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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: FP's Jump Journal
« on: August 08, 2013, 07:52:17 pm »
Workouts have slowed down to about 2-3 times a week, sometimes less - not very intense
Can do 5x5 225 below parallel with some difficulty now
SVJ a little over 28", RVJ is at 34.5" (just measured) ( :personal-record:)
Pickup game of Ultimate Frisbee 3x a week, so I think that's been my main jumping practice

38" seems very close, especially with some more intense workouts, but it's probably not gonna happen this year
Jumping high is cool and all, but I started working out my jump to have an edge in Ultimate - and I realized that jumping any higher than I do now isn't going to help me much more - my jump is already higher than pretty much anyone at high school level
I have to apply to college this year, and get a good art portfolio together and that's a lot of work

Had a question - can you become lighter on your feet? I'm pretty fast when running on a track, but my running is far from graceful and not really quick - I tend to be heavy footed

Future updates to come

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: FP's Jump Journal
« on: June 20, 2013, 05:45:44 pm »
I'm still around! Just not posting as much because workouts are repetitive
Haven't done running in a while, getting out of shape

Did 5x5 500lbs on leg press about a week ago (just for fun), almost double what I started with
otherwise not much to say

Started playing a new game (League of Legends), and that's been distracting me from my goals somewhat

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: FP's Jump Journal
« on: June 08, 2013, 01:32:09 pm »
2 workouts since my last post
all about the same
Haven't had a lot of time on my hands since most of my quarter projects are due the last few weeks of school and I have exams all of next week

Looking forward to a summer with a lot of training

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: FP's Jump Journal
« on: May 26, 2013, 09:18:09 pm »
Same workout as last time, upped the reps/weight/sets, and added Lunges, Shoulder Press
I think I have my squat form down, so there should be no more setbacks

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: FP's Jump Journal
« on: May 24, 2013, 08:38:39 pm »
Rows, Squats, Chest press, Bicycles (core), Squat, Deadlift, Calf Raises
Nothing new, really. Some dude at the gym helped me get my squat form down - Apparently, I was using my quads too much... So - weight drop :(
Hopefully I'm going to get better results out of using my glutes and hams more though

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: FP's Jump Journal
« on: May 18, 2013, 08:49:34 pm »
I've really been slacking with my workouts
I have my reasons for not being able to work out, but they're excuses, and no one likes hearing excuses.

Anyway, last Frisbee tournament of the school year was today
It was an all-day event, and we played against 7 teams
We slammed everybody, as usual

Workout tomorrow
Gotta keep up that motivation!

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: FP's Jump Journal
« on: May 12, 2013, 04:55:32 pm »
AP testing for school last week, no time for workouts
State Championship for frisbee sat/sun
1st day scores: 16-2, 16-0, 16-6
2nd day scores: 16-2, 10-16 (loss)
We got a cool wooden disk- state finalists.

I had some pretty nice jumps. I'll post if anyone managed to get a good picture

Back to workouts next week

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: FP's Jump Journal
« on: May 05, 2013, 07:15:44 pm »
disregard the stronglifts guy. avishek's advice is solid. do all exercises for a moderate amount of reps and sets, like 3-4 sets for 5-8 reps each set.
Got it

5/5/13 7 hours sleep
Gym Workout
5:34 treadmill mile (PR)
Overhead press 4x5 1x3 90lbs
Squat 4x5 1x10 190lbs
Curls with Bar: 1x8-70lbs 2x8-65lbs
Seated calf Raises: 4x8 180-200lbs
RDL: 1x8-135 1x5-185 1x3 225
Bosu Ball SL balancing: 1x210s x each leg

Made sure to go the lowest I could on every single squat I did. Some of the squats were a lot easier: If I moved my butt back, it made them harder than just moving my knees forward.
Could not grip the 225 RDL bar for shit. I felt like I could have done more weight (although I was struggling a little with 225) if I could actually hold the barbell

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: FP's Jump Journal
« on: May 05, 2013, 01:02:31 am »
Rollerbladed for the first time in about 4 years today
1.5 hours worth of rollerblading
Dunno if it qualifies as a workout
Here's some rollerblading info

"Anaerobically, inline skating was found to be more beneficial than both running and cycling, because it is intrinsically easier and more natural for building hip and thigh muscles that are not developed in the other two forms of exercise. Unlike, cycling, inline skating develops hamstring muscles. And unlike running, inline skating is a low impact activity. 

A separate study conducted at the Human Performance Laboratory at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota found that inline skating develops muscles in the entire upper leg, rear end and hip, as well as lower back. Muscles in the upper arms and shoulders are also developed when arms are swung vigorously while skating."

