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Topics - dunkingfreak

Pages: [1]
I have always liked what deadlifts have done for my speed in sprinting and how it reduces GCT in both two foot and single leg vertical jump for me but I find that deadlifting is just very hard for me to recover from. So my normal pattern when doing deadlifts is deadlift 2-3 weeks see pretty good gains but then see performance  reductions and stop. When you guys do deadlifts do you notice that you can recover from them? That they are effective training tool in your toolbox? Is the large tax on your CNS and body worth the potential gains?

For those who have them are they worth it? I'm thinking about getting a pair probably the VS's if anything.

Hey I'm interested in getting into sports sciences and I was wondering if you guys had some books you would recommend to expand my knowledge base.

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Quick question about bounds
« on: July 08, 2011, 01:28:30 am »
Hey Lance I've been doing your bound program you have posted up here and its working great but i'm a little confused on how to do the single leg bounds

For the single leg bounds i it LRLRLRLRLR or is it LLLLLLLLLLLLL then RRRRRRRRRRR? Do we alternate legs after every single bound or do full sets of bounds on one leg and then switch to the other?


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