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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #2850 on: February 14, 2011, 06:21:54 am »
There benefit gets diluted because if your body has already filled it's need for the vitamins and other compounds in bananas it's more than likely gonna have you get rid of em. If possible you should def be eating at least 5 different fruit and vegs a day. If you eat 2-3 bananas that's fine but you should still be eating 4 other different fruits or vegetables.

right that's a good point

not meaning to be a dick or anything, but have you thought that maybe u got the staph infection due to a poor immune system?

nope.... i got it the day i went into an indoor basketball gym, hot/humid, with like 50 people there sweating all over.. i contracted it somehow through a cut/skin opening, that's how staph is usually contracted.

now im getting outbreaks from the original infection 4 weeks ago.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #2851 on: February 14, 2011, 06:36:41 am »
feeling more sick today than yesterday.. but staph lumps went down a bit.. so that's a good sign.. coughing more AFTER squatting, increasing breathing/HR seems to get me coughing more so.. hopefully i wake up feeling better fml.. would love to dunk wednesday.

completely lost my voice too, sucks.


bw = 150.8
soreness = none
aches/injuries = left nut, left lower back a little after squatting

diet = vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 bananas + 3-4 chocolate covered cherries (real small but mad good), pot roast (wuth carrots/potatos etc) + small spinach salad + 3 chocolates, 1 banana, training + vit-C-drink, protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + 1 banana, 3 bananas + PB burrito + protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + probiotic

fatigue = high

workout: strength
- half squat: 45 @ 4 x 10, 135 x 10, 185 x 10, 235 x 5, 255 x 5, 275 @ 10, 10, 255 x 5 (dead)
- prone rev hyper: with waffles on @ 100, 100, 100,    
- glute bridge: 100 <- felt like a feather

glutes/legs felt CRAZY strong........................ like RIDICULOUS.... only problem though, training at 24 hour fitness has made training at my home gym feel messed, the bar feels uneven, really threw me off for those 275 x 10's.. i would have done more but it got in my head.. so bottom line, stay light on my home gym because it's uneven compared to 24hour fitness, very odd.. was extremely noticeable and it effected my sets... must have a leveling issue going on.

crazy how light glute bridges felt, those 45 deg hypers have my hams/glutes MUCH stronger right now.. good stuff




Purpose: To log data in a format that is easier to analyze (for ourselves and readers of our journals), so that training setbacks are avoided & progression is of primary importance, thus making our training as efficient & effective as possible.

How-to: Copy, Paste & modify the template to suit your needs: Include this post at the end of each of your training journal posts by clicking "modify" on your previous post, copy and paste it into the current post, and then add the new data.

- DO NOT squat without heels elevated, used to heels elevated, too much sitting back aggravates back injury
- DO NOT deadlift aggravates back injury
- DO NOT overstretch quads, aggravates ankle injury <-- happens every time, STOP IT
- as of 1/15/2011, don't do 325 x 5, instead, hit MSEM singles at 325+, stay 305-315 x 5+
- cut out milk, water + protein shakes from now on, more vitamin C, at least 6 bananas per day, more chicken/eggs
- utilize pin squats more, pin 6 work up then transition into pin 7

01/11/2011: PROJECT SSR7, get down to 150 or less as soon as possible.. maintain 315 x 5 half squat strength + keep a set of 20 maintained (245-265), fix right ankle, more interval conditioning, don't neglect my necessary exercises



01/11/2011: 159
01/12/2011: 158
01/13/2011: 156
01/14/2011: 156
01/15/2011: 155.4
01/16/2011: 154.4
01/17/2011: 154.0
01/18/2011: 153.6
01/19/2011: 154.4
01/20/2011: 153
01/21/2011: 153
01/23/2011: 153.6
01/24/2011: 154
01/25/2011: 152.8 (nopoop)
01/26/2011: 153.6
01/27/2011: 151.6
01/28/2011: 152.2
01/29/2011: 151.4
01/30/2011: 154
01/31/2011: 154
02/03/2011: 153
02/04/2011: 153
02/05/2011: 152
02/06/2011: 154
02/07/2011: 155
02/08/2011: 155
02/09/2011: 153
02/10/2011: 152.8
02/11/2011: 153.0
02/12/2011: 152.6
02/13/2011: 150.8

01/11/2011: protein shake, jumps/dunks + protein shake, protein shake, philly cheese steaks + fries, 2 cookies, training, protein shake
01/12/2011: southwestern chicken sandwhich (mcdonalds), protein shake, cheeseburger, training, protein shake, protein shake + turkey & cheese sandwhich
01/13/2011: protein shake, southern chicken sandwhich, 4 slices pizza + piece of cake (FML), southern chicken sandwhich (had another one ready :) + 2 bananas
01/14/2011: smaller protein shake + 1 teaspoon coffee, smaller protein shake + 1 teaspoon coffee, dunking + protein shake, egg & cheese sandwhich (2 eggs, multi grain bread), reactive session, protein shake, protein shake + turkey and cheese sandwhich
01/15/2011: protein shake, cheeseburger, protein shake, training + protein shake, protein shake, turkey & cheese sandwhich
01/16/2011: protein shake, greek salad (feta/olives/peppers/dressing/lettuce) with grilled chicken (epic), cheeseburger (ground beef) on multigrain bread, light-training, protein shake + banana
01/17/2011:  protein shake + 2 teaspoon coffee, driving around looking for a court for 1.5 hours, cheeseburger on multigrain bread + banana, 7 mile walk, small protein shake, squatting, protein shake, turkey & cheese + banana + protein shake
01/18/2011: protein shake + banana, egg sandwhich with cheese + banana + protein shake, protein shake + 2 bananas, turkey & cheese sandwich
01/19/2011: protein shake + 2 teaspoon coffee, dunking + monster energy + protein shake, protein shake, cheeseburger, training + payday chocolate bar (stopped at CVS), protein shake, protein shake + turkey & cheese sandwich
01/20/2011: SICK: prot shake, cheeseburger, prot shake, prot shake + turkey & cheese
01/21/2011: SICK: chocolate covered almonds, philly cheesesteak + fries, 2 cookies, chocolate covered almonds.. tons of liquid, bad idea, mucous bigtime after that
01/22/2011: SICK: 3 bags of chocolate covered almonds, thats it
01/23/2011: SICK: 3 bananas, beef stew + 2 cookies, 3 bananas + some fig newtons + protein drink (no milk just protein)
01/24/2011: SICK: chicken soup + milkLESS protein shake, milkLESS protein shake + a few fig newtons, walking + light sprinting, squatting, milkLESS protein shake + banana, milkLESS protein shake + turkey & cheese sandwhich + tea + gatorade drink
01/25/2011: SICK: chicken soup + milkLESS protein shake, milkLESS protein shake + 2 bananas, cheeseburger + 2 bananas, milkLESS protein shake
01/26/2011: SICK: double chicken tariyaki stir fry, 1cupmilk protein shake + 1 banana, training, 1cupmilk protein shake + 1 banana, 1cupmilk protein shake + 1 banana
01/27/2011: SICK: 1cupMilk protein shake + 1 banana, 4 slices of pizza + 1cupMilk protein shake + 2 cookies, trainingA, milkLESS protein shake, trainingB, 1cup milk protein shake + cookie, glass of gatoraid, 1cupMilk protein shake
01/28/2011: chicken soup + 1cupMilk protein shake, 1cupMilk protein shake + cookie + banana, workout #1, 1cupmilk protein shake, workout #2, 1cupmilk protein, 1cupmilk protein shake + turkey and cheese sandwhich + 1 banana
01/29/2011: protein shake, 2 ibuprofen + gatorade, cheeseburger + almonds + 1 banana, 2 ibuprofen + gatorade + 2 bananas, protein shake + 2 bananas + 2 ibuprofen + gatorade
01/30/2011: gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake + 2 bananas, gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, greek salad + grilled chicken, 5 granola bars + 1 cookie, training, gatorade + 3 ibuprofen + 1 banana + protein shake, almonds
01/31/2011: gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake + 1 banana, gumbo soup (chunky) + almonds, gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake + 3 bananas + turkey & cheese sandwich
02/03/2011: gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake, 2 spicy chicken sandwiches from wendy's & some fries, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, turkey & cheese sandwhich + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen
02/04/2011: protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, egg and cheese sandwhich on multigrain bread, bag of chocolate almonds, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, turkey & cheese sandwich + gatorade + small amount of trail mix (so good)
02/05/2011: protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, egg and cheese sandwhich on multigrain bread + banana + trail mix, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, peanutbutter sandwich + banana
02/06/2011: protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + chocolate almonds, philly cheesesteak + fries + 2 cookies, banana + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + some chocolates
02/07/2011: protein shake + gatorade, chocolates + egg & cheese sandwhich + gatorade, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade, PB sandwhich + 2 bananas + protein shake + gatorade
02/08/2011: protein shake + gatorade, 2 slices pizza + reeces m&m's (whole bag) + green tea, training + protein shake, protein shake, gatorade + 2 bananas + 3 ibuprofen, gatorade + protein shake + 2 bananas
02/09/2011: SICK: water/protein drink + banana, walk + popcorn chicken (big size :), multi vitamin + vitamin C drink + banana, vitamin C drink + banana + water/protein drink, training + vitamin C drink + water/protein drink, vitamin C drink + water/protein drink + 2 bananas + some peanuts, 2 bananas + pb burrito + 3 ibuprofen
02/10/2011: SICK: diet = protein/water drink + vitamin C drink + 2 bananas, popcorn chicken + vitamin C drink + 2 bananas, beef/veggie chunky soup + vitamin C drink + 2 bananas, vitamin C drink + 3 ibuprofen + some peanutbutter (2-3tblspn) + 1 banana
02/11/2011: SICK: pollo tropical quarter chicken white, probiotic + vit C drink, 3 eggs + 3 pieces of cheese + 2 bananas + green tea, training + protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink, protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + 2 bananas, vit-C-drink + chicken & sausage gumbo chunky soup + 2 bananas
02/12/2011: SICK: vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 bananas, 3 eggs + 2 pieces of cheese + 2 bananas + 5 pieces of chocolate, water/protein-drink + vitamin-C-drink + 2 bananans + 5 chocolates, chunky soup + vit-C-drink + probiotic + 1 banana + water/protein-drink
02/13/2011: SICK: vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 bananas + 3-4 chocolate covered cherries (real small but mad good), pot roast (wuth carrots/potatos etc) + small spinach salad + 3 chocolates, 1 banana, training + vit-C-drink, protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + 1 banana, 3 bananas + PB burrito + protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + probiotic

