this time?.. squats have to be on a daily schedule. i'm too lazy learning coordination again if i skip a day.
First thing I would kf is stop squatting every day, and go every other day. Not 3 x a week, every other day. I know you dont want to do that, but I would bet you will PR after a week or so of doing so. You also have to ask yourself why youre squatting daily. Is it to improve strength/hypertrophy, or is it due to the fact you like to go in daily and squat. If you did your upper/accessory work on your days you didnt squat, and still squatted every other day, you are still going to the gym daily.
IF youre going to squat every day, you HAVE to increase
LOAD, and if youre not increasing it at the least monthly, something is wrong. Regardless of the goal (hypertrophy/strength), a progression of LOAD over a reasonable amount of time will determine the effectiveness of the program in the end.
To answer your set up there, the only way I have ever seen daily or high frequency set ups work with reps over 2-3, is when there is a SINGLE max rep set of that day. You can set a cap on it at 8,10,etc., but work up to ONE SET, then STOP. I would also alternate sessions of working up to a daily max (heavy) double, and working up to a daily max rep 4+ set.
bottom line is the one good thing youve done is trained your work capacity up to a high level. Now if you were to switch to an every other day squatting set up, you can capitalize on that big time. Increase load one way or another though, and in a quick like fashion, even if it is 5 pounds, or a single extra rep. Without that nothing will work for long.