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Messages - Dreyth

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Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Re: A Guide to Detraining
« on: September 03, 2022, 12:48:51 pm »
To illustrate, Escamilla and colleagues (building upon prior work by Brown and colleagues; 12, 13) found that a set of 8 deadlifts with 175kg (385lb) burns about 25kcal. To put that in perspective, running 400m also burns about 25kcal for an average-sized person. If you’ve ever done an all-out 400m sprint, you know the metabolic cost of rapidly expending 25kcal; even if you’re well-trained for the task, you’ll be huffing and puffing like a freight train after a 400m sprint. If you’re not particularly well-trained for the task, you might vomit and need to lie down on the track for 5-10 minutes just to catch your breath. So, if you’ve ever wondered why you’re absolutely wrecked after completing a true 8-20RM set of squats or deadlifts (especially if you’re quite strong), that’s why – you may be expending energy at a rate that’s comparable to an Olympic-level 400m runner, but I doubt you’ve done nearly as much aerobic or anaerobic conditioning work as an Olympic-level 400m runner.

Now that was interesting yet so simple i wonder how many of us havent thought of it

This may seem like hilariously easy training, even after a prolonged period of training cessation, but it actually serves a purpose. Research has shown that training with just 10% of maximal force for a single session can dramatically attenuate soreness, post-training strength reductions, and blood markers of muscle damage when training ramps back up (31).

Ive always done this after cessations. Work out pretty light for 1-2 upper and lower workout before going full speed the next. Really helps deal with muscle soreness. However, i had no clue a hilariously light load of 10% can achieve this!

Im loving this article

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« on: September 02, 2022, 12:23:32 am »
That username is such a blast from the past for me

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Kingfush
« on: September 02, 2022, 12:19:56 am »
Curious to know, what do you do for a living that allows you to lift weights so often?

Also cant remember this, but:

I know that training closer to 1RM activates more motor units, but what if you are doing max effort on 20-60% loads? How does it differ from 90% work where you inherently have to do max effort to lift the load?

Somewhere deep in my logs my 1RM squat dropped from 415 to 335 i believe in a matter of 1-2 weeks. I had only take a few days off from lifting i think. I dont recall any drastic sleep or stress changes during that time. How does that factor in here?

Through my decade of squatting, many ups and downs, i’ve definitely noticed i gain the most on high frequency (85% max 3x a week, with 1 of the days being a “light day” working up to a 85-90% single and no work sets) and i attributed some of my success to neural adaptations (whatever they may be). Im wondering how my n=1 experience fits into the information from this thread

Cant remember what the latest science on this was, but:

What was the “consensus” on leaving a couple of reps in the tank? Is that optimal for stimulating type ii fibers or what? I figure you can do more volume (sets) that way. On the other hand, some say you dont get best stimulation until you’re basically at failure (view the slides here

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Dreyth's New Journal
« on: June 22, 2022, 11:18:14 am »
 Sometimes things seem to work for no rhyme or reason. Of course there is certainly an underlying reason, but due to our ignorance, “it doesnt make sense.”

As an example, i starting stretching my rectus femoris and psoas a few days ago and felt immediate relief (though not 100%) in my knee pain. What?! I tried this out like 6 months ago and didnt experience this relief. Why now? Things are looking up for my knees for now

Another great knee vid by dj John bergman

And yeah, I need to go on a serious stretching routine and log it

Soft tissue work and stretching did eventually fix the patella mistracking that caused it

What exactly did you stretch and release in your case?

Long walks will make my knees swell up a bit. But walking backwards (up stairs, or on a treadmill turned off) feels great

Sounds like I need an MRI!

Dr John Bergman has an excellent video on healing inner meniscus damage and yep - it centers around getting blood flow into that area:

Was thinking of flying to his clinic in LA but I'm looking at local alternatives first to save money

Just tried knee extensions. Very uncomfortable in my right (worse) knee. A very weird feeling too.

My but knees are swollen right now from 5 full courts a few days ago. When not this swollen, i think the knee exts are painless

Edit: my knee fees a bit better after the exts so i did a few more sets.
It feels more lubed/mobile.

Pain isnt in the tendons. 10 years ago it was, strengthening VMO and foam rolling IT/hips took care of it 100%

Now the pain seems to be inside my knee or something. Like at the bottom of the femer, below the kneecap? Top of shin bone? Its tough to pinpoint

Ill have to try leg extensions tnite to see if i get pain

So it wasnt a single jump, but you’re right that it happened after a long layoff.

I didnt play bball for about a year but kept lifting. Squat got up to the 400’s. Came back and played a high intensity full court game. Next day left knee was swollen, but painless. Didnt think much of it. Next week played another full court (swelling had subsided already). Painless. Day after that both my knees swelled up like crazy and i could barely bend them halfway

Today my right one seems worse than my left

Knees hurt only under stress and not by much. But if i play bball, the next day they are swollen and hurt more. Its not debilitating or anything. But i cant run full speed or consistently play bball anymore

I had xrays done, i think i may need an MRI. The physical therapist i went to years ago said it’s either an MCL issue or a meniscus issue. I’d like to get a second opinion

I think i need an MRI but boy they are expensive

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Dreyth's New Journal
« on: June 10, 2022, 06:15:00 pm »
Very late reply here but that's good to hear! Any more updates?

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