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Messages - AGC

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just be careful to ease back into jumping, tendinopathy tends to flare up bad after a long break. Body doesn't like sudden spikes in loading rate.
Patella and achilles in particular

Thanks, I've been around the block a few times with this stuff so I'm certainly not going to be too aggressive at this stage.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: AGC's journal
« on: May 29, 2024, 12:59:16 am »
Training update: I've stoped running as much because the weather is shifting (not winter yet, but a bit wetter), and I also joined a gym after a ~5 year gap. One of the parents I know owns a small chain of 24h places and offered me a decent price, so it just felt like a sign to get back to weight lifting a bit.

Over the past few weeks I've been doing a pretty easy program:

Day1: Cardio warmup (5 mins on step machine and 1000m row machine), 4x10 squat / 45 deg back ext 3x10 / single leg on the leg ext machine, ham machine / SL calf raise w/KB and core exercises

Day2: Cardio, BSS 3x10/leg / 45 deg back ext 3x10 / calf and core exercises

Day3: Cardio, 5x5 squat / 45 deg back ext 3x10 / single leg on the leg ext machine, ham machine / SL calf raise w/KB and core exercises

I'm sticking with the squat and 45 deg back extension as primary exercises. I'm not messing around with deadlifts, or much upper body really. BSS is mostly a mid-week break from squatting. I actually feel pretty good and not too weak: I'm at about 80kgs for 4x10 and ~90kgs for 5x5 - a fair way off my best but I think I can get back to ~130-140kg 1rm with a few months of work. I'm keen to try a bit of jumping once my strength is back.  :ninja:

- 10k race
-- warm up
-- chip time 42:40, watch time N/A because watch measured the course at 9.73 km but pace averaged 4:23, which is about a full minute slower than the pace if the course was accurately measured and my watch is off (4:23 vs. 4:16).

pleased with this. plan was to run around target pace for the 10 miler and, most importantly, to run without blowing up. bad track record so far with going out too fast. my first km was too fast (4:14) but i settled down after that. didn't quite run a negative split (something like 21:13, 21:27 for the two halves, according to the chip) but i did have enough in the tank to kick at sub-20 5k pace for the last km or maybe a little less. also the course had two big climbs, which obviously slowed things down. also this was my first ever 10k so didn't really know how i'd do. gives me hope that 1:10:xx is possible for 10 miles, especially if the course is a little flatter.

finished second overall but only because it was a tiny race. won a foot locker gift card, lol. the guy who won finished in 37:40 or so. he told me afterward that he'd been shooting for low 36es but after the first big decline he knew he wasn't gonna make it.

Congrats on the race. A 42min 10K is seriously good. Have you been competing much?

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: AGC's journal
« on: March 09, 2024, 09:14:58 pm »
welcome back! and congrats on the third (and final, lol) kid. my wife and i are starting to try to have our first and i'm trying to pack in some races and other stuff this year before that takes and we've got a little whippersnapper around to take care of.

it is amazing that this place is still going. adarq hasn't signed in since august 2023. as vag once put it, it seems like he's "loved up" and living his dream life on his little farmstead in florida. although, i stopped using instagram and facebook a while ago so i'm not even sure how he's doing. should check in, come to think of it. anyway, huge shoutout to him for letting us keep coming here.

Thanks, good luck with it. I love being a dad and my kids are great but yeah, it definitely keeps you so busy that exercise usually gets squeezed out of the weekly schedule often. So that's wise to fit in a few bucket-list athletic achievements before it happens for you!

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: AGC's journal
« on: March 07, 2024, 04:15:08 am »
Checking in after ~3.5 years!!!  :trollface:

I have been floating around, but I was inspired seeing some of the old crew still active. I don't know if adarq has logged on for awhile but cool that he's still got the site running.

I've been extremely inconsistent with exercise/training over the last few years. I have just been running/jumping/playing sport with kids intermittently with no real goals, so I didn't have anything interesting to post. We also had another child (3 now  :wowthatwasnutswtf:, definitely done at 3) in Nov 2021, and that really changed the general routine significantly (plus COVID).

