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Messages - CoolColJ

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Cool to see you posting regularly again! Way back in the day, I used to watch your squat videos for inspo all the time. Still some of the cleanest form I've ever seen.

Can I ask what the motivation for the carnivore diet is?

Health - this is the natural human diet. Get rid of all the plant oxalates and anti nutrients.
Didn't matter when I was younger, but things started to go down hill after 45 year old, from all the accumulated dietary damage

Help cure some autoimmune skin issues - psoriasis and eczema.
Fix up my blood sugar and get rid of all my food addictions
Get leaner without having to starve and in a way that you can sustain, without rebounding back like I always do whenever I get down to the 80kg region and 33 inch waist.
Since I no longer have any sugar addictions and cravings, it should go much smoother this time.
Waist is currently 36.5 inches, down from 40 inches,  3 months ago.

I went keto for a while, but that didn't help that much, and I got addicted to cashews..
But it was a nice stepping stone to full carnivore

It's amazing what high fat does to your skin. My skin feels so smooth now, like a Baby :)
Especially my scalp.
High fat should also help out my hormones, and jack up my Testosterone.

I had this wart on my right elbow for decades, and a patch of rough and slightly inflamed skin on both elbows. All gone like that.
I used to get dermatitis on my finger joints and shins every summer, no sign of it so far.

Monday 4th March 2024

Achilles feeling decent after yesterday, still achey upon waking though.

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

Calf raise ISO - mid upper position - 2 legs x45secs, single leg x45secs
Leg press, Single leg calf raise ISO - against wall - 70% intensity 3x 45secs

Sunday 3rd March 2024

At Home

Calf raise ISO, single leg : 3x45secs
Wall sit: 2x 45 Seconds, x 45 Seconds, Pushing into floor @5

BBall, upper Calisthenics at WLC outdoor courts - Reboot, Week 13, day 1
Bodyweight with shoes -  90.8kg

Dribbling and ball control drills - 15 mins
Shoot around and practice moves - 30 mins, light

Easy session, but still both my lower Sartorius tendon insertions were twinging, so will go even easy next week, or not at all...

rotating sets

Tricep bench dip warmup -  BW x10

Inverted row: - Leg at 90 degrees, supported inverted row - BW x8, regular BW x4
BW x15 @10 -  last rep 3 inches short  (+1 rep)
BW x12 @9.5

Straight bar dips: BW x10 leg suported, BW x4
BW x16 @ RPE 8 (+2 reps)
BW x14 @8

Hanging pike leg raises: feet to hands - x1
x8 @9 (+1 rep)
x6 @10. last rep 6 inches short

Dips: on corner of fence railing. Controlled  -  BW x11 @9
L sit: - 5 Seconds Bent legs
L hang hold: - 10 Seconds @10

Leg supported muscle up pull: on low bar x3 - Right rotator cuff ache, so stopped there


Saturday 2nd March 2024

Was expecting my right QL to be pretty sore, but it feels OK after yesterday

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

Split squat ISO, rear leg straight: 3x 45 secs
Single leg calf raise ISO - mid upper position - BWx 45secs, dip belt+5kg 2x45secs
Hammer curl overcoming ISO: using opposite arm - 3x 45 secs
Wall sit, pushing into floor a bit 3x 45secs

Evening 6 hours later
Leg press, Single leg calf raise ISO - against wall - 70% intensity 4x 45secs
Leg press ISO against wall, single leg - 70% intensity 2x 45secs
Hammer curl overcoming ISO: using opposite arm - 3x 45 secs
Wall sit, pushing into floor a bit 3x 45secs

Friday 1st March 2024

Achilles felt a lot better today

Got that metallic taste in my mouth.... a sign I'm in ketosis, so all that extra fat/butter has done the trick.
So I'm fueling my brain with ketones now, instead of crashing blood sugar after converting protein to glycogen and running out
Should go away after a month of adaption, once my body starts producing less ketones instead of wasting them

Reboot - Week 12, Day 4 - Upper weights

Body Weight: 90.9kg with shoes

BBall ball control drills 3 mins

Split squat ISO, rear leg straight: 3x 45 secs
Calf raise ISO, single leg : BW x 45 secs, +5kg x 45secs

Front plank hold - 45 secs @ RPE 7
Side plank hold staggered stance, opposite hand in air: x 30secs @ RPE 8

Wall sit, pushing into floor a bit 3x 45secs
Single leg calf raise - staggered stance - +5kg SLOW 2x10 @RPE 5

