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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4590 on: April 17, 2012, 10:42:41 am »
dont know who the kid above me is, but he posts some great gif's lol. adarq has lost his mind ;D


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4591 on: April 17, 2012, 04:13:50 pm »
It's nice you started working with Unix, Lisp, GNU and so on. I've been wanting to get into Linux work for some time, but only grazed the basics and never really started to do advanced stuff.

About the fact that Lisp is one of the oldest programming languages, I have two books about Fortran (oldest) and Cobol (third oldest) that belong to my dad who used to code hardcore 40 years ago :))

Keep logging this stuff, it's interesting.

PS: I still am kinda sad you stopped training.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4592 on: April 17, 2012, 04:59:14 pm »
It is?

Never found anything more boring.
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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4593 on: April 17, 2012, 05:54:19 pm »
It is?

Never found anything more boring.

Boring because it makes no sense, agreed.

These programming posts should stay in your private journal man...I don't really see the point of sharing them here.
What's the objective of this bot anyway (besides you learning comp sci theory)?


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4594 on: April 18, 2012, 06:22:23 am »
hey rix, fuck the fuck off. thanks.

Today I got the movie-script parser working.. The next step, is to "find names" within each movie script, and replace them with a special tag that I can use to substitute IRC nicknames with, for example:

14:49 < warm-n9> the last step would be to try and extract names
14:49 < warm-n9> and replace them with <name>
14:49 < warm-n9> which is kind of difficult
14:49 < warm-n9> for example
14:49 < warm-n9> COLE: Sup
14:49 < warm-n9> MIKE: Hey james
14:49 < warm-n9> MARRY: That's James Cole

14:50 < warm-n9> would need to become:
14:50 < warm-n9> COLE: Sup
14:50 < warm-n9> MIKE: Hey <name:COLE>
14:50 < warm-n9> MARRY: That's <name:COLE>

So I need to find, based on the CAPITALIZEDNAMES, other variations of the names within the text.. shouldn't be too hard.

Other than that, I got some lisp functions working nicely in the bot's alias modules.. this is pretty sick.. check it, here's the raw bot + guile-scheme code:

dns code:
^a(add) dns \|^e dns result: \|^guile (define p (gethost "$$2")) (define phost (vector-ref p 0)) (define pip (car (vector-ref p 4))) (display phost) (display "=") (display (inet-ntoa pip))

cat1 code:
^a(add) cat \|^e\|^guile (define (read-string char-set input-port) (let ((char (peek-char input-port))) (if (eof-object? char) char (list->string (let loop ((char char)) (if (or (eof-object? char)) '() (begin (read-char input-port) (cons char (loop (peek-char input-port)))))))))) (define p (open-input-file "$$2")) (display (read-string 's p)) \|^multi

here's it being used in an example:

06:00 < warm-n9> best bot ever.
06:03 < warm-n9> ^a cat /etc/motd
06:03 < dko> Linux darqbot #2 SMP Thu Dec 25 01:28:15 EST 0BC i686
06:03 < dko> Welcome to the darqbot ircOS.
06:03 < warm-n9> RAPED.
06:03 < warm-n9> AS
06:03 < warm-n9> FUCK
06:03 < warm-n9> ^a cat /etc/passwd
06:03 < dko> root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
06:03 < dko> test:test:1000:1000:test,,,:/:/bin/darqbotsh
06:03 < warm-n9> LMFAO
06:07 < warm-n9> ^a dns
06:07 < dko> dns result:

notice the $$2's in the code? args.

So, as you can see, ^a dns <args> AND ^a cat <arg> now run lisp code with the arguments i specify.

I need to develop a bunch of alias codes for things like:
 - ls/uname/stat/find/grep/rm/mkdir/etc
 - adding "quotes" to flat file db's, such as ^a addquote <a funny quote> .... ^a getquote

I have a pretty crazy idea i'm going to implement soon, mod_exp, which runs vulnerable functions in the child.. such as:
 ^exp(fmtstring) <data>
 ^exp(offby1) <data>

HEH.. once i program the unicode funcs, people will be able to pass null bytes to it, and really muck around, trying to gain shell access to the bot.. i want to put a bunch of vulns in that module for fun.. only thing I need to figure out is how to possibly compile without canary/ASLR etc.

Finally, if I am boring you, I am so very sorry. Seriously, I will go do some dunk on 9' and act stupid on camera, if that will make it up to you.

pC folks.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4595 on: April 18, 2012, 06:25:55 am »
It's nice you started working with Unix, Lisp, GNU and so on. I've been wanting to get into Linux work for some time, but only grazed the basics and never really started to do advanced stuff.

