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Messages - ssr7

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Yo your singing is awesome man! I used to be able to sing a bit, but gave it up a long time ago...wish I'd kept up with it.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: no bounce, need bounce
« on: October 06, 2010, 09:04:22 pm »
Vid from yesterday: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Sprint is full of problems, I know. No triple extension on the first step, for one thing. First jump is awful, the second and third not so bad. Didn't record the best jump of the day, which was about 31" or maybe a bit more.

yo, looks like you got rim on the last one man! worrrrddd

Now, a question for you: What did you get ART for and what did you think? Graston?
Gotten ART for my VMO and vastus lateralis. I didn't experience any more benefit from it than I did from SMR with a foam roller...I got graston to break up scar tissue around my right patellar tendon (ACL recon w/ patellar tendon autograft in 05') and around my left libial region (3 surgeries to remove staph in 99'), and on my feet/shins to relieve myself of dorsal foot pain/"shin splints." Graston worked much better for me in the areas that I didn't have surgery (feet/right shin) and exacerbated the pain/discomfort in the regions in which I had surgery (left shin/right knee).

Thanks for suggestions guys. Which would be preferable between a PT evaluation and a chiro evaluation? Also, LBSS have you worked with Steve Horwitz in Silver Spring? I'd gone to get graston/ART from him for a while, but it got too expensive and eventually I reached the point of diminishing returns...LBSS, do you have any PT recommendations in DC/Moco?

I'd prefer to have a licensed PT look at it. If that person was also a chiro, okay, whatever. Haven't worked with Horwitz, although I've heard of him and read some of his stuff. I'm a bit skeptical of chiropratics in general. Bit too much pseudo-science there for my taste. That's not to say all chiros are nutjobs, mind you. And Horwitz is obviously well-respected in the lifting community. So there's that.

Couple of recs (one negative and three positive):

1. Do NOT go to Metro Orthopedics and Sports Therapy (M.O.S.T.) in Silver Spring. Went there a couple years ago for the ankle, was seen only by unsupervised students who barely paid attention to what I was doing and didn't even do manual therapy. Barely even spoke to a full PT while I was there and stopped going after two or three visits.

2. Center for Neuromuscular Massage and Rehabilitation, at 17th and I streets NW, is where I've gotten trigger point and deep tissue massage. The therapists are very good and I always left there feeling looser than when I went in. Didn't do any traditional PT-type stuff there, though, and ultimately they weren't able to solve my underlying issue (see x-ray on one of the previous pages). Not their fault, though, and what they do feels gooooood. Also, a friend at the gym started going to them on my recommendation. His shoulders were an absolute disaster, like almost laughable they were so tight and fucked up. After a few weeks his ROM had improved so much it was unbelievable. From not being able to lift his arms forward past his nose to near-overhead status. Pretty impressive.

3. Place I ended up going after the most recent ankle sprain (early this summer) to was Pro Sports Care, in Metro Center/Chinatown. They've done PT for some players from the Capitals, Wizards and Nationals, for what it's worth. Patrick Lally supervised my treatment there, although most of the manual therapy and assisted stretching was done by a student doing her internship. She was good, though. Patrick knows his stuff and the care I got there was very hands-on and coherent and they're happy to answer questions from a geek like me. Very friendly people, too. My ankle got better and I'd now say it's 95% healthy, which is better than it's been in going on three years. A former teammate of mine has also been to them for ankle issues and had a similarly positive experience. Actually, it was he who recommended them to me.

4. Some people I know (in the ultimate community) go to Sports and Spinal Physical Therapy, which is on like 22nd and K streets NW. Farragut West or Foggy Bottom would be closest Metros. Anyway, I've heard good things. Like Pro Sports Care, they're a big and fancy operation.

Thanks a bunch for the recs man!

Thanks for suggestions guys. Which would be preferable between a PT evaluation and a chiro evaluation? Also, LBSS have you worked with Steve Horwitz in Silver Spring? I'd gone to get graston/ART from him for a while, but it got too expensive and eventually I reached the point of diminishing returns...LBSS, do you have any PT recommendations in DC/Moco?

Hey guys,
  I've been experiencing some right lateral knee clicking since last night. I rolled the heck out of my IT band, stretched my piriformis (dunno if that's relevant to the problem at hand) and iced my right lateral knee and the discomfort isn't really subsiding. I had a lateral meniscus tear diagnosed  via an MRI in 2007 (not sure if I tore it then or earlier) and had a PLC reconstruction operation following the diagnosis and have linering scar tissue, which may be causing or aggravating the "problem." Any suggestions?

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: October 04, 2010, 10:06:50 am »
Yo, the off-the-backboard dunk is getting there!!!!!! Did you only try it once (as shown on the vid) in your dunk session?