01/11/2011: hamstrings a little
01/12/2011: none
01/13/2011: calfs a little
01/14/2011: none
01/15/2011: calfs
01/16/2011: none
01/17/2011: none
01/18/2011: none
01/19/2011: none
01/20/2011: calfs
01/21/2011: none
01/23/2011: none
01/24/2011: none
01/25/2011: hamstrings
01/26/2011: hamstrings (a ton), glutes a little
01/27/2011: hamstrings (a lot)
01/28/2011: hamstrings still
01/29/2011: hamstrings, quads FATIGUED (quarter squats ftw)
01/30/2011: hamstrings a little, quads fatigued
01/31/2011: calfs a little
02/03/2011: hamstrings, quads
02/04/2011: hamstrings, glutes, quads
02/05/2011: very sore, hamstrings (mostly), glutes, quads
02/06/2011: extremely sore in hamstrings & quads, glutes sore
02/07/2011: extremely sore in quads (vmo mostly) and hamstrings
02/08/2011: hamstrings a little, calfs a little, quads a little (fatigued)
02/09/2011: calfs/hams/quads
02/10/2011: none really (calfs a little actually)
02/11/2011: none
02/12/2011: hamstrings, calfs
02/13/2011: none

01/11/2011: right ankle (need to ice it more)
01/12/2011: right ankle, left lower back/glute at night (weird), bottom of feet a little
01/13/2011: right ankle a little, left glute/lower back a little
01/14/2011: right ankle VERY slightly, felt good pretty much all day even during dunk session
01/15/2011: right ankle a little, big toes sore/strained from all the jump rope
01/16/2011: left big toe/ball of foot = turf toe, pretty painful
01/17/2011: left big toe (turf toe) , felt better initially today, even when thinking i'd be able to dunk, calf raises aggravated it throughout the day
01/18/2011: ok here we go, both big toes (left is worse), left knee a little, hm that's it ok nevermind
01/19/2011: left toe felt a little weird waking up, felt fine during dunk session amazingly, feels horrible AFTER my 14 mile walk + interval jogs
01/20/2011: left bigtoe VERY BAD..
01/21/2011: left big toe, a little better than 1/20/2011, positive sign
01/23/2011: none early on, big toe during/after calf raises
01/24/2011: left big toe a little, left knee a little (odd about the knee)
01/25/2011: left knee still wtf, very odd.. came out of nowhere, didn't do anything to tweak it that I know of
01/26/2011: left hamstring tendon a little, turf toe a little - much worse after i stretched it after walking + light interval sprints
01/27/2011: left big toe
01/28/2011: TOE/FOOT.. ok, it felt "ok" all day, after training, it feels so painful it's ridiculous.. definitely a stress fracture in there + turf toe.
01/29/2011: gout toe, very bad during the day, could barely walk, then ibuprofen + water + bananas + ice + lymph drain helped
01/30/2011: gout-toe AFTER training, felt good prior
01/31/2011: none
02/03/2011: big toe slightly after squatting
02/04/2011: bumped right knee in the car - hurt sooooo bad haha, got a lump/cut it open a bit.. then i hit it again, same spot, on some wooden thing.. iced it before going to workout, felt fine during training, more of a flesh wound.
02/05/2011: bump under right knee from yesterday
02/06/2011: left heel (achilles tendonitis ish slightly), left big toe slightly
02/07/2011: left big toe slightly
02/08/2011: right ankle a little (from stretching quads), left toe a little (no ibuprofen???)
02/09/2011: SICK: right elbow + right rotator cuff (shower knob is messed up, took 10min at max force the last two days to shut it off, wrecked my shit), right ankle a little
02/10/2011: SICK: shoulder a little, have to turn the water off to the entire house to turn the shower off, plumber soon hahah
02/11/2011: SICK: where do i start, staph infection is back, feel sick, left nut hurting during bball warmup, left achilles tweaky only a few times throughout the day, slight headache.. legs felt good though, so did shoulder.. left knee bugged out a little during squatting.
02/12/2011: SICK: left nut/groin, left achilles a little, right ankle slightly,  EDIT: left forearm strained from dunk session last night
02/13/2011: SICK: left nut, left lower back a little after squatting

01/11/2011: high
01/12/2011: low
01/13/2011: high
01/14/2011: moderate
01/15/2011: low
01/16/2011: low
01/17/2011: low
01/18/2011: moderate
01/19/2011: moderate
01/20/2011: sick
01/21/2011: sick
01/23/2011: sick
01/24/2011: sick, extremely high fatigue
01/25/2011: sick, high
01/26/2011: sick, high
01/27/2011: sick, moderate
01/28/2011: moderate
01/29/2011: low
01/30/2011: low
01/31/2011: low
02/03/2011: high
02/04/2011: moderate
02/05/2011: high
02/06/2011: very high
02/07/2011: very high
02/08/2011: high
02/09/2011: extremely high
02/10/2011: high
02/11/2011: moderate
02/12/2011: high
02/13/2011: high

01/11/2011: 6 hours (6:30am to 12:30pm)
01/12/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/13/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/14/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/15/2011: 10 hours sleep
01/16/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/17/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/18/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/19/2011: 5 hours sleep
01/20/2011: 5 hours sleep
01/20/2011: 5 hours sleep
01/23/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/24/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/25/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/26/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/27/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/28/2011: 10 hours sleep
01/28/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/30/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/31/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/03/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/04/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/05/2011: 7 hours + 3 hours
02/06/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/07/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/08/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/09/2011: 8 hours sleep, same dream over and over (walking in mall and out of mall to my car), happens everytime i get sick (same dream 3-5 times during night)
02/10/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/11/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/11/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/12/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/13/2011: 10 hours sleep

01/11/2011: iced right ankle for 20 minutes
01/12/2011: iced ankle twice, need to use colder ice, massaged it hard, felt good temporarily but made it ache more later
01/13/2011: iced right ankle once, felt pretty nice after, used the REALLY cold gel ice pack direct application
01/14/2011: iced ankle before bed
01/15/2011: iced ankle once during day, wanted too before bed but was doing calf raises
01/16/2011: iced left big toe twice
01/17/2011: iced left big toe for 20min
01/18/2011: iced both big toes 3 times each, to complete numbness, brutal
01/19/2011: iced big toe (left) after long walk session
01/20/2011: iced toe
01/21/2011: iced toe
01/24/2011: iced toe after training
01/27/2011: iced toe after training, twice
01/28/2011: iced the hell out of my foot/toe, tons
01/29/2011: iced the hell out of my foot/toe + 6 total ibuprofen
01/30/2011: iced the hell out of my foot/toe + 7 total ibuprofen
01/31/2011: iced toe 3 times, 6 total ibuprofen
02/03/2011: iced toe twice, 6 total ibuprofen
02/04/2011: iced toe twice, 4 total ibuprofen
02/05/2011: iced toe twice, 4 total ibuprofen
02/06/2011: iced toe once, 4 total ibuprofen
02/07/2011: iced toe twice, 0 total ibuprofen
02/08/2011: iced toe twice, 3 total ibuprofen (after training)
02/09/2011: iced toe once, 3 total ibuprofen (before bed)
02/10/2011: iced toe once, 6 total ibuprofen (3 ibu 2x/day)
02/11/2011: nothing & ran out of ibuprofen, need to get some tomorrow