About the fact that Lisp is one of the oldest programming languages, I have two books about Fortran (oldest) and Cobol (third oldest) that belong to my dad who used to code hardcore 40 years ago :))

Keep logging this stuff, it's interesting.

PS: I still am kinda sad you stopped training.

word nightfly, thanks I will keep posting it, glad you find it somewhat interesting.. and as always, you are always invited to the live chat & any kind of talk, including programming/unix/etc.. more so, I could even give you a shell on one of my machines, if that would help you to better learn nix/coding.. I've actually been into nix/programming for a long time, i just took 5 years off to persue my HEAD AT RIM GO GET IT mission.

don't be sad that i stopped training, because i didn't.. i'm training harder than ever, except, now i'm training my mind, which is far more interesting and fun.. took me a while to realize that.

peace man & stop by IRC some time.. im on there alot coding, boring people to death ;d


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4596 on: April 18, 2012, 06:26:40 am »
It's nice you started working with Unix, Lisp, GNU and so on. I've been wanting to get into Linux work for some time, but only grazed the basics and never really started to do advanced stuff.

About the fact that Lisp is one of the oldest programming languages, I have two books about Fortran (oldest) and Cobol (third oldest) that belong to my dad who used to code hardcore 40 years ago :))

Keep logging this stuff, it's interesting.

PS: I still am kinda sad you stopped training.

bleh reposting all messed up, i forget i have to refresh links after each post, or it messes up.. nogui>*

word nightfly, thanks I will keep posting it, glad you find__
                 it somewhat interesting.. and as always, you are always______
                 invited to the live chat & any kind of talk, including_______
                 programming/unix/etc.. more so, I could even give you a shell
                 on one of my machines, if that would help you to better learn
                 nix/coding.. I've actually been into nix/programming for a___
                 long time, i just took 5 years off to persue my HEAD AT RIM__
                 GO GET IT mission.___________________________________________
                 don't be sad that i stopped training, because i didn't.. i'm_
                 training harder than ever, except, now i'm training my mind,_
                 which is far more interesting and fun.. took me a while to___
                 realize that.________________________________________________
                 peace man & stop by IRC some time.. im on there alot coding,_
                 boring people to death ;d____________________________________

ill repost yet again if that came out really wrecked.. heh


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4597 on: April 18, 2012, 06:39:29 am »
btw forgot to paste the second half of reply, about your dad's 40 years hardcore coding.. sick man.. what kind of stuff did/does he do?

i don't know anything about fortran/cobol.. even though scheme is "old", it is incredibly powerful still to this day.. alot of android software is written in lisp as a current example.

scheme is ridiculously clean and lacks the bulk of common lisp, that's why i chose to go with it.. also, scheme is pretty much the language of artificial intelligence & genetic programming, so I have to get really sick with scheme, because one of the avenues I want to get really good at, is a.i. , genetic programming, neural networks etc.

this "bot" thing i'm doing, will incorporate alot of that stuff eventually.. plus I want it to become some kind of "social programming environment", where people can mess around and code WHILE chatting together.. it already has that functionality now that gnu guile is incorporated.. i'm pondering whether or not i should incorporate something like golang/python etc, various langs.. the only problem is irc's message size & those languagages don't let themselves to "one liners", well C does.. int main() { int x; for(;;) { puts(""); } } etc.. but python definitely no, goland probably not.. C/lisp can fit nicely on one line..

to incorporate golang/python etc, i'd probably have to do like..

^golang start loop1
... typing code multiple lines....
^golang end

and then you could do something like:

^goland loop1 <args..>

sounds ez actually.. i'll probably incorporate it fairly soon.. not sure about C though, i don't know if i want code compiling on my system.. python/golang could run right from an interpreter, it's definitely cleaner and safer.

peace man


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4598 on: April 18, 2012, 08:45:43 am »
I don't lift for girls, I lift for guys on the internet

[7:31pm] adarq: ripp, being honest, it's hard for u to beat jcsbck, he's on fire lately
[7:31pm] adarq: he's just
[7:31pm] adarq: wrecking people
[7:31pm] adarq: daily

Say NO to Maroko

And also NO to anyone who associates with him. No Taylor Allan. No Adam Scammenauger. No Kelly Baggett. No Elliot Hulse. No Jtrinsey. NO JUMP USA

