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Messages - AGC

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spent the last several hours writing a letter to my gf in response to one she wrote me a couple of days ago. i have never wanted a milkshake more in my life. but it's 3:45 AM, everything is closed, and i don't have any ice cream. damn it.

Damn, sorry to hear that mate (on both fronts!). Hope you can get through this rough patch soon.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« on: March 30, 2019, 01:08:16 am »
Weather is PERFECT nowadays for running outside and yet i haven't been. Need to fix that asap. Also i meant to ask you guys .. do my chances of a gametime dunk (in traffic) increase if i can take off further from the rim? I've looked at my videos and i always jump inside the circle. I feel like it's very hard to get that close to the rim without attracting defenders, esp with the ball. Thoughts?

It depends if you can still reliably dunk further out from the circle. What's your max dunking range?

ok ive never actually tried to dunk from further. Now that might be something i need to try!

But ive been thinking about this and actuaaaaaaaaly in full court competitive games i can barely get the 22" vertical to just hit the rim with a missed dunk inside the circle, im dreaming thinking about taking off further away as if i have that option during games (my vertical drops about 40% thanks to my shitty CV).. ha ha.

Might be a good 'training exercise' though to dunk from further?

Yep. Also, you could probably dunk from farther out with a running SLRVJ...but if you're losing a lot of inches with an SLRVJ vs DLRVJ, it might not be any better.

Specific 'dunk conditioning' could be good too: rep your most successful game dunk with short rest, until your vertical drops off, with the aim of beating the total dunk number next session. It's not that much different from just getting your cardio in, but it would give you more confidence to go for it when you're tired in a game.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: acole14's journal
« on: March 29, 2019, 12:17:28 am »
Looking good mate.

Thanks mate!

I have key access to the track down the road now (only a 1.5 year odyssey), so finally I might have a bit of clear air in regards to training facilities. I've started wearing my weight vest during 'gym' sessions and doing more weighted jumps. 100m ht is ~12.2 sec reliably, and recently, I ran a ~25sec 200m and 42sec 300m (this killed me), all just for fun. SVJ has probably ticked up a bit but haven't tested it. Now I can get to the track more regularly, I am going to train for the Quadrathlon, because I'm a few years away from joining the full-time run squad, and I still like doing sprint/power-based training for fun (and bball is completely off the cards for now). There's even a score calculator, and playing around with some dummy values, I think adding on [SVJ''*2] to the final score is reasonable to make it a quintathlon (or, substitute for the overhead throw). Anyone else interested (@seifullaah)?

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« on: March 28, 2019, 11:48:55 pm »
Weather is PERFECT nowadays for running outside and yet i haven't been. Need to fix that asap. Also i meant to ask you guys .. do my chances of a gametime dunk (in traffic) increase if i can take off further from the rim? I've looked at my videos and i always jump inside the circle. I feel like it's very hard to get that close to the rim without attracting defenders, esp with the ball. Thoughts?

It depends if you can still reliably dunk further out from the circle. What's your max dunking range?

I use Quicktime player for timing: it's free, it gives you a frame number, and you can easily toggle back and forth between frames. So long as you know your fps, you can get decently accurate times.

The full depth squats I do at the end of the workout low reps, 40kg is comfortable, but 50kg, I can't go low without my low back pain and hip pain and when going up the hip flares up and back is tight. so i was exaggerating out of frustration. 50kg backs and hips uncomfortably painful and tight and I can go up.
So it's not really a painful thing just gets tight and because of that it's painful. But box squat doesn't give me this problem.

Ok, maybe try to describe things as precisely as possible because otherwise you might get inaccurate feedback. It sounds like working on your squat mobility would be handy. This is a great routine.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: Kingfush Unlisted Training Vids
« on: March 27, 2019, 06:08:21 am »
Nice man, well done. I hope you get 500 #1 soon.

Sorry to deflate you a bit but I think that 30m was somewhere around ~5sec. I downloaded your video and counted frames from when your rear foot leaves the ground to when your torso crosses the line (your shadow helps here). I got 144 frames / 29 frames per second video --> 4.96sec. Is your video 29fps? That could be an error that explains the difference. But I think it's important to know more precisely what times you're running atm, to instruct your approach a bit better. A 5sec 30m isn't too bad, by the way, and actually makes a bit more sense - that's probably around 13sec 100m (a 4.0-4.2sec 30m would be ~11.5sec 100m for a runner with good speed endurance as well). Just don't be hoping for a <3.9sec 30m when you're fresh - this would be world class (see here for some outrageous 30m times for elite TJ-ers).