Now I'm trying to forcefully carve out time in the week to run and jump a bit because otherwise I have a bad habit of letting my obligations (work/kids in a 50:50 ratio) subsume my entire existence :huh:. There's a track ~5mins from where I live that they recently converted from asphalt to grass, with synthetic long jump area. I also have a 45 deg back extension bench from years ago that I can do hamstring and BSS on. PLUS I invested $5 in a stopwatch, so I'm committed now  ;D.

Doing 2-3 days for the last few weeks:

Day 1 - sprinting (4-5 ~100m)/jumping (broad jumps mostly, about 2.7m atm).
Day 2 - 800m/400/200/100 x 1-2 sets pretty hard, minimal rest (a bit slow atm, ~3m10s/70s/27s/13s).
Day 3 - repping out hamstring ext and BSS, and calves.

I want to build up LB strength a bit and generally get fitter, and most importantly post regularly in the forum again!

I'm late but well done on the job!

EDIT 2: also, just to say thanks again vag and also adarq for your input. it's still wild to me that i have entirely virtual friendships built through this site but there it is. i don't even know what vag looks like. but i definitely trust his advice and that's just cool.

you just forget what he looks like, hasn't posted vids in a long time. :ninja:

and sure np! before reading that you accepted, I was going to say i'd lean towards taking it as well. To me it sounded like some of the freedom of not working (in addition to personal projects/ideas/being patient) was keeping you away from it (i can related to that 1000%). But once you start back up, you'll probably be pretty happy. From what you told us about it, sounds like a solid opportunity.

sick man congrats!

and regarding virtual friendships, you're always welcome to come hang @ the farm (haha). you know I don't travel much (at all), so if you're ever in the area (SFL) lmk and we'll plant some trees :ibjumping: :ibrunning: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :highfive:


I also value the virtual friendships here a lot, not just for training but for different perspectives and interesting debates etc. The site seems to have retained a lot of sensible members: credit to adarq. Plus, all the member meetups I've had IRL have been great fun too. I will never forget T0ddday flogging me for 4+ hours on the track, gym, and bball courts while jetlagged, haha. There's always an open invite to anyone travelling through or to Melbourne in the Covid-free future to hmu!

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Party's Over!
« on: November 09, 2020, 05:59:06 pm »
Strong AF at the moment mate!

Good call on the farmers walks. I've been meaning to start doing them again (and also suitcase carries) to work on my core. I never did figure out how to make my obliques grow.

I'm enjoying them so far albeit only done 2 sessions with them. They feel functional and a nice way to end a workout.

I used to do them a lot at my old gym but I had to do a bit of weird route to get enough meters in. One time someone said: "The dumbbell rack is over there mate if you're looking for it".  :derp:

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: Kingfush Unlisted Training Vids
« on: November 04, 2020, 06:37:47 pm »

505LB is a massive lift and a massive milestone. Definitely deserves something to mark this moment.

Here is something I made in paint with my laptop with some editing and copying the muscle legs.

 :goodjobbro:       :lololol:

EDIT: Had to edit, as I couldn't see where the shirt ended and made it cover the back of your butt lol and some other stuff, but fixed it.

Nice pic! Love it.

Well done KF!

It's that time of the season again, colds and fever.

Not feeling well, bronchitis and yesterday runny nose.

Get tested mate, the UK is nuts atm.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: AGC's journal
« on: September 26, 2020, 08:00:23 am »
Last week:

1km at track: 3m49s (RPE 9.5)
400m - 1m15sec (a bit cooked from 1km)

A few other short barefoot runs at ovals when out with kids.

Knee Ability stuff most days. I can do the Peterson stepups with 4kg/>6'' drop pretty well for 20+ reps, 2-3 sets. I still mostly feel this in my glutes the next day but the VMOs are looking a bit bigger.