01/11/2011: hamstrings very good, calfs lightly, stretching quads tomorrow
01/12/2011: hamstrings and low back very good, stretching quads reinjures my ankle.. stretched lower back too much to fix this annoying tweak and now my ham tendon injury is bugging a little
01/13/2011: nothing really, occasionally some back stretches to loosen it up a little, nothing focused though
02/04/2011: light hamstring/glute/adductor stretching
02/05/2011: light hamstring/glute/adductor stretching
02/07/2011: intense hamstring/quad stretching
02/08/2011: stretched adductors good
02/11/2011: stretched adductors good, hamstrings
02/12/2011: stretch groin/adductors, calfs


01/11/2011: horrible, very fatigued
01/14/2011: felt good, didn't really get amped up but still landed some nice dunks:
01/19/2011: felt very good, amp'd, turf toe didn't bug me too much but i worried about it flaring, best i've jumped indoor link-to-vid
02/03/2011: felt crappy, 34-35" on max jump, L-SLRVJ on layups got maybe 28
02/04/2011: felt better, 34-35" on max jump again but better consistency, L-SLRVJ layup jumps were much better overall (rim touch every time)
02/05/2011: landed a dunk off lob @ around 45min, close on some dribble ups, lots of layups
02/07/2011: just dribble up attempts, quads dead
02/08/2011: dribble ups and lobs, quads feeling a bit better
02/11/2011: SICK: dribble ups were hard but misses, felt good jumping astonishingly, hit some good jumps/dunks..

01/12/2011: half squat 315 x 5 @ 157, dropping down for 245 x 20 but because of diet only hit 10 and called it quit
01/15/2011: half squat 325 x 5 @ 154, dropping down for 275 x 10+, hit 10 or 11, just toast from 325 ::: link-to-vid
01/17/2011: half squat 315 x 5, 325 x 1, 335 x 1, 345 x 1 (too high), 275 x 10,10,15 (153 lb at time of squat)
01/24/2011: half squat, 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 8, 185 x 10, 225 x 10, 245 x 10, 265 x 10, 285 x 8, 305 x 5, (152 at time of squat)
01/28/2011: workout #2: squat @ 151 lb   half SQ: 45 @ 295 x 5, 315 x 6 (7=pinned), knees shift quarter squat: 335 x 5, 355 x 5, 375 x 3, half squat: 275 x 10 (dead)
02/03/2011: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 8, 185 x 8, 225 x 5, 245 x 5, 265 x 5, 285 x 5, 305 x 3 (4=fail) (heels elevated too much)
02/04/2011: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 5, 185 x 5, 225 x 5, 245 x 1,1,1, 265 x 1,1,1 285 x 1,1 305 x 1,1 315 x 1,1
02/05/2011: half squat: 245 @ 5 x 10, 3min rest +++ half squat "MEBM": 225 x 18 ... closer stance, more vmo
02/08/2011: half squat: 295 x 5 good depth, 315 x 4 a little high
02/09/2011: (3-5 sec pause every set) pin 6 squat: 275 x 5,  pin 7 squat: 295 x 5, 315 x 1,1, 325 x 1,1 335 x 1,1
02/11/2011: SICK: half squat: 295 x 5 <- a bit of fatigue from dunk session
02/13/2011: SICK: half squat: 45 @ 4 x 10, 135 x 10, 185 x 10, 235 x 5, 255 x 5, 275 @ 10, 10, 255 x 5 (dead)

01/11/2011: neutral grip pullups, done towards the end of a jump rope workout, 2 x 10, 2 x 8
01/12/2011: chinups BW @ 4x10
01/14/2011: a bunch of neutral grip pullups in my reactive workout, sets of 8 and one set of 10
01/16/2011: 4-5 pushup sets x 20, submax
01/17/2011: some pushups throughout the day, sets of 20, sore in chest
01/23/2011: PU = 125, 8 sets of 15-20 light
01/25/2011: few sets of single leg pushups
01/26/2011: pushups in 30 minutes, PU: 40, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 20, 30,
01/27/2011: neutral grip pullups: BW @ 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8,
01/29/2011: neutral grip pullups: 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 11,  +  pushups: 45, 35, 35, 40, 30,
01/31/2011: neutral grip pullup: BW @ 15, 13, 14, 12, 12, 7   &&  pushups: BW @ 46, 50, 45, 40,
02/03/2011: S1: neutral grip pullups: BW @ 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8
02/04/2011: 5 dips, 30 pushups lol
02/05/2011: 45 lb plate swing @ 3 x 6
02/07/2011: S1: db swing: 40 lb @ 5 x 8
02/08/2011: neutral grip pullups: BW @ 10
02/11/2011: S1: stiff arm plate swings: 45 lb @ 10, 10, 10,

02/04/2011: DB bench: 40 lb @ 2 x 10, 50 lb x 10 (last rep = pause ~20s then press)
02/07/2011: flat DB bench: 50 @ 3 x 10, 55 x 5, 60 x 8
02/09/2011: db bench: 60 lb @ 3 x 8, pause on last rep of each set (5s)

02/05/2011: 60 lb @ 3 x 8
02/08/2011: 65 lb @ 3 x 8
02/11/2011: 1-arm db row: 65 lb x 10 <-- one set hah

01/11/2011: bodyweight: 70, 100, 100, 100
01/13/2011: total prone reverse hyper reps: 910
01/14/2011: 3 x 100
01/16/2011: 4-5 x 100, plus a ton of prone reverse hypers: 750 total
01/17/2011: CR-70, PU-20, GB-100, CR-70, PU-20, GB-120, PU-20, CR-80, GB-150, CR-70, GB-100, CR-60,
01/18/2011: PRH @ 50 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 = 1000 !!
01/23/2011: GB total = 800, 8x100
01/25/2011: GB-220, GB-130+70+100+100+100+100
01/29/2011: glute bridges: 150, 120, 120, 150, 210,  (short rest)
01/31/2011: prone rev hyper: 100, 100, 100,
02/03/2011: S1: 45deg hyper: BW x 40, BW + 25 lb x 20, 20, 20, BW x 40
02/04/2011: 45deg hyper: 45, 45, 35, 35, 30 <- hams/glutes toast
02/07/2011: S1: 45deg hyper: BW @ 50, BW + 35 lb @ 20, 20, 23, BW @ 50, 60, 80
02/09/2011: S1: 45 deg hyper: 55, 50, 50,
02/11/2011: S1: 45deg hyper: BW + 25 lb @ 30, 30, 30
02/13/2011: prone rev hyper: with waffles on @ 100, 100, 100,    ++++++ glute bridge: 100 <- felt like a feather
01/11/2011: bodyweight: 40, 50, 50, 50
01/12/2011: BW x 50, 50, 50, 50
01/14/2011: 35 lb total + BW @ 50, 60, 50
01/15/2011: 60, 60, 60, 50, 50, 50, 50    
01/17/2011: CR-70, PU-20, GB-100, CR-70, PU-20, GB-120, PU-20, CR-80, GB-150, CR-70, GB-100, CR-60, AND 35 lb total @ 60,50,50
01/23/2011: CR = 445 total, highest set = 100
01/25/2011: CR-100, CR-100, CR-100,
01/30/2011: BW + 35 lb total @ 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50,
02/05/2011: BW + 60 lb total @ 5 x 25
02/09/2011: - S1: db calf raise: BW + 60 lb total @ 30, 30, 40


01/11/2011: barbell low squat ankle hops (worked up to ~4 sets of 95 lb x 50) + barbell mini pogos (45 lb, sets of 100)
01/14/2011: barbell low squat ankle hops (worked up to ~4 sets of 115 lb x 40), tons of jump rope
01/15/2011: interval sprints mixed in with 6 mile walk @ 20 x 6 or so, 8 x 5 for MR half tucks
01/19/2011: light interval sprints mixed in with 12-14 mile walk (in 2.5 hours), very bouncy, didn't lose bounce at all, stopped by cops twice in 2 diff cities
01/27/2011: 7 miles traveled, bunch of nice 20-30 yard sprints, felt good, acceleration suffering cause of sore hamstrings, then a bunch of MR halftucks, and sets of 30, 30, 20, 20
01/30/2011: max effort sprints (20's and a few 40's), MR halftucks: 5 x 30, 5 x 15

