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Topics - Siimon89

Pages: [1]
Hey guys! :)

Here's the problem, both my left and right knee have been having patella tendonosis problems for quite a while now. This is especially noticable after doing squats even though I focus on only going as low as I can by keeping a neutral spine (bodyweight only).
I've been reading lots of articles, from Kelly Baggett to Alex V., and I've just started to focus on movement patterns (LDISO) and strengthening the core via the Chair, Non-tripod and Prone glute. Also started focusing on my slightly unstable feet by doing ankle-rocker lifting drills daily.

I'm very positive the problem is overactive quads and underactive glutes/hams. My primarly goal now is to be pain free and moving correctly primarly with the glutes. I do stretch and foam roll regularly and been doing so for like 1,5 years now. The symptoms do release for a while after foam rolling and stretching the quads.
Another thing is my right hip seems to be more in anterior pelvic tilt than my left, but my right side's glute functions a bit better. When standing with my back against a wall, the right side does have a bigger arch.

So my question to all you guys is where do I go now? What exercises strength wise would you focus on to clear up the problem and make the glutes prime movers (Glute dominant in general)?

I'm thinking for strength exercises:
-RDL's and 1-Leg RDL's
-Back extensions (only as low as I can keep spine neutral)
-Reverse Lunges (same as above)

Foam roll quads and TFL/ITB-band
Core drills (Chair, Tripod, Planks)
Glute activation

As for the stretching, shall I only stretch right quad/hip flexor for awhile and stretch left leg's hamstrings due to the imbalance in mobility?

I have my own gym so what I have access to is a barbell, power-rack and dumbbells.

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