I like how joe defranco worded it "60 inch" jump as opposed to the more accurate title "jump over 60 inch hurdle." Lol that sleezy wording will lure teenagers and unsuspecting jumping/training enthusiasts toward the WS4SB methods or any of Joe's other programs...sad

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: October 01, 2010, 06:58:37 am »
walk: 8 miles
- legs toast.. couldn't even do my light sprints, calfs/quads/everything just felt like i was super glued to the ground.
- saw about 8 cops


this damn calf shit drives me nuts.. it's from my old calf tear which had me in crutches for 2 months, back when i was like 20-21.. it's gastroc and soleus.. it's just so crazy how i can sprint but when i jog mid foot it keeps coming back.. that must mean it's mostly soleus then.. i dno man i dug my fingers into it so hard, basically trying to stick my thumb into my leg.. made it hurt more right after but then actually felt better throughout the day, but it's still shitty.. i can only imagine that there's a shitload of scar tissue that rips when i do this midfoot jog shit.

still, it's driving me nuts.. i hate how i can't fix it... when stuff like this happens i usually go apeshit on it until it's better, or worse.. ive been doing some weird soleus stretch for the last 1 hour, which can bug my ham tendon so i have to be careful.

i just hate this fucking calf tear shit, i hate the idiot who knee'd my calf much more though, that little spaz piece of shit.

yo I thought you were ending GPP and moving into SPP? That really blows about your calves man; do you find self-trigger point therapy helpful? It usual just causes me more pain (I used to do that shit with the lateral aspect of my knees a lot in the past). Who knee'd your calf???

uh, level-7'd again.. nothing major but just scared the shit out of me.. so im at the basketball court, doing some jumps, and my 'predator' soundtrack song comes on.. then out of nowhere i hear this HUGE noise and then i see some huge thing falling out of the sky, turned out to be a like ~10 foot palm tree thing falling off a palm tree.. dno, just crazy timing considering the predator song haha.. looked like predator falling out of a tree @ 2am.



bw = 154
soreness = left soleus (horrible, from the midfoot runs), both hamstrings a little
aches/injuries = left hamstring tendon, left ankle, left knee
fatigue = none (mental) today, thankfully


late workout, courts still wet, non stop rain

workout: jumps + strength, courts wet
- 1 mile midfoot run (calf dead)

- 1-2 step leads, a bunch of LR/RL DLRVJ jumps, hit ~32" off LR-DLRVJ and ~30-31" off RL-DLRVJ.. on wet surface with dead calf, nice
- mixed in MR tucks and deep landing MR tucks, all x 10 reps
- L-SLRVJ : hit some NASTY jumps without a full runup, again around 3 step runup but not accelerating max, hit a bunch of ~32's or so, felt insane................ very odd, i really was getting up major considering..
- R-SLRVJ : hit some ~10'4 touches or so

- 1.5 mile midfoot run (calf dead)

- deep landing MR tucks mixed with squats

- paused (3-5s) pin squat off pin 11: 245 @ 3 x 5

- S1: barbell calf raise: 165 @ 4 x 10
- S1: neutral grip pullups: 5, 5, 5, 5


so i've been doing alot of stretching, has my legs feeling very shitty, but, they feel powerful and very bouncy... but not fresh, so it's a weird feeling.. i stretched throughout the day today, and im about to stretch for about an hour.. it's kind of bugging my hamstring tendon a LITTLE i think, so i have to be careful, but i'm interested to see how i jump friday with stretching tonight/tomorrow.. friday it's forecasted to be dry/no rain, so i want to go hit some nasty SLRVJ jumps or maybe dunks..

i want my SLRVJ to be PR levels 2 saturday's from now when i dunk with eddie again.

tomorrow is lots of walking, maybe 10-12 miles or so again.

Dang man, I'm surprised you were able to have such a productive training session after a level 7 level 7 experiences usually get me feeling all negative after the fact. Dang man it's insane that you hit 32s with a 3 step run up ON A RAINY SURFACE!!! mad propz!!!



BLUE = current
RED = pending
GREEN = done

24 September 2010

PHASE 1 - Cycle 2 - Hypertrophy Workout 2

Bodyweight@session : ~197
Injuries/aches/soreness : none
Stim : Drunk a redbull 30 mins before workout.

SQUATS ( rack was taken so i had to do them on the smith machine ):
1x6@198 ( last time 165 )
1x6@242 ( last time 187 )
1x6@264 ( last time 209 )
1x6@286 ( last time 231 )
198 ATG , 242 parallel , 264 & 286 half squats.
Now the improvements are shocking and 286x6 is a HUGE PR , but i wont claim any of those because smith is totally different than free squats

1x8@176 , ( +44 lbs )
1x8@198 , ( +22 lbs )
1x8@220 , ( +22 lbs , PR )
8x220 , ridiculous! The 176 set was also ridiculous , bar was flying up like it was empty.