01/11/2011: 5500 total jump rope reps, felt great, mostly sets of 200-300 turns, one set of 400 turns in 3min
01/12/2011: 2200 total jump rope turns
01/14/2011: 4430 total turns, mostly sets of 300
02/03/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/04/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/05/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/07/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/08/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/09/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting (very light, sick)

01/15/2011: 6 mile walk with interval sprints/reactive work mixed in
01/17/2011: 7 mile walk with light interval jogs mixed in, felt so explosive/bouncy
01/19/2011: 12-14 mile walk with light interval sprints mixed in, very bouncy, didn't lose bounce at all, stopped by cops in 2 cities
01/24/2011: 6 miles walking + light interval sprints
01/26/2011: 7 miles walking + light jogs
01/27/2011: 7 miles walk + sprints & MR halftucks
01/28/2011: 8 miles walked + light jogs mixed in
01/30/2011: 6 miles walked + max effort sprints (20's and a few 40's) + mr halftucks (5 x 30, 5 x 15)
02/06/2011: lymph drain 30min
02/07/2011: lymph drain 30min

02/05/2011: hanging knee raises: 3 x 18-20

02/10/2011: REST!!!!
02/12/2011: REST!!!!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #2852 on: February 14, 2011, 08:23:16 am »
So have you gone to the doc yet?
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #2853 on: February 14, 2011, 08:29:18 am »
 man the american health care system pisses me off so much...
having people not able to get treatment due to cost is just third world and stupid... how can the leading nation in the world have such shit health care when places like australia, england and switzerland etc. can have affordable public health care...
so fucking stupid....

apologies for the rant i just can stand the healthcare u got over there


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #2854 on: February 14, 2011, 11:56:36 am »
man the american health care system pisses me off so much...
having people not able to get treatment due to cost is just third world and stupid... how can the leading nation in the world have such shit health care when places like australia, england and switzerland etc. can have affordable public health care...
so fucking stupid....

apologies for the rant i just can stand the healthcare u got over there

its the republicans fault...


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #2855 on: February 14, 2011, 12:32:39 pm »
man the american health care system pisses me off so much...
having people not able to get treatment due to cost is just third world and stupid... how can the leading nation in the world have such shit health care when places like australia, england and switzerland etc. can have affordable public health care...
so fucking stupid....

apologies for the rant i just can stand the healthcare u got over there

its the republicans fault...

and the democrats for being pussies and not doing what's right.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

black lives matter


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #2856 on: February 14, 2011, 01:39:09 pm »
 :uhhhfacepalm: I don't know anybody of any nationality that thinks the republicans do your country any good except for stupid fucking Americans. The Japanese hate republicans, the English hate republicans, the Irish hate republicans, the French hate repubicans (add in the rest of Europe), all the Africans I know hate the republicans...I could go on for days. Your countries political system is just a horrific mess. Theres really not a huge difference between America and China and Russia these days. You big countries are just a fucking horrific cluster fuck of a fucking mess...
Goals by May 2011

1. Squat 120kg x 8
2. Deadlift 140 kg x 1
3. Jump Hang-snatch 70kg

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #2857 on: February 14, 2011, 03:11:15 pm »
:uhhhfacepalm: I don't know anybody of any nationality that thinks the republicans do your country any good except for stupid fucking Americans. The Japanese hate republicans, the English hate republicans, the Irish hate republicans, the French hate repubicans (add in the rest of Europe), all the Africans I know hate the republicans...I could go on for days. Your countries political system is just a horrific mess. Theres really not a huge difference between America and China and Russia these days. You big countries are just a fucking horrific cluster fuck of a fucking mess...

Republicans hate you, too.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

black lives matter


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #2858 on: February 14, 2011, 03:24:10 pm »
Course they do, i'm educated.
Goals by May 2011

1. Squat 120kg x 8
2. Deadlift 140 kg x 1
3. Jump Hang-snatch 70kg

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #2859 on: February 14, 2011, 04:42:58 pm »
Darqui what program do you use to make your videos? Windows Movie Maker doesn't have an option for over 720x480 resolution but I want the whole 1920x1080...
I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #2860 on: February 14, 2011, 05:52:06 pm »
So have you gone to the doc yet?


man the american health care system pisses me off so much...
having people not able to get treatment due to cost is just third world and stupid... how can the leading nation in the world have such shit health care when places like australia, england and switzerland etc. can have affordable public health care...
so fucking stupid....

apologies for the rant i just can stand the healthcare u got over there

because the people of america are fucking retarded.. the health care lobby's politicians to make commercials that explain how BAD the health care is in australia/england/switzerland/etc... these commercials depict people basically dying while waiting in line to get health care, shit like that.. america is a big scam if you actually live in it.

usa wouldn't even need "socialized health care" if they just regulated the health care industry better & opened it up for more competition.. i mean, we are the country that brought you 15 cent cheeseburger wednesday's etc, and the dollar menu... competition drives down costs, right now you have this big clusterfuck of a health care system where costs are insane.

i have a cousin who lives in australia now, the health care she receives is amazing..


:uhhhfacepalm: I don't know anybody of any nationality that thinks the republicans do your country any good except for stupid fucking Americans. The Japanese hate republicans, the English hate republicans, the Irish hate republicans, the French hate repubicans (add in the rest of Europe), all the Africans I know hate the republicans...I could go on for days. Your countries political system is just a horrific mess. Theres really not a huge difference between America and China and Russia these days. You big countries are just a fucking horrific cluster fuck of a fucking mess...

i'm actually more conservative.. i'd vote 'conservative' if they weren't all infected with religious principals & catering to the rich.. i love the idea of SMALL government.. democrats actually piss me off, even though I voted for al gore/obama, I vote mostly with democrats though i'm an independent.. i can't fathom voting for mccain/palin, cheney/bush etc.. those people are trash.

i like the idea of small government and hardly anything being forced upon you, that' very conservative..

don't wanna pay taxes? fine.. don't.. but you don't get access to public roads/schooling/postal service.. don't want health care? fine, don't pay for it, but health care should be very affordable and competitive so anyone can get it.. wanna smoke weed or any other naturally occurring substance? go for it.. opposing nation & want nuclear energy/weapons? go for it, but you threaten us once your military gets bombed to smitherines.. wanna outsource jobs? go for it, but you'll get taxed to fuck :D

everything the government operates, except for the postal service, is a complete disaster...... public schools = disaster.. police forces = disaster.. social services = disaster.. nursing homes = disaster. medicare/medicaid = disaster..

so ya, i don't get why "republican" is associated with "conservative", it bothers me.. "republican" indicates religious values which cloud your thinking on important issues, conservative doesn't..


Darqui what program do you use to make your videos? Windows Movie Maker doesn't have an option for over 720x480 resolution but I want the whole 1920x1080...

adobe after effects, i'm not sure about windows so.. but i'm pretty sure sony vegas can handle true HD.. there might be some free video editing software, don't know though:

that might work, never tried it though, damienz linked it in some other thread..


Hey man, Slamsback responded to me on that youtube "hang yourself" comment.  I basically asked him if he'd be willing to test his vertical versus yours using a tape measure which clearly displays his reach and rim height.  I don't know if you'd want to test yours vs. his or not...anyway hope you're not mad that I basically insinuated you challenge this guy haha

lol it's all good.. he's been talking about "flying out to prove me wrong" for quite some time..

bottom line, is i have a video where he actually says he is 6'5.. on youtube he claims he is 6'3 with an 8'2 reach.. in the video he tests his reach against the net, he can easily touch the net if he weren't cheating his reach, it's so obvious.. his reach is around 8'8 or so..

so he can fly wherever he wants but bottom line is he's been bullshitting for years.

oh ya props to the person who donated me the video joo know who you are..

if you check his latest comment on the vid, he "squashed the beef" or whatever.. that's kind of funny, i don't think he realized people will start hating on him if he attacks me like he did, he was probably in WTF-mode how people kept ganging up on him/going to his chan and posting comments lol..

he claims a 11'5 dunk and 44" RVJ, it's b.s. ... maybe in the summer i'll eventually meet him/dunk with him who knows, i doubt it but maybe..

i hope sprite slam dunk contest comes to miami one time, i'd love to enter it when im 45" RVJ.. would be fun and i'd love to tell my own personal cam & the people there "yo this rim is low wtf is up with this lame shit raise the rim" lulululuzlz

but ya i have vertec videos he doesn't.. he lies about his HEIGHT AND REACH, i don't.. so he can easily prove his vert if he just stopped "inflating".. i mean 40" RVJ at 6'5 isn't bad, i don't see why he has to inflate to 44, makes him look worse.. 6'5 40" RVJ is what he is, at peak, imo, that's pretty damn good.... so weird how some people just feel the need to compulsively inflate.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #2861 on: February 15, 2011, 04:59:23 am »
I don't know if you read this, but he said the following:

"@Cloud3205 haha 6"4 8"2 reach ur right not that much vert to dunk a ball, but putting ur arm in the rim on a indoor 10 foot non ajustable rim? or how about a Cradle between the legs 2 handed reverse dunk on a d-1 MSU rims? or what about a Between the legs dunk where? i put the ball between the same leg i jump off of? the $10,000 check for Next best move winner was nice. U do make good points on height but ill put up $1,000 cash his vert standing or running dont beat mine! any takers?
slamsback09 19 hours ago"

Anyway, I did not fix his grammatical errors, but basically he is betting that he can out jump you.  Would you measure yours against his if he would agree to it?  You could both help set the rules to figure out what is fair. 