Dumbbell press, rotating grip: 10lbs x10, 15lbs x8, 25lbs x6, 35lbs x4
4 mins rest
37.5lbs 2x10 @ RPE 8/8.5  (+2.5lbs, -2 reps)

rotating sets

High angle barbell row: - SLOW 20kg x10
25kg x10 - Slow, hold at top. @RPE 7  3/10 right lower bicep area pain on last few reps
25kg x10 - Slow, 3 sec hold at top. @RPE 8 2/10 right lower bicep area pain on last few reps

Deficit push up: On floor x6
Feet elevated 20 inches - BW x14 @RPE 8 (+1 rep)
BW x13 @8.5

rotating sets

Single arm dumbbell row, head supported : Elbows out, slow, 3 sec hold at top
25lbs x9 @8 - 1/10 right lower bicep area pain on last few reps
25lbs x8 Elbows out, slow @8

Side bend: 15lbs x10
25lbs x10 @5

Overhead carry single arm: 15lbs x 40 secs @7
These are quite hard!

Shoulder height carry single arm: 15lbs  x 40secs @6

External rotation, band: 5 reps at waist, 5 shoulder height, 5 diagonals each axis.
Light band x20
medium band 2x20 @7


Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« on: February 29, 2024, 09:45:38 pm »
Thanks guys.
I gotta get everything sorted and put it all together, before I get too much older...

Thursday 29th February 2024

Lower body is a bit sore from yesterday, but cutting down from 4 hours feel much less tired.
Achilles insertional area a bit sore from too heavy single leg calf raises 2 days ago, with 25kg.

Had planned to do my upper body session today, but my upper back is pretty sore from the RDLs, and single leg deadlift/RDL.
So will do tomorrow instead.

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

Two legged calf raise ISO - mid upper position - 4x 45secs
Hammer curl overcoming ISO: right side only, using left arm - 3x 45 secs

Evening 6 hours later
Single leg calf raise ISO - mid upper position - 3x 45secs

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« on: February 29, 2024, 12:39:00 am »
Turned 53 years old, 4 days ago....   :)

Coming up to 2 month on Carnivore diet now.
Weight loss seems to have plateaued the last two weeks, but maybe I've just gained muscle mass, as I have gained strength rapidly thanks to muscle memory and tons of protein.0

Started to get low blood sugar feeling sometimes, turns out it is likely due to not eating enough fat, I only get 100g of it.
Should be at least 1:1 with protein grams normally, and only under this when doing lean PSMF style days a few days of the week when trying to get under 10% bodyfat.
Started adding in grass fed butter to my meals, soaks well in scrambled eggs. And slices of it on cold bacon :)
Bringing up my fat to around 150g for now, with 130-220g of protein. 10g of carbs or less

Previously I have been doing 1 huge whole body 4 hour workout in my Garage gym a week, and BBall/bodyweight upper body stuff at the courts on Sunday.
Changed it up this week, and split the session for shorter workouts and less stress for the body to recover from.

Still doing lots of ISOs throughout the week to rehab my sartorius and achilles/plantaris tendons, lower right bicep area and right QL.

Wednesday 28th February 2024

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat, thoracic and pec stretches,

Reboot - Week 12, Day 3 - Lower weights

Body Weight: 91.2kg with shoes

snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocate stretch with broom

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: 2x 45 secs
Wall sit, pushing into floor a bit 2x 45secs
Calf raise ISO, single leg : 2x 45 secs

Heel touch downs, single leg, off 8 inch step: slow tempo - BW x10
Bird Dogs - 10 sec hold at top - x2 each side

High Bar squat - 4 secs down, paused,  and controlled up - Reebok Nano BW x10,  20kg x6, 40kg x5, 60kg x4,
oly shoes 70kg x3, 80kg x2, 90kg x1

6 mins rest
90kg x10 @RPE 8
100kg x6 @RPE 8

90kg x12 @ RPE 9.5

First time squatting 100kg since I started up again.
It's taken me 4 months, squatting once a week, starting at 40kg which felt hard.
Staying at each weight for 2-3 weeks so my tendons and joints can adapt.

e1RM is probably around 130kg

rotating sets

Tibilias Wall raise - standing warmup in oly shoes BW x10
against side of car, in oly shoes - hold at top
BW x11 @RPE 9
BW x9 @8

Romanian Deadlift - 20kg x10
50kg x12 @6
55kg x10 @7

Leg extension, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches -
slow, hold at top - 10kg x5
15kg x8 @7
17.5kg x8 @8

SSB Good Morning: - belt - 30kg x10
40kg x10 @7

Single leg, kneeling deadlift: single dumbbell on opposite side of working leg, supported
40lb x10 @7

tough, glute smoked!

