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Topics - D-Rose Jr

Pages: 1 [2]
Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Bench Press
« on: March 06, 2011, 12:30:13 am »
Ok so I have heard a bunch of crap about the bench press and it wrecking shoulders, etc.
My goals are to have a stronger upperbody without injuring anything. I am not too worried about numbers.

What would be better? Weighted Dips vs. Bench

I am looking for a time efficient, progress easily trackable, safe, and best bang for my buck.

I like limiting the number of exercises i use for the simplicity and focus it brings to training, so the one with the biggest bank for my buck is important.

Also I am a basketball player, so I probably won't be tested on the bench, so that is something not to worry about?

Program Review / Body Weight Programs
« on: March 05, 2011, 10:38:15 pm »

These are pretty good programs. I used the pushups program for like 3 weeks to go from 16 pushups to 50 pushups. y
I am going to do the pullups with chinups ( i like the biceps) and when I can get to 20 I will start to add weight.
You could do the pullups one with dips and the pushups one with inverted rows

Final Verdict: programs really help in driving up reps on bodyweight exercises in a short period of time without the usual guess work that comes with bodyweight exercises.

Program Review / Holosync
« on: March 05, 2011, 08:39:56 pm »
Hey I have heard about the Holosync cds from Jason Ferrugia.
I think it is a little costly, but what kind of benefits does it give?
Is it really worth the price?

Basketball / Asteroids
« on: February 21, 2011, 09:31:36 pm »
Yall think playing asteroids will help with decision making, reation time, etc for pg's

Injury, Prehab, & Rehab talk for the brittlebros / Mobility
« on: February 19, 2011, 07:14:37 pm »
WHat are some simple and efficient tests to check flexibility, mobility and stability in the joints that matter for jumping and basketball

Nutrition & Supplementation / Basic Nutrition
« on: February 17, 2011, 09:08:58 pm »
Ok so i have been researching nutrition and I see MANY CONFLICTING ideas. what would be a simple nutrition plan for a skinny fat 5'8 that is looking to gain some muscle and lose the baby fat

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Gymnastics
« on: February 13, 2011, 08:28:09 pm »
Hey i was wondering on yalls thoughts about doing gymnastics-esque upperbody excercises for basketball players

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / DL or squat
« on: February 09, 2011, 08:02:09 pm »
Hey guys. At the moment i am changing my program up a little because one I am horrible at bodyweight exercises and two this is how my week looks like.

Monday: Basketball 2 hours
Tuesday Basketball Practice 2.5 hours; Game 20 minutes
Wednesday: Basketball Game 45 minutes
Thursday: Basketball Practice 2.5 hours; Game 20 minutes
Friday: Basketball Practice 2.5 hours
Saturday: Basketball Practice 2.5 hours; Game 30 minutes

Practice includes about an hour and a half of shooting, 15-20 min. of stationary ball handling each workout and on Tu, Thur, Sat it includes moving ball handling whcih is 30 minutes of things like zig zag drills etc. Games are usually half court games 1 on1 , 2 on2, etc. for about 20 minutes.

So as I am seeing it, I will not be able to do Starting strength at the moment. Looking at my schedule it explains why my squat cant budge from 165 lbs.

Also I am very quad dominant and after reading
I decided to change my training to:

1.DL or Squat 2x5
2A. Dips 3xmax (25)
2B. Single leg Deadlift progression 3x10-20 (10 smooth)
3. Chinup/Pullup ladder (15)
4. Pistol progression 3x10-20 (10)

(goals before moving on to squat, bench, weighted chin, ohp)

Which one would be better Squat or DL for a total body effect and also putting a lot of focus on posterior chain.
Also what do you think of my program

Program Review / Champion's Challenge
« on: February 06, 2011, 10:07:52 am »
Hey guys I am currently doing the Champion's Challenge and on Day 7. I want to recommend it to anyone that is interested in having better focus, being mentally tougher, better confidence, and having a better attitude. (I know that this does not apply to some of you so please dont go on and on about some minutia like how its marketed) It is a really great program, and has helped me tons.
I have looked at each day with a better attitude. In games and practices, I am getting into the zone better and I know how to get into it. I know how to approach my games in terms of goals.

Just to give you a sneak preview, before going in to practices, focus on one small detail like always shooting with your index finger and being in balance.

So yeah this is my recomendation. Take it or leave it. I would just feel wrong inside if i didn't tell it to other people. 

« on: January 18, 2011, 07:04:56 pm »

This is pretty much the first time i have properly trained for athleticism. I play basketball. I have a strong work ethic. I got caught because at 5'7.5 i was just not athletic enough. I  used to run cross country so i would be better conditioned, but i have learned that that isnt beneficial for   so after going through all the gimmicky crap for about a year and overanalyzing, I got no results.  I landed on Kelly Baggett's sight and the whole athletic development phases.
I already went through the GPP phase, so i am mobile and I am light on my feet. Right now i am doing starting strength.  I am also doing Truth About Quickness. I know yall arent fond about the marketing techniques, but it has gotten me light on my feet in little time 
I am trying to get my shit in order in regards to sleep and right now getting 8-10 hours of sleep is the habit im trying to get.

Basketball / Optimal Strength
« on: December 31, 2010, 09:01:36 pm »
What would you say is optimal strength for basketball for a 5'10 guard.

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