Anyway, it's not a huge deal to me, but he's saying he's a better leaper than you and I don't agree, he's willing to bet $1,000 he claims, so why not call him out?

well it's impossible to do because he won't stop lying.. he's 6'5 with an 8'8 reach or so.. so ya of course i'd put my hops up against his, but he's always going to claim 6'3 8'2 reach or 6'4 8'2 reach.. notice how he put 6'4 right? now check what he put on a streetball forum last night:

bottom line, i have a vid of him saying he's 6'5 and he obviously gets at least 8'6, and he's not reaching fully.. i don't get how we'd ever compare hops because:

1. he'd probably continue lying about his stats, even if he had a tape measurer ON video he'd lie about the result, he's already done this in a PGD vid.. it was like 6'5 and he says 6'3....
2. getting him to do max reach jumps on a legit 10' hoop would be hard
3. he isn't going to come down here right now and do it, he's like 240 lb and not even close to where he should be, so he'd get murked in vert right now.. he's not 100%.

so ya, dno what he's talking about flying down, if he came down right now and we tested vert/reach/jumped i'd demolish him, he's probably jumping like 32" max right now.. heh

when he's 100% maybe we'll meet up and do this 'challenge' but who knows.............. heh



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #2862 on: February 15, 2011, 05:53:51 am »
woke up insanely sick, but, removed a ton of neon green phlegm/mucous for about 30 minutes non stop, after that, felt a bit better.. felt better going into workout, started feeling a bit worse DURING workout, coughing etc.. kinda cold in the gym.

staph lumps down even more.. awesome sign.


bw = 153
soreness = none
aches/injuries = left toe a little, lower back a little, right ankle a little, left forearm still strained,
fatigue = high
diet = vit-C-drink + probiotic + water/protein-drink, 3 eggs + 2 cheese + some sunflower seeds + peanuts + green tea + 2 bananas, protein/water-drink + training, vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 alieve + some peanuts/sunflower seeds + 2 bananas + protein/water-drink + beef/veggie chunky soup

workout: light bball work + strength
- light basketball work for 1 hour, easily getting fingers over rim on moderate effort right handed layups
- S1: half squat pin 6: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 10, 185 x 5, 235 x 5, 255 x 5, 275 x 5, 295 x 1
- S1: MR half tuck x 5 for all sets above ^
- half squat pin 7: 315 x 1, 325 x 1, 335 x 1, 345 x 1, 355 x 1, 365 x 1
- S2: half squat pin 6: 315 x 1, 1, 1, 1,

- S2: db bench: 50 @ 10, 60 @ 8,8 65 @ 8
- S2: db calf raise: 30 @ 30, 30, 35, 35
- S3: 45deg hyper: BW x 50, BW + 35 lb @ 30,30,30, BW x 100
- S3: plate swing: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

really strong tonight regardless of being sick.. well i pushed it so whatever..

unfortunately, i tried stretching my back a little weird, and now my TFL/piriformis is wigging out on my right hip... hope it isn't tweaked a bit.

i saw someone doing a jump manual leg-press drop set/burnout set... so sad :<




Purpose: To log data in a format that is easier to analyze (for ourselves and readers of our journals), so that training setbacks are avoided & progression is of primary importance, thus making our training as efficient & effective as possible.

How-to: Copy, Paste & modify the template to suit your needs: Include this post at the end of each of your training journal posts by clicking "modify" on your previous post, copy and paste it into the current post, and then add the new data.

- DO NOT squat without heels elevated, used to heels elevated, too much sitting back aggravates back injury
- DO NOT deadlift aggravates back injury
- DO NOT overstretch quads, aggravates ankle injury <-- happens every time, STOP IT
- as of 1/15/2011, don't do 325 x 5, instead, hit MSEM singles at 325+, stay 305-315 x 5+
- cut out milk, water + protein shakes from now on, more vitamin C, at least 6 bananas per day, more chicken/eggs
- utilize pin squats more, pin 6 work up then transition into pin 7

01/11/2011: PROJECT SSR7, get down to 150 or less as soon as possible.. maintain 315 x 5 half squat strength + keep a set of 20 maintained (245-265), fix right ankle, more interval conditioning, don't neglect my necessary exercises



01/11/2011: 159
01/12/2011: 158
01/13/2011: 156
01/14/2011: 156
01/15/2011: 155.4
01/16/2011: 154.4
01/17/2011: 154.0
01/18/2011: 153.6
01/19/2011: 154.4
01/20/2011: 153
01/21/2011: 153
01/23/2011: 153.6
01/24/2011: 154
01/25/2011: 152.8 (nopoop)
01/26/2011: 153.6
01/27/2011: 151.6
01/28/2011: 152.2
01/29/2011: 151.4
01/30/2011: 154
01/31/2011: 154
02/03/2011: 153
02/04/2011: 153
02/05/2011: 152
02/06/2011: 154
02/07/2011: 155
02/08/2011: 155
02/09/2011: 153
02/10/2011: 152.8
02/11/2011: 153.0
02/12/2011: 152.6
02/13/2011: 150.8
02/14/2011: 153