Single leg, Romanian deadlift, RDL: single dumbbell on opposite side of working leg, supported
40lbs x10 @8


Leg curl, single leg : 10kg x6
15kg x11 @9
15kg x10 @8


Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« on: February 10, 2024, 05:52:24 pm »
Damn, a new facility opened 15 mins from my house -
combo indoor courts, shooting machines, performance style gym!
They have a Vertec and force plate for measuring jumps
And open 24 hours

I even spotted some wall mounted isokinetic machine

Very rare combo of features and hours for Sydney, Australia
$25AUD a week upfront for a year for both BBall and Gym facilities membership, pretty reasonable compared to my previous commercial gym only membership.
Although I do have my own garage gym.
Definitely tempted...

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I took some time off and got lazy over winter.
Kept doing sporadic ISOs here and there, and it seems all my Patella and Quad tendonipathy have healed in both knees.
Lower sartorius tendon still achey in both knees but improving

Right plantarius muscle has flared up when here and there when squatting down, seems more like compression pain only on the eccentric
around the above parallel knee position. Never hurts above or below or on the concentric.
baffled how to heal this one, it just comes and goes.

Both achilles insertion and lower plantaris tendons still flaring up a little, so I'm avoiding any major rapid movements and jumping for now

Have started training again 5 weeks ago, and have made big increases in strength and muscle mass


So I was eating Keto and got addicted to cashews and blew up to 94kg bodyweight at my peak, waist to 40 inches.... was hitting like 3000-4000 calories easy
My autoimmune skin conditions and psoriasis got worse.
I cut out all the cheese months ago and it didn't make any difference, then all nuts a month ago and that helped.
Carbs under 60g, with that single serving of stir fried veges.
Weight stablised and started trending down.

Then when I switched to full carnivore - just steak/pork/lamb, eggs, hotdogs, bacon and sausages and lots of salt.
Twice a day, sometimes 3
Carbs well under 20g
The fat starting melt off rapidly, even while I feel so damn full all the time and it's hard to eat over 2000 calories
But it does vary I just eat when I'm hungry and when I exercise more, I eat more.

And my skin just completely changed already - my scalp and hair feels smooth and soft, and no longer mass flakes when I run my hand through it.
Psoriasis patches are starting to flatten down and no longer feel inflamed.

Even coming from Keto there was an adjustment period, and watery poo.... but coming to 2 weeks and it feels like its over now.
And I have cured all my food addictions.
I no longer eat for enjoyment and entertainment, food is mere fuel and building material.

Muscle mass is piling on, and feel full, strength is gaining and I feel OK energy wise, so carbs and fiber are overrated :)

Goal is get shredded, back to full health, and back to BBall and jumping

Bodyweight is down to 90.8kg, and waist 38 3/8 inches inches as of this morning
The before and after pics are going to be epic!

Hey so I do keto for mental health and it helps with weight loss.  But what I have found works for me is 2 days on keto, 1 day eating regular. It gives me the lower cals on the keto days and I can still enjoy whatever food on my off day. I have done full keto before and I know it can be kind of a grind, since sugar is my way of dealing with stress, so just wanted to throw that out there. However to be fair my weight loss has been a pretty mild with the 2 on 1 off approach cause I end up overeating on my off day

I'm fine with keto now, been so long on it my body has adapted.
Just been eating so many cashews that the calories have soared, but I have finally dialled it back and getting back to a good balance

Still hitting the ISOs, and some light resistance training.

Body is slowly getting better.
Feeling better than in a while, but have also gained a lot of fat/weight :/
Around 90kg now... up from 83kg
On the other hand, eating as much as I did, my TDEE has shot up to over 3000 calories, just sitting on my ass and not doing much ... some how

I really messed up my right leg and knee, a while back, from all those altitude drops and continous jumps in place.
Not just quad tendon, sartorius, and upper plantaris tendinopathy, but my whole right knee swelled up and was hard to bend for a while.

Got my range of motion back, but still some puffiness and fluid in there.
Still some pain

Lesson learned, will stick with what I know best for myself and not try and follow programming from "experts" out on the net...

Took the last week or so off, to let my body heel up
Also ate well above maintenace...