Don't PM me asking me training questions. I'm here for the lulz. If you want help, post on the forums and get help from all the members, maybe even me.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4599 on: April 20, 2012, 12:05:34 am »
Why is training Ur mind far more interesting and fun :(
Looks like ur denouncing wat u used to do :(
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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4600 on: April 20, 2012, 09:55:33 am »

Looks like ur denouncing wat u used to do :(

Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

black lives matter


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4601 on: April 20, 2012, 01:53:19 pm »
Thanks Darq. I was online on IRC, but you weren't. Maybe next time we'll sync. My dad is doing SQL Scripts right now and managing the databases of the biggest insurance company in Romania. He's the only man doing that and no one else there know how to do them :)) so he rarely takes holidays. He studied cybernetics in College.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4602 on: April 20, 2012, 02:03:49 pm »
The mind and body feed off of each other for a great deal.
Neglecting either one would be making )#*%& excuses.

You still eatin' right/anorexic b?

Keep at it and btw, please don't create any kind of AI that will destroy the world, k?



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4603 on: April 21, 2012, 05:07:25 am »
Why is training Ur mind far more interesting and fun :(

because everything we perceive to be important, or even the ability to perceive, stems from a mass of tissue of which we only utilize at most ~8=10% of it's  total capacity. furthermore; the mind outlives the body, in most cases.

Looks like ur denouncing wat u used to do :(

nope, i'm glad i did what i did, but i finally got tired of it.. lost the luv.

Looks like ur denouncing wat u used to do :(



Thanks Darq. I was online on IRC, but you weren't. Maybe next time we'll sync. My dad is doing SQL Scripts right now and managing the databases of the biggest insurance company in Romania. He's the only man doing that and no one else there know how to do them :)) so he rarely takes holidays. He studied cybernetics in College.

yo i saw you, my nick has "ng" in it.. i change my nick alot.. i was away when you joined.

damn it sounds like your dad has a pretty important gig, nice..

i hate sql, im starting to love this nosql movement, mongodb is DIESEL.

The mind and body feed off of each other for a great deal.
Neglecting either one would be making )#*%& excuses.

true but what is neglect? is the lack of lifting heavy weights neglect? is the lack of jumping/sprinting/etc neglect?

is simply walking or running with my dog enough to 'keep the body happy'?

how much is too much, how much is too little?

You still eatin' right/anorexic b?

eating decent.. pretty broke but it's all good, once i get a new job & get paid better, im going to pig the fu*k out.


Keep at it and btw, please don't create any kind of AI that will destroy the world, k?


lmfao, unfortunately i don't need to create a.i that will destroy the world, that is happening already..

however, if i could create a skynet-like system, that gets rid of religion and replaces it with science, that'd be worth it


i been busy last few days trying to figure something out, that's why i didnt post.. will post tonight in a bit.

word :D


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4604 on: April 21, 2012, 06:21:58 am »
Only four hours sleep last night, but I felt great all day.

Finished some annoying code, wasn't into it, but I needed to get it done:
- Added smf posting feature from the bot, now I can post into threads from the live chat, or pipe stuff/info to the live chat.. I was stuck for a good while because libcurl's cookie engine was giving me problems.. I still don't know if there's a way to get it working properly using libcurl entirely by itself. Instead, im using libcurl initially to get the cookies, then i am keeping track on my own to supply the updated cookies.. libcurl is receiving those cookies, but it won't supply them in the HTTP headerss for responses.. must be something i'm doing wrong but i havn't figured it out.. anyway, i fixed that by keeping track of the updated cookies and supplying them manually.

other than that, i'm writing this cool color/ascii generator for the bot, which is pretty fun.. really "gays up" the live chat, with rainbow colors everywhere, or colors you specifiy in the trigger:

^rainbow(pink,white,cyan) .. <-- just those ... ^rainbow(def) <-- all colors

anyway, that func is going to be fun, already is actually, color bombing irc is entertaining.. i have to setup the ascii thing tomorrow, which will have a bunch of fonts that i setup for my gridwindow code.. so i plan to make my own figlet/sysvbanner style ascii generator but entirely for irc, using some of my gridwindow code from a month back.

so ya my todo for tomorrow is:

finish ^smf, ^rainbow, script parser

start ^rant, ^grid

this project has a mix of really useless but fun components, and then some really intense/advanced components.. hard to get bored with such a scenario.

i still have absolutely no clue how im going to emulate archs, create little vm's for instructions/testing, for various cpu architectures.. need to find something that already exists and then integrate it.. last resort i'll just do intel support initially.