01/11/2011: protein shake, jumps/dunks + protein shake, protein shake, philly cheese steaks + fries, 2 cookies, training, protein shake
01/12/2011: southwestern chicken sandwhich (mcdonalds), protein shake, cheeseburger, training, protein shake, protein shake + turkey & cheese sandwhich
01/13/2011: protein shake, southern chicken sandwhich, 4 slices pizza + piece of cake (FML), southern chicken sandwhich (had another one ready :) + 2 bananas
01/14/2011: smaller protein shake + 1 teaspoon coffee, smaller protein shake + 1 teaspoon coffee, dunking + protein shake, egg & cheese sandwhich (2 eggs, multi grain bread), reactive session, protein shake, protein shake + turkey and cheese sandwhich
01/15/2011: protein shake, cheeseburger, protein shake, training + protein shake, protein shake, turkey & cheese sandwhich
01/16/2011: protein shake, greek salad (feta/olives/peppers/dressing/lettuce) with grilled chicken (epic), cheeseburger (ground beef) on multigrain bread, light-training, protein shake + banana
01/17/2011:  protein shake + 2 teaspoon coffee, driving around looking for a court for 1.5 hours, cheeseburger on multigrain bread + banana, 7 mile walk, small protein shake, squatting, protein shake, turkey & cheese + banana + protein shake
01/18/2011: protein shake + banana, egg sandwhich with cheese + banana + protein shake, protein shake + 2 bananas, turkey & cheese sandwich
01/19/2011: protein shake + 2 teaspoon coffee, dunking + monster energy + protein shake, protein shake, cheeseburger, training + payday chocolate bar (stopped at CVS), protein shake, protein shake + turkey & cheese sandwich
01/20/2011: SICK: prot shake, cheeseburger, prot shake, prot shake + turkey & cheese
01/21/2011: SICK: chocolate covered almonds, philly cheesesteak + fries, 2 cookies, chocolate covered almonds.. tons of liquid, bad idea, mucous bigtime after that
01/22/2011: SICK: 3 bags of chocolate covered almonds, thats it
01/23/2011: SICK: 3 bananas, beef stew + 2 cookies, 3 bananas + some fig newtons + protein drink (no milk just protein)
01/24/2011: SICK: chicken soup + milkLESS protein shake, milkLESS protein shake + a few fig newtons, walking + light sprinting, squatting, milkLESS protein shake + banana, milkLESS protein shake + turkey & cheese sandwhich + tea + gatorade drink
01/25/2011: SICK: chicken soup + milkLESS protein shake, milkLESS protein shake + 2 bananas, cheeseburger + 2 bananas, milkLESS protein shake
01/26/2011: SICK: double chicken tariyaki stir fry, 1cupmilk protein shake + 1 banana, training, 1cupmilk protein shake + 1 banana, 1cupmilk protein shake + 1 banana
01/27/2011: SICK: 1cupMilk protein shake + 1 banana, 4 slices of pizza + 1cupMilk protein shake + 2 cookies, trainingA, milkLESS protein shake, trainingB, 1cup milk protein shake + cookie, glass of gatoraid, 1cupMilk protein shake
01/28/2011: chicken soup + 1cupMilk protein shake, 1cupMilk protein shake + cookie + banana, workout #1, 1cupmilk protein shake, workout #2, 1cupmilk protein, 1cupmilk protein shake + turkey and cheese sandwhich + 1 banana
01/29/2011: protein shake, 2 ibuprofen + gatorade, cheeseburger + almonds + 1 banana, 2 ibuprofen + gatorade + 2 bananas, protein shake + 2 bananas + 2 ibuprofen + gatorade
01/30/2011: gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake + 2 bananas, gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, greek salad + grilled chicken, 5 granola bars + 1 cookie, training, gatorade + 3 ibuprofen + 1 banana + protein shake, almonds
01/31/2011: gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake + 1 banana, gumbo soup (chunky) + almonds, gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake + 3 bananas + turkey & cheese sandwich
02/03/2011: gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + protein shake, 2 spicy chicken sandwiches from wendy's & some fries, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, turkey & cheese sandwhich + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen
02/04/2011: protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, egg and cheese sandwhich on multigrain bread, bag of chocolate almonds, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, turkey & cheese sandwich + gatorade + small amount of trail mix (so good)
02/05/2011: protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, egg and cheese sandwhich on multigrain bread + banana + trail mix, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen, peanutbutter sandwich + banana
02/06/2011: protein shake + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + chocolate almonds, philly cheesesteak + fries + 2 cookies, banana + gatorade + 2 ibuprofen + some chocolates
02/07/2011: protein shake + gatorade, chocolates + egg & cheese sandwhich + gatorade, training + protein shake, protein shake + gatorade, PB sandwhich + 2 bananas + protein shake + gatorade
02/08/2011: protein shake + gatorade, 2 slices pizza + reeces m&m's (whole bag) + green tea, training + protein shake, protein shake, gatorade + 2 bananas + 3 ibuprofen, gatorade + protein shake + 2 bananas
02/09/2011: SICK: water/protein drink + banana, walk + popcorn chicken (big size :), multi vitamin + vitamin C drink + banana, vitamin C drink + banana + water/protein drink, training + vitamin C drink + water/protein drink, vitamin C drink + water/protein drink + 2 bananas + some peanuts, 2 bananas + pb burrito + 3 ibuprofen
02/10/2011: SICK: diet = protein/water drink + vitamin C drink + 2 bananas, popcorn chicken + vitamin C drink + 2 bananas, beef/veggie chunky soup + vitamin C drink + 2 bananas, vitamin C drink + 3 ibuprofen + some peanutbutter (2-3tblspn) + 1 banana
02/11/2011: SICK: pollo tropical quarter chicken white, probiotic + vit C drink, 3 eggs + 3 pieces of cheese + 2 bananas + green tea, training + protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink, protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + 2 bananas, vit-C-drink + chicken & sausage gumbo chunky soup + 2 bananas
02/12/2011: SICK: vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 bananas, 3 eggs + 2 pieces of cheese + 2 bananas + 5 pieces of chocolate, water/protein-drink + vitamin-C-drink + 2 bananans + 5 chocolates, chunky soup + vit-C-drink + probiotic + 1 banana + water/protein-drink
02/13/2011: SICK: vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 bananas + 3-4 chocolate covered cherries (real small but mad good), pot roast (wuth carrots/potatos etc) + small spinach salad + 3 chocolates, 1 banana, training + vit-C-drink, protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + 1 banana, 3 bananas + PB burrito + protein/water-drink + vit-C-drink + probiotic
02/14/2011: SICK: vit-C-drink + probiotic + water/protein-drink, 3 eggs + 2 cheese + some sunflower seeds + peanuts + green tea + 2 bananas, protein/water-drink + training, vit-C-drink + probiotic + 2 alieve + some peanuts/sunflower seeds + 2 bananas + protein/water-drink + beef/veggie chunky soup

01/11/2011: hamstrings a little
01/12/2011: none
01/13/2011: calfs a little
01/14/2011: none
01/15/2011: calfs
01/16/2011: none
01/17/2011: none
01/18/2011: none
01/19/2011: none
01/20/2011: calfs
01/21/2011: none
01/23/2011: none
01/24/2011: none
01/25/2011: hamstrings
01/26/2011: hamstrings (a ton), glutes a little
01/27/2011: hamstrings (a lot)
01/28/2011: hamstrings still
01/29/2011: hamstrings, quads FATIGUED (quarter squats ftw)
01/30/2011: hamstrings a little, quads fatigued
01/31/2011: calfs a little
02/03/2011: hamstrings, quads
02/04/2011: hamstrings, glutes, quads
02/05/2011: very sore, hamstrings (mostly), glutes, quads
02/06/2011: extremely sore in hamstrings & quads, glutes sore
02/07/2011: extremely sore in quads (vmo mostly) and hamstrings
02/08/2011: hamstrings a little, calfs a little, quads a little (fatigued)
02/09/2011: calfs/hams/quads
02/10/2011: none really (calfs a little actually)
02/11/2011: none
02/12/2011: hamstrings, calfs
02/13/2011: none
02/14/2011: none

01/11/2011: right ankle (need to ice it more)
01/12/2011: right ankle, left lower back/glute at night (weird), bottom of feet a little
01/13/2011: right ankle a little, left glute/lower back a little
01/14/2011: right ankle VERY slightly, felt good pretty much all day even during dunk session
01/15/2011: right ankle a little, big toes sore/strained from all the jump rope
01/16/2011: left big toe/ball of foot = turf toe, pretty painful
01/17/2011: left big toe (turf toe) , felt better initially today, even when thinking i'd be able to dunk, calf raises aggravated it throughout the day
01/18/2011: ok here we go, both big toes (left is worse), left knee a little, hm that's it ok nevermind
01/19/2011: left toe felt a little weird waking up, felt fine during dunk session amazingly, feels horrible AFTER my 14 mile walk + interval jogs
01/20/2011: left bigtoe VERY BAD..
01/21/2011: left big toe, a little better than 1/20/2011, positive sign
01/23/2011: none early on, big toe during/after calf raises
01/24/2011: left big toe a little, left knee a little (odd about the knee)
01/25/2011: left knee still wtf, very odd.. came out of nowhere, didn't do anything to tweak it that I know of
01/26/2011: left hamstring tendon a little, turf toe a little - much worse after i stretched it after walking + light interval sprints
01/27/2011: left big toe
01/28/2011: TOE/FOOT.. ok, it felt "ok" all day, after training, it feels so painful it's ridiculous.. definitely a stress fracture in there + turf toe.
01/29/2011: gout toe, very bad during the day, could barely walk, then ibuprofen + water + bananas + ice + lymph drain helped
01/30/2011: gout-toe AFTER training, felt good prior
01/31/2011: none
02/03/2011: big toe slightly after squatting
02/04/2011: bumped right knee in the car - hurt sooooo bad haha, got a lump/cut it open a bit.. then i hit it again, same spot, on some wooden thing.. iced it before going to workout, felt fine during training, more of a flesh wound.
02/05/2011: bump under right knee from yesterday
02/06/2011: left heel (achilles tendonitis ish slightly), left big toe slightly
02/07/2011: left big toe slightly
02/08/2011: right ankle a little (from stretching quads), left toe a little (no ibuprofen???)
02/09/2011: SICK: right elbow + right rotator cuff (shower knob is messed up, took 10min at max force the last two days to shut it off, wrecked my shit), right ankle a little
02/10/2011: SICK: shoulder a little, have to turn the water off to the entire house to turn the shower off, plumber soon hahah
02/11/2011: SICK: where do i start, staph infection is back, feel sick, left nut hurting during bball warmup, left achilles tweaky only a few times throughout the day, slight headache.. legs felt good though, so did shoulder.. left knee bugged out a little during squatting.
02/12/2011: SICK: left nut/groin, left achilles a little, right ankle slightly,  EDIT: left forearm strained from dunk session last night
02/13/2011: SICK: left nut, left forearm still strained, left lower back a little after squatting
02/14/2011: SICK: left toe a little, lower back a little, right ankle a little, left forearm still strained,

