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Chris' training journal
« on: October 30, 2012, 12:24:28 pm »
Hey guys, guess it's time I started one of these. I started lifting back in April of this year and was lifting pretty regularly til I pulled my groin 2 weeks ago. Took some time off to heal and reevaluate and found this place. I started back last night with a workiyt based loosely on Jukebox's Project Vertical program. I'm skipping his conditioning phase however since Ive been lifting regularly for a few months.

Age: 25
Height/Reach: 5'10"/7'6"
Weight/BF%: 186lbs/13%

Short term goals are 36" SVJ, 45" RVJ. Weight goals are whatever it takes to get to aforementioned vert.

Long term goals are to see if I can reach 40" SVJ, 50" RVJ. I fully expect this to take some time.

My current stats as of last night were 30" SVJ, 39" RVJ which are slightly down from my PRs of 32/41 set a few weeks ago. I chalk this up to my two weeks off (weak/bad movement efficiency). Best squat PR was 360x3.

Injury history: minor ankle sprain freshman year of HS (missed 2 days of practice), small tear left MCL beginning of junior year (no surgery, crutches for a couple months, no activity/exercise 6 months), various pulls/strains from being a guy and doing dumb stuff lol!

Monday Oct 29, 2012

200x8, 250x8, 300x8, 320x8, 200x6. Struggled a bit on the last two 320lb reps, form suffered.

135x8x2, 155x8x2. First time deadlifting, form sucked but will get better. Low weights til then.

Step ups:
4x8 w/ 35lb weight

Kettlebell swings:
2x6 35lb bell

Bench press:
205x12, 225x8, 245x3

Incline bench:
155x12, 175x10

10, 10, 8

Box jumps:
2 sets of 4

Added some core work and tri work as well.

Good first session back, need to get more protein though, only had 127g yesterday. Diet is clean as usual,  lots of water, fruits/veggies, no sweets/junk.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2012, 11:33:58 pm »
Tues Oct 30, 2012

A little sore from yesterday, the RDLs really worked me over. Overall not bad though. Fatigue is minimal. Bodyweight at 187lbs this morning.

Did some light sprints, worked on stride/form:

2x10yd, 2x20yd, 2x40yd all around 75% max effort.

Also did some jumping to work on my movement efficiency:

SVJs x4, RVJs x4.

And finished with some core stability work (planks, supermans, etc)

Got the blood pumping decent and had a good stretch afterward.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2012, 09:59:47 am »
Yesterday (Oct 31,2012) was a rest day. Weighed in at 187lbs when I woke up. Did some light stretching and ended up walking 1-1.5 miles with the kids trick or treating. Had to resist stealing some of their candy lol!
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2012, 01:03:09 am »
Nov 1, 2012

Rest day yesterday did its job, feel great now. Weighed in at 186lbs this morning. Got in some more core work and sprints/jumps after work.

2x 10 yard, 2x 20 yard, 2x 40 yard, 1x 100 yard.

4x max SVJ/4x DLRVJ
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2012, 03:05:39 pm »
Late workout last night (1am) so I went to bed instead of throwing this up then.

Friday Nov 2, 2012
Morning weigh-in: 187lbs
Soreness/Fatigue: none

200x8, 250x8, 300x8, 320x8, 200x5  Struggled again on the last couple 320lb reps. Form felt better than Mon though.

135x8, 155x8x3 These felt much better, focus is still on form and hip drive at the top. Probably up the weight next week and see how it goes.

70lb x8x3 added weight felt great.

Kettlebell swings:
35lbs 6x2

Box jumps (40" box):

Pogo jumps:

Ham curls:
120lbs; 8x2

Calf raises on leg press machine:
550lb; 8x2

Did some upper body and core work as well (bench, incline db bench, db press, rows/lat work and some dips). Good workout overall, was a little lacking in motivation when I started due to time I think but pulled through and got a good workout in I feel. Just FYI I always toss a few pylo's in on heavy weight days, I feel like it keeps me springier.

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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2012, 04:33:37 pm »
Hey welcome aboard man. Strong lifting going on here.


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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2012, 11:58:40 am »
Thanks Flander, gotta get strong right? lol!

Took Saturday off to do some stuff with the family. I normally rest on Sunday but since I rested yesterday I decided to get a little workout in today.

Sunday Nov 4, 2012.

weight: 188lbs
fatigue/soreness: no fatigue, slightly sore hamstrings.

1 leg BW squats:
3x8 Tried to really explode on the way up while maintaining balance/control.

Pogo jumps:
3x8 I go for quick GCT on these rather than height

Depth jumps 18" box:

lateral cone hops:

Added some pullups/chinups for fun at the end.

