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Messages - Axel

Pages: [1]
News, Announcements, & Suggestions / Re: Calculator's page
« on: June 06, 2009, 09:13:32 am »
I can't believe you put up CCJ's "forumula"...  :-X

Actually I find picking a sample of five exercises which must fulfill the needs of all sports not "fairly simple" but I'll give it a try.

- Front Squat: Judging from my experience it is the exercise with most carry over to a broad variety of athletic movements. I also prefer it to other leg exercises like deadlift variations or the squat due to the fact that it goes much easier with the lower back and CNS.
- Leg Curls or GHR: For optimal developement of the legs direct work for the short head of the biceps femoris is inevitable.
- Ab and Back circuit: I regard this as one exercise, since picking only one exercise for the core wouldn't be very beneficial. Just throw in some crunch variation, russian twists, back raise, side raise, etc and perform them in a circuit fashion.
- Chin Ups: Probably my favorite upper body exercise. It's a great general strength exercise which involves many muscle groups. I've seen many people who have built beasty backs with chin ups being their only back exercise.
- Overhead Press: My second favorite upper body exercise with great carryover to many sports.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Axel's in the house!
« on: June 03, 2009, 12:37:29 pm »
Thanks guys. I've lost motivation for jump training lately. Since autumn I've been focusing on school and thus trained without a real goal. I still can dunk pretty mad tough. :P

PS: I've already talked to my solicitor. The above quote is going to be engraved on my tombstone.

Introduce Yourself / Axel's in the house!
« on: June 02, 2009, 04:49:03 pm »
Howdy! First of all congrats to this new project and best of luck in achieving your goals.
I haven't posted on these forums for a long time. As Andrew and RJ are among the few vert bros that I've always admired, this forum is a great opportunity for me to get back in the vert talk. I hope I can make valuable contributions here and there.

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