01/11/2011: high
01/12/2011: low
01/13/2011: high
01/14/2011: moderate
01/15/2011: low
01/16/2011: low
01/17/2011: low
01/18/2011: moderate
01/19/2011: moderate
01/20/2011: sick
01/21/2011: sick
01/23/2011: sick
01/24/2011: sick, extremely high fatigue
01/25/2011: sick, high
01/26/2011: sick, high
01/27/2011: sick, moderate
01/28/2011: moderate
01/29/2011: low
01/30/2011: low
01/31/2011: low
02/03/2011: high
02/04/2011: moderate
02/05/2011: high
02/06/2011: very high
02/07/2011: very high
02/08/2011: high
02/09/2011: extremely high
02/10/2011: high
02/11/2011: moderate
02/12/2011: high
02/13/2011: high
02/14/2011: high

01/11/2011: 6 hours (6:30am to 12:30pm)
01/12/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/13/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/14/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/15/2011: 10 hours sleep
01/16/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/17/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/18/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/19/2011: 5 hours sleep
01/20/2011: 5 hours sleep
01/20/2011: 5 hours sleep
01/23/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/24/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/25/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/26/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/27/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/28/2011: 10 hours sleep
01/28/2011: 9 hours sleep
01/30/2011: 8 hours sleep
01/31/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/03/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/04/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/05/2011: 7 hours + 3 hours
02/06/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/07/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/08/2011: 9 hours sleep
02/09/2011: 8 hours sleep, same dream over and over (walking in mall and out of mall to my car), happens everytime i get sick (same dream 3-5 times during night)
02/10/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/11/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/11/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/12/2011: 8 hours sleep
02/13/2011: 10 hours sleep
02/14/2011: 10 hours sleep

01/11/2011: iced right ankle for 20 minutes
01/12/2011: iced ankle twice, need to use colder ice, massaged it hard, felt good temporarily but made it ache more later
01/13/2011: iced right ankle once, felt pretty nice after, used the REALLY cold gel ice pack direct application
01/14/2011: iced ankle before bed
01/15/2011: iced ankle once during day, wanted too before bed but was doing calf raises
01/16/2011: iced left big toe twice
01/17/2011: iced left big toe for 20min
01/18/2011: iced both big toes 3 times each, to complete numbness, brutal
01/19/2011: iced big toe (left) after long walk session
01/20/2011: iced toe
01/21/2011: iced toe
01/24/2011: iced toe after training
01/27/2011: iced toe after training, twice
01/28/2011: iced the hell out of my foot/toe, tons
01/29/2011: iced the hell out of my foot/toe + 6 total ibuprofen
01/30/2011: iced the hell out of my foot/toe + 7 total ibuprofen
01/31/2011: iced toe 3 times, 6 total ibuprofen
02/03/2011: iced toe twice, 6 total ibuprofen
02/04/2011: iced toe twice, 4 total ibuprofen
02/05/2011: iced toe twice, 4 total ibuprofen
02/06/2011: iced toe once, 4 total ibuprofen
02/07/2011: iced toe twice, 0 total ibuprofen
02/08/2011: iced toe twice, 3 total ibuprofen (after training)
02/09/2011: iced toe once, 3 total ibuprofen (before bed)
02/10/2011: iced toe once, 6 total ibuprofen (3 ibu 2x/day)
02/11/2011: nothing & ran out of ibuprofen, need to get some tomorrow
02/14/2011: 2 alive + icing toe after training, toe flaring up after training - some decently painful feelings

01/11/2011: hamstrings very good, calfs lightly, stretching quads tomorrow
01/12/2011: hamstrings and low back very good, stretching quads reinjures my ankle.. stretched lower back too much to fix this annoying tweak and now my ham tendon injury is bugging a little
01/13/2011: nothing really, occasionally some back stretches to loosen it up a little, nothing focused though
02/04/2011: light hamstring/glute/adductor stretching
02/05/2011: light hamstring/glute/adductor stretching
02/07/2011: intense hamstring/quad stretching
02/08/2011: stretched adductors good
02/11/2011: stretched adductors good, hamstrings
02/12/2011: stretch groin/adductors, calfs
02/14/2011: groin/adductors, right tfl/piriformis/glutes, both hip flexors/quads


01/11/2011: horrible, very fatigued
01/14/2011: felt good, didn't really get amped up but still landed some nice dunks:
01/19/2011: felt very good, amp'd, turf toe didn't bug me too much but i worried about it flaring, best i've jumped indoor link-to-vid
02/03/2011: felt crappy, 34-35" on max jump, L-SLRVJ on layups got maybe 28
02/04/2011: felt better, 34-35" on max jump again but better consistency, L-SLRVJ layup jumps were much better overall (rim touch every time)
02/05/2011: landed a dunk off lob @ around 45min, close on some dribble ups, lots of layups
02/07/2011: just dribble up attempts, quads dead
02/08/2011: dribble ups and lobs, quads feeling a bit better
02/11/2011: SICK: dribble ups were hard but misses, felt good jumping astonishingly, hit some good jumps/dunks..

01/12/2011: half squat 315 x 5 @ 157, dropping down for 245 x 20 but because of diet only hit 10 and called it quit
01/15/2011: half squat 325 x 5 @ 154, dropping down for 275 x 10+, hit 10 or 11, just toast from 325 ::: link-to-vid
01/17/2011: half squat 315 x 5, 325 x 1, 335 x 1, 345 x 1 (too high), 275 x 10,10,15 (153 lb at time of squat)
01/24/2011: half squat, 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 8, 185 x 10, 225 x 10, 245 x 10, 265 x 10, 285 x 8, 305 x 5, (152 at time of squat)
01/28/2011: workout #2: squat @ 151 lb   half SQ: 45 @ 295 x 5, 315 x 6 (7=pinned), knees shift quarter squat: 335 x 5, 355 x 5, 375 x 3, half squat: 275 x 10 (dead)
02/03/2011: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 8, 185 x 8, 225 x 5, 245 x 5, 265 x 5, 285 x 5, 305 x 3 (4=fail) (heels elevated too much)
02/04/2011: half squat: 45 @ 3 x 10, 135 x 5, 185 x 5, 225 x 5, 245 x 1,1,1, 265 x 1,1,1 285 x 1,1 305 x 1,1 315 x 1,1
02/05/2011: half squat: 245 @ 5 x 10, 3min rest +++ half squat "MEBM": 225 x 18 ... closer stance, more vmo
02/08/2011: half squat: 295 x 5 good depth, 315 x 4 a little high
02/09/2011: (3-5 sec pause every set) pin 6 squat: 275 x 5,  pin 7 squat: 295 x 5, 315 x 1,1, 325 x 1,1 335 x 1,1
02/11/2011: SICK: half squat: 295 x 5 <- a bit of fatigue from dunk session
02/13/2011: SICK: half squat: 45 @ 4 x 10, 135 x 10, 185 x 10, 235 x 5, 255 x 5, 275 @ 10, 10, 255 x 5 (dead)
02/14/2011: SICK: - S1: half squat pin 6: ... 275 x 5, 295 x 1 ..... pin 7:[/b] 315 x 1, 325 x 1, 335 x 1, 345 x 1, 355 x 1, 365 x 1 ......  pin 6: 315 x 1, 1, 1, 1

01/11/2011: neutral grip pullups, done towards the end of a jump rope workout, 2 x 10, 2 x 8
01/12/2011: chinups BW @ 4x10
01/14/2011: a bunch of neutral grip pullups in my reactive workout, sets of 8 and one set of 10
01/16/2011: 4-5 pushup sets x 20, submax
01/17/2011: some pushups throughout the day, sets of 20, sore in chest
01/23/2011: PU = 125, 8 sets of 15-20 light
01/25/2011: few sets of single leg pushups
01/26/2011: pushups in 30 minutes, PU: 40, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 20, 30,
01/27/2011: neutral grip pullups: BW @ 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8,
01/29/2011: neutral grip pullups: 12, 12, 12, 12, 11, 11,  +  pushups: 45, 35, 35, 40, 30,
01/31/2011: neutral grip pullup: BW @ 15, 13, 14, 12, 12, 7   &&  pushups: BW @ 46, 50, 45, 40,
02/03/2011: S1: neutral grip pullups: BW @ 10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8
02/04/2011: 5 dips, 30 pushups lol
02/05/2011: 45 lb plate swing @ 3 x 6
02/07/2011: S1: db swing: 40 lb @ 5 x 8
02/08/2011: neutral grip pullups: BW @ 10
02/11/2011: S1: stiff arm plate swings: 45 lb @ 10, 10, 10,
02/14/2011: - S3: plate swing: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