(I didn't get back to you on the super-heavy sled pulls - I need to do more research on it.)

Also, these two entries don't go well together:

   Box Squats
      - 1 x 5 @20kg
      - 1 x 3 @60kg
      - 1 x 5 @120kg
      - 3 x 7,7,8 @150kg

   Full depth squats
      - 1 x 3 @40kg - this is comfortable and easy, but 10kg more than it is crazy painful for my hips and back unstable.

Unless you're exaggerating, 'crazy painful' sounds very....bad to me. I know I've been posting about this a lot here, but if my back and hips were hurting from three reps at 50kgs proper depth, I would be staying the hell away from anything over 100kgs. In fact, you probably should warm up with full-depth, light weight and see how your back is going first, before trying the box squats. AELS. Ask yourself why you need box squats right now.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« on: March 12, 2019, 11:24:34 pm »
I think you were right to call me out. Given the background information available to someone neutral reading, the call out was justified, no argument there whatsoever. The state of knowledge at hand can lead to two different viewpoints where both can't be true but somehow the viewpoints are logically valid given different background information. It's like when you say something unexpected to someone and they say 'that is random' to make that statement, but if they knew the full state of your mind at that point, it would no longer be random because they'd see the chain of thought that led to that statement being uttered.

The question of racism here is of the same quality of background knowledge and i hate to say it, 'intent'  (which i think is regrettably known to be abused for excusing racism) matters. If the trio of 'old' 'white' 'fat' are qualities being used to diminish the person in question then it would be racism, i agree. However I would not say i meant the 'white' in a pejorative sense here, if whatever race that person was i would have written it the same way and not have it reflect on that person's basketball ability. I have used it in that sense before but it was a positive way (the 14 yo athletic white phenom i described a few weeks ago in a youth league). That's still racism but positive or whatever.

In general, I don't have a problem personally talking about race casually, yeah we're all equal in theory but in practice im probably not afforded that kind of luxury of a viewpoint, which i think is something another Australian might take for granted (and that would be a good thing). I don't want to live with some kind of delusion that race doesn't matter or exist because that would lead to unrealistic situations otherwise. Or rude awakenings. It's nice to believe you're just another person most of the time, maybe even someone 'normal' but then you'll run into a small amount of racism and find it deeply troubling unless you've cultivated a resistance to racism being able to hurt you. I have to keep race in the foreground because otherwise racism is just too crushing when it happens, kind of like maintaining a level of immunity to it is required to function.

If you knew the person i was talking about, the 62 year old, he's a feature of the local pickup scene for years. The man is almost an institution, a playground legend. He's almost loved here. I honestly admire the man and i would even say i find his love for the game infectious. He hasn't got athleticism or even skill but he loves to play basketball and everyone just humours him but not having played with him in a year or two, i was surprised how much better he has got .. or perhaps how bad i have gotten at the same time, and how troubling i found it to be beaten by him .. not beacuse he's white .. but because he was really really bad .. like just terrible and now he was absolutely demolishing me. And having said that, it'snot like he's suddenly now a good player .. he's still bad .. but he beat me bad. But i couldn't have even tried to beat him in a competive sense .. i have a bit too much respect for him as a opponent to humiliate him? i dont know, it wasn't a competitive situation, i played with restraint but i'd expect to beat him easily even without trying. I'd never say he's bad because he's white .. it's not a factor (in this case). If his race was relevant that would be different. I guess if i was to flesh this out fully .. a 62 year old brown man or black man .. that would not make it any different in my eye, the age and fatness would be the main thing here.

Also i'm not good at dealing with racism .. but ive been trying to dispower it .. maybe it's a complex thing that needs way too much nuance to be careless like in this case.

OK, I understand where you're coming from a lot better now. I won't analyse it all in-depth but there's some really interesting insight here. Thanks for sharing.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« on: March 11, 2019, 01:23:20 am »
Played 1v1 today with this over weight 62 year old white man. he beat me both games .. lol. prep is going great

Come on mate. You should know better than to mention race like this.

yea you're right. i wanted to write something else but i thought it would be too doxy and made it more vague. maybe should have just stuck with human male.

I played 1v1 with a 52 year old HUMAN, much more skilled the 62 year old who defeated me a few days ago (ie the old man game of the meme above). I'm sure if he didnt have such an impressive tan he'd still be really good. 52 year old though.

