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Re: 40x40
« Reply #30 on: June 26, 2019, 08:12:36 pm »


A- Calf Stretch- 2 mins per side

B1- Heavy Sled Drive- 2 x 40m
B2- ATG Split Squat- bw x 10, +16 x 10
B3- Seated Goodmorning- 20 x 10, 30 x 10

C1- Single Leg Standing Calf Raise
C2- Low-Cable Pull-in

D1- ATG Dip- bw x 5 +4 neg, 4 +4neg
D2- Dumbbell External Rotation- 6kg x 10, 12

E 90:90 > Pigeon Progression
F Butterfly Stretch
G Seated Pancake Stretch

Shortened session today but at least still got to the gym. Trying to get some consistency back so my goal for this week is to just get 4 training sessions in. So far so good.

Ball game. We lost (our outside shooters missed everything. Legit everything) but I'm getting some bounce back. Threw down a dunk in warm up before I was reminded by the refs there is no dunking at this gym lol. I had a solid game. Heaps of boards and a huge block. Guy driving the fast break for a layup and I took him off two steps and blocked it off the backboard. Felt great. Shooting touch and the post game is coming back too.
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Re: 40x40
« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2019, 08:39:17 pm »
Coges, NICE!

LT, yea but I have to nail the standards to use the fly or Westbrook program. As is my flexibility, specifically my lower back (pancake), SUCKS. Its holding back my seated good mornings by a lot.
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Re: 40x40
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2019, 10:12:12 pm »
Coges, NICE!

LT, yea but I have to nail the standards to use the fly or Westbrook program. As is my flexibility, specifically my lower back (pancake), SUCKS. Its holding back my seated good mornings by a lot.

Chris and LT, which program are you going onto after the standards? I'm going on the fly.

Also, Chris I think sucking at some of these movements are the best part about the whole thing. I suck at Nordics and Garhammer raises like you, so just imagine how much benefit I will get when my hamstring and hip flexor strength gets up to speed with everything else. Cannot wait. 
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Re: 40x40
« Reply #33 on: June 27, 2019, 02:00:35 am »
Probably the fly. To be completely honest I could stand to lose some mass upper body wise and drop a few lbs but I feel great currently so who knows. I doubt I need the Westbrook program but it'll be in the discussion after I complete the standards!
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Re: 40x40
« Reply #34 on: June 27, 2019, 08:55:37 am »
probably the fly program as well. 
i have both the westbrook and fly programs in emails that were sent a while back and have looked at both of them.

i've been doing the upper body remedy program in place of the upper body work in the standards program.  being older (43) i need more upper body flexibility than strength at the moment.  not too worried about mass either.  i'm 5'9 180, losing 5-10 lbs and getting leaner would probably be the way to go for me

today has been good so far.  got my lower body work in this morning, will do the upper body at lunch.
atg squats i'm only 5 lbs away from standard (i'm 180, did 40 lbs today).  and that's with an ankle that i turned sunday night.
nordics i was able to get 9 reps going down to an 8 inch box.

one thing i really like about the program is having the standards laid out for me.  I know exactly what i'm trying to achieve on each exercise, which makes me push that much harder.


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Re: 40x40
« Reply #35 on: June 30, 2019, 09:15:20 pm »

A- Plantar Fascia Stretch
B- Tibialis Stretch

C1- Sled Push-Pull- 3 x 20m heavy
C2- ATG Squat- bw x 10, +10 x 10, +16 x 10
C3- GHR x 5, 5, 5

D1- Tibialis Raise- 20, 20
D2- Garhammer Raise- Level x 10, 10

E1- ATG Dumbbell Shoulder Press- 10s x 10, 15s x 10
E2- ATG Chin-Up- bw x 5, 5

F- 90:90 > Pigeon Progression
G- Couch Stretch

Have been training fairly meekly the last few weeks. Have had a few niggles over the last couple of months and am progressing meekly. Think it's time to ramp things back up again as the body is feeling pretty good.
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Re: 40x40
« Reply #36 on: July 02, 2019, 07:46:15 pm »

Plantar Fascia Stretch x 3 mins
Tibialis Stretch x 3 mins

Patrick Step Up- 3 x 20 @ bw
Jefferson Curl- 3 x 10 @ +3.5kg 

Banded pull aparts and l-sits

90:90 > Pigeon Progression- 3 mins each side
Couch Stretch- 3 mins each side

Ended up training inside at home so had to modify things a bit.