02/04/2011: DB bench: 40 lb @ 2 x 10, 50 lb x 10 (last rep = pause ~20s then press)
02/07/2011: flat DB bench: 50 @ 3 x 10, 55 x 5, 60 x 8
02/09/2011: db bench: 60 lb @ 3 x 8, pause on last rep of each set (5s)
02/14/2011: S2: db bench: 50 @ 10, 60 @ 8,8 65 @ 8

02/05/2011: 60 lb @ 3 x 8
02/08/2011: 65 lb @ 3 x 8
02/11/2011: 1-arm db row: 65 lb x 10 <-- one set hah

01/11/2011: bodyweight: 70, 100, 100, 100
01/13/2011: total prone reverse hyper reps: 910
01/14/2011: 3 x 100
01/16/2011: 4-5 x 100, plus a ton of prone reverse hypers: 750 total
01/17/2011: CR-70, PU-20, GB-100, CR-70, PU-20, GB-120, PU-20, CR-80, GB-150, CR-70, GB-100, CR-60,
01/18/2011: PRH @ 50 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 60 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 = 1000 !!
01/23/2011: GB total = 800, 8x100
01/25/2011: GB-220, GB-130+70+100+100+100+100
01/29/2011: glute bridges: 150, 120, 120, 150, 210,  (short rest)
01/31/2011: prone rev hyper: 100, 100, 100,
02/03/2011: S1: 45deg hyper: BW x 40, BW + 25 lb x 20, 20, 20, BW x 40
02/04/2011: 45deg hyper: 45, 45, 35, 35, 30 <- hams/glutes toast
02/07/2011: S1: 45deg hyper: BW @ 50, BW + 35 lb @ 20, 20, 23, BW @ 50, 60, 80
02/09/2011: S1: 45 deg hyper: 55, 50, 50,
02/11/2011: S1: 45deg hyper: BW + 25 lb @ 30, 30, 30
02/13/2011: prone rev hyper: with waffles on @ 100, 100, 100,    ++++++ glute bridge: 100 <- felt like a feather
02/14/2011: - S3: 45deg hyper: BW x 50, BW + 35 lb @ 30,30,30, BW x 100

01/11/2011: bodyweight: 40, 50, 50, 50
01/12/2011: BW x 50, 50, 50, 50
01/14/2011: 35 lb total + BW @ 50, 60, 50
01/15/2011: 60, 60, 60, 50, 50, 50, 50    
01/17/2011: CR-70, PU-20, GB-100, CR-70, PU-20, GB-120, PU-20, CR-80, GB-150, CR-70, GB-100, CR-60, AND 35 lb total @ 60,50,50
01/23/2011: CR = 445 total, highest set = 100
01/25/2011: CR-100, CR-100, CR-100,
01/30/2011: BW + 35 lb total @ 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50,
02/05/2011: BW + 60 lb total @ 5 x 25
02/09/2011: - S1: db calf raise: BW + 60 lb total @ 30, 30, 40
02/14/2011: - S2: db calf raise: 30 @ 30, 30, 35, 35


01/11/2011: barbell low squat ankle hops (worked up to ~4 sets of 95 lb x 50) + barbell mini pogos (45 lb, sets of 100)
01/14/2011: barbell low squat ankle hops (worked up to ~4 sets of 115 lb x 40), tons of jump rope
01/15/2011: interval sprints mixed in with 6 mile walk @ 20 x 6 or so, 8 x 5 for MR half tucks
01/19/2011: light interval sprints mixed in with 12-14 mile walk (in 2.5 hours), very bouncy, didn't lose bounce at all, stopped by cops twice in 2 diff cities
01/27/2011: 7 miles traveled, bunch of nice 20-30 yard sprints, felt good, acceleration suffering cause of sore hamstrings, then a bunch of MR halftucks, and sets of 30, 30, 20, 20
01/30/2011: max effort sprints (20's and a few 40's), MR halftucks: 5 x 30, 5 x 15

01/11/2011: 5500 total jump rope reps, felt great, mostly sets of 200-300 turns, one set of 400 turns in 3min
01/12/2011: 2200 total jump rope turns
01/14/2011: 4430 total turns, mostly sets of 300
02/03/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/04/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/05/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/07/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/08/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting
02/09/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting (very light, sick)
02/14/2011: basketball work/dribbling/shooting (light, sick)

01/15/2011: 6 mile walk with interval sprints/reactive work mixed in
01/17/2011: 7 mile walk with light interval jogs mixed in, felt so explosive/bouncy
01/19/2011: 12-14 mile walk with light interval sprints mixed in, very bouncy, didn't lose bounce at all, stopped by cops in 2 cities
01/24/2011: 6 miles walking + light interval sprints
01/26/2011: 7 miles walking + light jogs
01/27/2011: 7 miles walk + sprints & MR halftucks
01/28/2011: 8 miles walked + light jogs mixed in
01/30/2011: 6 miles walked + max effort sprints (20's and a few 40's) + mr halftucks (5 x 30, 5 x 15)
02/06/2011: lymph drain 30min
02/07/2011: lymph drain 30min

02/05/2011: hanging knee raises: 3 x 18-20

02/10/2011: REST!!!!
02/12/2011: REST!!!!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #2863 on: February 15, 2011, 06:46:04 am »
Told ya man...the phlegm is probably just a respiratory infection. My bet is this time next week you're nearly 100% again.
Goals by May 2011

1. Squat 120kg x 8
2. Deadlift 140 kg x 1
3. Jump Hang-snatch 70kg

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #2864 on: February 16, 2011, 04:35:10 am »
I don't know if you read this, but he said the following:

"@Cloud3205 haha 6"4 8"2 reach ur right not that much vert to dunk a ball, but putting ur arm in the rim on a indoor 10 foot non ajustable rim? or how about a Cradle between the legs 2 handed reverse dunk on a d-1 MSU rims? or what about a Between the legs dunk where? i put the ball between the same leg i jump off of? the $10,000 check for Next best move winner was nice. U do make good points on height but ill put up $1,000 cash his vert standing or running dont beat mine! any takers?
slamsback09 19 hours ago"

Anyway, I did not fix his grammatical errors, but basically he is betting that he can out jump you.  Would you measure yours against his if he would agree to it?  You could both help set the rules to figure out what is fair. 

Anyway, it's not a huge deal to me, but he's saying he's a better leaper than you and I don't agree, he's willing to bet $1,000 he claims, so why not call him out?

well it's impossible to do because he won't stop lying.. he's 6'5 with an 8'8 reach or so.. so ya of course i'd put my hops up against his, but he's always going to claim 6'3 8'2 reach or 6'4 8'2 reach.. notice how he put 6'4 right? now check what he put on a streetball forum last night:

bottom line, i have a vid of him saying he's 6'5 and he obviously gets at least 8'6, and he's not reaching fully.. i don't get how we'd ever compare hops because:

1. he'd probably continue lying about his stats, even if he had a tape measurer ON video he'd lie about the result, he's already done this in a PGD vid.. it was like 6'5 and he says 6'3....
2. getting him to do max reach jumps on a legit 10' hoop would be hard
3. he isn't going to come down here right now and do it, he's like 240 lb and not even close to where he should be, so he'd get murked in vert right now.. he's not 100%.

so ya, dno what he's talking about flying down, if he came down right now and we tested vert/reach/jumped i'd demolish him, he's probably jumping like 32" max right now.. heh

when he's 100% maybe we'll meet up and do this 'challenge' but who knows.............. heh


Right, I agree that he would lie about things.  I was thinking that if you explained how to measure clearly to him, it would be obvious that he was lying to everyone who saw the video...

right i mean he's measured himself on vid and still said 6'3.. he's basically touched an 8'6 net standing and still said 8'2.. it's a lost cause.. if he came correct with his stats no one would be dissing him that's for sure, 6'5 with 40" RVJ is respectable.. some people are locked into an "inflate" attitude, it's like, a compulsive liar syndrome somewhat.. everything they say gets embelished slightly.. it's odd..

I was just trying to get you his "$1,000 cash" lol.

lol i'll take it from him this summer then buy 2 squatflexes.


It may be impossible to do, but I think he wouldn't even agree to challenge you right now for the reasons you pointed out.  Anyway, I just don't get why this guy says "hang yourself" then he himself jumps lower than you. 

ya the hang yourself comment was whack, below da belt.

it's like, really, over some vert comments/scam comments, gonna say hang/kill yourself?? lol nutty.

i love how people keep telling me i'm "not a dunker", no shit folks, i do the same dunks, only a few, and don't care about tricks, these people are sherlock holmes status.