Gym Workout tomorrow

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: FP's Jump Journal
« on: May 03, 2013, 08:14:04 pm »
5/3/13 6.5 hours sleep, 2 hour nap

Cardio: 5:54 mile
Squat: 185 5x5
Rows: 135-150 5x5
Bosu Ball SL balancing: 3x120s x e.a leg
Bench: 4x5 135 1x4 135

Would hate to fuck up my back again, so please tell me if I'm squatting wrong
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: FP's Jump Journal
« on: May 02, 2013, 09:46:35 pm »
Played some Ultimate Frisbee today
Wore myself the fuck out
Reminded me that I need to add cardio and conditioning to my workouts

EDIT: I hit 32" on my RVJ today :) Might have gotten 33" had I jumped more than a few times, but still, this is the highest I've jumped since track started (1.5 months) I feel a PR coming in 2 weeks or less  ;D

Skimmed some of your posts and read that you want to focus on quads and calves. I'd recommend you get both quads and hamstrings stronger, at the very least. Strong hamstrings can only help. They also protect the knee, so, y'know, that's a big plus right there.

That was my original plan, to focus on certain muscle groups
I think what I'm actually going to do is just build a good Foundation strength with few specific exercises
So Squats, Lunges and DL should all hit the Hamstrings, as well as the other muscles I mentioned

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: FP's Jump Journal
« on: May 01, 2013, 07:46:50 pm »
also, what is muscle-specific strength.
with some of your "msucle specific strength" exercises, which I'm just assuming you mean jumping specific.
Well In the Stronglifts manual the guy pretty much talked about how all you needed was the squat and Deadlifts, and to not do Calf Raises and Core and stuff like that because it would naturally come with Squatting (taken a little out of context)
Then, I read something adarq posted (I can't find the post in my history) about building a foundation in strength before doing really specific exercises, or something like that
Anyway, I accidently combined the ideas and blurted "muscle specific strength". I guess jump specific would make sense

It's good advice though, and I wasn't going to do most of those exercises, I just picked a wide range to choose a few from
I'm a little worried that you crossed off calf raises though. I get that I should do less variety of movement, but how are my calves gonna keep up with the rest of my leg?

Other than that, thanks a lot for the advice, I'll probably be good to start tomorrow

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: FP's Jump Journal
« on: May 01, 2013, 04:25:20 pm »
So I'm still mulling over the exercises, sets/reps and schedule I want to use for the routine
Here's what I've got so far though

Leg Strength Exercises I want to use for sure:
Squats, RDL/DL, Calf Raise
Leg Strength exercises I might use:
Ham Curl, Power Cleans, Weighted SL glute bridge, Lunges, Step-ups, Weighted Hip Thrusts, BSS, 1/2 Squat, Reverse Hyper,

Reactive exercises I want to use for sure:
Bounds, Depth Jumps
Reactive exercises I might use:
Shock Jumps, Ankle Jumps (pogos), Consecutive Vert Jumps, Jump Squats, Weighted Jumps, Sprints, Power Skips, Med. Ball Throws, Side-to-Side box jumps

5x5, 3x5 most likely
maybe an extra set to failure at the end

2:1 Strength: Reactivity
mon:Foundation Strength
wed:Muscle Specific Strength
fri: Reactive
sun:Foundation Strength
tues:Muscle Specific Strength
3-4 workouts per week

What making this workout feels like:

Any Advice? I could really use some

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: FP's Jump Journal
« on: April 30, 2013, 07:05:29 pm »
4/30/13: 7 hours sleep

Light workout, glutes and hams still a tiny bit sore
Decided to go for the squat 1RM anyway

3x8x70 Overhead Press
3x8x110 Rows
3x8x150 Chest Press
8x45 2x135 2x185 1x225 1x245 1x260 Squat
3x30sx175 Plank (My friend sat on my back with a 25 pound weight)
3x8x65 Curls with Bar
5x6-8x180 Sitting Calf Raises

My squat was doing OK, and then I didn't get parallel on my 260. So then I did it again and stumbled backwards and almost fell over, barely caught myself in time.
So I think I'm going to say that's my Max for now :(
Not great but It will get better fast If I keep at it
So I guess I'm doing some research today

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: FP's Jump Journal
« on: April 29, 2013, 11:27:35 pm »
Didn't do Plyo's today or yesterday
My glutes and hams were sore

Okay, I think It's time to establish a concrete goal, and how I plan to achieve it

I think a 40 inch vert by the end of the year is doable, with plenty of hard work
The way I'm going to go about this is to increase Quad, Glute, Ham, Calf and Core strength, as well as increasing reactivity with plyo's
I think I will take it one step at a time, and do all out workouts focusing on only a few of the previously mentioned groups at a time
I want to start with Quads, Calves and Core
Maybe later on I will focus on Glutes and Hams
By the end of this week, my goal is to obtain my 1RM for my squat, which I expect to be around 280 at this point (1x8 225)
Standing calf raises get a lot of praise on this website, so that will most likely be another exercise I will focus on
Weighted Planks are probably going to be my main core exercise
However, I'll research calf and core exercises more before deciding on my set workout
Starting next week, I should have a fully developed workout combining several routines to emphasize Quads, Calves and Core (mostly Quads, though), and maybe some upper body
I'll probably do low intensity plyo's on off days, and leave high intensity for another time

I might skip Squats in tomorrows workout, depending on if my Glutes/Hams are still sore because I want an accurate measurement for my 1RM

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