Calf Stretch- 3 mins each side

Heavy Sled Drive- 3 x 40m (tank setting 4 + 200kg)
ATG Split Squat- bw x 10, +32 x 10, +40 x 10
Seated Goodmorning- 20 x 10, 30 x 10, 40 x 10

Single Leg Standing Calf Raise- +10 x 10, +20 x 5
Low-Cable Pull-in- 60lbs x 15, 10

ATG Dip- bw x 8, 5
Dumbbell External Rotation- 8kgs x 10, 5

Ball game and stretching to come later
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Re: 40x40
« Reply #37 on: July 12, 2019, 04:05:43 am »
Haven't missed a training session since the last post but it's school holidays and I'm not near the computer much. Training is going well and have had a couple of nice ball games in there too. Back to logging next week. Also down kg and a bit so getting closer to being back under 90.
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Re: 40x40
« Reply #38 on: July 15, 2019, 07:30:58 pm »
Did Monday's training as expected. Getting closer to the basic standards for ATG which means I can then move onto one of the more specialised programs. Looking forward to that.
Food and BW has been weird. I think I'm done with IF for a while. Feel like I never have a chance to put on any muscle even when I eat perfectly. Just started doing the 4-6 meals a day thing. So far so good. Body feels good. BW is higher but I'm also looking leaner. Haven't been tracking waist measurements though so that's the first step. Will go back to that and periodically check the bw. One thing I'm realising is that being "skinny fat" or just plain old skinny doesn't really fit the same rules as everything else. Was reading an interesting post the other day about body fat scanners and how most people will get a range of 1-2% difference between Dexa and bodypod etc. Skinny/skinny fat dudes like myself will get variances of up to 10% which is what I have experienced. I legit thing my bodyfat is low teens if not lower so think it's finally time to add some muscle to fill out this frame.
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Re: 40x40
« Reply #39 on: July 15, 2019, 08:28:33 pm »
IF never really worked for me.  I’ve done a 44 hr fast which really helped jumpstart losing weight/fat.  But when I started making sure I got enough protein in every day is when I really start to see body comp changes.  3-4 protein shakes a day makes it so easy


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Re: 40x40
« Reply #40 on: July 16, 2019, 12:00:55 am »
IF never really worked for me.  I’ve done a 44 hr fast which really helped jumpstart losing weight/fat.  But when I started making sure I got enough protein in every day is when I really start to see body comp changes.  3-4 protein shakes a day makes it so easy

I love IF and it works a treat for me to lose weight. Just can't seem to add muscle on it which is probably no surprise. Yeah I do 2-3 protein shakes each day. Super easy.
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Re: 40x40
« Reply #41 on: July 17, 2019, 02:31:38 am »
Shortened training session today due to work and a ball game coming up tonight.

Sled Push
Split squats- top set at 32kg total
Seated GM- top set at 30kg

Dips & Ext rotations

Kind of sucks not having too much time. Just joined a new gym though today which is a little closer to home so should make it easier to get to in the mornings and even later at night if I need to. Pretty stoked. They don't have a sled but I can make do with the treadmill for now. They do have a seated tibialis machine which is cool. They also have hot (and normal) yoga which is something I've been wanting to try for a while so keen to get into that.
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Re: 40x40
« Reply #42 on: July 17, 2019, 07:29:37 pm »
Easy ball game. Felt super bouncy during the day. Attempted two dunks in warm up. First one rattled out and second one got rim blocked. Was completely cold so no surprises. It's pretty clear to me that I need to do more in week jumping. Finding the time is key.

Definitely fitter during games too. I'm always running back and pushing on offence and don't get anywhere near as tired as I used to. Good signs.
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Re: 40x40
« Reply #43 on: July 18, 2019, 09:10:50 am »
Easy ball game. Felt super bouncy during the day. Attempted two dunks in warm up. First one rattled out and second one got rim blocked. Was completely cold so no surprises. It's pretty clear to me that I need to do more in week jumping. Finding the time is key.

Definitely fitter during games too. I'm always running back and pushing on offence and don't get anywhere near as tired as I used to. Good signs.

Good stuff!  More bounce and more endurance at the same time.  Still on the ATG workouts? 


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Re: 40x40
« Reply #44 on: July 18, 2019, 07:51:22 pm »
Easy ball game. Felt super bouncy during the day. Attempted two dunks in warm up. First one rattled out and second one got rim blocked. Was completely cold so no surprises. It's pretty clear to me that I need to do more in week jumping. Finding the time is key.

Definitely fitter during games too. I'm always running back and pushing on offence and don't get anywhere near as tired as I used to. Good signs.

Good stuff!  More bounce and more endurance at the same time.  Still on the ATG workouts?

Thanks. Pretty surprising and I didn't realise till my teammates were telling me to slow the play down cause they were tired lol.

Yep. Still on the basics. I only have nordics, RDLs and the core stuff to get off the basics. RDLs I will knock off this week or next and the core stuff maybe the week after. Nordics... :pissed:
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