1x8@88 , ( +11 lbs )
1x8@99 , ( +11 lbs )
1x8@110 , ( +11 lbs )
1x8@121 , ( +11 lbs )

Oops , did an extra set by mistake  :-\

I don't know if it was the redbull , the placebo or both , but the workout was sick!

damn 220 x 8 on BSS is ridonkulous.. congrats man, sick pr.
220x8 on BSS is NUTS! Congratsx2 man! Were you holding 110 lb dumbbells in each hand or were you barbell loaded with 220 lbs?


Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: September 21, 2010, 03:10:38 pm »
Yo I'll definitely be cheering for you when you expose his punk-ass. I've gotten screwed over by cops here in Prince George's County Maryland (has a terrible record in closing murder cases and has a reputation for harassing innocent citizens), so I can definitely relate. Give a fat donut-buncher a badge and some "colleagues" and his ass will get Napoleon-ified. I'm sure you'll use that anger to fuel your training and not throw and break shit like I used to do lol.

A few example guidelines

To mimic a boxing style round, the complex would look like this:
- C1: Squat single @ X % (85-95% 1RM)
- C1: Jump rope: 300-350 turns (around 3 minutes)
- C1-info: rest 1min after jump rope, repeat for 8-12 rounds

Focusing on extremely quick turnover:
- C1: Squat single @ X % (70-85% 1RM)
- C1: Jump rope: 100 turns (as ballistic as possible)
- C1-info: rest 1min after jump rope, repeat for 8-12 rounds

You can modify it to suit your needs/liking, but in general, you want to squat first (after a period of rest), then finish with the jump rope portion. Make sure to get some rest after each jump rope portion, 1 minute works fine from experience. For example, say we hit a 90% 1RM single, then do 300 turns, then rest 1 minute -> that becomes nearly 4 minutes of "rest" following the actual squat single, which is more than enough time for recovery. When performing this complex, you'll find that your power on the singles actually goes up after a few rounds


Example Video

Sorry, had to film it at night with a spotlight.. Here's the entire session that I did that night, just so you get an idea of what a session could look like, from my journal:


bw = 159
soreness = calfs a little, left calf moreso towards insertion
aches/injuries = not much, right shin a bit

- nice warmup, feeling a bit achy in calfs
- 10 yard sprints x 5
- 20 yard sprints x 2
- ~50 yard sprints x 1
- walking lunges @ 4 x 50tot
- neutral grip pullups: 15
- bar dips: 7
- C1: jump rope - 300 turns fast
- C1: half squat - 245 x 1
- C1-info: 8 rotations of that.. 245 was heavier at first then started flying up.. ill post vid tomorrow

^^^^^^^ that's 8 half squat singles at 1.55xBW done with decent speed

- C2: jump rope - very fast 100 turns
- C2: half squat - 225 x 1
- C2-info: 4 rotations
- GHR: 2 x 3 <-- f that.. lol

Why do you perform complexes involving a higher number of turns when you're squatting at 85-95%, but drop the number of turns (and make the movement more ballistic) when  performing complexes in which you use 70-85%?

Posted on: Today at 11:02:58 AMPosted by: LBSS 
Insert Quote

Thanks a bunch for the link man. There's actually an REI near me, so hopefully I'll purchase the kit tomorrow.

Hey guys, during my superset of mountain climbers/groiners/burpees on the rug, I either earned the prize of a skin peel or a blister on the plantar surface of my left foot, but I don't know how to tell which. Could any of you offer me insight into distinguishing? Also, how does one treat skin peels and blisters? I'm asking b/c I plan to do some shooting/ball handling this evening.

Peace everyone

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: September 03, 2010, 07:12:16 am »

bw = 158
soreness = not much
aches/injuries = left heel a bit

workout #1: dunks
- landed 3 dunks, didn't jump too great, max jump like 33-34
- jumped better at the end than beginning
- was very hot

workout #2:
- 5.5 mile run
- half squat: 135 x 1,1 / 185 x 1,1 / 225 x 1 / 245 x 1 / 225 x 1,1,1
- 225 and less felt very explosive, 245 weirdly felt not too great
- neutral grip pullups: 10
- bar-dips: 8
- S1: hamstring iso: 2 x F
- S1: pushups : 2 x 20
- S1: glute bridges : 5 x 30
- S1: calf raises : 5 x 20


good gawd that's insane volume man! how do you manage to train so many qualities on one day (CP, anaerobic and aerobic systems) ? That's hella sick man. Are you able to improve strength, reactivity and endurance all at the same time or are you just mad gifted in the endurance department and worked up to your current levels or reactivity/strength? (haha idk if that question made any sense...feel free to ask me to rephrase it lol)

Introduce Yourself / Re: greetings from malaysia
« on: September 03, 2010, 12:56:26 am »
Yo, look at Jeremy Lin...that dude may eventually be a starter! haha, there's definitely hope for asians man.

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