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Messages - Megatron

Pages: [1]
Recently I started cutting and switched to 531 from SS.

On my leg days I do some plyos as well as some accessory exercises. 

I like the program except I feel I could do better by squatting more than once a week(twice would be optimal).

I don't like the option of squatting(light or heavy) on the DL day for couple different reasons.

How could I program it if I would like to squat twice a week while dieting( i will be ditching the 531). The goal is to maintain or even increase my squat.

Should I do a light day and a heavy day? Or same weight both days for either 3,3,3 or 5,3,1 at 80%,85%,90%?

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Re: Squat vs Deadlift.
« on: February 24, 2011, 05:08:50 am »
As far as squat depth is concerned, how about something like

3 X 3-5 A2G followed by 2 X 3 quarter squats.

I have been thinking about changing my A2G only squat sessions into above but haven't gotten around to it.

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