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Messages - J_Mckinney08

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Squat day:


225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 3
365 x 3
405 x 2
455 x 3 (looked crappy)
475 x 2 (went decent)

Paused squat:

275 x 6
335 x 6


3 x 20yds

Lower body accessory day tomorrow!!


Few sets of block pulls today!

Bench day!


225 x 3
275 x 3
315 x 8 (PR, 10 reps was there)
365 x 2

Paused bench:

295 x 5
305 x 5


4 x 12

Band pull aparts:

4 x 15

Incline band flyes:

2 x 25

Bench is on the rise!!! 365 x 5 is the goal in 4-5 weeks.

Lower body accessory day!

Paused squats: (2 second pause)

225 x 5
295 x 5
365 x 5

Leg extensions:

4 x 15

Lying leg curls:

4 x 15

45 degree back raise:

4 x 15

Barbell calve raises:

4 x 25

Core work:

150 reps

Worked on widening out my squat stance today, overall feel better with this new stance we will see what happens I suppose.

Bench day tomorrow.

Quick deadlift day:

135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 3
365 x 3
405 x 2
475 x 6 (PR with 2-3 reps left in tank)

Snatch grip deadlift:

225 x 12
275 x 12

Upper body accessory day!

Standing military press:

135 x 12
155 x 12
185 x 10
225 x 5

Close grip bench (paused):

135 x 12
225 x 8
245 x 8
275 x 6
295 x 5

Lat pulldowns:

4 x 12

Machine rows:

4 x 12

Machine curls:

4 x 15

Tricep press downs:

4 x 12

Core work:

150 reps

Decided to do some paused squats today!

275 x 3
295 x 3
315 x 3
365 x 3
405 x 3 (first time over 4 bills pause squatting moved very swiftly)

Upper body accessory day Monday!!!

Bench day!


310 x 8 (PR, 2 reps left in tank)
335 x 5 (hit this for 8 in a couple weeks)
350 x 2 ( in ram)
365 x 2 (in ram)

Paused close grip bench:

225 x 8
225 x 15

Incline band flyes:

3 x 20

Felt great today, bench is coming together perfectly right now.

Video is bench sets

Random deadlift/accessory day after class day!


405 x 3
455 x 2
500 x 4 (rep PR)

Snatch grip deadlift:

225 x 12
275 x 12

Hanging knee raises:

3 x 20

Accessory stuff after class!

Leg extensions:

4 x 15

Lying leg curls:

4 x 15

Lat pulldowns:

4 x 15

Machine curls:

4 x 15


4 x 15

Core work:

150 reps

Very satisfied with today! Had more reps in the tank on 500, 600 come November is starting to look doable!!!!

Bench day tomorrow!!!

Upper body accessory day!

Standing military press:

135 x 12
155 x 10
185 x 8
210 x 5

Paused close grip bench:

135 x 10
225 x 6
245 x 6
295 x 5

Lat pulldowns:

4 x 12

Band pull aparts:

4 x 15


3 x 12

Barbell curls:

4 x 12

Overall pleased with today, military and close grip both went smooth today.

Video is MO and CG sets:


Experimented with a video app on my phone that will allow myself to condense clips together into one video to put on YouTube. Threw in the 475 x 2 set that happened right before the 500 x 2.

SQ/DL assistance day!

Pause squat (pause 2 seconds in the hole)

275 x 10
300 x 8
315 x 6

High rep squat:

340 x 12

4" block pull:

315 x 3
405 - 2 x 2

Sumo DL:

225 x 10
315 x 4
405 x 2 (moved swiftly for sumo)


2 x 30yds

it's a core lift for competition, doesn't it make sense to practice it more often?

Absolutely, this is basically computing the volume and percentages for your main movements. Ill be plugging in accessory work for each training day. My secondary deadlift movement will alternate between block pulls, rack pulls, and deficit pulls. If I feel I need more work for the deadlift ill throw in an extra day devoted to deadlift work.

Quick bench day:

275 - 3 x 5
275 x 5 (3 second pause on chest in ram)

Incline bench:

135 x 15
185 x 15

Incline band flyes:

2 x 30

Core work:

150 reps

Just went through the motions today, weights are moving quick again thankfully!!!

Also considering experimenting with a Russian powerlifting program I found online, using my off season to experiment with it. Looks tough as shit lol!!

Also if anyone has IG feel free to follow me I keep a lot of training videos on there!


Lower body accessory day:


295 x 3
365 x 3
415 x 3
460 x 4

Snatch grip DL off 2" blocks:

295 - 2 x 12

Leg extensions:

4 x 15

Leg curls:

4 x 15

Dumbbell calves raises:

4 x 20

Called it a day there, barbell at work is terrible for dead lifting the knurling is super slick even when using chalk. Bench day tomorrow!!!

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