1km warmup in 4m45s
3km in 14m40s (4m45s/4m48s/5m07s), RPE 9 --> pretty slow! But not too sore today, so I feel I can build from here.

Revised running goals:

400m =<65s
800m =<3m
1k =<3m40s
2km =<9m
3km =<14m

I think these are all pretty achievable even with my relative lack of running. I am so far away from even a sub-23 min 5km at the moment but that's a good long term goal.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: AGC's journal
« on: September 11, 2020, 08:56:49 pm »
Now that's there's a handy 100m track on grass where I run, I do my old track warmup barefoot. This has really mitigated the R calf issue, so I'm more confident to try >1km fast.

Track warmup
Barefoot strides
2km - 9m19sec (4m30s/4m49s) - RPE 9
Slow 1kms x 2

Very windy and hard run. Tomorrow I might do and do a track 1km just to see if this track is an accurate 1km.

Reading, Books, & Sheeit / Re: Book Journal
« on: September 08, 2020, 08:04:54 pm »
Solid list! I'm slightly embarrassed to post mine. I advise pre-dads to get their reading in now because time to read books simply vanishes. I have switched to short story compilations just to feel like I'm reading more than one or two books every three months  :wowthatwasnutswtf:

1. Major American Short Stories
2. The Australian Short Story (ignore the review score on this one, small sample size)

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« on: September 05, 2020, 08:39:32 pm »
What's funny is when I have been juggling and I play the piano afterwards I notice my coordination with both hands playing together is far improved but I do get tired more quickly though.

Interesting. I have been playing piano again over the last year or so after a 10+ year hiatus. I might have to start juggling too! What do you like playing?

Give it a shot and see if you notice a difference too. I've been playing Fur Elise and trying to get those two fast bits down. It's so much harder than it seems but after a juggling session my hands were moving much more independantly of each other and I could actually track their spacing better.

As far as playing I play a bit of everything. Currently working on the Letter by Joe Cocker but have a bit of everything from classical to boogie woogie, blues and jazz. And some 70s rock too.

What about you?

Yeah pretty similar. My old books are mostly classical and blues/ragtime. I stumbled across this youtube channel where the guy has good versions of all of Scott Joplin's ragtime pieces, would love to be able to play some of them. Really wish I'd kept it up since HS but luckily I think if you learn the basics at a young age you can pick it up again pretty quick.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« on: September 03, 2020, 02:26:43 am »
What's funny is when I have been juggling and I play the piano afterwards I notice my coordination with both hands playing together is far improved but I do get tired more quickly though.

Interesting. I have been playing piano again over the last year or so after a 10+ year hiatus. I might have to start juggling too! What do you like playing?

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: AGC's journal
« on: September 01, 2020, 12:53:31 am »
Have had about 5-6 sessions similar to the last few. A little hard to stay consistent at the moment as Melbourne is pretty locked down, and initally exercise was restricted to within 5kms and no driving to and from. But they changed the driving restriction over the last few weeks so I have been back to the usual track. The last few sessions have been really windy but the 1km time is coming down.

Today's session:

Jog/dynamic warmup
4m0s (RPE 9)
~5mins rest
4m15s (RPE 9)
~5mins rest
4x100m barefoot strides(~70-80%) with walkback recovery
KOT/ATG exercises.

I have still been treating my R calf gently, not running more than 2-3 x 1kms, and stopping if it starts getting tight in the 2nd run. I'm not aiming for anything so no need to push it. The sports facility painted a five-lane 100m track in between two soccer pitches where I run, which is handy. I have found barefoot striding to be super-effective for pretty much any lower limb complaint, so I have mixed that in as well. Feet feel sore initally but after a few sessions they feel a lot stronger. Once I get more consistent (>2x/week running 3+ 1kms at a good pace) I will try and do some 2km+.

Also, the KOT/ATG stuff has been useful so far. Definitely feel my lingering L knee bursitis a lot less. Thanks Coges!

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