Shoot around for about a half hour afterwards, haven't done that in a while and my j was a little off. Played two pickup games, halfcourt 3on3 stuff. No competition really so I just worked on my footwork and knocking the rust off. Won both easily. I'm not to worried about my game as off now since rec league play is still a few months off, I work on my skill set and get it all polished up later. The only thing that really goes away is my jumper, the handles/court vision are always there, natural PG I guess lol
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2012, 01:58:33 am »
Monday Nov 5, 2012

Weight: 186lbs
Fatigue/soreness: none

200x8, 250x8, 300x8, 320x8, 200x6. 320s went up much easier, almost time to add some weight!

135x8, 185x8, 205x8x2. Form getting much better, really felt the 205s hitting the glutes.

Step ups:
3x8 w/ 70lb weight

Kettlebell swings:
2x6 35lb bell

Box jumps:
2 x 4

Pogo jumps:

Ham curls:
120lbs; 3x8

Calf raises on leg press machine:
500lb x8, 570lb x8x2

Got in some 3 step approach work as well and finished the night off with some core work/mil press/pullups.

Energy kind of died toward the end but it was almost midnight. Good workout overall.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 12:28:10 am by ChrisM »
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2012, 09:16:16 am »
Rested on Tuesday, very sore from from the RDLs. Warmed up and stretched and was still tight in the hamstrings so I skipped. Felt good on Wednesday however so I got a little work in:

Wed Nov 7, 2012

Bodyweight: 188lbs
Soreness/fatigue: light soreness in hamstrings, went away during warmups.

Light day, worked on my sprint starts/turning on power quickly.

2x 10yd, 4x 20yd, 2x 40yd, 2x 20yd; just trying to reach top speed as quickly as possible. Closer to the season I'll start with some longer conditioning sprints (60-150yds)

2x 4

2x 4

Finished up with some core work (planks, hanging leg lifts, etc)
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2012, 12:09:40 am »
Forgot to update Thursday and Friday then got hit with a crazy weekend (1 kid sick, others bday party lol), so I guess it's time for a mass update (thank goodness I still write my workouts down lol).

Thursday Nov 8, 2012

BW @ 188lbs, no fatigue/soreness.

Decided to do some conditioning along with some core stability work.

2x 1/2 mile jogs with intermittent short sprints. 5 min rest in between. This hit my calves hard as I haven't ran any distance in a very long time. Lower back tightened up halfway through the second jog but a good stretch after and it felt much better.

Decided to use some resistance bands in my core work to switch it up a little, definitely felt the difference. I think I'll start incorporating them more often.

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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2012, 12:15:05 am »
Friday Nov 9, 2012

BW@ 188lbs.

Calves and hamstrings slightly sore even after warmup. Back was a little tight this morning but loosened up during the day. Energy was good.

200x8, 250x8, 300x8, 320x8, 200x5;  320s are starting to come easier.

185x8,205x8x3 Last set was a real test at 205lbs, reps 7/8 I had to fight to keep good form but I think I managed.

70lb x8x3

Kettlebell swings:
35lbs 6x2

Box jumps (40" box):

Pogo jumps:

Ham curls:
120lbs; 8x2

Calf raises on leg press machine:
570lb; 8x2

Depth jumps (18" drop):

Ended with some upper body circuit training.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2012, 12:21:54 am »
Saturday Nov 10, 2012

BW @ 188lbs
Sore hamstrings but back and calves feel good. Energy was up so I did some pylos.

Lateral cone hops:

Depth jumps:

Pogo jumps:

Broad jumps:
1x6  I'm pretty sure I suck at these lol! Not a great lateral jumper which IMO shows my hips are lacking a little.  :(

Lunge jumps:
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2012, 12:23:15 am »
Sunday Nov 11, 2012

Rested. BW @ 187 at morning weigh in. Did some light stretching to try and loosen up/stay loose.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2012, 12:31:40 am »
Monday Nov 12, 2012

BW @ 187lbs. Soreness gone and energy was good.

200x8, 250x8, 300x8, 320x8, 200x6.

185x8, 205x8x2

Step ups:
3x8 w/ 80lb weight

Kettlebell swings:
1x6 35lb bell

10, 10

Box jumps:

Pogo jumps:

Ham curls:
120lbs; 2x8

Calf raises on leg press machine:
570lb x8x2

Depth jumps:

Lateral cone hops:

Core/upper body circuit work. PRed on bench at 225x10. Pretty happy about that.

Going to attempt to run a few games tomorrow, should be interesting.
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Re: Chris' training journal
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2012, 01:05:56 pm »
Tues Nov 13 2012

Morning BW @ 187lbs. Slight soreness in left glute. Minimal fatigue from lack of good sleep.

Ran full court games for 2 hours. Overview: my conditioning sucks but I can tell Im stronger/faster now. My body feels like its moving faster than my skill set. That or Im very out of sync. Probably play again Thursday and see if I can knock some rust off some more.
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