Just doing my usual ISOs daily, slow tempo stuff, and added some new variants.
Right quad tendon has improved a lot
And right knee has improved ROM so I can now full squat evenly on both sides

Tuesday 28th March 2023

Moderately achey feeling all over
Sore in my lower Sartorius, inner hamstring region on both legs - finally hitting the problem spot

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat, thoracic and pec stretches,
Snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocate/stretch

Tendon Rehab - Recovery


Lying on back, leg extension ISO, using weight of opposite leg: - 3 slow reps with 10 sec holds at bottom, middle, top x 3 sets
No pain

Hammer curl overcoming ISO: - 30 sec hold, plus 3 slow reps in top half using opposite arm as manual resistance  x 3 sets

Calf raise ISO push against wall corner/foam roller, single leg : - toes out - 30 sec push, plus 5x3 sec burst pushes

Sitting on floor, back on wall,  single leg press push against wall : - 30 sec ISO push, plus 5x3 sec burst pushes x 3 sets  -  3/10 right VMO/quad tendon pain

Sitting on floor, back on wall, single leg press calf raise ISO push against wall: - toes out - 30 sec ISO push, plus 5x3 sec burst pushes x 3 sets

Bulgarian Split Squat - arm supported -  4 secs down, 3 secs up - 3x6
No pain on working leg, but rear leg has some discomfort from stretch and loading

Sunday 19th March 2023

Soft tissue work for whole body

BBall, Jumps, Plyos session at WLC outdoor courts - Cycle 2, Week 3, day 1
Bodyweight with shoes -  85.7kg

general dynamic warmup

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: -  x 45 secs
Calf raise bounces : heels off the floor - x20

Dribbling and ball control drills - 19 mins
Shoot around and practice moves - 22 mins

Below average feeling

Plyos - rotating sets

Low stiff pogos x40, x40 Rotating on the spot, alternating directions each full spin x 4
scissor skip/hop in a star pattern - 2 rotations - 2x15
Speed hops: - 10 forwards/backwards, 10 side to side x2 sets

Jumps - 10 single leg jumps

medium effort. Didn't do much else to let my right quad tendon heal.

Box jumps: to 20 inch wall
LR, RL, plants and standing  x 3 each x 2 sets

Pogos - medium effort - 2x30

Easy hops complex - 30 secs rest between legs and series, 2 mins rest - 10 forwards/backwards, 10 left/right, 10 zig zag forward/backward each leg, Rotating on the spot, alternating directions each full circle 4 times

2 sets

Straight bar dips: BW x20 sec ISO and 3 semi resisted reps, BW x3
controlled 2x8  @ RPE 4/5

Inverted row: - Leg at 90 degrees, supported inverted row - BW x 20 sec ISO and 5 partial reps. Right lower bicep area hurts at top

reverse grip - controlled x8, x8 @ RPE 5

Jogging - walk combo - on concrete netball courts area - 30 mins

40 secs medium jog, walk 1 min, repeat 2 times between chin/dip sets

Chins/Pull ups

L hang Chin up: - BW x1, x1, x1, x3
4x6 @ RPE 7

Chin Up: BW x5 @ RPE 8

Bar hang - Pull up grip on thick bar x 40secs

Dips: on corner of fence railing. Controlled  -  BW x10, x12, x12 @ RPE 8
BW x8 @ RPE 8


Sunday 19th March 2023

Fat loss cycle 4 - Week 11
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 83.7kg (+0.8 ), 184.5lbs

waist - 33 5/8  (-1/8) inches
hip = 40
upper thigh = 25.5 (+0.25)
Right calf = 15 5/8 (+1/8)
Neck = 15 3/8 (-1/8)   
Chest = 41.5   
Right Arm (flexed) = 14 7/8
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat % = 20.5% (+0.5)

Total loss so far - weight 3.6kg Waist 2 5/8 inches BF% Tanita -2.8%

Macrofactor app true trend weight 83.4kg, (-0.1kg from last week)
Macrofactor TDEE is at 2778 average for the week

Keto intermittent fasting style - averaged 2721 calories over the week, 197g protein, 189g fat, 71g carbs

Ate close to maintenace this week due to a few pig out days, balanced by a few deficit days, so ended up not losing much

Saturday 18th March 2023

Still achey

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat, thoracic and pec stretches,
Snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocate/stretch

Tendon Rehab - Recovery


Walk - 22 mins

Evening - 6 hours later

Lying on back, leg extension ISO, using weight of opposite leg: -
45 Seconds 3/10 right quad tendon pain
45 Seconds 1/10 right quad tendon pain
45 Seconds x 3 - no pain

Lying on side, knee bent at 90 degrees, sartorius raise ISO against weight of opposite leg: 4 x 45secs

Hammer curl overcoming ISO: Near closed position - 3 x45 secs

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