Maybe we should leave species out of this  :pokerface:

OK OK, I get it's not cool to be pious about casual/inconsequential racism, and it's funnier to make jokes about SJW sensitivities and that...I am just interested that you (who has mentioned they've experienced racism IRL in Australia) would trivialise what I said before. I was surprised you were disappointed to lose against someone whom you described as old, fat and white, as if it were the trifecta of basketball ineptitude - but maybe I shouldn't be surprised? I am honestly interested in your views on it given your racism experience (something I haven't experienced) and being what I consider a well-informed, well-educated person.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« on: March 07, 2019, 11:01:33 pm »
Played 1v1 today with this over weight 62 year old white man. he beat me both games .. lol. prep is going great

Come on mate. You should know better than to mention race like this.

Basketball / Re: NBA 2018 - 2019 Season
« on: February 26, 2019, 10:21:38 pm »
This thread gave me some good laughs. Not sure if it's all true but seems fairly legitimate:

Track Workout - 50 minutes
   Sled Sprints @45kg x 2 x 10m

I feel every time I read your log, there's something bizarre incorporated into an otherwise innocuous workout. This fits the bill right here.

The key with weighted sled pulls is to progressively overload your ability to accelerate over 10-30m. But it has to be within thin margins, otherwise you stop performing the technique you're trying to overload. You cannot be sprinting properly with this much weight - it will just be a slow push. From what I've done and read about, something like 10-15% of your bodyweight, or a maximum of 10-15% drop-off in your 10-30m sprint time, is what you're aiming for here.

This has been asked this a few times with no response: if your goal is 100m, why are you only running a maximum 50m, once or twice a week? Is this part of an incredibly long-term training plan? Why not do some tempo sprinting, or anything other than short acceleration work (but confusingly, no block starts, which is something you really should be doing if your goal is the 100m)?

It's only because you post so much that I want to help your training, but it's still so confusing.

Basketball / Re: 2018-2019 NCAA Season
« on: February 20, 2019, 11:01:02 pm »
Damn, he blew his left shoe out. Looks like could be an MCL injury based on the way he fell.


Basketball / Re: 2018-2019 NCAA Season
« on: February 15, 2019, 12:15:56 am »
Duke could beat any NBA team thats having a bad day.... FACT.

If Duke played the Cavs tomorrow, Cavs would win by 50pts and Kevin Love would break Wilt's single game points record.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: acole14's journal
« on: February 12, 2019, 10:25:10 pm »
My training has been pretty much this for the last month:

M - general foam roll, few prehab exercises (whatever is sore!), back extensions

T - track session 1
  • 400m/prehab exercises/dynamic warmup (~20mins)
  • Jumps:
    • Broad Jumps x 6 - recent best: 2.70m
    • Squat Jumps x 3
    • SVJs x 3
    • some v. light 1-step SLRVJs into sandpit off both legs x 3-4
  • Sprints
    • 60m x 5-6 or 60m-80m-120m with ~walkback recovery
    • 100run-100jog-100r-100j-100r-200j-200r (60-70% speed)
    • 200m jog barefoot on grass (for my calves/feet)

W - home gym 1
  • Foam roll/stretch/warmup exercises
  • UB:
    • Pullups 3x8
    • Pushups 3x10 (lol)
    • Banded stuff  - a ton
  • Core
    • Banded twists - heaps
    • Lying leg raises: 2x20
    • 200m jog barefoot on grass (for my calves/feet)
  • LB
    • Back extension: 3x15-20@10kgs
    • BSS: 3x12/leg @ 10kgs
    • Calf raises

Th - track session 2 (this is the comp night)
  • 400m/prehab exercises/dynamic warmup (~20mins)
  • Jumps (not as many as Track#1):
    • Broad Jumps x 3
    • SVJs x 3
  • Sprints:
    • Sprint warmup - few run-throughs and practice starts
    • Short sprint, usually 60-100m
    • Long sprint, usually 200-500m
    • 200m jog barefoot on grass (for my calves/feet)

F - general foam roll, prehab, back extensions

S/Su - home gym#2

Exactly the same as home gym#1, but with less UB (just banded stuff) and some jumps at a ceiling target (approx 10-15 SVJs, 10 DSVJs). Have only done this one once so far this month - prior to this it was just the same.

Once I get comfortable with this structure and stronger in the BSS/back ext (I'm not giving these 100% atm), I will move to a new phase with the weight vest. Hopefully some squatting once a week too. I've definitely lost some vertical power, SVJ and broad jumps down from historical averages.

A 60m standing start:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

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